New Photos Reveal More Information About Turkish Arms Shipment To Libya

New photos have revealed additional information about the recent Turkish arms shipment to the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA).

One of the photos shows that shipment, which was delivered on May 18, included several BMC Vuran 4×4 mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles, beside more than 20 BMC Kirpi vehicles.

New Photos Reveal More Information About Turkish Arms Shipment To Libya

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Another photo confirmed that all the delivered vehicles were equipped with ASELSAN’s Stabilized Advanced Remote Weapon Platform (SARP). The variant installed in the vehicles appears to be armed with a M2 Browning .50 heavy machine gun.

New Photos Reveal More Information About Turkish Arms Shipment To Libya

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The weapons were shipped from the Turkish port Samsun to Libya’s capital, Tripoli, aboard a Moldavia-flagged ship named “AMAZON.” Several sources confirmed that the ship is being managed by a Turkish company.

Several Libyan sources claimed that the ship also transported man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs), anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and Bulgarian-made light arms. However, these claims have not been confirmed yet.

The delivery of these armored vehicles to pro-GNA forces is a violation of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC) arms embargo on Libya, which was imposed in February of 2011.

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You can call me Al

It look like another Country that just ignores International law, how many is that now ?.

Promitheas Apollonious

Maybe it be easier if you count the ones who actually uphold international law.

Harry Smith

Yep. The world is pregnant with war.


The world needs an abortion for the fat US mother then


Laws are just for unexceptional nations to break , Al :)

Turkey is in NATO.


They need the Libyan oil as Turkey has none of it and it has sizable economy to support. Not that the Turks really care for the ordinary Libyan citizens; this war is mostly for oil and gas; to a certain extent is war also about securing the maritime borders with the aim of preventing the Africans to move unencumbered to Europe for population replacement purposes.

klove and light

and the dices Keep on rolling…..

this is not gonna end good for anybody on our planet in the coming months……

David Parker

The LNA are the good guys in this war.
Erdogan is demon possessed and whoever he backs is satanic.
If he had the power he would kill every Christian.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

fuck turkey and erdogan and anyone who supports his sorry candy ass

Mustafa Mehmet

Me fuck you to idiot

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)


Mustafa Mehmet

OK I will go back to school.. now fu.. c . you and assd to

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

That will never happen, so fuck off loser


The number one international terrorist state is not Iran or Afganistan…

The number one international terrorist state is TURKEY !

Mustafa Mehmet

Smok you wrong greeco is


How is your bumhole terrorist ?

Still sore ?

Mustafa Mehmet

RE Albani still a life?


ahhaha you calling me Albanian ?

You really arent good at this, commenting, or even having an opinion about anything..are you now !

Everybody knows that for many years, and still today, Turkey is training terrorists in Albania and Kosovo and Bosnia.

The jig is up scumuslim ! The world knows !

Turkey’s days are numbered.

Mustafa Mehmet

You Albani Greek very funny Clown

Riyad Enakoua

What about the UAE shipments which delivered to haftar years ago till this day ,and in front of the whole fucking world !

Mustafa Mehmet
