On June 8, Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA) and pro-government activists released new photos revealing Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) losses in its ongoing clashes in the northern Hama countryside.
The photos show a destroyed up-armored T-62 main battle tank, an AMB-S armored ambulance and three armored vehicles. The burned bodies of some HTS fighters can be seen in some of the photos.
HTS news agency, Iba’a, had released photos showing the same vehicles heading to storm the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions in northern Hama.
A coalition of HTS, Turkish-backed groups and al-Qaeda-affiliated factions launched a large-scale military operation in northern Hama earlier this week. During the first day, terrorist groups managed to capture few towns. However, the army reversed most of their gains within 24 hours.
While the SAA is currently preparing to launch a counter-attack, HTS and its allies may make a last attempt to rescue their failing operation by launching another ground assault.
According to a military source in the town of Mhardeh, the Syrian and Russian air forces are peppering the militant-held towns of Al-Latamneh, Kafr Zita, Zakat, and Jibeen in an attempt to weaken their resolve against the Syrian Arab Army.
While the Syrian Army Army was able to retake Kafr Houd on Friday morning, they failed to hold onto Tal Malah after launching a heavy assault on Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham’s defenses.
At the same time, the Syrian Army is attempting to fend off a jihadist assault on the key town of Kernaz in northwestern Hama.
please dont Forget…days ago…(3.06.2019) SAA stormed for the 5th time the most important strategic mountaintop town…. KABANI , North east Latakia…..headed by republican guard and 4th armoured division…..have not heard or read anything About that battle so far.
Kabani, which is located on the highest peak in the Zuwayqat Mountain, overlooks much of the Al-Ghaab Plain and the nearby city of Jisr Al-Shughour. If they want to push to Jisr Al-Shughour, they will Need to capture Kabani……. without Kabani there CAN be no offensive move on jisr Al-Shughour.
You didnt heard about it because they got wiped on the way up every time they tried.
yeah we know that SAA is a fake army…but has the support of RUAF and later Hezbollah on ground…so terrorist have no chance in this war!
“yeah we know that SAA is a fake army” ??.
Sorry, what did you mean ?.
I mean that it doesnt matter that SAA can be useless…while Russia and Hezbollah support SAA…terrorist will never win!
Oh, hmmm, OK I guess, but my view is that the SAA is no longer useless as you state.
Again your excuses are getting pathetic edwina, why don’t you leave this site and go post you fantasies in some wahabbi site like Al-jazzera, Haretz or CNN. You stupid little faget.
Hej homeini fart,you can only suck my d…!
Oh fuck off, i can hate you and your friends and not be affiliated to Iran.
I can hate whoever i want.
So go fuck yourself jihadi sympathizer.
Fuck off you retarded twat.
I dont follow this part in details, but some links from You would be nice.
I do think you are a zio salafist twat but i also think you are right and that the SAA is being clobberred on Kabani. That is what happens when Russia lets the Turks bring up more new supplies and personnel to Kabani.The sooner the SAA kills all salafist scum there the better.
I am not sure you have been on here long enough, but a few weeks ago they (the SAA, Russians and other good guys) started this tactic a few weeks ago… basically go out, win a temporary victory, retreat with backing fire behind them to protect them and then just regroup and wait….. this then brings the terrorist scum to them where they are eradicated.
Works well so far.
Lmao…your khomeinifarts get blasted by a secon grade militia.
Erdoturd R etard, oh now they are poor little ‘second rate militia’ awww. Jihadist fanatics from all over the world, heavily entrenched and armed to teeth more likely. But still they are dying like flies lol, soon to be completely exterminated from Syria. Go join them in pigs hell instead of spamming garbage here, they need a tranny virgin like you there.
Oh right, we have sussed you out quickly, you inbred, POS.
Didn’t the SAA use the same tactic during their Northern Hama offensive a few years ago when pushing up towards Morek? At that time the SAA was attacking from several directions so HTS had to bring down more troops and supplies from the north. Once those were expended, HTS sent out requests for the other ‘rebel’ groups to send down troops, weapons and supplies. Only a few did so the HTS had to withdraw north and the SAA was able to race into SE Idlib since the ‘rebel’ garrisons there had been weakened by providing men and supplies to the HTS defensive effort.
If true and not just actual failure ,then bravo to the SAA.
Thats a classical trap. It can be improved by retreat by own well prepared minefields.
Exactly, flush these American Isis scum into the open so the Russian Aerospace can annihilate them.
Hey ediwna your nothing but two bit jihadi keyboard warrior that, quit giving out pathetic social media bullshit that pretends to be military strategy, you pathetic worm.
However, the army reversed most of their gains within a 24 hours./i>
Bullshit jihadi poster, your salafist friends blew their wad and now they are being rolled back again just fuck off edwina r.
Listen you Homeini fart…that news is from todays almasdra.
I can’t wait for revolutions to break out in the hell holes that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have become. Most of the world knows about the primitive, brutal, ignorant Saudis and Erdogan is just a cheap fascist dictator funding the most hated and violent group on the entire planet. His wahabist pigs will continue to get slaughtered for NOTHING. The rest of the world wants to see the terrorists eliminated and NO ONE will lift a finger to help them, except the ignorant Turks and, clearly, that’s not enough help.
True but i need to see more Turks and salafists fry for their crimes. Rain fire and lead on them in Idlib and Afrin.
One minute of silence for Erdogan’s tears?
Are you a Jew from America or Israel? Anyway America and Israel both are losers.
SHHHHH We are having a minute of silence here.
Finished now, so I can LMAOROF or whatever it is.
Very good, I liked that comment very much.
Is it sarcasm ?, he has the Syrian flag as his logo thing.
Don’t trust any body with Syrian flag logo. Look in to his intension. Anybody spread hate about Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Jordan or Lebanon is not friend of Syria. We can say anybody interfere in Syria is loser and will be punished with great lose.
OK, thanks for the heads up.
PS Turkey ?
Sometimes I like to mimic Al :)
Turkey ?
What the hell? Didn’t you ever read any of my comments on this site? I support the legitimate syrian government and love Russia, Iran and Hezbollah for what they did for Syria in this war. Why should I put a Syrian flag in my logo when I don’t support this country?
I never spread any hate about Iraq, Iran, Lebanon etc. But what I mean about Turkey is that they are truly no friend of Syria. Watch what they are doing in Idlib, they established observation posts at every possible front where the SAA could advance into Greater Idlib. They never get attacked from HTS and its allies. They begged Russia for a “ceasefire”, which allowed Euphrates Shield terrorists for example, to send troops towards the northwestern Hama front and sent many self-made weapons to the NFL. And you wanna tell me that Turkey is a friend of Syria?
Don’t create hats between Ankra and Damascus because this increases distances and Jews of America and Israel already doing this job. Use efforts to bring them closer.
What are you talking about? Erdogan was the instigator of the war with Syria. Sure Jews and Yankees wanted him to but noone held a gun to Er dog an ‘s head. He did it because he thought he could loot Syria and he got away with it. He also was anti Iranian then as well. The Moslem world is nowhere as united as you seem to think.
I am sorry ,you are a nice guy but your blind admiration and love of Turkey does you a disservice.
Rob is a Turcophile . He may love Syria but his poor judgement on Turkey makes him deluded.
Rest in PISS
Uhm! If Erdogan cries, Sion does not laugh.
T-72 drove into a minefield, you can clearly see the other mines
I did not notice that line of mines at first, and neither did the tank driver. :D
Looks like the left track was taken out.
That’s the lazy man’s way to set out mines. Those are set in a line on top of the dirt which makes their retrieval faster. I suppose the sappers did toss some dirt on top of them so they’d blend in with the plowed field but was blown off by the wind.
I suppose it’s a good way to quickly set up mines, it can be done overnight.
And as you said, easy to retrieve when they are no longer needed.
More cheap bullshit post from edwina r the keyboard warrior as to believing his salafist buddies are not being defeated.
Yeah i know, its fun to see the rats squeal.and squirm.
9 out of 10 jihadists prefer Toyota.
It really demonstrates how inferior American and European vehicles are in terms of reliability.
Americunt cars are junk. Ever driven a shiity Ford or GM crap? Jeep is even worse, a guy destroyed his new jeep in public with sledge hammer as it had so many defects.
Did you know that GM gets all its engine management gear designed in Germany by Opel?
GM America never progressed beyond the carburetor.
I am surprised that the Russians and SAA are using gunships against these headchopping barbarians driving around in thin skinned Toyota hi-lux.
Russians too scared to upset their pals.This war is stalemated. Poor Syria!
They still think they can just ride into a town in their garage-armoured pick-ups and stare everyone into submission. You are facing a real army now, it’s run for it or die.