Early on September 11, a series of Israeli airstrikes hit the northern Syrian governorate of Aleppo, where sensitive military facilities are located.
A military source told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that Israeli warplanes had fired several missile “salvos” at the outskirt of Aleppo’s city center.
“Our air-defense means repelled the aggression, shooting down most hostile missiles,” the source told the state-run agency.
The SANA and Syria’s News TV released a video and several photos showing the interception of a number of missiles over Aleppo.
According to several opposition sources, the Israeli strikes targeted the al-Safirah defense factories, 21 km to the south of Aleppo city. The complex, where Syria stored some of its chemical weapons before the 2013 deal, is now developing and producing conventional ammunition for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).
On the August 31, the Israeli military carried out a series of strikes on the Syrian capital, Damascus, and the country’s southern region. The strikes targeted Iranian positions as well as air-defense systems of the SAA.
The Israeli attacks on Syria are part of a campaign meant to pressure Iran into withdrawing its forces from Syria. The campaign has been a failure, so far.
More Iranian and Hezbollah threats please, we are very scared. Syrians have to pay the price for their actions, brave mullahs.
Nah bro I was on a holiday in the Dead Sea, 42 degress but it was great! :)
Been missing some action here, I wanted to enjoy before we are gettling quarantined again due to the virus. No war is going to happen on our side for now, Bibi has other problems to deal with. I do wonder if we bombed some CW stockpiles of Assad, what do you think?
Israel just waste missile for nothing…the lately attack vs T-4 using 6 cruise missile…one of them hit the border of the runway..another one hit inside the base and only cause a hole without damage any assets 4 were shot down…now calculate the price of each missile and the flight time…yesterday Israel used 4 cruise missile and only one of them hit one part of the research center without significative damage!….
It may cost money in assets, but the narrative manufacturing, wich is what these strikes are for,” ISRAEL STRONK, IRAN BAD”, is priceless.
Turkey uses the same tactic in the information war as well.
Anyways, we all know who nuked manhattan 19 years ago, its all part of the same treasonous bunch!
Israhell doesn’t pay for its own weapons , therefore, it could care less how much they cost.
There is no virus just like there are no Jews.
Thanks Putin
You are welcome.
where tf are those iranian and russian air defences ….aleppo is int the north how tf are they air striking it without any retaliation…syrians need to fire back this getting out of control what’s the point of havinf military bases if you’re not willing to protect them just do like hezbolah each time they strike shoot some rockets on the golan an eye for an eye ….im getting tired of this shit when are they going to liberate idlib from terrorists when are they going to get back oil rich arab lands occupied by kurds it’s a sh*t show!!!!
Iran doesnt have a potent air defense in Syria.
And Russia wont fire on Israeli jets.
So that leaves SAA to deterr most the incoming missiles.
last hope asking china for help in buying systems that can do that!
Thats the problem if Russia won’t fire on Israeli jets,its no way to fight a war,its like not attacking Italians in the war only germans,its crazy and its costing lives,like that stupid ceasefire in Idlib,this could have been ended a long time ago.now they have allowed the US and Turkey to invade Syria.
jew planes are using Jordanian air space and US controlled Syrian territory on Jordan’s border, reason why those cowards aren’t shot down.
“jew planes are using Jordanian air space and US controlled Syrian territory on Jordan’s border,” – Look at the map. Aleppo is in northern Syria, Jordan is south of Syria.
How do you know these planes are Jewish? Did you notice that they are circumcised?
Obviously you have absolutely no idea about planes and missiles and how they go about doing their business. Do yourself a favour and research before commenting.
I’m serious. Look at the map.
The planes are more likely to have come from the Kurdish territory in eastern Syria.
Distance from Aleppo to Iraqi border is greater than Aleppo to Al Balkamal where the israeli can enter another 150km that the US control. A plane flying at 10,000m can release a missile and via a programmed projectile over specified co-ordinates will have no trouble covering that distance; it also explains the Syrian ability to shoot down most f them because they had time to react and set up their missiles.
They use Delilah cruise missile which have a range of 270km there if they launch from Al Tanf near Jordan-Iraqi border they can hit Al-Safira
So they need to hit the Jordanians and hit the Israelis on the Golan.
i know they use cruise missiles from lebanon and from jordan and what not…what im saying is that they need to establish an equation if you strike us make no mistake you’ll get striked back as simple as that
Hey cactus, if you don’t mind answering…are you an Arab?
yes and i believe all arab states should be united as one just like my profile pic
That is exactly what Israel doesn’t want and is fighting for. They want you to be divided against yourselves otherwise you would have overrun them easily. Talk to your idiotic leaders.
No one overruns us easily, and we are not scared of wars. But why go there when we can solve it without blood? i think both Israelis and Arabs deserve better than what we have today. Peace can be reachable when the old leaders on all sides are gone.
I take back the term “easily”. I agree that the old leaders are defunct. Your side needs to understand that you are aliens to the region and adhere to the pre 67 agreement.
I love it when an outsider liek you calls us “aliens”, do you even follow my comments and what’s my origin? and I am not the only one.
I know that your origin is not ancient Hebrew, So what exactly is your claim to that land?
An interpretation of something said in a bible printed in a language that didn’t exist in ancient Hebrew’s time.
Are you trying to be ignorant?
Okay, and if we Israelis gave the Palestinians a state, would that be the end of our conflict? I hope it does, but how do you see it?
just imagine if palestinians, lebanese and syrian people are happy why would anyone wage war …give back the shibaa farms and kafarchuba hills to lebanon = no reason for them to fight, give golan hights back to syria= syrian army has no reason to fight, for palestine it’s complicated i believe they’ve made mistakes and arabs too in negotiations in the past but last time i checked they just want 1948 lands back and their people back and east jerusalem as capital ! is it hard to do ? JUST IMAGINE if palestinians had a fully functional state why would anyone “for example iran” find the justification to wage war at you, you guys are going to destroy yourselfs if you keep the annexiation the plotting/ bullying against arabs, and the militarisation of your army, it will only end in sh*ts! it’s like you’re asking for it …
If you follow my comments, I do support the two states solution as most of Israelis. However, in the end it’s a game of politics. I voted three times to a man who promised to give them a state and fight Hamas (Gantz) and in the end he joined Bibi’s government, even though center-left had more power in the Knesset to remove the corrupted Bibi. So you see? even if the public wants it (and we do), there are powers here like religious jews that want all or nothing, like Hamas. Both leaderships Israelis and Palestinians need to change in order to reach peace, and I do support it with all my heart I have nothing against Arabs and I am one myself (Iraqi origin). About Lebanon, we gave them everything according to the UN after we left in 1999, the border we have now is accepted by both countries. Only Hezbollah wants more, so they keep their military presence there to provoke more wars. We have nothing against Lebanon except for Hezbollah (an Iranian proxy) so it is up to the Lebanese to decide what to do. About Syria, I think the best option is 50-50 on the Golan but we far from that now.
cmon man when did ever hezbolah or hamas launched rockets for a reason like: “we striked israel today to destroy military bases in occupied lands” they never start the agression they only strike back reacting to an israeli bullying (air strike, sanctions, assasinations..), you can’t be militirized to the teeth and not expect a resistance, hamas and hezbollah are present to defend the dignity and the land of their people and anwser israeli provocations, yes you see them as “terrorists” but we also see your army as terrorists too, so if you don’t want them to have weapons you should also get rid of yours, but if you don’t then they have the right to have weapons to able to defend themselves against a potential threat, it’s how humans work, look at what happened to the west bank no military = humiliation annexation and no respect from the isrealis, at least hamas and hezbollah have some respect and can be treated seriously ….we’re always going to disagree but im just tired of seing arab people going thru so much sh*t, the ptsd of being an arab is crazy today, we have huge potential to be a great enitiy and make peace and prosperity to our people but we have theses retarded leaders that only want the throne and would do anything for it …
But we have the same leaders too cactus, Hamas and Hezbollah are part of the problem not the solution. Majority of Israelis and Palestinians want peace, and that is a fact. But the people’s voice is not heard when it comes to politics, the politicians do as they wish for money and power. Here I am an Israeli telling you and anyone else that we do want peace, and I mean the people. Sadly we have a corrupted traitor that is working with Hamas and weakens the PLO for his own reasons, but you shouldn’t think we are all the same. As an IDF soldiers I will fight Hamas, but it doesn’t mean I want to kill Palestinians like your media always claims. Wake up.
“just do like hezbolah each time they strike shoot some rockets on the golan an eye for an eye..” – You probably meant, to threaten like Hezbollah does.
I guess the Syrians are smarter than that. They understand that there is no point in threatening if there is no ability to carry out the threat.
yes, shoot back :)
They never overfly Syrian airspace. They launch air to ground missiles and glide bombs form Lebanese, Jordanian or US controlled air space.https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/israeli-warplanes-use-us-tanf-zone-to-bomb-syria-again/
Tanf should also have been resolved long time ago.
Ever try to drag a fat kid throwing a tantrum out of a grocery store?
Now imagine that kid has nuclear weapons.
It has to be done slowly, after feeding the fat kid a plutonium laced cupcake …
lol good one.
If Assad does what you suggest, he’ll play right into their hands. They’re desperately looking for an excuse to carpet-bomb Syria.
Russia is the only country that can stop these Israeli attacks. Iran is the country inviting these attacks on Syria. The Russians obviously have an understanding with the Israelis that provided they don’t threaten the survival of Assad’s regime, they are free to fight Iranian forces that threaten Israel.
It’s pretty clear there’s serious disagreement between Russia and Iran over Syria. Russia understands that Iran’s mission in Syria isn’t limited to helping the Assad regime. It has another dimension of creating a Hezbollah-like force in Syria – something Iran has become a master at. Thus, Hezbollah in Iraq, Hezbollah in Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon, completing the Shiite crescent. It appears Russia is particularly worried about this. Should Iran create a strong Shiite militia in Syria, Russia’s influence will recede.
The thing is, Iran is taking advantage of the civil war to create a Syrian Hezbollah. And they want to do this under Russian military protection. But Russian’s aren’t fools, so they denied any form of protection for Iranian forces and even regime assets associated with them. The only Iranian forces Russia will protect are those fighting the opposition in Syria.
Assad and Russia must have disagreed on the extent of Iranian presence in Syria. Assad is unwilling or doesn’t seem to have the guts to tell Iran to leave so that Israel has no excuse to launch further attacks, and so that Russia can easily pressure Israel to stop.
On the other hand, Russia wants some Iranian involvement in Syria. Iran is a cheap source of foot soldiers. It can easily marshal thousands from across the middle east to fight in defense of Assad.
As for bringing all of Syria under regime control, this’ll require war with the U.S. and Turkey.
Hezbollah is only defending South-Lebanon. Why must they not learn Assad to do the same?
Because Israel feels very insecure surrounded by Iranian proxies. These forces are only loyal to Iran and not their country’s government. As Iran and Israel are fighting a cold war, Israel feels encircled by Iran through these proxies. Note that Israel has no proxies surrounding Iran. But that doesn’t make Israel innocent though. I’m just stating the facts.
Assad can defend his country be training an official army not allowing Iranian proxies operate in parallel with the country’s military. I think if that were to happen, the Israeli attacks will stop. Russia will see to it.
iranian help is appreciated but i think assad should politly tell them to go back …once he does that i believe that israeli attacks will stop and arab lands under kurdish and us forces will go back to syria, us soldiers and contarctors would leave syria and the only problem that will be left is idlib …this doesn’t mean that assad is selling out at all …again if he’s a true baathist no iranian should stay in syria specially if it means losing oil land and getting air striked every now and then without even the possibility to fight back …iranians helped a lot and thank you to them but know they’re just making things awkawrd and stale
The US will not leave even if Iran were to leave Syria unless Russia, Turkey and the U.S agree on what a post-Assad Syria should be like. If Assad wants the Americans to leave while he still rules Syria, then Assad will have to dissociate himself from both Iran and Hezbollah and join the GCC. That is what other Arab states have been urging Assad to do so they’ll stand for him and get the U.S. and Israel to stop their assault.
I think Assad acted foolishly. Every wise leader I know puts the interest of his country and people first. Assad seems to put the interest of Hezbollah and Iran first. Nothing will happen to Assad if he were to tell Iran and Hezbollah to leave Syria. He’ll agree to cooperate with the West and GCC. Then his people will be spared this nightmare. The responsibility of a leader is to first protect its citizens. Assad failed the Syrians due to the choices he made. It doesn’t mean that America is the good guy. It only means sparing the lives and destruction of Syria. When you are weak, you have to play along until you are strong enough.
Time for yr lunch. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f164511a450d287eba6c32ddfadc82e55b3a5a12d698f5a7ae7ad5bed7ba66eb.jpg
The ONLY people preventing the fall of Assad are the Russians. Where was you Basij when Assad lost about 75% of Syria? You want to take credit for another person’s efforts?
Your foot soldiers are useless without air cover. And both Iran and Syria cannot provide any meaningful air cover, especially if the U.S. and Israeli bombers join the fight. They’ll destroy all Syrian and Iranian planes within days. And then bomb the hell out of ground forces. Assad will fall in weeks!
So you ought to be grateful to Russia. Their mere presence deters any regime change air or land assault.
Your “facts” do not hold water.
Who is surrounded? On any map you can see Iran is surrounded by US military bases everywhere, Israel’s proxies.
Hezbollah is defending their country, South Lebanon, not being dependent of any weak and corrupt government officials paid out by US/UK/France/Saudi/Israel.
Everybody know Israel wanst to occupy new land in South Lebanon.
Off course Assad cant defend his country alone against 70 Nato countries, ISIS and paid foreign mercenaries pouring into his country.
Officially Israel has declared they prefer the ISIS maniacs to govern in Syria from a decent Assad.
Conclusion. The usual suspects organise and instigate riots and gang murders on Syrian civilians to take over the country, 70 Nato countries are looting, raping, murdering inside Syria, and then you claim Israel would stop their bombing part, if Assad stop using foreign assistance defending himself and Syria, and this at a moment where the resistance against the maniacs turned successful?
nice analysis, honest question how or what can the allies do to bring all of syria under the government of assad or in another way what next for the syrian situation taking in mind the idlib + kurds + israeli problems llike what’s next ?
Like I said earlier, for the U.S. to allow Assad to rule a united Syria again, Assad must dissociate himself from the resistance axis and seek the help of Gulf Arab countries for easing of U.S. pressure. This is the only way Assad can reunite and rule Syria again. But of course, both Iran and Hezbollah won’t allow that.
Another way is for Assad to agree to leave power after negotiations with the opposition. Russia being a major stakeholder in the negotiations will see to it that Assad’s don’t get an unfair deal. Iran too can be assured the Syria won’t be a launchpad for an assault on Iran, but Iran must find other ways to arm Hezbollah – not through Syria again. That should keep the Israelis of Syria’s back.
The conflict in Syria is very fragmented. Assad has some serious opposition including: the U.S., SDF, ISIS, Rebels in Idlib, and Turkey. But those who really matter are Russia, U.S.A., and Turkey. All it takes is for these three to sit agree on some solution.
It appears Russia is the one dragging its feet maybe due to pressure from Assad and Iran. But if this situation continues for some time, Russia will have to negotiate with the U.S. and Turkey.
It is costing Russia money to keep Assad in power. Look at all the equipment being used to fight ISIS and the rebels. See how many casualties regime forces are taking. Look at the amount of destruction Israel inflicts on government bases and equipment.
More importantly, consider the sweeping sanctions (Ceaser Act) that has deterred international companies from taking part in any reconstruction. These costs run into billions and I can’t see Russia shouldering the burden alone for too long.
A money exchanger barking and howling for Iran’s $42 trillion oil/gas reserves.
Im talking about YOU mr. objective.
I have no interest in Iran’s wealth. I’m just an objective observer saying my opinion.
It already has. They’ll stop when they want to, not when you want them to. The resistance axis has no spine to initiate a conflict. It’s clear for all to see. They’ve become pathetic – dying almost every week without a single casualty on the Israelis. Think of the damage that’s been done to these equipment. It’s shameful and hypocritical for these guys (the so-called resistance-axis) to call themselves Muslim fighters. They even claim to be the rising stars of Islam. But let me make something clear here: This is not the way Muslims have traditionally fought their enemies. I know the Hezbollah and Iranian forces are willing to fight. But truth is these guys have no leadership. The political leadership in Tehran is cowardly. It feels very highly insecure. In fact, if war were to come to their doorsteps, most of the leadership will seek to escape out of the country despite the rhetoric. To fight effectively; a brave army needs a brave leadership. This I think is the main reason that’ll lead to the fall of the Iranian regime.
One rare commentator who’s always defended Iran on this forum once said that Iran only fight when it’s sure of winning. I agree with this claim because it fits Iran’s behavior. In other words, Iran must be armed more than its adversaries. You and I know there’s no hope in hell that Iran will outgun its adversaries in the Middle east. The U.S has large numbers of planes Iran can never hope to match, Israel is nuclear armed and conventionally well-armed too, the GCC are armed to the teeth. The combined economies of these countries outstrips Iran’s economy over a hundred times. Which means they’ll always spend more than Iran for defense. Plus, Iran his heavily sanctioned, sabotaged, and I think the must threatened country on Earth.
One thing that sets Iran clearly apart with true Islamic leadership is that a Truly Muslim leadership has doubtless faith in God’s help. We don’t rely on the weapons alone. Our history if full of victories over the enemy even when we are outgunned. True Muslims do their best to prepare their forces, but when attacked at the level that Iran is currently being attacked, the initiate war and fight until victory
If somehow Iran thinks it can place its bets on weapons only not Allah, then await a humiliating defeat. There is no getting out this tight corner unless Iran completely surrenders or fights and win or loss with dignity. Should they come back to the right path and put their trust in Allah, victory is certain. Otherwise, I foresee Iran becoming another Iraq before 2030. The U.S doesn’t have to mount a ground invasion. Devastating Iran from the air and when the regime collapses, fueling rival conflicts among Iranians will do the job – similar to what they did in Libya.
No objective analysis at all. Spine to initiate an attack you say? Why should they when this can cost them (Syria, Iran and Hizbollah) more than the status quo? Do you think a country’s leadership leads its poeple down the cliff based on a desire to take quick revenge? I suppose you know the US would love for Iran to respond to these attacks so that they can show the world how “aggressive” Tehran is. The westerners and zionists dominate the media and can create and manipulate the narrative they want. Once they have presented Iran the way they want, they can convince Europe -NATO- to come on board. To say that the Iranian or Hezbollah or the Syrian leadership for that matter are cowardly is cowardly. How do you know? Nasrallah is no coward. Assad not only faced the worst of the war in Syria but also refused calls to send his family to Russia in the worst period of the war. Are you Iranian? They fought Iraq when this country had the US behind it. Saddam Hussein even used chemical weapons against Iranian troops, but the lkeadership did not budge. Why should they? They don’t lack what the “leaders” in the west do -Bush ran to the nearest bunker during 9/11. Iran didn’t have hopes of winning against Iraq, but they still fought them, Probably you are confusing Iran with Israel and the US -neither country ever committed itself in a war unless it was sure it had overwhelming superiority. Your “analysis” about the differences in the economies and armed forces between both sides is totally flawed. It’s true that the advantage is on the side of the west and Israel, but your conclusion is so wrong that it is almost hilarious. Have you heard about Vietnam? How long do you think that war last? Iran will fight no doubt but on conditions it chooses. If they learned something in Syria, it is that they must choose the conditions on which they will wage total war. Well you are one of those religious types. No wonder. I don’t know what you mean by saying that the “come back to the right path and trust in Allah”. I thought they were Muslim.
I respect people and their religions, but God and human affairs cannot be mixed. His main weakness is to bring God into geopolitics. I doubt God cares. Besides, what God? The Christian, the Muslim, the Jewish one? Or some other? I believe in God, but not in any religion. How ridiculous to believe that a Universal God is going to ask to wear a particular “shirt” -like a soccer team- in order to be on the right side. I read the Bible. It’s a number of stories based on human hopes and experience. In the Old Testament, I read of a very human God whose anger gets out of control, destroys, takes revenge and regrets his previous actions. Can God act like this? Definitely not.
I feel compelled to reply to you because of this statement you made: “His main weakness is to bring God into geopolitics”. I can analyse these events in purely geopolitical terms, but then, the actors (especially Iran) do add a religious factor to their struggle. I only try to compare them with those who fought along the same lines in Muslim history and why Iran isn’t like them at all.
You may want to deny it, but you know deep down that there has been people (Muslims and Christians) whose sole motivation to fight was for God. The fact these people take God so seriously that they claim to fight in his name should tell you that God cannot be divorced from the calculus.
The Arab world rose from scratch to World super power status in less than three decades after the revelation of the Qur’an. The other powers at the time, Byzantine, Roman empires, took centuries to get to where they were. At the height of their power, they were the most powerful in the world, such that no power dares challenge them. Even America with all its resources hasn’t reached that stage yet. There are other countries challenging America without fear. That means America’s might has some severe limitation.
People’s action in the world are being influenced by religion. You may not believe in God, but the chances that’ll you’ll have disputes or even fight someone who believes means you must consider religion in you calculus. Religion in today’s world must be a part of any geopolitical study.
I disagree. Religion may influence Arab countries. In the west, this is not true anymore. If western governments pay lip service to their Christian God is only to get support from the ignorant masses. It’s hypocritical in any case. In the west, religion is not a relevant aspect anymore. Up to the 19th century, did God and religion have some influence in politics, but the divorce between society and religion was a process that started during the Renaissance.
Of course religion has Zero influence in the Western world. I never said religion influences western policy makers. What I said was, anyone dealing with the Middle East must include religion in his geopolitical calculus, cos he’s certain to come across highly religious people that are willing to die to protect their faith. For example, the Afghan war sees America eventually agreeing to the creation of an Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The current talks in Qatar specifically refers to a future Afghanistan as an Islamic Republic, not a secular one as the Americans once thought they could achieve. They fought for nearly 20 years, and the Taliban only got stronger since then. The Taliban are willing to die or fight forever for an Islamic Afghanistan. The only option for America to establish a secular Afghanistan is to kill all Taliban members – some of which were not born when the war started.
If you don’t want to see religion in Geopolitics, then you must live exclusively in the West. but as long as you’d interact with other parts of the world, be prepared to watch your actions through the lenses of certain religions, or you could end up in big trouble. The world is much bigger than the west.
I like your entrance: Religion no, God yes.
But off course God can act like this. We were created in God’s image with FREE WILL, saying all the emotions we have inside, God has them too, or better opposite.
God made everything perfect but someone ruined its purpose. To deal with the imperfection is emotional.
Everybody forget the Devil is here, and blame God because they forget the free will in God’s image.
This short life here is all about free will and what your soul finally choose.
“We were created in God’s image with FREE WILL, saying all the emotions we have inside,” Who knows this? You say this because you heard it many times from others -priests and preachers- as in my case. It’s brainwashing. Those proests and preachers have never seen God. Nobody knows God and its will, if it has any. I grew up Catholic, but now I believe nothing from what they say. You may say that free will exists, and it may be so. However, it’s totatly possible that everything is fate too.
I recently found a good case. The water cycle.
Our drinking water comes from the Sea via evaporation, cleanest drinking water you can get rain down in your head 600-700m3/1000m2.
So you can just lick your mouth when it rains and you drink life giving water. Your garden receive rain water as well, up comes flowers, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and animals are feeded as well. Free of charge at your convenience.
This is God!
Then you have UN, Goldmann Sachs, Rockefeller, teachning you in the morning we have scarce water resources which are polluted, why you have to work and pay investment bankers for the rare life giving water.
In the afternoon they teach you we have too much water, why you have to pay investment bankers to get rid of too much water.
On top of paying for their limited water, they require you to work and pay for artificial GMO food they create.
This is Satan, the liar.
God: ” You dont have to think about food and drink, because this I have already secured for you. You only have concern yourself about following my simple 10 Commandments”.
So here you are with your own the FREE WILL. Do you accept God’s way or do you prefer Satans way??
If you favour Rockefeller and Goldmann Sachs way, then you have made a choice out of your free will, and then please dont come running and blame God for your problems and the state of misery.
Why should God help an idiot like you if you prefer God’s opponent??
I have not heard anything from any priest. The above I have directly from our Creator. He allowed me to see his Creation because I myself searched him of FREE WILL.
I don’t think you heard that human being were created in God’s image with free will. We don’t know what God look like. If you say you didn’t hear this from other people, it’s not true. Don’t confuse God’s creations like the example you gave with the brainwashing you got from confused people in the best case or deceivers in the worst. Have you ever spoken to God? Has any of those big prophets? I don’t know. It may be so. Or perhaps not. But by the results we got from those religions -war, discriminations, invasions, etc.- we can know them. In any case, you are free to believe whatever you want. There is only one tru thing you said: God is nature and it is in us too. We need no intermediaries.
Then we agree. Your hostility against religion is natural because most if not all organised religion is false and exploitation.
But what I am saying is we can find God in the design of the universe, in nature. As an example I mentioned the water cycle.
Your last sentence is perfect:
“God is nature and it is in us too. We need no intermediaries”.
You said things I agree with and others are totally unfounded. I’ll quote you in places.
“Do you think a country’s leadership leads its people down the cliff based on a desire to take quick revenge?” This has nothing to do with revenge. It has everything to do with a righteous struggle. Had the leadership been guided right, Iran will fight an remain standing even if outgunned. The problem is that Iran keeps stirring up trouble for itself. Iran looks for big trouble when it trains and arms proxy forces that threaten America’s puppets in the Middle East. If you aren’t ready to fight yet, why look for a fight? Does Iran expect the U.S. to look the other way while it threatens Israel from Lebanon, Saudi Arabia from Iraq and Yemen? These are the two closest allies of the U.S. in the middle east. Iran’s actions threaten the very survival of these regimes. That is why they are hell-bent on destroying Iran.
Secondly, the U.S. and NATO are on the same page on Iran. The EU will not allow the arms embargo on Iran to expire despite refusing to back Trump last month.
Iran already condemned itself in the eyes of the Western public. Iran’s bombastic threats against Israel, Jerusalem, and Saudi Arabia has given the media everything they need to demonize Iran.
“Your “analysis” about the differences in the economies and armed forces between both sides is totally flawed. It’s true that the advantage is on the side of the west and Israel, but your conclusion is so wrong that it is almost hilarious” Can you present your own analysis regarding the balance of firepower and economy? I’m curious to know.
“If they learned something in Syria, it is that they must choose the conditions on which they will wage total war.” The U.S. is the one choosing when to fight. Every Iranian action has been in response to something America or its allies did.
“I don’t know what you mean by saying that the “come back to the right path and trust in Allah”. I thought they were Muslim.” Over 95% of Islamic scholars since the beginning of Shiism have concluded it Disbelief or at least a severe deviation (for some Shiite sects).
The bottom line is, if Trump gets re-elected, there is just two options from which Iran must choose:
1. Surrender and stop challenging America’s dominance of the Middle East by adhering to the 12 points Pompeo once listed. OR
2. Fight and win.
One rare Iranian commentator accuses me of advocating for a genocide of the Iranian people. He fails to see that the regime is creating conditions for this genocide by its challenging a super power its not willing to fight or cannot match in conventional power.
Iran doesn’t want to give up its actions that threatens to destabilize American puppets in the region. Iran is threatening a regional war if anyone tries to stop them through war. In order words, they are holding the middle east hostage. “Let us do what we want to do or start a regional war”. That’s what Iran is saying. It doesn’t seem to realize that same regional war will likely lead to its genocide. Trump already threatened that, and he’s backed up the threat by revising America’s nuclear posture: Unlike before, America now will retaliate for a devastating conventional attack with a nuclear attack. I think this aimed mostly at Iran.
But I know Iran won’t start a regional war even if Trump were to initiate conflict. The Iranian leadership is no fool and will always retaliate proportionately, knowing fully well that Israel won’t hesitate to nuke Iran should the Zionist state come under devastating conventional missile attack.
“The problem is that Iran keeps stirring up trouble for itself. Iran looks for big trouble when it trains and arms proxy forces that threaten America’s puppets in the Middle East. If you aren’t ready to fight yet, why look for a fight?” When a country like Iran sees itself in a state of weakness, it needs to create proxies and open new fronts against its enemies. This is not a matter of perversity but of survival. If the US and Israel do it, why shouldn’t Iran, especially when it has to do with its own survival? No doubt Iran prefers to fight the US and Israel in Syria or through Hezbollah rather than next to its own borders. Iran threatens Iran? Isn’t it the opposite? If Israel hadn’t supported ISIS and other terrorists, Iranians and other military forces wouldn’t be in Syria “threatening” Israel. Now this concept of Iran threatening Israel or the US is illogical. You contradict yourself when you stated that there is a big difference between Iran and those other two countries. How can a weak nation like Iran threaten a world superpower and a regional superpower? “Secondly, the U.S. and NATO are on the same page on Iran” That may be so, but NATO hasn’t embarked on an attack against Iran, yet. This is a fact. Is it necessary to make an analysis to see the huge difference -both in the economic and military realms- between Iran on the one hand and Israel and the US on the other? My point is that you discount the latter’s victory. I said that history teaches us that the powerful doesn’t always wins, and the Iranians know it. Vietnam is an example. “The U.S. is the one choosing when to fight. Every Iranian action has been in response to something America or its allies did.” I disagree. Precisely Iran has sent forces to Syria in order not to react to every single action from its enemies. Reality is more complex. We can also see that Israel and the US have had to react to Iran’s actions, so it’s a two-way street. Those two choices you give Iran is a simplification. They don’t have to choose between 1 and 2. They may continue going along the path they are now, unless the US and Israel decide to go on the offensive. “Iran doesn’t want to give up its actions that threatens to destabilize American puppets in the region.” So you criticize Iran for fighting for its own survival but say nothing about the US having invaded and destroyed its ally, Syria? Do you know that the Pentagon developed plans to bring down several countries in the Middle East? And that Iran is one of them? It wouldn’t surprise me that Israel wanted to nuke Iran. This is something you don’t know nor do I. Crossing the nuclear threshold is something that may give pause to criminal and terrorist states like Israel and the US
Quote as much as you like, but let me do the same. “The problem is that
Iran keeps stirring up trouble for itself. Iran looks for big trouble when it
trains and arms proxy forces that threaten America’s puppets in the Middle
East. If you aren’t ready to fight yet, why look for a fight? Does Iran expect
the U.S. to look the other way while it threatens Israel from Lebanon, Saudi
Arabia from Iraq and Yemen?” First, Iran, a country that belongs to this region
cannot defend itself, but the US, located thousands of miles from its own
shores, does have the right to send soldiers and sailors to this region and
kill at will? Second, Iran’s ‘stirring up trouble’ is really trying to open
other fronts in order not to fight in its own borders. It’s evident that Tehran
prefers to fight Israel and the US in Syria and through Hezbollah rather than inside
its country, as I said before, It’s almost5 shocking that you defend such criminal
regimes as Saudi Arabia, a country that belongs to the darkest pages of
history. I am glad that Iran supports Yemen, one of the poorest countries in
the world. In the absence of this support, they would have probably already
been crushed by the evil forces. You seem to agree with the idea that the US
has jurisdiction all over the world.
You say that “…the U.S. and NATO are on the same page on Iran.” Sure,
but NATO has not intervened militarily, and this is a fact.
Who cares if Iran is bombastic? This may be a PR mistake, but what is
important is the righteousness of its position. Besides, some of these ‘bombastic’
threats are in some cases plain lies. It seems you were born yesterday or worse
you are a Zionist or a brainwashed American. Have you followed the news at least since the invasion of Iraq. How many lies has the Ministry of Propaganda in the west produced since then? I won’t list them. It’s not my responsibility to
enlighten others.
Regarding the differences between the economies and militaries of Iran
on the one hand and Israel and the US on the other is a lazy task also. We all
know that the latter are many times more powerful than the former. My point,
which you evidently lost, was that you discount the triumph of the US and
Israel. If you have read history, you will see that this doesn’t necessarily
occur. In some instances, the weak has defeated the powerful, especially if it
is imbued with a belief in the righteousness of its ideas. I offered the case
of Vietnam.
“The U.S. is the one choosing when to fight. Every Iranian action has
been in response to something America or its allies did.” What happens in human
affairs in general and in international politics in particular is often very
complex. One reason Iran has decided to take its proxy war to Syria and
elsewhere is precisely not to react to every single action its enemies take.
Thus, Iran’s enemies have had to react to Iran’s actions too, so these dynamics
run in a two-way street direction.
“The bottom line is, if Trump gets re-elected, there is just two options
from which Iran must choose:
1. Surrender and stop challenging America’s dominance of the Middle East by
adhering to the 12 points Pompeo once listed. OR
2. Fight and win”
Not true. Iran may continue doing what it has done until now: fighting a
war though proxies against its enemies unless they go on the offensive. If Iran
“stirs up trouble” in other parts is precisely to deter is enemies from
attacking it.
You mention genocide. I’m sorry, but this is so shameless. What do you
think Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen, Israel in Palestine and the US
everywhere? You seem to defend the attackers, the invaders, the murderers, the law-breakers.Well, you keep on doing that.
You mention that Israel threatens Israel and the US. Have you realized
your contradiction? First, you say that Iran cannot even start with those two
countries, but then you gop on to state that a weak country threatens both a world superpower and a regional superpower. Interesting.
Finally, you mentioned nukes. I don’t know if Israel and/or the US are
willing to cross this threshold. If they do, they surely know that this is
WWIII. Not only will they destroy Iran, but they will be destroyed by the consequences.
Do you know what radiation is? Or nuclear winter? Probably you will mention
low-yield nuclear weapons –the new trend among the freaks in the Pentagon- but
Iran or Hezbollah or any actor need only one hit on Dimona or other biological
or bacteorological site in Israel to take mass murder there too.
Quote as much as you like, but let me do the same. “The problem is that
Iran keeps stirring up trouble for itself. Iran looks for big trouble when it
trains and arms proxy forces that threaten America’s puppets in the Middle
East. If you aren’t ready to fight yet, why look for a fight? Does Iran expect
the U.S. to look the other way while it threatens Israel from Lebanon, Saudi
Arabia from Iraq and Yemen?” First, are you saying that Iran, a country that belongs to this region cannot defend itself, but the US, located thousands of miles from its own shores, does have the right to send soldiers and sailors to this region and kill at will? Second, what you call Iran’s ‘stirring up trouble’ is really trying to open other fronts in order not to fight in its own borders. It’s sensible that Tehran prefers to fight Israel and the US in Syria and through Hezbollah rather than inside its country, as I said before, It’s almost shocking that you defend
such criminal regimes as Saudi Arabia, a country that belongs to the darkest
pages of history. Moreover, I am glad that Iran supports Yemen, one of the poorest countries in the world. In the absence of this support, they would have
probably already been crushed by the evil forces. You seem to agree with the
idea that the US has jurisdiction all over the world.
You say that “…the U.S. and NATO are on the same page on Iran.” Sure,
but NATO has not intervened militarily, and this is a fact.
Who cares if Iran is bombastic? This may be a PR mistake, but what is
important is the righteousness of its position. Besides, some of these
‘bombastic’ threats are in some cases plain lies from the western press. It seems you were born yesterday or worse you are a Zionist or a brainwashed American. Have you followed the news at least since the invasion of Iraq. How many lies has the Ministry of Propaganda in the west produced since then? I won’t list them. It’s
not my responsibility to enlighten others.
Regarding the differences between the economies and militaries of Iran
on the one hand and Israel and the US on the other, it is a futile task to mention them. We all know that the latter are many times more powerful than the former. My point, which you evidently lost, was that you take for granted the triumph of the US and Israel. If you have read history, you will see that this doesn’t necessarily occur. In some instances, the weak has defeated the powerful, especially if it is imbued with a belief in the righteousness of its ideas. I offered the case of Vietnam.
“The U.S. is the one choosing when to fight. Every Iranian action has
been in response to something America or its allies did.” What happens in human
affairs in general and in international politics in particular is often very
complex. One reason Iran has decided to take its proxy war to Syria and
elsewhere is precisely not to react to every single action its enemies take.
Thus, Iran’s enemies have had to react to Iran’s actions too, so these dynamics
run in a two-way street direction.
“The bottom line is, if Trump gets re-elected, there is just two options
from which Iran must choose:
1. Surrender and stop challenging America’s dominance of the Middle East by
adhering to the 12 points Pompeo once listed. OR
2. Fight and win”
Not true. Iran may continue doing what it has done until now: fighting a
war though proxies against its enemies unless they go on the offensive. If Iran
“stirs up trouble” in other parts is precisely to deter is enemies from
attacking it.
You mention genocide. I’m sorry, but this is so shameless. What do you
think Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen, Israel in Palestine and the US
everywhere? These are the countries you defend.
You mention that Israel threatens Israel and the US. Have you realized
your contradiction? First, you say that Iran cannot even start with those two
countries, but then you say that a weak country threatens both a world
superpower and a regional superpower. Interesting.
Finally, you mentioned nukes. I don’t know if Israel and/or the US are
willing to cross this threshold. If they do, they surely know that this is
WWIII. Not only will they destroy Iran, but they will be destroyed by the
consequences. Do you know what radiation is? Or nuclear winter? Probably you
will mention low-yield nuclear weapons –the new trend among the freaks in the
Pentagon- but Iran or Hezbollah or any actor need only one hit on Dimona or
other biological or bacteorological site in Israel to take mass murder there
this trifle, it is a trifle, however clearly shows that the jews in palestine must go, that they are rabid aggressors that like rabid dogs must be put down. nothing else will bring peace to the middle east and make life for the millions of people bearable. the strife caused and abject disregard of life and property the jews are causing should be enough for the world to say – you had your chance and you failed to take it and thus your right to coexist in the middle east with the neighbouring states is forfeited.
RT: MASSIVE explosion shakes outskirts of Jordanian capital (VIDEO)
PressTV: Massive explosions strike Jordanian military munitions depot, cause major fire
The aggressors have to be attacked in turn, only then will they learn not to violate the sovereignty of other peoples and what it means to be attacked in your own home
Only terrorism, conspiracy and cowardly attacks, they don’t even have the courage to come face to face with those they want to destroy
I am getting fucking bored now with these reports,either do something or STFU.
Another israeli failure attack. ..
You gotta wonder just how effective these air strikes are. How many times has the IAF hit Damascus air port for example?
It’s known that the IAF avoid overflying Syrian airspace after losing aircraft doing such and pissing off the Russians Sept / 2018. They launch missiles from safe airspace like the Bekka Valley, Jordan or Al Tanf. This means that Iran has a pretty good idea where Israel can strike and where they can’t.
I’m not convinced Iran is led by Wily Coyote and keeps stepping on the same rake over and over. I suspect the israeli’s know this too.
Makes for good press back home though doesn’t it, bombing stupid iranians day in day out.
Reminds me of watching Combat! as a kid. By age 8 I figured out the Germans lost the war because when under attack they ran out a door single file one after another only to be mowed down by American GI’s … If only the Germans learned not to run out the door like that they would have won the war.
I’d take opposition claims of what was or wasn’t hit with a grain of salt. These claims never come with proof. In this day and age. If these facilities were hit. And the opposition could verify it. They’d also be able to prove it. They never do. The only thing that comes close are the IDF/Mossad psyop sat images. Which are low quality and easily cgi faked in a age when you can read license plates from space.
Is the IAF firing from Lebanese airspace, or from over the sea? Which puts them in range of not only SADF S-300/400s, but also S-200s and long range BUKs.
Next time Israel do it again, we will give Assad the S-300.
It’ll still amount to little. The S-300 can and will be destroyed too. Because Israel can launch a limitless number of missiles without fear of retaliation.
Just 1 downed F16 or F35 will make a major political scandal at home.
more than meets the eye with this…..
The zionists are wasting their missiles firing on decoys:
Lightweight – solutions starting at approx. 60kg
Easy to transport and stow
Rapdily deployable – inflated between 3 to 30 minutes
Weather resistant – thermal stability from -20°C to +50°C
Defect resistant – easily repaired in the field, keeps shape and functionality
Standout thermal signatures simulate engines and mufflers
Radar reflective components deceive even advanced surveillance system
Durable – can be deployed and folded for at least 50 times
Zionists and theirs Wahhabi slaves are the biggest traitors and cowards around
So where are all the new Iranian AA systems, haven’t they arrived yet, and if they are in Syria are they fully operational?
News reports are still saying ‘most’ of the missiles were intercepted but not all of them, and until they’re saying all the missiles were intercepted it won’t be good enough, improvements are needed if some of the missiles are still getting through every single time.
With all the increased attacks from Israel you’d think the Iranians would be doing something to stop them, so does that mean the Iranian AA systems are here in Syria but not operating as effectively as needed, or have they already been targeted and destroyed by Israeli missiles without us knowing, or are they still in Iran, I’d love to know the truth.