New Game Changer: Russian FAB-3000 Deployed En Masse

New Game Changer: Russian FAB-3000 Deployed En Masse

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The Russian army began massively using its new FAB-3000 heavy bombs upgraded with the universal planning and correction modules for destruction of the Ukrainian military positions on the frontlines.

Until recently, Russian aircraft pounded the military positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with less powerful bombs like FAB-250, FAB-500 and FAB-1500. They were earlier upgraded with the universal modules. After the modules were developed for three-ton bombs, they entered the battles in Ukraine.

The first cases of deployment of the upgraded FAB-3000 bombs by the Russian Aerospace Forces were confirmed by the footage from Ukrainian battlefields in June. However, according to the reports from the front, they were already used for the strikes on the Ukrainian military in different directions.

Although the first filmed strikes with FAB-3000 demonstrated their minor deviations from the target, their strike power turned out to be enough to guarantee the destruction of the targeted facilities. The results of the test launches were likely found satisfactory by the Russian military, and the use of the FAB-3000 is becoming more and more frequent on Ukrainian battlefields.

Most of the recorded strikes were reportedly filmed in the Kharkiv region, where Russian heavy bombs are pounding Ukrainian hideout in the town of Liptsy.





The first recorded strike with FAB-300 with the correction module:



The results of the  first recorded strike filmed by Ukrainian servicemen:



Ukrainian servicemen themselves confessed that the mass use of the upgraded heavy bombs by the Russian Aerospace Forces had a great effect on the ongoing hostilities. In particular, they played a decisive role in the Russian assault in Avdeevka and large industrial facilities there. Russian heavy bombs are not only destroying Ukrainian fortified strongholds but they also have a demoralizing effect on Ukrainian servicemen.


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Viet Hochi min won

and now use the game changer to cut off the fascist head of the snake in the gru office in kiev. kill all neonazis


it’s ok to harbor neo nazi thoughts. after all, there is an obvious racial hierarchy. anthropology and psychometricians have proven some races are inferior.

however when nazis start or provoke a war, that’s another matter.

Herbert Schreiber

the most famous inferior race is by far the homo sapiens!

but she is also the living proof that she is able to assert herself against “higher-value” races, otherwise you would not be able to spread your wonderful comments here 😉


the rada is the natural next goal, while the weasly zelensky is in waiting for his ceauscescu moment!


the increasingly paranoid zelensky is having another purge apparently. seems like he cant even trust his inner circle these days. its all very scarface.


dúfam, že rusko bude mať dostatok tých 500, 1000, 1500, 3000, 9000 kg bômb. tak aby sa ušla každému banderovcovi a spolu s nimi aj tým čo ich podporujú. treba sa konečne načisto zbaviť tej fašistickej svoloče!!! smrť fašistom, svetu mier!!! mor ho!!!


cred ca 100 de bucati livrate zilnic pe destul

Helen Goba

god knows what game russia is playing in ukraine 🙄…… is this the best russia can do militarily??? they have lost a lot of sympathisers…..besides the dead civilians, soldiers and infrastructure…… the us is making fun of russia at the moment….. their game plan is perfectly on track

Joseph Day

the us is getting humiliated again. even the houthis humiliate the us and uk

Carmen Varga

…if the game plan of the usa is the complete destruction of ukraine, they are perfectly on track. the united states has never had any real sympathizers, so none of them can turn away either.

but which game russia is playing in ukraine doesn’t open up to me either…

jens holm

my game change lick amerikan anuz

jens holm

i prafar potato in my anuz


putin stop bombing targets rather bomb and take over cities to end terrorism on russian soil from ukraine/france,poland,britain,usa terorism.


as long as the nazis continue to strike ru soil bomb them zombies back as far as it takes, then bomb them some more

Icarus Tanović

h blockx: “i got the power” in fourth video.
