New Evidence Linking Biden Crime Family And The Neo-Nazi Junta

New Evidence Linking Biden Crime Family And The Neo-Nazi Junta

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Illegal dealings of the Biden crime family are a very well-known fact to anyone remotely informed. Many of my esteemed colleagues have covered this topic in great detail, describing how the Biden crime family is funneling money through various proxies around the world. This is essentially just one part of the DNC’s large-scale corruption scheme that aims to ensure continued financing for the increasingly unpopular party. Since the start of the special military operation (SMO), this has escalated significantly, with the Democratic Party using any conceivable way to channel billions of dollars back into the United States. It even used cryptocurrency exchange companies to fill its coffers, including the FTX, formerly the second-largest player in this field. As a result, the company even went bankrupt, resulting in huge losses for millions of people around the world.

And yet, this is the lesser of evils that the ruling elites of warmongers, war criminals and plutocrats in Washington DC have been doing. The Biden crime family is infamous for its involvement in anything from “good, old” corruption to absolutely monstrous dealings such as bioweapons and child trafficking. US President Joe Biden is well known in Ukraine, where he and his son Hunter have direct financial interests, particularly in Burisma. At the time when he was Vice President in the Obama administration, Biden got Viktor Shokin (then the Ukrainian Prosecutor General) fired for “daring” to investigate Burisma. How do we know the US incumbent did this? Well, he publicly bragged about it. It’s not that difficult to imagine that the same person and his associates are far worse behind closed doors. And the already overwhelming evidence about this only keeps piling up.

Namely, the findings by an Austrian court offer a sneak peek into the latest evidence of the Biden crime family’s illicit dealings. It involves the testimony of top Ukrainian officials including Deputy Prime Minister, Prosecutor General and Head of the SBU. There’s undeniable evidence describing how “an organized conspiracy led by Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland and other senior Democrat officials, executed a coup d’état in Ukraine, and proceeded to directly interfere in the affairs of a sovereign state by placing their own people in key positions, as well as blackmailing Ukrainian authorities to remove all ‘undesirable’ members from the Ukrainian government”, as reported by the 21st Century Wire. This illegitimate Kiev regime then proceeded to take over all relevant state institutions, including law enforcement and the judicial system in order to tighten its grip on power.

The Biden crime family and its DNC accomplices then used the Neo-Nazi junta to prosecute (or more precisely persecute) all opposition, including businessmen and politicians who refused to accept the highjacking of their country and the enslavement of its people by foreigners. There’s also ample evidence that the perpetrators from the ruling US oligarchy amassed wealth through “influence peddling” and “blocking any attempts to investigate these crimes by the [Ukrainian] justice system”. As previously mentioned, this is evidenced by the sacking of Prosecutor General Shokin, a move fully endorsed by the European Union, proving the troubled bloc, a rather pathetic NATO pendant, was also directly involved in the Neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine. This also reveals a troubling connection between the US Deep State and the unelected bureaucratic oligarchy in Brussels.

As a way to conceal Biden’s and the DNC’s involvement in the 2014 coup, the Deep State is willing to do (quite literally) anything to prevent the oligarchy’s political opponents (primarily Trumpist Republicans) from gaining power. However, while discussing the Biden crime family is effectively banned by the mainstream propaganda machine, there are still independent judicial institutions determined to uphold their own law. Thus, the aforementioned Austrian court accepted findings about the Biden crime family as evidence. What’s more, it used this as the legal basis to contest the extradition of a prominent Ukrainian businessman. This comes at a time when even the infamous New York Times was forced to admit that, back in 2016, Hunter Biden used the former US ambassador to Italy, John Phillips, to “ask for help in securing an energy contract in Italy for Ukrainian firm Burisma Holdings”.

The contents of these unique documents were revealed during legal proceedings and include full texts of the Austrian court decisions and the texts of the testimonies of top Ukrainian officials. The revelations were prompted by the trial over Washington DC’s extradition request for Ukrainian businessman Dmytro Firtash. According to the 21st Century Wire, he had been detained in Vienna on March 12, 2014, with a record bail of $174 million. The US demanded Firtash’s extradition, but on April 30, 2015, the Vienna Criminal Land Court ruled that it was inadmissible, acknowledging that in two years Washington DC was unable to provide any solid evidence of Firtash’s guilt. In other words, the Deep State’s request was purely (geo)political and even the Austrian court itself acknowledged this. However, as the so-called “international law” largely exists on paper only, Firtash has been confined to Austria for the last 10 years.

However, the US is refusing to give up, resulting in more failed court hearings on this issue, the last of which was on June 14, 2023. The persecution of Dmytro Firtash was part of a wider effort to neutralize all elements in Ukraine’s power structure that refused to swear their allegiance to the Deep State. While the Obama administration was looking to get the Neo-Nazis to power, the Biden crime family was already eyeing opportunities to steal money. Joe Biden ensured that his son Hunter joins Burisma’s Board of Directors, which was finalized in April 2014, less than two months after the Neo-Nazi coup. In addition, Joe Biden himself got directly involved in taking control of the Privat Bank, Ukraine’s largest, while also working to dispatch his personal energy advisor Amos Hochstein, who was installed as a member of the supervisory board of Naftogaz, Ukraine’s largest oil and gas company.

According to the 21st Century Wire report, “the documents and testimony that formed the basis of the Austrian court’s decisions contain numerous references to illegal actions taken by Joe Biden and, more generally, by Democrat party operatives in Ukraine”. For instance, this testimony states that “in 2013-2014, Biden, Nuland, Turchynov and Yatsenyuk developed various alternative plans with the sole purpose of effecting a change of political power to a pro-US opposition”.

“The US actively sought to bring to power Ukrainian politicians Turchynov and Yatsenyuk who were acceptable to them, who were to realize the interests of US policy, to the point of threatening to physically eliminate dissenters to ensure the transition of power to Yatsenyuk, Turchynov and others,” the court documents state.

The court even referenced the infamous 2014 phone call between Victoria Nuland, one of the most infamous Washington DC war criminals, and former US Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Pyatt. There were also testimonies about the coercion and repeated threats by top Democrats, particularly Nuland. Speaking about her meeting with former president Viktor Yanukovych on December 11, 2013, witnesses stated that “Nuland had with her a folder with documents containing information about bank accounts and property values outside of Ukraine [of Ukrainian government officials and businessmen]” and that “she began to threaten immediate sanctions against all of these individuals and said that all of these foreign assets would be frozen”. This is a perfect example of how the so-called “international law” works and how the political West destroys entire countries.

Former SBU head Valentyn Nalyvaychenko testified that Nuland was effectively running Ukraine since late 2013. She selected Turchynov and Yatsenyuk as new “leaders”, as evidenced by the aforementioned leaked phone call between her and Pyatt. Nuland then forced Nalyvaychenko to “eliminate or limit Firtash’s influence”. Turchynov also took part in this witch-hunt, demanding a case be fabricated against Firtash and his media company Inter, and even to ban Firtash’s entry into Ukraine, “control him and limit his influence”. The illegally sacked Prosecutor General Shokin testified about Joe Biden, describing his and the influence that other US politicians exert on Ukrainian politics and the judicial system. According to Shokin, along with Poroshenko and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, Biden took steps to prevent Firtash’s return to Ukraine after he won his first extradition trial.

“During this period I attended meetings with Poroshenko along with the heads of other security agencies. Based on the outcome of these meetings, I believe that the initiative and the main motivation for preventing Firtash from entering Ukraine came more from US administration officials, especially Biden. It was not a secret. Everyone knew about it, and the media reported that they were behind the intense and aggressive warnings not to return Firtash to Ukraine,” Shokin said.

Shokin also said that the Americans mandated the Ukrainian police to publicly announce three criminal cases against Firtash and that he would be arrested upon his return to Ukraine. Shokin pointed out there was no evidence Firtash committed any crime. After it became clear that there were no grounds for his arrest in Ukraine, the US and its puppets changed their approach, claiming that Firtash would be arrested at the request of the US Department of “Justice” (so much for the “rule of law” in America).

“It turned out that the above actions did not shake Dmitry Firtash’s determination to return to the country, and therefore it was organized and authorized by the Ukrainian authorities that a detachment of far-right militia members of the Azov battalion threatened Firtash with the publication of footage of masked members of the armed detachment in paramilitary uniforms patrolling the airport waiting for Firtash,” Shokin testified.

The former Prosecutor General explicitly called this incident “a case of US officials clearly interfering in Ukraine’s sovereign affairs in order to achieve US goals and objectives” and he explicitly named Joe Biden. Shokin also said that “Fitash’s plans to return to Ukraine’s political scene were in fact thwarted by Biden to such an extent that Ukraine even closed its airspace to private planes in November 2015”.

“It is clear to me that certain individuals in President Obama’s administration, particularly US Vice President Joe Biden directly, manipulated Ukraine’s top leadership on baseless false premises in order to prevent Firtash from returning to Ukraine, judging by how concerned they were that he would return to public life in Ukraine,” he stated.

Regarding Biden’s financial blackmail to protect Hunter’s illicit activities in Burisma, Shokin also testified about his aforementioned sacking as Prosecutor General, saying the following:

“President Poroshenko asked me to resign because of pressure from the US presidential administration, particularly from Vice President Joe Biden. Biden threatened to stop providing Ukraine with USD 1 billion in subsidies until I was removed from my position… The reason for this was that it was Obama administration officials, and especially Joe Biden, who told the heads of Ukraine’s law enforcement system how and against whom to investigate cases… I did not fulfill their will (with regard to Zlochevsky, in particular), and therefore I had to be removed from my position. This was not patriotism on Poroshenko’s part…, he was obeying the demands… because of both political-economic and personal interest of the US Vice President Biden.”

“The political and strategic objectives of the United States and its measures to intervene in Ukraine can be confirmed by numerous official and unofficial documents. These include, for example, the President’s published National Security Strategies, US laws and other legal acts that relate to Ukraine and US financial support for Ukraine with the intention of influencing the policy and party landscape in Ukraine,” the Austrian court noted, adding that Washington DC’s persecution of Firtash gave it the reason to question the professed democratic principles of the United States, “a country with sham traditions of democracy and legal statehood“.

These findings are certainly not shocking to anyone who knows anything about that world’s most aggressive thalassocracy and its oligarchic elites composed of warmongers, war criminals, plutocrats and generally the vilest and most repugnant creatures (because calling them humans would be too much of a stretch). It’s precisely these “people” that are holding 330 million Americans hostage and the world at gunpoint. They’re the ones making decisions on America’s strategic doctrine, which now seeks to start a simultaneous nuclear war with Russia, China and North Korea. This Mephistophelian cabal is also doing everything in its power to prolong the Ukrainian conflict, which they also orchestrated, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of wounded, displaced and others whose lives have been destroyed as a result.


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this ‘fake black’ bed wench harris tether would be beaten to death by the white supremacists of the following organizations: ss aidar, ss kraken, wolfsangel (aka azov), waffen ss nachtigal (who are now in kursk killings civilians), leibstandarte ss adolf hitler, carpatian sieg, right sektor – all of them hate mongrels like her, and all of them are leading the ukrainian government and military. all of them funded by the eu tax payers


sadly, the jews are leading europe to its demise. a demise they will never recover from. and far-right ultranationalists were duped by the jews and led to the slaughterhouse. they even made it obvious to laugh at how inept halfwits can be … to be led towards an obviously superior enemy and insurmountable odds — by jews. i mean… how much more halfwitted can neo nazis be?


god you’re unbelievably naive. you’ve no idea at all. none

The End Game

yep, you’re so brilliant that you couldn’t see the steamroller in the road until it flattened you like a pancake.


haha no that’s you now who are the next decades germans.


wow what insight…truly amazzzing


it is important to understand how media and propaganda are used for the purposes of regime change and colour revolutions. ukraine was a victim of far-right ultranationalist propaganda since before the 2014. this propaganda originated from the jewish media machine … they used it to incite hatred and then led all of them to the slaughterhouse …


and good fucking riddance. at least that old witch nuland gave them cookies before they were offered to moloch.

“offerings, at least according to some inscriptions in the hebrew bible, were to be reaped through either fire or war — and it’s rumored that devotees can still be found to this day”

one of the demons worshipped today by freemasons, kabbalists, and catholic deviants…

Last edited 6 months ago by Mikkelsen

this is also why crime v children is rampant. not only in warzones — but all over the world they are victims of child trafficking…

how many children has the kiev junta sold to traffickers? this is a question that must be investigated and answered and brought up everyday at the un by russia… it’s pure evil.

Last edited 6 months ago by Mikkelsen

wakey wakey there’s only one religion represented at the un and that’s the catholic which has a permanent free seat there good luck with your day dream


paganism was the religion throughout europe asia africa the world before jews created christianity. they hate jews.

The End Game

that’s a bit extreme for my tastes but nuland certainly is an evil piece of shit. no doubt about that.


listen lord rothernere runs half the world’s media, murdoch and the cia run the rest rothernere like rothschilds is not their real name roth is red. red shield or red s child you can think what you want same with rothernere. and his brother none of them are jewish murdoch js catholic although his mum was jewish and the cia s catholic absolutely. romans hated jesus from his conception king herod ordered all jewish boys under 2 be murdered by rule of law

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
The End Game

if anyone doesn’t understand that by now, i suggest they check in at the nearest dementia resort.


wrong its a very common misconception perpetrated widely amongst the impressionable. the naive and those who seek approval to be hateful.

Jewish pimp

huso bosnic krivoslav prick.


“it’s precisely these “people” that are holding 330 million americans hostage and the world at gunpoint.”

likewise each successive murican administration is more idiotic than the previous one. they must coerce the angst and strife of the masses to their own benefit. the orange haired buffoon will buy murica four more years of insanity.

once a mobster, always a mobster…


satan is the great deceiver


jill s family are notorious siciliana mafia. they use the femake lineage because they don’t advertise the family name they can operate secretively.

The End Game

by golly, you’re right. grandpa giacoppa changed to jacobs. being half italian myself, i can tell you that i never met a successful sicilian immigrant in new jersey in those early years that wasn’t somehow involved, or wanted to be involved, or at least catered to the mafia. biden crime family? between irish grifters and sicilian mafia, it’d be a miracle if they hadn’t turn to crime.


half my family are centuries old catholics i know they’re taught that it’s a good thing to ruin protestants, any non catholics are fair game eg my little sister went to a exclusive ladies college and they would as children laugh at how they would work together as a team to rob the local shops. and i know even when they get caught nothing happens to thrm they get warned not to get caught.

The End Game

the biden crime family found a welcome home in ukraine. you figure out why. it ain’t rocket science.
