New Ceasefire Reached In Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta – Reports

New Ceasefire Reached In Damascus' Eastern Ghouta - Reports

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On January 26, Ahmad Ramadan, a spokesman for the Syrian opposition, announced that a new ceasefire agreement in the Eastern Ghouta region was reached during the Vienna talks. According to Ramadan, the ceasefire will being at 12:00 local time.

An unnamed spokesperson for the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) group Faylaq al-Rahman confirmed to the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet SMART that the ceasefire agreement was reached between all the sides. However, the Damascus government has not commented on these reports so far.

The new ceasefire will put an end to the Ahrar al-Sham Movement attack on the Armored Vehicles Base in the northern part of the Eastern Ghouta region that have been ongoing since November 2017. The agreement will also end the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) attack on the Harasta district north of the base.

Syrian sources reported that hundreds of civilians, opposition fighters and Syrian soldiers were killed during the battles in Eastern Ghouta in the last three months.

While the new ceasefire agreement will for sure ease the humanitarian suffering inside and around Eastern Ghouta, Syrian pro-government activists warned that Ahrar al-Sham Movement and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) may break the ceasefire like they did with the previous agreement.

Radical militants in Eastern Ghouta usually take advantage of such ceasefire agreements and use them tto resupply, reorganize its forces and to launch new attacks against the SAA.

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Terence Silvestre Jr.

Hopefully the Syrian government will not trust any agreement that has to do with these terrorists at the services of their sponsors, enemies of Syria, and keep well checked and well reinforced their positions around and within that base of vehicles.
Because everything leads us to suppose that this agreement as false as the previous ones,
is only another strategy of the sponsors of these terrorist groups to catch the Syrian forces unawares the next time, and that time, believe me, they will be able to totally conquer this strategic and significant place.

You can call me Al

I absolutely agree.


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Two have reneged on it HTS/AAS yes Al Qaeda people, wonder who they work for hmmm…

Wolfgang Wolf

i dont know why the SAA is always pausing… makes no sense to let the camelfuckers to regroup and resupply. kill them all, once and forever. otherwise this stupid game will go on for another 4 years

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Totally agree with you, my friend. Mere waste of time and resources having to fight again the same battle again and again, instead of cutting once and for all with the source and causes.


Its temporary for Sochi….


Good point, the talks are 3 days from now.

Jasminko Grdic

SAA need to Agree because there are now 2 big ISIS pocket in Hama/Idlib and in Der Zoir. They need to much manpower to control this 2 pocket and they lost Soilders and Technicals on everyday atack from this two pocket. One must GO and the other need to get under control in this time where the Idlib Jihadis are fight the YPG Kurds

John Whitehot

“i dont know why the SAA is always pausing”

so that trolls could write the most vulgar, ignorant pieces of comments.

David Wadström

yeah, look at all these armchair generals… very impressive indeed!

Astar Roth

Why can’t you see that they SAA is making distraction there, while making huge progress in Aleppo?
You got it now?


Truce here, the Qalamoun forces redeploy to destroy the southern Idlib pocket. Simple.


“An unnamed spokesperson for the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) group Faylaq al-Rahman confirmed to the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet SMART that the ceasefire agreement was reached between all the sides”…TRANSLATION…An unnamed CIA SPOKESPERSON for the UNITED STATES MERCENARY TERRORIST, FSA, confirms a “ceasefire”(code word for resupply and regroup) was reached between all sides.