New Attack On Hmeimim Airbase Provokes Another Wave Of Russian Airstrikes On Northern Hama (Videos)

In the early hours of April 28, Russian air defense systems deployed in the Hmeimim airbase intercepted unidentified aerial objects which were heading towards the base. This was the second attack on the Russian airbase in the last 72 hours.

Local sources said that the objects were armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, the Lebanese al-Manar TV said that they were Grad rockets.

According to initial reports, all the objects were successfully shot down. No damage was recorded in the airbase or in the civilian areas in its vicinity.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far. Despite this, Russian warplanes carried out a series of retaliatory airstrikes on terrorist positions inside the strategic town of Qalaat al-Madiq in the northwestern Hama countryside and in its vicinity.

Qalaat al-Madiq is known to be a stronghold of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement, a part of the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL) coalition. Earlier this year, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) took over the town. However, recent reports suggested that Ahrar al-Sham is still operating there.

The Russian Aerospace Forces will likely carry out more airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in northwestern Syria in the upcoming few hours. These airstrikes are meant to deter terrorists, who are still refusing to respect the Russian-Turkish demilitarized zone agreement.

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Yup, the headchoppers know that as long as Turkey doesn’t want the Idlib Headchopper reservation to be taken they are free to do whatever the fuck they want. And all it will cost them is to suffer some retaliatory air and artillery strikes. Which they can probably easily survive as the Idlib Headchopper reservation is probably one big giant Swiss cheese of underground tunnels by now. Just like East Ghouta was.


Well, the takfiri rats can measure how much the syrian intel has infiltrated their swiss cheese by the number of the casualties.

John Whitehot

the headchoppers know that they are already defeated, and without firing a shot.
thus they try provoking the Siryan/Russian side into military action, in which they could make their usual pantomimes of fake chemical attacks, bombed children and destroyed hospitals.

Everybody should understand that the fought part of the war is already lost for the ziojihadist scum, and that they assess that their only chance to survive is to provoke a major bloodbath in Idlib.

The way things are happening, I’d say there is a certain chance that the Syrian people themselves in Idlib are starting to rebel against the ragheads, and the latter would be hard pressed to start killing civilians indiscriminately and then blame Russian/Syrian airstrikes.


the headchoppers know that they are already defeated, and without firing a shot.
thus they try provoking the Siryan/Russian side into military action, in which they could make their usual pantomimes of fake chemical attacks, bombed children and destroyed hospitals.

Except that little charade did not save the headchoppers of East Ghouta and East Aleppo. To think it would now suddenly save them is ludicrous in the extreme. After all, the groups that carried out those charades in the past are now in Idlib. Probably carrying t-shirts that say “I carried out a fake chemical attack for my CIA handlers and all I got was a green bus ride and a lousy t-shirt’.’

Everybody should understand that the fought part of the war is already lost for the ziojihadist scum, and that they assess that their only chance to survive is to provoke a major bloodbath in Idlib.

I think their only goal nowadays is to save what they have left, the Idlib Headchopper reservation, the war for the rest of Syria is already lost, but that they know that as long Turkey backs them up they are free to poke the SAA and Russian bears from inside Idlib. And that by poking those bears they are scoring brownie points with other headchoppers. That’s all they are really doing right. As a Dutch saying goes, they are playing for their own crowd. Look at us, we are still standing up to that evil bastard Assad! We are tough! We are mighty!

That is what they are doing in my opinion.

The way things are happening, I’d say there is a certain chance that the Syrian people themselves in Idlib are starting to rebel against the ragheads, and the latter would be hard pressed to start killing civilians indiscriminately and then blame Russian/Syrian airstrikes.

I doubt that. Even Russian and Syrian government investigations have concluded that the population of Idlib is the most opposed to Assad and the most pro-Headchopper. And everyone who wasn’t has either been killed or fled. I doubt that there is anyone left in Idlib who isn’t of the Sunni Muslim faith.

John Whitehot

agree on all but the last point.

do you have some material ready that outlines how Syria and Russia concluded that the Idlib population is pro-terrorists? As you say, it might be that the ziojihadist scum has conducted ethnic cleansing in the region to drive out all the opposition. Nonetheless. even in such dramatic settings, there is always a relatively significant part of the population that has simply gone quiet, in order to survive.

“I doubt that there is anyone left in Idlib who isn’t of the Sunni Muslim faith”

This means nothing. Being of Sunni faith in Syria doesn’t mean at all to be against Assad. The terrorist in Idlib aren’t simply of “sunni faith”, they are the same kind of wahabist scum that mades up ISIS and Nusra. Telling things the way you did equates to state that ALL sunnis are behind ISIS, which 1- is extremely false and 2- is the most loved narration of Israel and Saudia.


More RC toy plane attacks.

Real Anti-Racist Action

We live in an era where Russian air bases come under regular aerial bombardment.
Seems even small civilian militias have no fear of Russia. It is like Russia is a bear that had all of it’s teeth pulled and its claws removed.
Amazing how even civilian militias have no fear to pound Russian military air bases.
This is not good for Russia. Even Israel has no fear of any existing Russian threat or Russian air defense.
Something has changed. For the Russia of 1912 was feared and strong.
Americans even only worry about Russian nukes, any nukes really. But not the Russian fighting forces.
What has changed?
Russian bombing runs have become as effective as Israeli bombing runs against Lebanon in the 2006 war.
It look impressive to the eye, but those being bombed do not feel it’s effects and has no deterrent power.
Is it because Russia is so controlled by Zionist?

Prince Teutonic

No, but because Russian army still need a lot of time to reorganize and modernize…

John Whitehot

and the zionist propaganda band still needs a lot of time to get their shit together and base a single phrase over a real fact, rather than over invented ones.

Time that they don’t have no matter what, and after which they’ll have to start looking for jobs as clown in circuses or put up three-cards games on the streets of their cities.


“Amazing how even civilian militias have no fear to pound Russian military air bases.”

I’m sure you are intelligent enough to relize that these attacks are by the forces of Israel the US or UK.

Human kind is doomed

Are you serious? No, really, are you serious???

John Whitehot

we live in an era where all the zio-nazi and jihadist scum are going to fuck off, alongside the people they pay.
As for military commentary, i’d refrain from even speaking a word in that sense, because the level on your ignorance in the subject is so total as to invalidate any political deduction you try to base on military arguments.

“We live in an era where Russian air bases come under regular aerial bombardment”

Aerial bombardment is conducted by planes.

The correct phrase is:

for two days in a row, some scum positioned in Idlib or thereafter launched grad rockets at the BASE (not bases) in Latakia,the rockets were intercepted and there was no damage, while the rocket launcher have been destroyed by air raids.

Oh the scum in Idlib is really winning the war, if they manage to lose their grads everytime they use them and do no damage in exchange.

John Whitehot

more provocations = proof of the impotence of the ziojihadist side.

For some reason, someone in Idlib is feeling the noose tightening, and desperately tries to put things under its own terms.

Also, the complete lack of fantasy on the part of the ziojihadist scum says a lot about their frustration.

And about the Russian military, there are many signs that things have changed much.

Some 10-15 years ago it would had been unthinkable that they would retain this kind of discipline in front of provocations. Commands at all levels appear to be un-movable by the attempts to unnerve them, while remaining able to neutralize direct threats (as they show all the times) without committing the mistakes the terrorist want them to commit.


I agree, the US defeated the Soviet Union with provocations, provocations that the Soviets responded to.
This time the Russians are very Sun Tzu, and allow the FUKUS countries deplete their forces whilst growing stronger.

Human kind is doomed

Yes, great observation, sir!
One thing that pops out immediately and it’s of technical matter is that Russian point AD defense is spotless! Taking drones and grad missiles in 100% success is quite an achievement!
all of those S-300 bullshit is obviously a political matter and doesn’t have anything to do with actual capability of the system(s)!

John Whitehot

The public is rather easily impressed by events such like these, in the end, what comes out is that an appropriate defensive device has been put in place against anything that has been tried so far by the opposition.

Intelligence and reconaissance work still is very important in case the need arise to adjust such defensive device to eventual new types of threats.

as for the S300 bullshit, just keep in mind one thing – that ALL of it originates in large part from Israel, and the rest from the US.

On the matter, they wrote millions of words, wore out thousands of keyboards, but the only effect that has been seen on the ground is well described by an Israeli air force commander, who stated that “Israeli air raids will not get Iran out of Syria”.

LgKodak #BoycottEurovision2019

Hi guys !

My two cents: for the S-200/300/400 family, keep in mind the fact that Russians constantly upgrade their previous equipments (reason why missiles from the sixties can down F-16). And keep in mind that the required day, they will be ready with the generation next, and it will be very efficient, just like their hypersonic stuffs.


Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

The top video looks more like random shooting than anything professional.

Toni Liu

Got shot by rain of grad are much more harder to shotdown cause it much more faster than those rc plane bring a bomb and rc one are more predictable cause they mostly going to one route to bomb the target where grad just scattering around large area that make you need to spray the sky to down them

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Ive seen in person 1-22´s (Grad rockets) being shot down in Iraq, and it in no way looked like this.

Im in no doubt that Russia have radars to triangulate the launch site and to actually spot and detect the rockets itself, and with Pantsir´s in the base, it should be more than doable to shoot them down.
This “spray and pray” does nothing but wasting ammo and giving a hell lot of a downfall.

If any nation in the world knows the trajectory and ballistics of the 1-22´s, its Russia, therefor it is very doable for Russia to shoot the down.
Yes, the older 1-22´s have a quite large CEP, but its not km from the aiming point.
If the Pantsir is capable of shooting down LGB´s, a large rocket should be no problem, especially if its datalinked to a radar/sensor doing the spotting.

Toni Liu

From what I know, rebel sometimes use DIY launcher make it hard to predict where it fall and it might be syrian system also enggage the rocket that we knows how competent they are from the past engagement, so its not just russia enggage that and many times their work more like half ass work cause this thing can be preventable by flying UAV around enemy area and blasted them before they able to shoot

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

The freedomfighters that shot at us in Iraq, used mostly I-beams and railroadtracks laid on its sides, with iceblocks acting as a timedelayed trigger; when the ice melted away, the rocket slided back a bit, making an electrical connection firing the rocket.
They aimed the rockets with compass and google earth printouts, thats why the base got blurred on google earth.
I was impressed of their ingenuity, both concerning IDF (indirect fire), IED´s, concealing their equipment and in everyday life.

The impacts i saw alongside the predicted targets, gave me the impression that those DIY launches could could hit a target 5ish km away within a 100-200m distance from the target.

I agree that the Syrian Air Defense is less skilled than the Russians, but since the base is De Facto Russian territory, Russia should depent on their own air defense.
If some gunho Syrian want to takes om guesstimate shots, be my guest.

You need to know where to look, and Syria is huge, a backyard 3x3m can be a launchsite, so its almost impossible to know where to look.

And incredibly, we had a report that someone painted their backyard on a piece of cloth, hang it up, and whenever you looked at it from above, you could not see the launchplatforms and rockets.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Is Syria dealing with predominantly Gullenist backed Turks or Erdogan backed Turks in occupied Idlib?
Sorry if the question comes across as a little bit innocent sounding.


It is hard to see any strategic objective to these attacks against Russian bases. They look just pure spite by people who have lost virtually everything and have in fact nothing to fight for any longer. It’s only the contracts they signed that keep them fighting (if you can call that fighting). And this may be why Russians are not pushing for an attack into Idlib. The jihadists there are a lost cause, everyone knows it, maybe only they themselves don’t know it. The rag end of the great regime change operation conceived in Tel Aviv, orchestrated in Langley, recruited in Abu Ghraib, nursed into action in Riyadh, helped along by Ankara and Amman, propagandised from London and Paris, egged on from Berlin. The great investment totally lost, even the reconstruction contracts of Syria will not go to any of the operator countries. I say it again – in the future we will say that Syria changed everything.