Netanyahu Needs Chaos In The Region, In The Name Of Survival

Netanyahu Needs Chaos In The Region, In The Name Of Survival

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On the evening of April 1, 2024, according to the Gregorian calendar, the Zionist entity launched an air strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, during which, according to preliminary data, seven IRGC representatives were killed. As a result of this crime, Brigadier Generals Muhammad Reza Zahedi and Muhammad Hadi Haji Rahimi were killed. The names of other Iranian advisers are Hussein Aman Allah, Al-Sayed Mahdi Jalalati, Mohsen Sadakat, Martyr Ali Agha Babai and Ali Salehi Rozbehani.

It became known that today the Security Council is holding an urgent meeting at the request of Russia to discuss the “Israeli” attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. For its part, the main ally of the Zionists, the United States, has absolved itself of responsibility for participating in the murder of Iranians. The AXIOS portal writes that the Zionists informed the Americans about the planning of airstrikes after the start of their operation, that is, during a combat flight. Thus, the differences between Biden and Netanyahu are reaching a new level. It is difficult to say whether the Yankees knew about the upcoming bloody provocation or not, but it is equally not beneficial for Biden to turn the conflict in Gaza into a regional war.

With regard to the specific assassination of General IRGC, observers are inclined to the version of the “response” of the Zionists for the drone strike from the Islamic Resistance of Iraq. After all, the conglomerate of factions from Iraq is directly linked to the IRGC. However, it can be added here that over the past couple of days, drones have begun to arrive from the territory of Jordan, which causes a real panic among the Zionists. The visit of the leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Jihad to Tehran also worries the Zionists, especially against the background of the growing escalation in the West Bank. Therefore, taking into account all these facts, the “radical cosmopolitans” decided to go to extremes in an attempt to “intimidate” the IRGC. However, Ali Khamenei has already upset the Zionists, pointing out that the Iranians will continue to continue their “advisory mission in Syria.”

Another reason for Syria’s terror is Netanyahu’s attempt to export his domestic crisis abroad. He needs to get rid of pressure from the Israeli street demanding his resignation and resolving the situation of prisoner exchange with the resistance. Terrorist Bibi knows that his term of office is running out and he is facing international persecution, so his task is to foment chaos everywhere in order to make life as difficult as possible for the opposition.

A few words about the late General Zahedi. His career began after Saddam’s aggression, where he commanded the 44th Brigade, then he became commander of the ground forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from 1986 to 1991. Between 2008 and 2016, Zahedi was the commander of the Quds forces of the Revolutionary Guards of Syria and Lebanon.

The Representative for Arab and National Relations of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Abu Ahmed Fouad, noted: “Brigadier General Zahedi sought to develop capabilities in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as an important factor in destabilizing the Zionist entity. Martyr Muhammad Reza Zahedi oversaw the coordination with local authorities of weapons in Gaza.”


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netanyahu is a good little zionazi!

israel/us=🤡 😆😆😆

محمد مص الديك

arabs need leaders like him. not the busy tongues we are blessed with.


not good for the russians but definitely good for the jews of russia
also watch this, in order to get what’s really going on. russia vs ukraine – jew vladimir putin vs jew volodymyr zelensky see:

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

i am inferior amerikan retired janitor—i wish i could be superior species russian ….”rather than found an intellectual elite amerika created a mulatto stud farm”. rute hamsun….i am jealous bitter mulatto

jens holm

amerikan inferior to jew and west european as veblen demonstrated

محمد مص الديك

our generals were busy drinking alcohol and busy with their tongues. they should have been fighting in the trenches.


the idea that biden has a say in anything is a total farce. pedo pete is blackmailed and on a short leash like the last 5+ presidents. sniffing and groping children in front of everyone, the man obviously has no say in anything but the flavor of ice cream he has next. the act of being upset with satanyahoo is to keep the sheep from understanding how controlled the pedos, and thus their government, are. all politicians get loyalty from the manufactured conflict and outrage.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers
محمد مص الديك

my white slave, you are barking the wrong tree. stop copying pasting and disrespecting arabs.

jens holm

dont write arabs are all the same and your kind. they are not your kind.

half the now collapsed syrian population are not even in the country. he dont speak for them and they speak for him.

jens holm

i am a moron—well known since russia intervened 6 + million syrians have returned…we try to genocide syria cuz we inferior we have no culture only burger

jens holm

never writtten by me


dont bother with this idiot, محمد مص الديك is clearly not an arab and obviously a israeli hasbara troll

jens holm

i write whats true.

arábs are not united at all and never was unless they were ruled by the osmans.

tratz the canuck in tel aviv

holm write senility

jens holm

thats mot correct.

its correct the rules in usa are biden control all instand war and has the tools for it.

but more fx a lot of money has be given by the war commity and more then 50% of the votes in the parlament for it.

here biden need republican votes and by that is a go, no go are has to trade in something for somethins as new about the mexiacan wall.


this moron homo jens should not be allowed access to computer

jens holm

i not moron—i senile inferior bitter idiot


this above comment was not written by me. likely done by some jealous imposter trying to disturb or block productive discussions.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

theresa ameriukan hillbilly only produce nazi feces

jens holm

dafts prics like you dont decide that.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

netanyahu já vai conhecer o inferno!

Psionists slaves of America

of course brandon knew. israel is so tiny. the pentagon has all kinds satellite, electronic and other means of surveillance focused on israel, they know if a cessna 152 takes off and where it’s going.

محمد مص الديك

my brother, stop hiding under your momma’s nigab and go fight the infidels!

Psionists slaves of America

hey loser i’m not an idiot like u so i dont fight other idiots wars. but i like to watch & what i’m watching is u are losing badly. iran can quickly replace anyone killed by that strike with younger, more competent & more sinister cadres. just look at what has happened since general soleimani was killed. u got your aas kicked in gaza on feb.7 israel is now hopelessly bogged down & taking hits on israeli soil from every front. this last strike is guaca mole

محمد مص الديك

my sissy brother, stop hiding under your momma’s nigab and go fight the infidels!

Damien C

i wish for the sake of the iranian people their leadership would just shut up. idol threat are no threats at all.
indeed silly garbage talk from the iranian leadership only encourages more attacks on iranian targets and have zero deterrent value.
if the iranian leadership had the missiles they love to brag about and pose for photos with, why did they not immediately strike back?
either their missiles are bullshit or their words are


yes, but people are stupid (not only in the west).please, you, and also all (pro-)russians.. open your eyes !!!! i’am not lying to you, you can check out the facts. here: if you realize these facts then everything from putin (waiting 8 years to invade ukraine; allowing israel to bomb syria, praising jews and chabad at every occasion, working hand in hand with klaus schwab & wef as well with who) sadly makes sense.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
Crocus Shooting Gallery

inbred shitskins are being hunted like swines…heheheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


shooting gallery is a bot

Crocus Shooting Gallery

inbred shitskins are being hunted like swines…heheheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🖕

hillbilly teresa

i am moron amerikunt inferior retired janitor—no family ostracized nazi…please send me burger


i wish i could be superior jew cuz in amerika jew better than me—i submissive retire janitor while jews professors scientists….can you help be become jew?

jens holm

thats because your kind of morons dont decide.

you are just like cutting gras as routine.


they’re probably controlled by freemasons too, but it seems like to a lesser extent. since the early 1900s or earlier they and the zionists have been planning for these years, and infiltrating the world’s major governments and businesses. through wars they appropriate powers to themselves and use the fear to mask what they are doing and coral the masses and non-insider politicians, and military personnel.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

inbred shitskins are being hunted like swines…heheheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Damien C

i absolutely agree, their power and influence over all media and most governments is frightening.


exactly, yes, and before praising & believing in putin and his “smo” we all should remember what ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation on 11 february 2022 21:14 (so roughly 1,5 weeks before russia started its all.out military raid on ukraine) announced – and how directly it refuted the so-called “western lies & disinformation” about russia allegely planning to “invade ukraine” ! read carefully!! :

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
doing ma homework

bad link, please correct.


@doing ma homework. here is the correct link

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

theresa envious of superior jew

puff diddy

only cuz you inferior to jew–you scared

jens holm

i not, who are our.

in not organized countries such as russia despotes take over and all are forces to be non produtive objetey objects easy to be kept down.

puff diddy

submissive homo jens pay 70% income tax—obedient tranny like sodomy

jens holm

they will back themselves.

Nose, Nose

iran can imho only really strike with some chance of success if they don’t need to fear israeli nukes arriving in their own country. in other words, they need to have nukes first. if they do, then they can strike israel with whatver they want to, without fearing that isreal will nuke them, because if israel would then send a nuke, iran could quickly annihilate all of israel in one go.

hillbilly teresa

correction us americunts need chaos


i wish i am a jew . i always envious of jew cuz they superior to me. cuz we lower species in amerika half nobel prize go to master race jew…me just illiterate retired janitor desperate to be jew

jens holm

they make choises. you make choises. its different ones. it makes different results.

none blame you choocing your low level. no, but we blaming you for blaming us.

we fight fight for that level. its no low. we dont plundrer people which produce almost nothing. better to plundrer each other.

jens holm

so we protect what we make. its ours. and we do help people, which would learn improved standards such as new members in eu.

but hostile lazy people sitting on their ears is a no no and no way.

the jews was almost the only ones, which progress in eastern europe – and the non slaves mainly germans.

tratz the canuck in tel aviv

correction western europe–examined by the norwegian philosophers economist thorestein veblen

puff diddy

jens homo choice mulatto sodomy


this bullshit above was not written by me. it’s the hook-nosed hasbara trolls again stealing identities & trying to disrupt discussions here. therefore i can only repeat what our dear forefathers already yelled from the deepest of their hearts: tod den juden !!!

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

experimental surgery help me–sodomy tumor inserted in rectum improve my dementia.

Edgar Zetar

hahahaha i don’t know which unit you all the jens holms belongs, but you are funny and very creative about your jens holms character.

Edgar Zetar

try this

my sodomy family and necrofilisme man behiand open, so i need to install solar panels on by ball.

i beer to to, which copy by name here to. muslims and non drinkers can borrow my wife and children for free. you are shitty but never mind, they are shitty too

jens holm

has has not helped you. try again.

Edgar Zetar

southfront just realized what everyone knew since the self inflicted israeli terror attack to provoke the gaza war to wipe out all muslims from gaza and palestine. even after six days war the israeli only option was to weaken all surrounded muslim countries, shin bet and aman main tasks were to take muslims. israel always need chaos and division in the middle east because they cannot exist if muslims were united. look israel creation after wwii, they were implanted externally in the region.

jens holm

very optismitistic. it has going on since before i were born.

i hope for yeme too.

tratz the canuck in tel aviv

according to scientist jens holm hatched in bioweapons lab


one after another, the axis of islam is getting fucked like allah

Icarus Tanović

i fuck your son too. i’ll be witnessing your fall.

Last edited 11 months ago by Icarus Tanović
jens holm

i hear muslims are punished in heaven and therefore are send to hell.

and gabrial is laughing. only men are in the muslim heaven and dancing qeen from abba – only seventeen.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm

take your meds—schizophrenia cause you to hear transgender delusions

Icarus Tanović

i heard that alexander is ass fucked in zionist heaven.

Joos are Satans Saboteurs

judaism is satanism

jens holm

you dont decide that. they have their own book.

puff diddy

jens homo decide be tranny that lick peniz


more talk talk talk talk talk talk talk from iran!!! they will allow the united snakes of aipac, usa to not react. plus pootin will instruct them not to attack and kill his jew gods…..just more hot air and talk!!! but they have the capacity to level hell aviv and the dimona nuke plants, but won’t

Smart Person

hasbara robots are attacking southfront.

after losing thousands of armored tanks and cars, they at least still have the hasbara units.

until the hamas delta plane force finds these keyboard jewish shiksas and rain them with bullets like on oct 7


who wrote that article? not a word about netanyahu puppet masters (brits)

tratz the canuck in tel aviv

in north amerika we worship money–our only god…we pray to the sacred dollar—our morality is money; amerikan soul is fools gold


moron amerikan humiliate themselves at sf—saxon teresa sawyer imho etc…hegel specifically distinguished immoral from moral wars–the amerikan idiot cannot think


i need lgbt chaos

jens holm

i pray to amerikan dollar every day in my nursing home—-thanks to pope biden i have burger

Judaism = Satanism

all you need to understand is that joos are satan’s sabotage squad. judaism is satanism. it will all makes sense, you will understand the rogue, parasitic anti humanist behavior of israel

Kibosh warrior

israel does this sort of thing all the time and then cries about all the antisemitism. why is it, that a group hellbent on genociding arabs, muslims, christians and caucasians would find itself the target of opposition? it’s like crying about your intended murder victim saying bad things about you, the murder… you can’t make this up, this is how delusional and insane the jews truly are.

russia and israel are same

the russians have diplomatic relations with israel, and during israel’s attacks on syria they completely shut down their air defenses and cooperate with the israelis a lot.

puff diddy

my hillbilly mulatto moron—poko molo transgender—go lick your crack dealer peniz