Neo-Nazi Junta’s F-16s Flying From NATO Countries – Great Way To Start WW3

Neo-Nazi Junta's F-16s Flying From NATO Countries – Great Way To Start WW3

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

As NATO and its Neo-Nazi proxies coordinate their long-range strikes with terrorist attacks deeper within Russia (a threat they’ve already made on several occasions and are now fulfilling, as evidenced by the latest events in Dagestan), the belligerent alliance’s eastern member states are preparing to effectively enter the conflict, albeit not officially. Namely, just like NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets are used for long-range attacks on the Russian military in an “unofficial” capacity, the political West is hoping to get the chance to use F-16 fighter jets from airbases in Eastern Europe, where they would be “safe” from Russian counterattacks. In theory, of course, because nobody can really guarantee that Moscow will tolerate such actions. And yet, nobody in Europe is asking the most obvious question – what happens when the Kremlin does react?

Many NATO countries have F-16s in their inventories, but of all operators of the US-made jet, Poland and Romania are the closest to Ukraine. They also have the largest territories and the most important NATO installations in Eastern Europe. Along with a strong pro-US (geo)political stance, the combination of these factors makes them the most logical candidates for the basing of the Kiev regime’s F-16s. Poland has two major airbases housing these US-made jets – the 31st and 32nd, located in Poznan and Lask, respectively. These areas are in western and central Poland, both crucial for the country. Allowing the Neo-Nazi junta to operate F-16s from there would make both cities prime targets for retaliation by the Russian military, putting civilians in those areas in harm’s way. This is particularly true for Poznan, the fifth largest city in Poland, with a population of at least half a million.

It’s not impossible that some other, less important airfields in eastern Poland could be used instead, but that still doesn’t remove the danger of a direct NATO-Russia clash, because Moscow will not tolerate the usage of airbases outside Ukraine for strikes on the Russian military. The same goes for Romania, another F-16 operator in Eastern Europe. Bucharest operates its US-made jets from the town of Fetesti in southeastern Romania, where the country’s 86th Air Base is located. This NATO airbase with F-16s is the closest to Ukraine and could be used as the staging ground for operations against Russian forces in the southern Kherson oblast (region) and Crimea. This is a particularly dangerous prospect, as these areas have been under near-constant joint long-range drone and missile strikes by the Neo-Nazi junta forces and NATO, with both Russian air defense assets and airbases being the primary targets.

It’s only logical to assume that such attacks are meant to weaken Russian defenses in Crimea, particularly the SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems, possibly opening the way for F-16s to strike targets deeper within Russia. Obviously, on their own, these jets have little chance of survival. However, if Moscow’s world-class air superiority fighter jets and long-range air defenses are neutralized by drones and missiles first, F-16s could then be used to launch strikes virtually unopposed. Once again, this is all in theory, as the political West is counting on the Kremlin to budge and eventually fold under pressure. However, this dangerous gambit could spark the fuse of something far bigger and far deadlier. Russia has repeatedly warned against such escalation, but nobody in the political West seems to be listening. In much simpler terms, there are countless ways in which all this could go sideways.

This is particularly dangerous as some of the F-16 donors are countries with nuclear capabilities. If such jets appear in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, what is Moscow supposed to make of it? What message is being sent in that case? As previously mentioned, recent threats of escalating terrorist attacks in Russia are being executed in very close coordination with the aforementioned long-range strikes on Crimea and elsewhere in the country. The only logical conclusion for the Kremlin (or anyone with two half-functioning brain cells) is that all this is planned and executed by the same people. The frustration and anger are building up in Russia (and rightfully so, because nobody sane would react otherwise). A moment will come when Moscow will simply be left with no choice but to strike back. And when it happens, it will be quite painful for everyone on the receiving end, whoever that may be.

The populace in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, is extremely worried about this prospect (and understandably so). The consequences of Russian retaliation will be felt all across the increasingly volatile region, regardless of whether the affected country houses the Kiev regime’s jets. The disruption to normal economic activity alone would be a disaster for them, let alone a direct confrontation between military superpowers. It’s very difficult for most people to even grasp the sheer speed of modern warfare. A previously peaceful situation could turn into a bloodbath in mere hours, with entire areas becoming unrecognizable virtually overnight. Those who support such escalation should be treated as nothing less than unadulterated war criminals. Unfortunately, the political West’s vaunted “democracy” is a myth, meaning there are little to no control mechanisms to stop them.

Recent seemingly tectonic changes on the European Union’s political scene cannot be counted on to reset its collision course with Russia, as the creators of foreign policy in Western countries are quite resilient to any political shifts. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is a good example of this. While she came to power as a supposed “anti-establishment” candidate, it turned out she’s anything but. Worse yet, she’s now threatening Russia, a country that sees Italy as nothing more than a speck in its global military strategy. The danger of similar right-wing governments continuing the same or similar foreign policy toward Russia is present everywhere in Europe. This means that Moscow is left with virtually nobody to talk to in the political West. If this situation persists, what is the alternative? If a country with around 6000 thermonuclear warheads is pushed to the edge, what could we possibly expect?


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stealth hypersonics

military bloggers confirming the destruction of an american drone over the black sea by the russian aerospace forces on the night of 24 of june


imo if it’s true, the us would have to deny it anyway in order to keep bidens face for the upcoming debate. if they dont deny, then we would have to retaliate somehow against the rf (or the reps would call him ‘weak’) but he knows he can’t retaliate because this would mean ww3 (a war the us can’t win). so the better solution is to deny and avoid a nuk duell wit russia

Cornish Gamehen

original recipe nazi would have nothing to do with these chewish clowns. ww2 started when the english made a defense agreement with a country that bordered christian germany & was harassing ethnic germans. that country had not existed until recently. big money financiers were bribing and threatening members of parliament to support war. the focus chewish financers recruited churchill to start ww2. sound familiar?

chewish criminals are in usa ( same as last time ) and in ukraine.


christian germany? you mean nazist? nazis were pseudo-pagans with all this crap about “nordic race” (anti-scientific sectarian lies), torch marches as in pagan rome, swastica and runes (also pagan symbols), search of shambala. but poland was fascist state too under dictator pilsudski, hitler’s pal, they have common wish — to parade in moskva, but something went wrong, pilsudski died in 1935 and iosif paraded instead josef and adolf in berlin.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

usa-nato enjoy slapping russia around…heheheh

Crocus Shooting Gallery

i forgot to add that i’m a homosexual. every 10 cents per comment that i make goes towards my fund to buy a new dildo. my old one is too worn out heheheh

The Iceman Cometh

no need to pay attention to the moron. he epitomizes the moral character of banderites in general and is a walking advertisement for the smo.

besides, he’s hanging on to his sanity by a thread as he watches ukraine’s afu melt away day by day.


10 cents? 100 comments per day, and you (i mean him) can eat a burger or two. i don’t know how much it cost, because don’t eat burgers at all. eating burgers and shitting in commentaries — recipe of success, ha-ha.

Massa John

let him have a soup too, he earned himself one.


lol, yeah, the battle ground successes clearly show how much you’re talking out of your ass


us drone costing uncle sam £222 million now a black sea fish habitat. heheheheh


russia warning does not cause any reaction. the longer they wait the more shocking the attack will have to be to wake the western leaders up before ww3 is inevitable. years ago the first french troops in some syrian city were commanding al quaida troops. russia negotiated for syria to let them go. instead they should have send the chechens and forget to tell them to spare the french officers. so they would not live in the ilustion to have some western invulnerability shield.


everything you told is rubbish. 1st – western leaders. these don’t exist more then 20 years. they are illegitimate rotshild’s whores “elected” in rigged elections. 2nd – putin is not a hero, he has shadow deals with israel. no way he didn’t retaliated against israel in syria without his famous “deals”. 3rd putin seeks permanent and unlimited power in russia in exchange of blood of russian civilians and soldiers. he will never fight back. rotshild’s banks and mic are happy with it.

R. Ambrose Raven

all (i would think russians included) would expect that the russian leadership would continue to be aware that the use of nuclear weapons would never lead to a better situation. putin’s strategy is clearly to force the ukraine’s surrender by exhausting it, without open conflict with neighbours, or being drawn into endless expansion. patience with carefully controlled escalation appears to be quite successful regarding both.

Conan M

when does russia leave the un wh0reh0u$e… the latest outside of moscow – deadly blaze rips through us-sanctioned moscow electronics research building

Conan M

… this is why 9/11 truth should have been the rallying point for russia to show it’s leadership to the world so that event(s) like it in the future would be questioned and could never be allowed to happen again!

Conan M

just think how wonderful the american people and the world would have felt if the russian federation had supported the efforts of ae911truth/lawyers commission for 9/11 and been relentless using the un to achieve those objectives that would have seen g.w. bush, the “dick” cheney and the obama drag queen in leavenworth for their war crimes and endorsement of narrative lie of the 9/11 commission report that was in actuality 3 buildings 2 planes?!!!

Last edited 8 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

“a huge and deadly fire is raging at a defense technology research center outside of moscow, which has so far reportedly taken the lives of at least eight people (per bbc citing state media updates, though the casualty count is conflicting).”…

“a building of the platan research institute – local authorities have already announced a criminal case connected the deaths, possibly due to arson or else negligence.”…

Last edited 8 months ago by Conan M

the american people would have definitely embraced anything coming from russia, because they haven’t been conditioned to be russophobic for one hundred years. the derp is deep and strong in you, derpster.


yes, a mid-range foreign power, relentlessly discredited by five eyes media, could have conducted a thorough investigation of a major psychological warfare event conducted by the greatest imperial power the world has ever known. gurble guk?


“mid-range foreign power” if not to say worse for russia in 1990’s and middle 2000’s. prime-minister kasyanov was the agent of foreign secret services. all ministries were filled with liberals. word “patriot” was a rude swearing for them. that’s why putin joked in 1999 that his path to the power was like infiltration to a gang. here’s the video.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон
Conan M

when does russia become guilty of being an accomplice to the “five eyes” of which you speak when they refuse to responsibly investigate crimes against humanity with pretexts that are used to enforce them?… i say russia, because we know india and china would never volunteer investigating because they have a revolving door to a second home after 9/11 was allowed to happen.

Conan M

russia knew that the f-uku$ would one day be at their doorstep after the infiltration of their government and economy collapsed in the 90s. and that within 30 years it would be the western elites turn.

Conan M

had russia championed an investigation into the demolition of those buildings that served as the excuse to invade, afghanistan… iraq… we wouldn’t be seeing f16s from a morally and financially destitute america/eu promoting a game of “nuclear chicken”!…

Conan M

by the way… did those 5 dancing i$raeli(s) that were there to observe that day have dual citizenship to other countries in europe? and which country or countries were they dual nationals to???


russia have no chance to beat hollywood and cnn. they are the masters of propaganda. but on the battlefield, they can. the western propaganda turn men gays, learn them to hate their country, import huge flows of africans who will probably start civil wars when the shit really hit the fan, lot of young white mâles are unfit to military duties (too fat, sick, addicted to drugs….) that’s why russia and china promote traditional values, strong masculinity and ban lgbt pr.

Conan M

“that’s why russia and china promote traditional values, strong masculinity and ban lgbt pr.”…
what traditional values are we talking about after doing nothing as voting members of the un security council the past 23 years with the decimation of afghanistan, iraq, libya, syria, yemen and now ukraine?…

Conan M

traditional in the sense of eliminating competitors for energy especially russia and reaping the short term benefits of staying silent and making enormous profits at those once sovereign nation(s) expense?…

Massa John

9/11 was a lie, through and through.

Massa John

russia lost 27 mil people last time. russia stays on the table, all of them!

Western Fascist Scum

now that the world can see what the west “stands for”, russia can take the gloves off. i think this is putin’s ultimate strategy. when russia finally smashes this beast, nobody will oppose. except a few barking nafo autist trolls


it’s very sad however, the western political sherade will be but a memory in the near future. the merri-go-round will stop.


oh don’t say. western “partners” still not respecting 2 clowns, putin-lavrov ? how about “special military operation”? is it still “operation”, not a war? when we told putin 10 years ago, these rotschild’s fu*c*ks are not your friends, these are your enemies, he didn’t listened us. now he plays a victim. russia must wake up, putin is not a strong leader, he is the main problem. he is corrupted mongrel protecting rotshild’s kabala instead own people. syria is another example.


if it was a war, more of russia’s forces would be mobilized. ukraine is fighting with almost ist’s entire active forces.


thats just the thing, they want russia to react, so they can say “article 5” even though launching jets from nato territory would mean they attacked russia first.

Based US Vet

i am ashamed of the the terrorist acts of my government. i am ashamed of my president joe biden who keeps helping the neonazi junta in kiev


its so good to have all these proxies in eurotardistan!
we can use them for anything, and they willfully oblige, like lapdogs. i bet they also smell like them.

why are flathead eurotard nazis from the eu so easy to direct? is it their inferiority complex, trying to prove to the world that they are to be taken serious? or do they know that their time is up, so now they go all in in a bet to get at least something out of it?

guillable nazi clowns :)

Massa John

enjoy this summer. it may be the last one to enjoy for a long, long time.

Massa John

the probability of the occurrence of an event, increases with the intensity of thinking about it.


però . . nel caso che codesto disegno diabolico e angosciante partorito sicuramente da menti malate e senza scrupoli si avveri . . , è anche possibile supporre che gli stati incoscienti che faranno decollare gli f16 siano consapevoli di una sicuramente possibile risposta da parte russa, cui deve mettere anche in conto che i vari paesi attaccanti possano accordarsi per aggredire da più lati contemporaneamente il territorio russo !


segue commento

sta di fatto che i sistemi di rappresaglia ( sperando siano abbastanza duri ) da parte russa oltre a essere inviati ai fautori di detto attacco ( che equivale ad una vera e propria dichiarazione di guerra ) dovranno includere senza fare sconti sia kiev che il fautore ( zelenskyj ) di questa bella pensata senza escludere nè la sede nato di bruxelles nè quella della ue dove vivono le menti malate della c. europea. se attaccano è perchè vogliono la guerra !


hey, retard, do you expect us to use the translator for you?


since the very cowardly and stupid putin did not stop nato at the beginning (obviously with low yield tactical nuclear warheads on ukrainian soil, which is not nato but proxy, article 5 of mutual defense does not apply), tens of thousands of russian soldiers dead or crippled, russian cities destroyed and the situation getting worse every day, then we are approaching the precipice. he is very much like gorbachev, paralysis and incompetence until the final disaster.


the anti-russian demented western msm is also to blame, as look who owns it and who controls it.
