Nazi Rehabilitation Reaching Unprecedented Levels In Estonia

Nazi Rehabilitation Reaching Unprecedented Levels In Estonia

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Russophobic madness and neo-Nazism are becoming increasingly worrying phenomena in Western-aligned countries – especially in the Baltic states. In addition to creating apartheid policies against ethnic Russians, these states are making their admiration for historical Nazi figures completely public and open, showing how Hitlerite ideology is on the rise.

Recently, the Estonian authorities took a serious step in their pro-Nazi historical revisionism by inaugurating a monument dedicated to two Waffen-SS veterans. The honorees, Major Georg Sooden and Lieutenant Raul Juriado, served in the 20th Estonian SS Volunteer Division during World War II, taking part in the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union. Both were eliminated by the Red Army during the Soviet advance in the summer of 1944, in the Narva region.

There was a public ceremony attended by Estonian military personnel and fascist activists. There are videos on the internet showing the moment when the monument was unveiled by Estonian officers in uniform – which shows that it was a state initiative and not a mere act of independent individuals. During the ceremony, Vallo Reimann, the chairman of the local council, stated that the purpose of the initiative is to commemorate the soldiers who died in the “Estonian War of Independence”.

In the same vein, Meelis Kiili, a retired major general and MP, said: [Estonia] will remember an entire generation of men and women whose lives were taken by the Bolshevik terror (…) [We] must preserve our freedom (…), speak Estonian and carry on the Estonian spirit.”

It is important to emphasize that the monument was placed in the town of Johvi, Ida-Viru County, an area with an ethnic Russian majority. This is clearly a deliberate insult to the local people, which reveals the level of disrespect shown by the Estonian authorities towards Russian-speaking citizens. In addition to apartheid and discrimination, Russians are now forced to coexist with public ceremonies in honor of the murderers who killed their relatives during the Great Patriotic War.

It is interesting to note that Estonians have already adopted the term “War of Independence” to refer to Nazi crimes against Soviet citizens. In addition to “whitewashing” its own history and “revising” the past, Estonia is literally saying that the Nazis fought for “Estonian independence” during the war, which is a propagandistic lie that can be easily refuted. It is worrying to know that Estonian youth are being educated in schools with this type of narrative, learning to respect the Nazi genocidal criminals and to hate the Russians, believing that the Germans’ intention was to “help” the Estonians and not to promote an ethnic massacre against all Soviet peoples.

The future of Estonian-Russian relations is likely to be catastrophic. The next generation of Estonians is likely to be made up of people fanatically hateful of Russia and sympathetic to the Nazis. Something similar to what is happening in Ukraine is also developing in the Baltic countries and other former socialist states. The brainwashing imposed by the West to make these states hostile to Russia is now reaching unprecedented levels. What began with anti-Soviet “revisionism” and the demolition of monuments to the heroes of Red Army has now turned into an open glorification of Nazism.

This is combined by a number of other problematic political issues. It is worth remembering that former Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas recently made it clear that she advocates the dismantling of the Russian Federation. For her, the best scenario for Russia would be its territorial fragmentation into multiple “ethno-states” – a racist idea common among the Nazis, who advocated the creation of an expansionist German ethno-state in Europe.

Moreover, Kallas made it clear at the time that this goal of fragmenting Russia, as well as the escalation of support for Ukraine, should be achieved regardless of the consequences. She believes that anti-Russian initiatives should be taken “without fear” of a world or nuclear war, which shows how, in addition to being ideologically fanatical in their Russophobia, Estonian decision-makers are irresponsible and ready to take truly suicidal measures.

“Russia’s defeat is not a bad thing because then you know there could really be a change in society (…) I think if you would have more like small nations… it is not a bad thing if the big power is actually [made] much smaller (…) Fear keeps us from supporting Ukraine. Countries have different fears, be it nuclear fear, fear of escalation, fear of migration. We must not fall into the trap of fear because that is what [Russia’s President Vladimir] Putin wants”, she said at the time.

In the end, it is possible to predict that Estonia’s future is bleak. If the country continues to escalate its discriminatory attitudes towards Russian citizens and spread Nazi ideas in Europe, relations with Moscow could easily pass the point of no return, creating a crisis where all scenarios, including conflict, are possible.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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nato support nazisme in eastern europe because they are still white countries. in western europe the white father who complain because his daughter has been raped by a migrant is called racist by the msm. the jewish evil empire support whatever ideology as long as it kills whites.


well, i was wondering:

the baltic states are known to be full of so called “jews” so how come they let this neo-nazism revival take place?!!!

i have to say that your comment makes sense.


i doubt that most were murdered in the war by the baltic scum.

Gneaus stapo

estonia was jew free / judenrein by january 1942…but who knows what kind of flatheads the bolshivik resettled there later on.


the yapping rssophibic baltic states, along with nato etc, are continually emboldened by the policies and attitude of ptn and his oligarch chums.
as the good and brave people of rss are shelled daily, ptn’s ongoing cowardice and lack of military progress makes r.f a laughing stock – whereas r.f is a superpower and should be feared. if its job is to protect itself and its allies against western aggression, bs and corruption, it is failing miserably.

Last edited 7 months ago by B.F.Finlayson

states?! for god sake!


despite being countries they are routinely referred to and recognised as ‘the baltic states’. take it up either the un maybe?

Heil Kaka Kallas

in english, state can be synonymous with country, querido jorge.

or in the case of the united states, synonymous with chaos at home and abroad.


i guess he wonders how these pity colonies could be named as states/countries. when an owner of the white house invites gauleiters of pribaltica, he meets all three at once.


yeah, they gotta get rid of that putin guy and bring back quality leaders like yeltsin and great people like berezovsky, khodorkovsky, fridman, gaidar, chubais and the others who managed to survive the terrible anti-semitism of the soviet union to emerge and take over the entire russian economy within five years. it’s always one of those guys, whether it be putin, ghadaffi, saddam hussein, noriega, bin laden. gotta catch ’em all!


the west feared gaddafi and saddam, which is why they were removed before they grew stronger. they didn’t lead superpowers but still scared the bejeezus out of the yanks (as khruschev, brezhnev and stalin had).

ptn doesn’t scare the west period. they quite like his door to door n.p.p salesman act while nato missiles reign down on r.f/crimea; something they wouldn’t have dared do with cccp 50s, 60s or 70s.

ps: bin laden wasn’t a leader.

Heil Kaka Kallas

saddam was a pos. ok, at least that was the impression i got from all the propaganda i’d read in the leadup to the iraq war. after getting a few decades snoot full of how much bull is regularly dished out by the msm, now i’m not so sure. but i still think he probably was a pos who just went rogue on the us, like noriega, else he’d still be a washington fan boy.

Last edited 7 months ago by Heil Kaka Kallas

hussein was western client in 1980’s when he waged war against iran. iraq got many equipment and chemical weapons of western origin. he posed himself as a socialist (baas party), so he got many resources from ussr too. very tricky person, but not so smart, if he believed to the state dept, which promised to sit silent while iraq occupies kuwait. representative said it’s internal affair among arabs, so hussein thought he has the green light for his service in 1980s.


arab states had a massive debt towards irak because it fought the iranians to defend the wahabi gulf states but when the war ended they refused to pay and even hosted u.s. forces on their soil.

sadam got played by the u.s. but also by the gulf states.


iraq invaded iran in 1980 after the us installed khomeini in an effort to stave off secular nationalism in iran as the shah’s internal power collapsed. iraq was not defending anything nor anyone in 1980. the iraqi military was used to destabilize the region and bleed two petro-states for a decade.


in the iran/irak war sadam was defending wahabi saudi arabia and the other sunni gulf states that feared loosing power because of the expansion of the shiite iranian islamic revolution.

the “something” and the “someone” he was defending was the wahabi throne and the wahabi ruler.


again, saddam hussein was defending nothing, and there was no danger of an expansion of the shiite iranian islamic revolution, because no such thing took place. the us kept khomeini in france prior to the overthrow of the shah by secular nationalists, and they sicced the islamists on the nationalists. iran was completely destabilized and was in no position to expand anything after 1979.


when the war ended sadam asked for the payback for the war effort promised by the gulf states… none were willing to pay the debt so with us approval sadam took koweit petrol instead. that is how he got played: the us and the arabs turned their back on him and 1st gulf war started from us bases hosted on saudi soil.


the gulf states were not under threat by iran, and thus not defended by iraq. the war, started by iraq against an iranian state paralyzed by the 1979 coup, served to severely limit iran’s capacity to export petroleum, inducing yet another oil shock that shored up the us petro dollar.

Bo Jangles

“april catherine glaspie is an american former diplomat and senior member of the foreign service, best known for her role in the events leading up to the gulf war.”

“um, well – how you deal with kuwait’s horizontal drilling into your petroleum reservoir is not really our concern, pres. hussein.”

ok, i elaborated. glaspie has no idea that you can horizontally drill into oil reservoirs or even what a reservoir is. the rest stands.


is that what april glaspie told you? thanks for derping.


it doesn’t matter whether s.h. was a pos, most leaders are btw, what matters is to what degree they accommodate the west’s economic/military hegemony and ambitions. the west has no legal right to remove pos leaders, it has plenty of it’s own ffs.

ptn tries not to be a pos (in western eyes) but lets down his country, people and allies instead. any leader who allows sovereign borders to be violated and citizens killed has no place at the top.


so the two-years-and-counting smo is an example of how the russian state “allows sovereign borders to be violated and citizens killed”? thanks for derping, derpster.


one day you might use facts to comment accurately/logically without relying on ‘ad hominem’, but we all live in hope, eh?

and yes 2 1/2 yrs of the smo has been a mess, it could have been over in 6 months (many ‘experts’ agreed). but even today the main news on rt is (again) about more ukr incursions into rss’s kursk region, with rssns dead and injured, and z calling the shots in negotiations. (both = rss failure)


do you need a cold compress and a nap after all that regurgitation? there is no such thing as “the west”. there is a us empire predicated on sea and air power and nuclear weapons, combined with us financial hegemony dependent upon the us dollar. the notion that the people at the top of the us imperialist structure feared ghadaffi or saddam hussein is patently absurd. the us and nato satraps airdropped armed ukretard and baltic terrorists into the cccp in the 1950s.


the russian state of the last twenty-five years terrifies the americans, because it is the only significant rival to us hegemony in europe. bin laden was another in a series of bogeymen used to garner support for us imperialism. the us bombed libya at will, bombed iraq at will and invaded twice. you are a very silly person.


gadaffi and saddam de-facto threatened (whether monetarily or territorially) structural components of what is colloquially known as ‘the west’.

you might not understand the ‘west’ term, but most do and also appreciate its limitations – end of.

the infiltration of cccp is par for the cold war, it might explain aspects of current day r.f’s internal turmoil but doesn’t excuse its inadequate leadership, which fails by any test of statecraft from plato/aristotle onwards.


“plato/aristotle”? you’re the james brown of derp. nothing threatens the structure of the post-war “west” like russia. iraq could in no way, at any time, operate independently in opposition of the us, nor could iraq. the iraqi leadership ended up dancing on the end of a rope, with the country in ruins. ghadaffi ended up sodomized and shot in the presence of french foreign legionaires, country in ruins. anticpate that future for putin and russia soon?


aside from being able to write ‘derp’ and the same ‘ad hominem’ can you read/think?

i have often laid out the severe limitations of countries like yemen, saddam’s iraq and gaddafi’s libya, yet all stood or stand against the west in their own way, despite the risks.

r.f. the superpower, meanwhile, backs off, as its pro-west leadership is cowardly and ‘owned’. it would rather see it’s own towns destroyed and people die than say “boo” to either isr or usa. got it?


by the way, chubais now is natan sagal. he is not a jew, he is ethnic latvian, but changed his name to be “common guy” in tel-aviv where he lives now and opened one more rusophobic “research center” with acronym цру. and цру in russian stands for cia.

if antisemitism was so terrible in the su, then how the su helped to arabs (semitic majotity) and how these thieves survived in the union? let them answer to this lies.


the sources that i have seen assert that chubais had a “lithuanian jewish mother”. clearly the success of the seven bankers post-1991 is proof that soviet jews were subjected to conditons as bad as that of slaves in the us cotton-states. i assume that an equivalent group of slaves of african descent assumed control of the us economy after the civil war.


indeed, his mother was sagal, though he never posed himself as a jew and nobody thought about him as jew or judean believer as well as his brother igor’, a philosopher with anti-russian views. they are in bad relations to each other, but his brother is also a scumbag like any liberal, though he told in public he is a monarchist. such “monarchists” ruined monarchy in february 1917 before lenin, who got rid off these liberals in october 1917.


interesting, lets see.


there’s nothing more annoying than a yapping little poodle.


poodle is blair, pribaltica is 3 chihuahuas or sprats, because they were large producers of canned sprats in oil, it was their main export good after closing heavy industry. now they lost even sprats, because sprats in stores now have russian origin mostly, mainly from kaliningrad factories, which bought reliable remnants of hardware from bankrupt factories in latvia and lithuania.

Bo Jangles

blair… the man with the silken forked tongue. the bushtard loved him just because he could put two sentences together without tripping.


it’s worth recalling what the purpose of the 1941 invasion actually was. it was all set out in general plan ost. the population of the soviet union was about 190 million. after the planned victory in the east, the population was to be reduced by various means, mainly starvation, to 30 million young men and women who would be retained as a slave labour force to assist in the looting of the country.


it’s also worth recalling that the 3.5 million german troops were joined by 400,000 finns, one million rumanians, several hundred thousand hungarians and italians, tens of thousands of croats and slovaks, 20,000 scandinavians, 50,000 dutchmen, and 20,000 spaniards. and quite a few ukrainians. 6 axis armies were destroyed at stalingrad. only 2 were german. there were 4 rumanian, hungarian and italian.


second hungarian army . 250,000 soldiers . defending against the red army at the don bend . no hungarian soldiers fought at stalingrad . the advancing soviet army almost completely eliminated the 2nd hungarian army .


indeed. 3rd and 4th romanian army, 4th and 8th italian, 4th and 6th german. hungarians are known for high level of atrocities towards civilians like ss troops from pribaltica and those ukrainized janissaries, ex-russians from l’vov brainwashed by hatred propaganda to animal condition.


history repeating itself. napoleon’s 1812 grande armee was only 40% french, 60% non french.


it’s also known as invasion of 12 languages.

1st reich of otton i the great, 2nd european union of bonaparte, 3rd european reich of hitler and 4th eu of vondersula, borrel, michelle and that witch strack-zimmermann.


they were on the flanks, italian 8th army, 3rd and 4th rumanian armies.

Heil Kaka Kallas

i met an aging italian many years ago in rome that was captured at stalingrad. he said they treated him pretty well in prison and he actually took a liking to his captors.


and some moroccans among spaniards, because morocco was their colony. you can read about pows of “the blue division” near leningrad, there were some moroccans. spain was fascist state at that moment. republicans lost civil war to fascists of general franco in 1936-39. france stopped delivery of military supplies to legal government of spain, though the shipment was already paid off. they stole these money, if to speak simply, as well as england.


we can fairly say that thieving has been a french/british specialty for some time now…


england was found by saxons and vikings. robbing is daily practice of any viking. so yes, for some time, some short time, because 1000 years is short term compared to 5 billion years of planet earth. now the us keeping this sacred tradition of noble ancestors like sir drake.


after soviet union had raided finland (and this before 1941!) and rumanian territory of course these nations joined the german anti communist forces in1941, to stop and beat back jewish-communist aggression.

Last edited 7 months ago by Gurki

we get it. you like fascism. finnish fascists allied with german and sundry other fascists in 1918 to massacre the socialists in finland. the soviet union, quite accurately, assessed the need for a buffer at leningrad, and the finnish fascists didn’t agree.

Bo Jangles

ah, fascists against bolsheviks. but what’s the excuse fascists make today?


lack of freedom and democracy in russia, tyrant putin, rigged elections and such crap. but if you are a foreigner and try to monitor elections in the us, you will be jailed, because foreign monitoring is prohibited in the most democratic country while even theocratic iran welcomes monitors for presidential elections as well as venezuela at recent elections. maduro gained 51%, but who is the president, what do you think? right, edmundo gonzalez, the state dept recognized new guaido.

Last edited 6 months ago by Антон

there was fair proposal to exchange vyborg (taken by peter the great in the northern war in 1710 and given away to finland by lenin) to twice bigger square in karelia. pro-fascist regime of finland refused it and lost vyborg with petsamo (small area of barents sea shore). it was their choice. if finland wasn’t pro-fascist, they could save vyborg gifted for nothing, just because it was inside administrative borders of finnish duchy inside russia.


it’s like what zionists do with arabs in palestine, no starvation before carpet bombing of gaza, but occupation with harsh conditions was even before last year. bethlehem, the city where jesus was born, is surrounded by tall wall, it’s one big concentration camp with military outposts on entrance. every inhabitant is supposed terrorist. zionists now that they stole this land. jews lived in jerusalem with arabs even before creating conception of zionism. not arabs, but romans expelled them.


there are different types of zionism, political and religious (messianic). israel started on political zionism and is now fully controlled by messianic zionists.
there are different types of jews, sephardi and ashkenazi (non-semitic). israel is controlled by the ashkenazi jews which have no claim whatsoever to the holy land since they are not semites.


finally, in the torah (jewish holy book) god condemn jews to exile in foreign lands and forbids them from returning to the holly land before the coming of the messiah, therefore israelis cannot have a religious claim on the holy land, not in 2024 nor in 1948.

conclusion: israel is a non-religious and non-semitic colonial construct and these fake jews should go back to where they came from.


nazis gonna nazi. its an eurotard tradition.

fascism, nazism, genocide, ethnic cleansing. european values.

and the eu populations keep looking the other way, as long as there is netflix and xbox.

AM Hants

‘operation paperclip’ and the ‘kinder fuehrer’ alive and kicking in the eu. look at how many in the eu and the western institutions have links to the nazi and bolshevik elite. why were so many given safe passage, courtesy the cia, back in 1947, the same year that is*ael was created?


russia has a lot of life left in it. estonia might go to pieces, but russia will remain.

Heil Kaka Kallas

estonia will do fine. they’ve gotten used to living off scraps from the eu’s table. it’s actually a pleasant little place, when those old nazis or younger nato sad sacks aren’t marching around.


then you should watch their faggot-parades with participation of “kaitseliit” and old bastards from waffen ss. “kaitseliit” was established under pro-fascist regime existed in 1918-1939. its leader eduard alver was grandgrandfather of kaja kallas. in 1939 they were disbanded after returning to russia (estland was bought from sweden in 1721 after victory in the northern war). now they are wearing swastika in public sometimes, though it’s prohibited by law, but polizei do nothing.


about a third of the population has emigrated. what is left is a deindustrialised, impoverished, depopulated shitty little nazi state. latvia and lithuania are even worse. but the estonians have convinced themselves that putin is constantly scheming to invade to seize the estonian lap dancing bars. there is no chance of that – they are very well guarded by british troops. putin would never push his luck with the lap dancing bars.


about a third of the population of the baltics are of russian heritage. they are not allowed to vote, obtain a passport, or hold any official job. racism is fine in the eu so long as it’s anti russian.

Heil Kaka Kallas

all they need now is to ask their brethren finns so send all those surplus air force uniforms with the swastika patches for their parades.

Last edited 7 months ago by Heil Kaka Kallas

finland’s airforce changed their flag few years ago. almost the same, but a bird instead swastika. though a bird looks close to nazi adler (eagle from flags and signs of 3rd reich), similar shape of wings.

Bo Jangles

the new azov flag i noticed has a large side view in black silhouette of the nazi eagle. they tried to ‘abstract’ it a bit for plausible deniability but it’s easily spotted for anyone with a visual sense.


next goal to denazify after rural reich. they could live in wealth, making money out of air from transit to russia. in 90’s ventspils was the largest port in region with ~35 mln tons per year. current volume ~10 mln tons. they lost their industry built by ussr: radioelectronics, cars, locomotives — all is lost. finland is repeating. “microsoft” destroyed “nokia”, now they will lose shipbuilding, tourism and production of wooden materials and goods. rusophobia is very expensive.

Last edited 7 months ago by Антон
Bo Jangles

they’ll be like estonia, living off eu table scraps supplemented with the ‘servicing’ of nato personnel.

i think even bmw’s boxter assembly will go by the wayside, since a good number were sold in the rf.

Last edited 6 months ago by Bo Jangles
Nuke The Nazis

fits perfectly in the eu which was build on hitlers shoulders along with nato


the anglozionazi empire of filth is a sewer crawling with ss garbage overseen by transgender mutant retards form natostan and the pentacon clowns. balkanaize the balkans into mouse bits once done with the rump ukrapper dumpster fire. z and more z!


kaja kallas is most likely the head nazi now heading to brussels where there (frau ursula von der lugen) is a willing and eager nazist waiting for the break through of nazism in europe!

Bo Jangles

so rudely put and so unfortunately true.

Bo Jangles

zelensky called tallinn and asked if they would be kind enough to send those antiques to ukraine, to man the frontline trenches. estonia replied: ‘how many you need?’ and ‘can they wear their own uniforms?’


russia should encourage and assist those of russian ethnicity who are discriminated against in estonia (and other baltic states) to be repatriated into russia.


if 20-30% of the russian populations left the baltics, their economies would collapse. encouraging secession would be an idea if the baltics try anything to kaliningrad


what are the baltics? 20-30% of their populations are russians and they are a hotbed of nazism. estonia is just a giant call center, running all sorts of bots, troll factories and international phone simcard rings


nato was founded by a nazi
