Navalny’s Novichok Poisoning Fairy Tales Collapse Under Pressure Of Evidence

Navalny's Novichok Poisoning Fairy Tales Collapse Under Pressure Of Evidence

Alexey Navalny

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has handed over to Germany a report on poisoning of Russian hardcore neo-liberal and pro-Western opposition figure Alexey Navalny, the organization said in a statement on October 6.

The statement confirms that Navalny was not ‘poisoned with Novichok’. Instead, it says that Blood and urine samples from Navalny contained a “cholinesterase inhibitor” with “structural characteristics” similar to Novichok chemicals, which are not even listed in the Annex on Chemicals to the Convention.

A statement issued on the OPCW official website says the following:

THE HAGUE, Netherlands—6 October 2020—The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) transmitted yesterday to the Federal Republic of Germany the report of the OPCW’s mission to provide requested technical assistance in regard to the poisoning of Mr Alexei Navalny, on 20 August 2020.

The results of the analysis by the OPCW designated laboratories of biomedical samples collected by the OPCW team and shared with the Federal Republic of Germany confirm that the biomarkers of the cholinesterase inhibitor found in Mr Navalny’s blood and urine samples have similar structural characteristics as the toxic chemicals belonging to schedules 1.A.14 and 1.A.15 that were added to the Annex on Chemicals to the Convention during the Twenty-Fourth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in November 2019. This cholinesterase inhibitor is not listed in the Annex on Chemicals to the Convention.

The Permanent Representation of Germany to the OPCW requested that the Technical Secretariat share the summary of this report with all States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention and make it publicly available.

The Director-General, H.E. Mr Fernando Arias, thanked the OPCW designated laboratories that supported the technical assistance request for their swift analysis. He further considered that these results constitute a matter of grave concern. States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention have declared the use of chemical weapons by anyone under any circumstances as reprehensible and wholly contrary to the legal norms established by the international community. It is therefore important now for States Parties to uphold the norm they have decided to adhere to more than 25 years ago. He reaffirmed the Secretariat’s readiness to continue assisting them through independent expertise.

Despite the OPCW statement, Navalny and mainstream media outlets continues to blatantly push the claim that his analyzes have found a ‘Novichok nerve agent’.

The words of the OPCW about “structurally similar substance” also leads to an apparent question. How really “similar” it was to Novichok nerve agent?  For example, dichlorvos is also a cholinesterase inhibitor and “structurally similar” to many substances. The list of such substances is very wide.

Therefore, contrary to the mainstream narrative, the findings showed that Navalny was not poisoned by a chemical weapon. This substance can be anything, but it is not ‘deadly Novichok’ and not a chemical weapon, since it is all covered by the protocols to the Annex on Chemicals to the Convention. Therefore, any speculations about some ‘usage of chemical weapons’ and the vioaltion of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons are lie. Actions of the EU, NATO, the US, reports of mainstream media outlets and Navalny himself cant say what they want but the supposedly existing ‘evidence’ against Russia does not exist.

As to the mysterious ‘bottle with Novichok’ or other things of Navalny, which were transferred to the OPCW, they apparently also contained nothing besides a “cholinesterase inhibitor” with “structural characteristics” similar to dichlorvos.

Therefore, there are two main possible explanations of this situation:

  • Drug addict Navalny got an overdose of something that he has become used to eat, drink, sniff etc.
  • Mariya Pevchikh, which spent the night in Navalny’s room before the incident, poisoned him.

Now, the main question is how the self-proclaimed leader of the Russian opposition is going to return to Russia, and what moral right he has to do this. In the current conditions, it is also likely that the Navalny team and Navalny himself that continue lying about a ‘Novichok attack’ will face criminal cases for their libel actions. There is also a possibility that this was a false flag operation by Russian special services – a kind of ‘Putin-style two-move combination’ in which, Pevchikh was just exploited as a pawn.


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Why would the Russian security services pull a false flag that puts them in the frame?that doesn’t make sense.


Makes more sense than poisoning Skrypal BEFORE he intends to go to Russia.

Lone Ranger

Its all NS.


Its obvious.. Putin wanted to stop nord stream from completing after spending billions on it :) And since Pompeo wanted the same thing – he must work for Putin too :))


But….but…Tommy had assured us!!!!!


RT titled it differently:

“OPCW says it found traces of Novichok-class substance in blood & urine samples of Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny

As a result, the German government – which requested the study – says it
intends to work out a response in collaboration with other European
Union members. It looks likely that the situation will lead to a new
front opening in the sanctions war. On Saturday, German Foreign Minister
Heiko Maas said he expected the EU to impose penalties against Russia
if the presence of Novichok in Navalny’s system is confirmed.”

Putin may want trade and business with his globalist Ziocorporate terrorist partners but selling all that cheap gas to Germany will come at a price as is usual when dealing with Ziowestern usurer criminals, that “multipolarity” of interdepedence with the Zioterrorist globalist works in very funny ways, the Kremlin seems to be loving being treated like criminals by Western Zioterrorists since the CIA/EU/NATO massmurderous EUromaidan coup.


Not only that, fragments of Sergei Lavrov’s passport were also found in Navalny’s digestive tract!

Ivan Freely

With Putin’s fingerprints on it!!!


Wouldn’t be surprised since the Kremlin believes the official US account on the 9/11 Zioterrorist self-attacks, to the point they briefly opened Russian airspace to NATO’s invasion forces heading to Afghanistan. And it wasn’t even payback for US/al-Qaeda sabotage in the Soviet-Afghan war, since Russia hasn’t done what the US Zioterrorists did in 1979-1989.

Lone Ranger

Putin doesnt believe the official story, he hinted at that multiple times.
Russia let the U.S. enter Afghanistan, why not.
Look at the past 20 years.
Russia didnt have to lift its pinky finger and the U.S. managed to fuck itself into Oblivion.


USA so fucked you can’t spend a second from your sad life without thinking of them.

Lone Ranger

You are projecting again…
You cant live 2 secs without thinking about Daddy Putin and Mother Russia ??


I’m on a Russian site and main subject is Russia, you are commenting about USA under each article.

Lone Ranger

This aint a Russian site.
And the main subject are international news…


Is not a russian site like you are not a little moscal.

Lone Ranger

Right, in both cases.?

Lone Ranger

CIA trolls are crying and raging…???
Where is Herr Pimpeo?
Hope he aint got covid…


Unlike you little moskals, when western politicin has covid or is assasinated, we don’t cry and panic. That’s why nobody has seen Putin lately cause if he has covid you’ll die of fear.

Lone Ranger

DNC trolls are crying and raging.
They wished Trumply to die, so much Facebook and Twitter had to make a new rule about no deathwish to politicans…lol.
U.S. is the laughing stock of the World.
Even the Pope told Pimpeo to hit the road home ?


Hmm finally something interesting, do you have any link about the deathwish thing?

Lone Ranger

Google it.


But when I google krokidil I find Russia.

Lone Ranger

I find Ukropnazis…


If Moscow is in Ukraine, I can agree with that

Lone Ranger

Ukraine is Russia*


True, Ukraine is the real Russia, Moscalistan is the remnant of Golden Horde.

Lone Ranger

Ukraine doesn’t exist.
It’s the border region not Russia occupied by Polish nazis pretending to be ukropnazis.


Russia is mongol empire leftover with fake histoey and religion.

Lone Ranger

Nope, that’s Ukropisstan.


Bolsevikstan is surviving on gas and oul sales, without them it will collapse like Saudi Arabia. Ukraine is a real country tat sells manufacrured goods.

Lone Ranger

Indeed U.S. is bolshevikistan thanks to the DNC, Soros and Antifa BLM marxists.
Like what?
Gas they stole from Russia ??


Unlike Ruble, Hryvnia is not tightly corelated with fosils prices.

Lone Ranger

Hryvna is toy money only kept afloat by IMF loans in return for plundering the cia colony you call Ukraine.
According to Goldman Sachs Ruble is one of the most secure currencies you can buy currently and one of the best reserve currencies as well.
And they should know, they plundered half the planet already…
You will never understand how currencies and trade works.
Ask why the U.S. has $800billion trade deficit with a “Strong” currency, while Russia and China has a massive trade surplus with currencies whos exchange rate are kept artificially low.


Where did you read that crap, empty bottle label?

Lone Ranger

Hard facts.
Try to handle it.


Wind of change blows in Moskow. Russia needs a pro-Western government.

Lone Ranger

Wind of change blows in D.C..
U.S. needs a pro-Eastern government.
Fixed ?


Russia needs food for their beggers

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger


Lone Ranger

U.S. too nowdays…


In USA those who don’t work are beggers, in Russia, those who work…

Lone Ranger

According to Disney news…


… Food exists in Moscalistan

Lone Ranger

Indeed, unlike in Kievistan.

Lone Ranger

Left out CIA…


Navalny for Prez!

Lone Ranger

In the U.S…
Would put the final nail in the coffin of the crumbling satanic Pedo U.S. Empire.


Hehehe Russia is going to have new president soon.

Lone Ranger

In a failed Disney movie…


Putin already lost the piwer, he just doesn’t know yet

Lone Ranger

Time to lay down the crack…


You mean your mom crack?

Lone Ranger

Was that in english…?
Whats up with you today..?


Your mom butt crack?

Lone Ranger

Putin is the leader of the Free World.
While the U.S. is on the brink of a hot civil war.
They blame Russia yet ironically Russia has nothing to do with it.


Kim Jong Un is the only leader of the free world, Putin is the leader of the forever-out-of-vodka-muziks

Lone Ranger

LSD is bad for you…


You already said that, Alzheimer?

Lone Ranger

Indeed it can cause that too.


Wishful thinking. Vodka is depressive verified.

Lone Ranger

CNN found Putins passport, empty vodka bottles and a note “I did it” signed by Putin amongst Navalnys belongings…
Confirmed by unnamed but “credible” CIA sources…
Do you need more evidence…?


Empty vodka bottles? Sounds like political Chaos!

Lone Ranger

Sounds like lack of sense of humor…


Vodka doesn’t make you funny, just makes you think you are funny.

Lone Ranger

I guess thats why Ukropisstan is run by a B grade stand up comedian…


Ukrainians are too westerners for baikal people to understand them.

Lone Ranger

I guess thats why the EU, IMF, U.S. treats you like vassal slaves, they say jumo and you ask how high…
Very western indeed…??


What’s that a krokodil overdose? Hold on, mix it with vodka.

Lone Ranger

Dont do it please…


Repeat it for prison. They will love it.

Lone Ranger

You sound like an expert.
Your MkUltra program was a bit rough wasn’t it…
Did you get a free copy of the catcher in the rye…,,???


This conspiracy theories allow your belly to forget of vodka for a few?

Lone Ranger
Lone Ranger

You are getting very tired I can tell.
Sleep a lil party boy…

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Last time a Russian entered Berlin with such international publicity following him, he was liberating it, not surrendering to it!
Navalny is a utter disgrace.

Ivan Freely

Unfortunately every village have their share of useful idiots.

Lone Ranger

Navalny is exceptionally retarded tho.
Almost MkUltra level…oh wait…

Jens Holm

I and most of the world dont see that. In his way he want the best for Russia and thats not going back as we see now.

Lone Ranger

First..dont speak for the rest of the World.
Second… never go full retard.
Third….lay off the LSD.

Jens Holm


Concrete Mike

Going back to yeltsin era politics is not good for russians, just good for rich western folks and fake leftists!


Vlasov could have said he wanted the best for Russia,this rat crossed a red line collaborating with foreign intelligence services to stage a false flag attack,no Country can tolerate that.

AM Hants

He looks seriously unhealthy. For some reason he reminds me of the Angelina Jolie Zombie, Sahar Tabar.

Lone Ranger

At this point I’m 90% sure he is an MkUltra victim.

AM Hants

Seriously believe that many politicians came through a MK Ultra kinder fuehrer programme. The only explanation for many, including Boris. Especially when you notice he was born in New York, educated in Brussels, courtesy Daddy’s job and then wins a scholarship to Eton, before moving onto Oxford. Then you have May, whose parents died before she entered politics. Gove who was adopted and Dominic Raab, an immigrant, whose parent also died. That is before you even going looking into the backgrounds of many running international establishments and Governments.

How many politicians arrived via ‘Operation Paperclip’ and courtesy of what Ma/Pa or Granny/Grandpa were doing in the 40s?

How long have thought control programmes been running and were there kinder fuehrer farms, for the MK Ultra kiddies of the forties onwards?

Lone Ranger

Wow you are spot on.
Its refreshing to see somebody who has done his honework.
Paperclip nazis were indeed so prevelant in the 50s, 60s, early 70s in many govt agencies that they were made subtile fan of in Hollywood movies.
Younger generation wont remember but one of the ongoing jokes were that an govt official, FBI or CIA agent in the movie would always reply to a sneeze with the german gesundheit instead of the traditional bless you or get well.

AM Hants

It is seriously frightening how the sleeper cells suddenly all woke up and came together. Do believe in miracles, as we reach the finale.

Great Khan

Great Khan say alemania monkey tell lie, no poison, alemania frau smell like pig, not sell easy in bride market.


When I gut you I’ll make pudding of your blood, then I’ll chop your flesh for shishkabob, before I fry your brains and eat them mongoloid. I lived in China for several years, some of my favorite dishes are bbq bullfrogs and spicy duck heads. You use the name Khan like you are dependent from one, by my name has Agha in it, because I really am descended from an Agha. Stick to fucking your reindeer and I’ll stick to paying your women in renminbi for a cheap bang.

Jens Holm

Maybee Khan comes from cano and his nose looks like that. Its very good in rainy days:)

As You can see from his home he has an important job.

Jens Holm

Dont offend the pigs. Under the same conditions as Your, they probatly are brighter and smells better too.

They have several complaints about You ready for UN.

Jens Holm

He is a representative for devellopments has to de done by new ideas and not bad ones from the old days, which collpased USSR.

Liberalisme – as he is assumed to be supporter of – is the opposit of non devellopments. So here a good idea might be to learn what liberalisme says and make a moderate version. If its no good, You can take it away. If it does well, You can try some more of it.

And Your goldenframed picture should be looked from its behind: 1) USSR made the Nazis stronger by tsupported them with unlimited acces for food and minerals. They could not have taken what they did before Barbarussia and 2) The reasons why the Germans reached that far was the systematic amputation of the Russian military forces incl leaving the fortress zone named the Stalin line.


Yes the man is scum,i don’t know his family history but maybe some of his family fought with courage against the Nazis,or they could have been part of Vlasovs army,this rat would have collaborated with the Nazis,i would not allow him back into Russia,if they do the man must be arrested and charged with treason.

Mats Öhlén

Treason? Interesting… And the evidence? Perhaps for being rude enough to survive the murder-attempt?


Treason for collaborating with foreign intelligence against his own Country,he was flown out of Russia on a German/Nato military aircraft to a German military/Nato Hospital,where they came up with the novichok bullshit,and what murder attempt? have you any eveidence it was attempted murder?

Mats Öhlén

So being treated by professional medics who save your life makes you a traitor? Please elaborate more on that. As far as I know, it was Navalny’s wife who stubbornly demanded that he should be treated by medics from another country (fully understandable) and that probably saved his life. Would it not be more logical than that she should be arrested for treason according to your logic? Or the brave pilot who decided to make an emergency-landing despite the fact that the airport coldly refused to give him permission. This probably saved Navalny’s life. Should he also be arrested for treason? It should make more sense to arrest these two people than Navalny who was unconscious during this whole debacle. And if you arrest them for treason, which is one of the most serious crimes, I guess they should get life-time in a rough working-camp. As for Navalny’s poisoning as a murder-attempt no other explanation make sense. I would not be surprised if pro-Kremlin trolls soon will claim that it was indeed aliens from another galaxy that by mistake put some poison in his hotel room. And I must confess…I cannot prove that they are wrong….

Lone Ranger

Russian doctors saved his life, not Germans.
When he was out in the plane he was already in stable condition.
German doctors carried the same treatement as Russians.
Treason comes in for blaming Russia.


getting money to go to the pub

Mats Öhlén


Lone Ranger

Autistic B movie troll pimped by Pimpeo…
Take away his citizenship and send him to Kievistan to his banderanazi friends.


Muzikstan is losing the economic war, little greens are out if vodka.

Lone Ranger

Projecting much?
Russia and China won a long time ago.
The U.S. is toast 5 mins from a hot civil war.
You better look for a new job…


They lost the war with the Fear of Chaos, long time ago. USA can go with the riots forever. But you shit your pants just watching at TV. Your fragility is screaming small dick.

Indeed Russia and China won’t resist 5 mins to the riots USA is dealing with every day.

Lone Ranger

Do you read what you actually write…??
You are on drugs again…
You are the type of people whom played the violin while the Titanic sunk.
Have fun…


Titanic, sinking, chaos, panic! Sounds like a ruskie is out ofvidka right now.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Americants and Ukropnazis wrong tho…


Chaos at frozen swamp borders, the green goblin is shitting his pampers.

Lone Ranger

U.S. in a nutshell…


Krokodile swamp too, but different type of it.

Lone Ranger

Germans want to suck Uncle Sams dick again…
Maybe Russia should stop playing games and just stop the gas and oul into the EU altogether.
Winter is coming.
German economy will be toast in 3 months, heating will be toast in 6 months…
If Merkel wants it hard on hard than let her destroy the german economy.
China, India will buy the gas instead.

Jens Holm

With no income from that sales Rusia will collapse even its true Germny and fx Netherland can be hit hard.

Thats why danes prefare building out wind and solar cells as well as using energy much smarter. We dont like that dependensy to be a realistic scenario.

Lone Ranger

Russia wont collapse they can sell it elsewhere.
Aside from that oil and gas gives only 9% of the Russian GDP.
Russia is virtually debt free with $600billion in reserves and increasing, contrary to sanctions.
Denmark is a toy country for tourists dont compare it with powerhouse Germany, wind and solar are cute till to try to drive a $4trillion economy with it…

John Brown

Denmark is not a county anymore. its just a vassal slave of the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship. Their demonic god whom they now worship is Ann Frank.
To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already, I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – in order to get a full understanding of what they the so-called master race) routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Their bragging and voluntary confessions. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself.
Nothing beats the multiple hundreds, thousands etc. of
voluntary confessions with evidence given freely. I present irrefutable real evidence from Israeli / Jewish sources. I am not saying anything, none of it is my words at all. Are the
Israeli media, the Times of Israel Y Net News the Jerusalem Post etc. top rabbis etc. lying,
Are they anti-Jewish??
It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them
admitting things that would never make it into the Jewish owned American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, global satanic slave empire dictatorship, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering and genocide of hundreds
of millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, Germany etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed.

The world is becoming more transparent, and your zio evil needs darkness and secrecy to survive. Your satanic tribe can no longer carry out their vile crimes without ending up in
the spotlight, the good times are over when they managed to act hidden in the shadows, their malfeasance is known to all, their alleged racially superior intelligence is shown to all as greed, lack of morals and evil.

The Diary of Anne and Otto Frank!
Yes, the master race can do whatever they want. If a Racist supremacist Jew kills 300 million Goyim it’s okay and must never be remembered if a Goy breaks a Jews fingernail, it must never be forgotten. I get you. Let’s be clear I don’t say anything I can’t prove in court.

Now one of you better call the Dutch government and call for the arrest of the Ann Frank foundation for being anti

The Diary of Anne & Otto Frank!

November 18, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon: For decades those who questioned the authenticity of Anne Frank’s diary have been castigated as vile holocaust deniers and anti-Semitic bigots. Jewish organizations have taken pains to defy any attempt
to interfere with the Anne Frank legacy. Surprise, it is now the holders of the copyright to Anne Frank’s diary who insist that Anne wasn’t the only author of her own diary. Apparently, as some history revisionists, including Robert Faurisson, have been claiming for years; “The Diary of Anne Frank” was not what it claimed to be.

November 18, 2015 / Gilad Atzmon

Introduction by Gilad Atzmon:
For decades those who questioned the
authenticity of Anne Frank’s diary have been castigated as vile holocaust
deniers and anti-Semitic bigots. Jewish organizations have taken pains to defy any attempt to interfere with the Anne Frank legacy. Surprise, it
is now the holders of the copyright to Anne Frank’s diary who insist that Anne
wasn’t the only author of her own diary. Apparently, as some history revisionists,
including Robert Faurisson, have been claiming for years; “The Diary of Anne
Frank” was not what it claimed to be.

What caused the sudden change in attitude to Anne’s masterpiece? Shekels. The Diary Of Anne Frank’s
copyright is due to expire in Jan, 70 years after the author’s death in Bergen-Belsen. Adding Otto Frank as a co-author would allow the copyright royalties to continue until 2050 (Otto Frank died in 1980). We are dealing here with a substantial amount of mammon. After all, the diary is the best selling
Jewish book, it is way more popular than the Talmud, the Torah or even Herzl’s The Jewish State .

This shameless shift in narrative provides another opportunity to delve into the elastic nature of Jewish history
and its minimal regard for truth or authenticity. Once enough money is
involved, we change the past to fit with our emerging narrative.
The following is The New York Times expose of this bold behaviour on the part of Anne Frank’s copyright

Anne Frank’s Diary Gains ‘Co-Author’
in Copyright Move
PARIS — When Otto Frank first published his daughter’s red-checked diary and notebooks, he wrote a prologue
assuring readers that the book mostly contained her words, written while hiding from the Nazis in a secret annex of a factory in Amsterdam.But now the Swiss foundation that holds the copyright to “The Diary of Anne Frank” is alerting publishers that
her father is not only the editor but also legally the co-author of the celebrated book.

The move has a practical effect: It extends the copyright from Jan. 1, when it is set to expire in most of Europe,
to the end of 2050. Copyrights in Europe generally end 70 years after an author’s death. Anne Frank died
70 years ago at Bergen-Belsen, a concentration camp, and Otto Frank died in 1980. Extending the copyright would block others from being able to publish the book without paying royalties or receiving permission.
While the foundation, the Anne Frank Fonds, in Basel, signaled its intentions a year ago, warnings
about the change have provoked a furor as the deadline approaches. Some people
opposed to the move have declared that they would defy the foundation and
publish portions of her text.
Foundation officials “should think
very carefully about the consequences,” said Agnès Tricoire, a lawyer in Paris
who specializes in intellectual property rights in France, where critics have
been the most vociferous and are organizing a challenge. “If you follow their
arguments, it means that they have lied for years about the fact that it was
only written by Anne Frank.”

The decision has also set the
foundation on a possible collision course with the Anne Frank House museum in
Amsterdam, a separate entity that for years has sparred with
the Anne Frank foundation over legal questions, such as ownership of archives
and trademark issues.

The museum has been working for five
years with historians and researchers on an elaborate web version of the diary
intended for publication once the copyright expires. The research is still
progressing with a historical and textual analysis of her writing, including
deletions, corrections and stains.
“We haven’t decided yet when or how
the results will be published,” said Maatje Mostart, a spokeswoman for the Anne
Frank House. “Any publishing will always be done within the legal frameworks.”
She added pointedly that neither “Otto Frank nor any other person is

One of Anne’s own astute diary entries seemed to anticipate the disputes: “Why do grown-ups quarrel so easily?”

Anne was 15 when she died at Bergen-Belsen. She had been arrested after someone alerted the authorities that
the family had been hiding in the secret annex of a pectin factory on the
Prinsengracht, or Prince’s Canal. Otto Frank was the family’s only survivor.

After arranging for her diary and
notebooks to be published, he tried to secure Anne’s legacy. In 1960, he and
the City of Amsterdam helped save the building where the family had hidden. (It
became the Anne Frank House.)

Three years later, he set up the
foundation in Switzerland to collect the diary’s royalties and distribute them
to charities such as Unicef, children’s education projects and a medical fund
that today supports about 50 gentiles who saved Jews during the war. He left
her actual diaries and notebooks to the Dutch state.

“Effectively, Otto split up the
legacy of his daughter, which one could say has created a bit of a nice mess
ever since,” said Gerben Zaagsma, a historian of modern Jewish history at the
University of Göttingen in Germany who is working on a scholarly edition of the
diary backed by the foundation and Germany’s culture ministry.
The foundation does not publish
yearly reports about its finances. But in recent years, it said it had donated
about $1.5 million annually to hundreds of charitable organizations.

“The longer they can claim copyright
protection, the longer they can ask money for publication of the works,” said
Stef van Gompel, a professor at the University of Amsterdam who specializes in
copyright law.

Six years ago, the foundation asked
legal experts in various countries for advice on its copyright, according to
Yves Kugelmann, a member of the foundation’s board. They concluded, he said,
that Otto “created a new work” because of his role of editing, merging and
trimming entries from her diary and notebooks and reshaping them into “kind of
a collage” meriting its own copyright.

Merely declaring Otto the
“co-author” on copyright filings extends the copyright, legal experts said,
though such a stand could be tested in the courts. Readers would not see any
changes on the books themselves, foundation officials said.

The foundation’s officials said that
their aim is to “make sure that Anne Frank stays Anne,” Mr. Kugelmann said, by
maintaining control and avoiding inappropriate exploitation of the work. “When
she died, she was a young girl who was not even 16. We are protecting her. That
is our task.”

Critics, he said, are wrongly
looking at the intended change as a financial matter. “It is not about the
money,” he said.

But Mr. van Gompel, the copyright
lawyer, said extending the copyright runs counter to the intention of the laws.

“There is a good reason that
copyrights are limited, so that people can freely use” written materials, he
said. “It doesn’t mean that they need to be protected for all eternity.”

Copyright protections vary from
country to country. The classic novella “The Little Prince” fell into the
public domain this year in much of the world but remains under copyright in
France because of an exception that grants a 30-year extension to authors who
died during military service in World War I and II.

Some critics of the foundation have
already tested its resolve by posting bootleg copies of the diary online.

Olivier Ertzscheid, a lecturer in
communications and researcher at the University of Nantes, received a warning
letter this month from a French publisher of the diary after he started circulating
a copy online in protest. He removed it, but he and a French politician,
Isabelle Attard, said they were waiting to see what happens in January before
pressing forward with a plan to encourage publication of the original
manuscript more widely online.

“The best protection of the work is
to bring it in the public domain, because its audience will grow even more,”
said Ms. Attard, who noted that her own Jewish relatives were hidden or
deported during the German occupation in France. “What is happening now is a
bluff and pure intimidation.”

The foundation insists that by
issuing an early warning of its intent to extend the copyright, it is acting
ethically to prevent publishers from pursuing a course that might be
unproductive and costly.

But if the foundation succeeds,
publishers may wind up waiting even longer than the 70 years allowed after Otto
Frank’s death.

A second editor, Mirjam Pressler,
revised, edited and added 25 percent more material from Anne Frank’s diary for
what was called a “definitive edition” in 1991. She qualified for a copyright
for her creative work, and the rights were transferred to the foundation, said
its lawyer, Kamiel Koelman.

She is still living, he added,
giving them copyright ownership from the date of her future death for at least another 70 years.
The Diary of Anne Frank 5.0, an update
By Eve Mykytyn
According to legend, Otto Frank
recovered his daughter’s diary from Miep Gies, the woman who hid the Frank
family during World War II. Frank published the diary under Anne’s name in
1947. In response to skeptics, Otto Frank angrily insisted that he had not
authored the diary. He claimed that while he may have edited out a few
embarrassing details, the diary was ‘penned’ entirely by his daughter.

In 1980, Otto Frank sued Hamburg
resident Ernst Roemer for spreading the accusation that Otto Frank had written
his dead daughter’s diary. Relying on the testimony of handwriting experts that
all of the diary’s pages had been written by one person, the court upheld the authenticity
of the diary. An appeal by Roemer was unsuccessful.
Roemer appealed again, and this time the court asked for the technical services of the official German forensic
bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt (BKA) that performed a careful analysis of the
original manuscript of the diary with microscope and ultraviolet illumination
in order to confirm its authenticity — in particular, to determine when it was written.
The BKA found that large portions of
the alleged “diary” were written in ballpoint pen — of a type that was not
manufactured prior to 1951.The German magazine, Der Spiegel,
summarized the report as follows: some editing postdated 1951;Experts had held
that all the writing in the journal was by the same hand; and thus – the entire
diary was a postwar fake.

In April 2000, a Dutch court held
that while the authenticity of “The Diary of Anne Frank” may be questioned, any
such questions must properly respect victims of the Holocaust. In doing so, the court affirmed Siegfried Verbeke’s
conviction for publishing Robert Faurisson’s 1978 work
questioning the authenticity of the Diary. The court stated that, “By raising
doubts as to the authenticity of the diary within the context of REVISIONISM
…the brochure far exceeds the limits of what is acceptable within the framework
of freedom of espression.”

So, despite proof from Germany that the Diary was written after the war, the state of the law in Holland is that one may not improperly question the veracity of Anne Frank’s Diary, the iconic tome of an innocent victim of World War II.

And then, in November 2015, the Anne Frank Foundation almost lost the European portion of its copyright of the Diary. Most European copyright protections extend for 70 years after the author’s death. Anne Frank famously died in 1945. Otto Frank lived until 1980, and the copyright for his work could continue until 2050.

On its website the foundation claims
that Anne had originally written two diaries, one personal and one intended for
publication. According to the Foundation, Otto combined the diaries and had
done so much work on the most widely published version that he had “earned his
own copyright.” The foundation claimed to be protecting “Anne Frank’s original
writings, as well as the original in-print versions [that] will remain
protected for many decades”.

In the New York Times, French attorney Agnes Tricoire disputes their claim on rationale if not on facts
stating: “If you follow their arguments, it means that they have lied for years
about the fact that it was only written by Anne Frank.”

Also ignoring the authenticity of
the diary, Isabelle Attard, a French MP worries that the foundation’s claim will dilute the
impact of the diaries. “Many revisionists, people who want to deny the extermination camps existed, have tried to attack the diary for years.
Saying now the book wasn’t written by Anne alone is weakening the weight it has
had for decades.”

The Foundation won its copyright
claim, but it lost the war and the diary is now widely available online.
My question is, why, after the book
has been shown to be a likely forgery is ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ still
relevant? In a survey conducted in 1996 at the University of Michigan, The Diary was named as the predominant source of Holocaust education: the text was required reading in high school for over half the students surveyed.

In an interesting piece on The Atlantic, Eleanor Barkhorn argues that the Diary is one of several widely assigned books
that are not difficult enough to meet the new common core requirements. There is no shortage of alternative books relating the plight of civilians in World War II. I hope that we can allow Anne Frank to rest in peace and provide our
schoolchildren with the best history as we now understand it.

Fog of War
John Brown

I was going to post more but I see they have censored the links I use because nothing beats voluntary confesions, so I have to get new links

Hitler was a Zionist and hated Europeans.
If Germany had of come to the aid of brother European countries only overthrowing their racist supremacist Jewish
occupation governments and then putting Poles in charge of Poland and Russians in charge of Russia etc. as brother countries, European Christian allies Germany would have won the war (with a free Christian Russia Poland etc
on Germany’s side) against the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic Slave empire governments occupying Russia etc.
Instead Zio ally Hitler followed orders to finish the mass murdering of white Europeans as racist supremacist Jews under Yagoda started when they killed over 66 million innocent Soviet citizens.

Hitler was no different then Obama, Bush etc.and did the
opposite of what he said etc. no 2 front war, unite all Europeans he did the opposite, like all politicians bought and paid for by racist supremacist Jews.

Hitler was funded and put in power by racist supremacist Jews Rothschild’s Rockefellers etc. (the USSA Federal reserve, the bank of England and the bank of France) with hundreds of billions of dollars FACT! as was Lenin in Russia
Hittler was the father of Israel with the Nazi /Zionist HAAVARA, agreement.

Making the 20th century the Jewish century. Without their ally Hitler there would be no Jewish immigration to Israel and no Israel and no Jewish world domination today.

Hitler hated Europeans. In the Havara agreement pact Hitler and his Zionist allies agreed to kill any Jews who would not go to Israel. He was then ordered by his AshkeNAZI Jewish masters to attack Russia and Poland and exterminated
over 30 million white Europeans Christians for any morons who think Hitler liked white people,World War II.

Fog of War

Who’s today’s Hitler ?

Jens Holm

Parts of that is true, but its alos twisted. Facts are the bumble bee actually do fly nd much better then other systems.

Some baboon like him is well known and fx I listen. Where he is too right is in the corners, where we has to compensate for the failures. We fo that, but in 2008 we did not and the result was very bad.

Jens Holm

You really dont understand western economics at all. We own each other by relations and as we wish by the stockmarket. You can be an owner Yourself if You have money.

If the Jews actually are running things, they are doing a dammed good job, which You cant replace with something better.

John Brown

Wrong. You really don’t understand zio satanic mamonist economics at all.

Here is the lesson.

Going down the Rabbit hole. I call dummies who think when Amazon, Microsoft etc end up with all the money its a coincidence, coincidence theorists,

as former prosecutor Galati says. Always follow the money and ask “Qu Bono” who benefits.

Since 1974 up to 2020 all levels of government in Canada collectively have paid over 2.2 trillion in interest on loans from private banks, loans they would have received interest free from the Bank of Canada before 1974 and saved that 2.2 trillions in interest payments.

Rocco Galati challenges Bank of Canada
Rocco Galati and the lawsuit against the Bank of Canada
Lots of video link to explain it all.
This is the question Why do governments borrow money from private banks which create money out of nothing and pay trillions in interest on suchloans (government bonds etc.) when governments by law can create suchmoney out of nothing themselves and pay no interest ??? It makes no logical economic or capitalist sense at all and goes against the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith.

In Canada before Trudeau up until 1974 when any level of government that wanted to build a sewage treatment plant, a police station, university, hospital or pay for World War 2, they borrowed the money from the bank of Canada at no interest. As a result Canada had almost no debt, unemployment was around 1.5 %, total prosperity. Then Trudea gave the control of the bank of Canada to the BIS in Switzerland a private bank
and such interest free loans were stopped and Canada now borrows this money at interest it used to create out of nothing at no interest, with the bank of Canada and now Canada has paid 2.2 trillion plus in interest since 1974 it did not have to pay. The result, Canada has massive debt,

high unemployment failing infrastructure, high taxes etc

Rocco Galati challenges Bank of Canada to offer interest-free loans Maverick lawyer argues central bank should provide interest-free money for infrastructure

CBC News Posted: May 08, 2015 3:32 PM ET Last Updated: May 11, 2015 11:30 AM ET


11:02 18:40
The case against Bank of Canada 18:40
Lawyer whose case voided Harper’s Supreme Court pick reimbursed just $5K
Rocco Galati sues federal government over Citizenship Act changes Lawyer who sank Nadon’s Supreme Court appointment challenges Quebec court pick
The failed Supreme Court nomination of Marc Nadon: How it happened
The lawyer best known for stopping the Supreme Court appointment of JudgeMarc Nadon has turned his sights on the Bank of Canada.

Rocco Galati has taken on a case for a group called the Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform, or COMER, which wants the central bank to return to the practice of lending federal and provincial governmentsinterest-free money for infrastructure.

TIMELINE: Marc Nadon’s failed journey to the Supreme Court
Rocco Galati denied all but $5K in costs for Nadon court challenge
“They felt it was important in the face of the financial sector meltdown in 2008, the banking meltdown, and the drastic reduction and elimination of human capital infrastructure such as health care, universities and basically the stuff that the Bank of Canada from 1938 to 1974

funded,” Galati said in an interview with CBC’s The Exchange with Amanda Lang.

His clients have been dismissed as conspiracy theorists, but Galati argues the law is there to support their case.

The Bank of Canada was set up in 1935 in the wake of the Great Depression to provide a means for settling international accounts and to provide interest-free loans to government to finance infrastructure investments.

History of infrastructure funding
like the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Trans-Canada highway were funded in this way, and the central bank also underwrote Canada’s Second World

War effort as well as the building of hospitals and universities.
But in 1974, the central bank stopped providing interest-free loans togovernment so it could join the Bank for International Settlements, a kind of central bank of central banks.

Galati argues that from then on private banks became government’s lender,
contravening the act that established the central bank.
He has launched legal action, beginning in 2011, to rule on the
constitutionality of the central bank’s current role. His argument is that private banks are dictating the terms of Canadian debt, usurping the role of the Bank of Canada.
Is government bound by original act?
“My hope is that the court declare that the government is bound by the legislation and cannot simply hand over that decision-making to foreign private bankers,” Galati said.
“What the government then does is up to the government, but they can’t simply arbitrarily say ‘no never again’ when the law is there and the history of the reason for creating the Bank of Canada is there.”

The Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform takes the view that having the Bank of Canada provide funding would eliminate interest payments on the national debt — a huge burden for the Canadian taxpayer.
Galati agrees the case is a strange and quixotic one, but he’s built a career on holding the government to the law.
“It wasn’t arcane for me, it’s in the law,” he said.
And he acknowledged it will probably earn him few friends. He’ll never be made a judge or even sit on a law faculty. And it will be a long fight.
“Well, most struggles to enforce the law are. I mean, often, I’ve had cases that have gone 12 years, successfully at the end of the day, because the government simply wants to ignore the law,” he said.
“That’s the system we have, and when they do, the only people that can force them to abide by the law are the courts.”

Marc Nadon case Last year when Prime Minister Stephen Harper nominated Nadon to the Supreme
Court, Galati stepped in, saying the move broke the rules. Few expected him to win. But in a surprise decision, he did.
“I saw an attempt to pervert and subvert our independent judiciary, which is the last bastion of balancing the rights of the citizens against the rights of the government and making sure that the government doesn’t turn into a dictatorship,” he said. “If you can stack the court and corrupt the judiciary, well, that’s it.”
Galati said he believes Parliament has become ineffective in checking the power of government and the courts are the only recourse.
Max Keiser talks to Bill Still director of The Money Masters and the Secret of Oz.
What it is all about explained. ‘Money as Debt” is made in Canada. ‘The Secret of Oz” was made in the USA, Canada and Britain later and is 90 minutes with a longer historical perspective and more info making it the better of the 2 movies for this reason. Money as Debt I – Revised
Edition 2009 (Full Movie)
The Secret of Oz Full Documentary 2009
Canadian banks have 4 billion in reserves and lend out 1.6 trillion. This is illegal under the bank of Canada Act.
12-year-old financial pundit becomes YouTube star. this 12 year understands more about the financial system then most economists. 12-year-old financial pundit becomes YouTube star Victoria Grant of Cambridge, Ont. is earning a reputation as a financial pundit after her tirade against her homeland’s borrowing practices went viral on YouTube.
The Canadian Press Date: Tuesday May. 15, 2012 8:36 PM ET TORONTO
— Canada’s banking system has been the subject of international praise from economists grappling with global turmoil, but one 12-year-old girl begs to differ.

Victoria Grant of Cambridge, Ont. is earning a reputation as a financial pundit after her tirade against her homeland’s borrowing practices went viral on YouTube.

Grant is already a veteran of the financial lecture circuit, but her appearance on April 27 is garnering unusual attention. A video of her address, shot at the Public Banking in America Conference in Philadelphia, has already attracted nearly 65,000 views since being posted a week ago.

For six minutes, the casually clad youngster holds forth to conference attendees on the reasons why so many of the world’s countries are facing staggering debt.
Her well-rehearsed speech, delivered in a clear, youthful voice, takes aim at Canada’s modern day financial system and champions a greater role for the country’s central bank.

“The banks and the government have colluded to financially enslave the people of Canada,” she says.

Grant lays out a brief history of the Canadian banking system, referencing obscure historical figures such as former Vancouver mayor Gerald McGeer and explaining that the Bank of Canada held primary control over government lending until the 1970’s.

Starting then, she says, governments began borrowing from private banks instead at considerably higher interest rates than those available through the central bank.

The result, Grant argues, is a rapidly increasing national debt.
The pint-sized pundit is quick to offer a solution.
“If the Canadian Government needs money, they can borrow it directly from the Bank of Canada,” she says. ” … Canadians would again prosper with real money as the foundation of our economic structure.”
Calls to Grant’s home were not immediately returned.
Her arguments have been championed in more orthodox financial circles.
Last June, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives published a plea from retired finance professor George Crowell, who now works on behalf of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform.
Crowell echoes all of Grant’s assertions, arguing borrowing from the Bank of Canada would shore up depleted government resources and usher in an era of prosperity for Canada.

Such a change in monetary policy, combined with crucial changes in tax policy, would make available tens of billions of dollars that are urgently needed to rebuild our public infrastructure, protect our environment, and strengthen Medicare and other social programs so vital

in meeting human needs,” Crowell said.
Critics of Crowell’s arguments contend inflation rates would soar if the central bank was able to lend money below commercial interest rates Reaction to Grant’s video was largely positive, with U.S. financial media outlet Bloomberg featuring a link to her speech on its web page.
YouTube commentators bubbled over with praise, saluting her for explaining complex concepts in comparatively simple terms.
“Good for you Victoria, if you even understand half of what you are saying, you are doing better than half the Canadian public,” wrote one YouTube user. “I have for years tried to explain this very simple fact to people
around me, and they think I am crazy. Maybe if they saw it from a 12 yr old they would be shamed into paying attention.”
One Twitter user offered more concise praise: “Victoria Grant For Prime Minister!”
Others, however, were skeptical that Grant’s words were truly her own. If you believe that she wrote it and it was impromptu, you are nuts,” wrote one commenter on the Huffington Post Canada website. “It was a put up job by Toddlers and Tiaras parents.” 12 yr old Canadian Victoria Grant Explains How Banks Enslave People Thru Debt

Jens Holm

Who painted You.

John Brown

So no come back. You lose.

Tell me how is money created in the system you say is so great? Do you even know? How can you be in favor of what you think is capitalism and not even know how capital / money is created??

You are like someone who says they are an accountant but can’t even add or subtract.

Its not a capitalist system we have now .

John Brown

This is the question.

Why do governments borrow money from private Jewish banks
which create money out of nothing and pay trillions in interest on
such loans (government bonds etc.) when governments by law can create
such money out of nothing themselves and pay no interest and maximize their profits like a capitalist? It makes no
logical economic or capitalist sense at all and goes against the Wealth
of Nations by Adam Smith.

Why don’t they maximize their profit like a capitalist? Why do they pay interest they don’t have to pay?

Jens Holm

The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Russian global shipments during 2019. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Russia.

Mineral fuels including oil: US$220.8 billion (52.2% of total exports) AND NOT 9%.
Iron, steel: $18.1 billion (4.3%)
Gems, precious metals: $15.3 billion (3.6%)
Machinery including computers: $9 billion (2.1%)
Wood: $8.6 billion (2%)
Fertilizers: $8.4 billion (2%)
Cereals: $7.9 billion (1.9%)
Aluminum: $5.8 billion (1.4%)
Electrical machinery, equipment: $5.6 billion (1.3%)
Copper: $5.2 billion (1.2%)

Denmark might be a small toy country but we make 55.000 dollar pr capita and Russia do 10.000. That has to be adjusted some because GDP is an indicator.

Denmark are in the energy changing inside EU as hardheaders BUT WE NEVER HAS SAID what You insinuate.

We have said that wind and solar power should replace as much as it can, where it makes sense. Thats many times more then we have now. Both ways to make electricity an heat innovates and becomes cheeper, so it today can replacere more but not all. We also will see storing is improved as well as alternatives coud be we could make Hydrogene and put it in fx cars.

And we and other over most of Europe and the rest of the world actually build out windpower. Avery visible one is we now will try to replace as many cars as possible into electricity.

Our exports are :

Pharmaceuticals: US$17.5 billion (16% of total exports)
Machinery including computers: $15.4 billion (14%)
Electrical machinery, equipment: $9.7 billion (8.9%)
Mineral fuels including oil: $4.8 billion (4.4%)
Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $4 billion (3.7%)
Meat: $3.8 billion (3.5%)
Vehicles: $3.1 billion (2.8%)
Furniture, bedding, lighting, signs, prefab buildings: $3.1 billion (2.8%)
Fish: $2.9 billion (2.6%)
Dairy, eggs, honey: $2.7 billion (2.5%)

Russia fx export 0,385 billion dollar in pharmaceuticals. So we are 46 time better n that kind of export. And we actually sell a lot of it to USA andget gets a lot of those dollars, which You probatly hope will collapse tomorrow.

And Russia has to be debt free because its a slow economy driven by ineffective lazy bum systems with no liught in the dark unless some missiles from them are fired now and then.

Lone Ranger

Soros statistics…
BS alert…


Better on drugs than Putin’s boyfriend like you.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Porkyshitko wrong tho…


Sounds like Russia is out of vodka today.

Lone Ranger

You are out of Oddka…


Russia is in Chaos without Vodka.

Lone Ranger

Ukraine is in Chaos without Russia…
U.S. is in Chaos without morals…


Cheers, I’m opening a beer for the Chaos. Chaos is joy, chaos is life.

Lone Ranger

What a neo-trotskyite tard would say…


Panic, panic now, riots are coming.

Lone Ranger

Only for the record.


Sure, for a vodka lover beer is blyet

Lone Ranger

Im into Martini and sweet dessert wines.


Your future cell mates will fill your ass with Martini.

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of passive agression…
Are you on your period…?


And champagne, bleeding red champagne from your ass can look like period.

Lone Ranger

I guess you are talking from personal experience…
How many CIA pimps did bareback you before you got the job.


As many Ukrainians bandy-legged Putin needs to feel like a real woman.

Lone Ranger

Was that in english…?


No, in Putin’s bunker.

Lone Ranger

Try to lower the dosage…

Lone Ranger

Only neo-trotskyism and zionism enjoys Chaos…


Fear the Chaos, putler minions, stay inside, never protest, be good pussies, let the billionaires take care of country’s resources.

Lone Ranger

Big words from a troll run by soros and rotschilds…


Fear the Chaos, little moskal, protests are just a matter of time.

Lone Ranger

In Kiev and D.C. ?
Oh wait…
Its already on…??


Yeah, protests are naturak, only moscals are in panic when talking of it.

Lone Ranger

Those aren’t protests but riots and Insurrection…
Why should Russia panic about the U.S. falling apart.
I only hope the rest of the World will send food aid do avg Joe won’t starve to death.


You know why Russian junkies use krokodil? Because it reminds them someone eating their flesh during Stalin hunger.

Lone Ranger

Those were Ukrops tho…
Same as today.


Bolsevik still hoping the West to fall, what a dog life. Like that Japanese soldier waiting 17 years in a cave to receive new orders.

Lone Ranger

West has already fallen.
Look in the.mirror.
You are a bolsheviks employing neo-trostkyite/marxist tactics.
You are the useful idiot Lenin talked about.
Tell me how is it logical that commie jews run ukropnazis…?
How the weather in Tell Aviv by the way…?


Commie jews run Moskalistan. A lot of resources to steal yet a lit if drunktards to not give a shit in their own country and lifes.

Lone Ranger

You spelled D.C. wrong tho.


Meanwhile nobody can find Putin, why is he hiding?

Lone Ranger

Is he?
His job is to serve his country not to do PR stunts and photo shoots.


And his country is Kremlin, can be ran from a closet.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Mother Russia wrong Trollstoy :)


Russians feel so weak and helpless they need a mother

Lone Ranger

Most Humans are like that except demons in a meatsuit…


No, actually only Eastern culture like Chinese, Russians and Arabs that wear skirts feel the need of parents for their entire life, Anglo-Saxons are grown up men.

Lone Ranger

You mean psychopathic blood drinking pedos…
Yeah we can see how grown Up Bush and Trump were…lolz.


Uuu kinky. Putin the little boys belly eater enjoys his golden showers birthday party right now.

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like HumplyTrumply or Merkel…


Sounds more like what it is, Putin the Kremlin Goblin

Lone Ranger

Thats a lot of anger and frustration…
Try some tea and laxatives…


I’m at work, but when I go to the toilet I’ll make a small Putin for you.

Lone Ranger

I hope the toilette monster bites your microdick off ?


No, I don’t want to be like President Putin!

Lone Ranger



Trump has balls to deal with covid, Putin is hiding like a rat.

Lone Ranger

Yeah Trump is a genius spreading viruses like hot cakes…
He aint hiding.
He is preparing :)


Putin is preparing his ass to open doors with it in prison.

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like you…
After soros and Pimpeo kicks the bucket…

Lone Ranger

ADL and CFR sends greetings…


Navalny sends Putin in prison

Lone Ranger

In a CIA funded Disney movie that will flop in the theatres…
Than navalny will create a vegan food chain in the U.S. like vietnamese and Cambodian massmurderer generals did after they lost the war.
What a success story, from a nobody to a nobody…


No, he will take your vodka away and give you a job.

Lone Ranger

Lets hope he will find you something, rest room security or something in that direction…


You had to think much of a job lower than your Taco Bell dream job.

Lone Ranger

Not really, Im creative :)


Say something creative then.

Lone Ranger

I just did…


Don’t be shy, try just once.

Lone Ranger

Indeed you should…


I didn’t say I’m creative. You said, so show it.

Lone Ranger

Did you translate my binary message yet…?


That’s not creativity, it’s children play and I’m not goung to play that with you. Ask your old bolsevik.

Lone Ranger

You are butthurt :)


Your mom is butthurt cause she doesn’t want to spend money on condoms or make another Downie to stay at home all day long.

Lone Ranger

Nah, thats your Mom. ;)


So original, cheap Chinese Russian comment.

Lone Ranger

Matching your level ?


You can’t match anyonelse in terms of repeating the same words, even chat bots are more original.

Lone Ranger

It seems to work just fine with you ?


Yeah, I like to test bots endurance.

Lone Ranger

Me too :)


How does Putin as taste?

Lone Ranger

You tell me…:)


I’ll let you suck my cock

Lone Ranger

Im not in the mood…
Aside from that Im still hetero…


Oh my lil bitch is moody today.

Lone Ranger

Pimpeo was in Kievistan…?


Matching your empty bottle of vodka.

Lone Ranger

Matching your empty bottle of opium*


Lonely Rimmer and the lack of Vodka

Lone Ranger

Occupied bacon and the lack of opium…

Lone Ranger

Ever wondered why the ukrop flag is the same as the Down Syndrome Awarness ribbon…?
I think not…?

Lone Ranger

In a Disney movie


With tall stripper boys in his cell to have midget pr0n

Lone Ranger

Thats a tall order since Weinstein is in prison…


Putin’s next birthday will be in prison

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking :)
But Trump better has the secret service ready against a soros/CIA/SBU coup.


I don’t care who rules USA. Putin needs to be changed.

Lone Ranger

Your opinion…
Most of Russia and the Free World disagrees.


Free world has Great Internet Firewall so they are not here with us but Russians will be on the other side soon.

Lone Ranger

Indeed the U.S. has a firewall too, same as EU, Russia or China.
Facebook, Google and Twitter are banning people and censoring left and right, not better than what China is doing.
Compared to that EU and Russia are more relaxed.
U.S. Congress just launched a probe into Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter monopoly…


For a troglodite muzik, the Internet means only few big names, that’s why the very few are so powerful, because there are many morons like you.

Lone Ranger

Im not the one pushing soros/cia narrative…
And I dont work for them either like you do…


You are as simple as any other peasant from an Eastern culture, your type always fail too look like a westerner on the internets simply because you will never reach West level of despising a master-slave relation.

Lone Ranger

I hope so.
Since you are the slave…


I’m not a muscal like you, I don’t kiss any politician ass, unlike your slave nation of muziks who live to kiss ass of whoever is in power. If it wasn’t Putin you’d kiss another ass. After Putin falls you Will kiss another ass.

Lone Ranger

Im not Russian and you are kissing Uncle Sam Sams ass 24/7.
Hungarians and Russians arent into asskissing either way.
Ukraine is an occupied vassal country now run by oligarchs, CIA and neo-nazis, while Russia is Free, Independent and stronger than ever.
I know its hard to swallow, leave it some time ;)


Sure you’re not a Russian, you’re a mongrel like Putin. Ukrainians are real Russians, you moscals are some mixture Golden Horde made with its slaves. Stop pretending you’re anything else.

Lone Ranger

Sure you’re not a Russian, you’re an ukrop like Porkyshitko. Russians are real Russians, you Kievnazis are some mixture Golden Horde made with its polish slaves. Stop pretending you’re anything else.
Fixed ?


By a Ruso-Chinese standard this is a totally original comment.

Lone Ranger



Like Putin’s cock?

Lone Ranger

You tell me…

Lone Ranger

Moral insanity, sanctions instead of free trail, subversion, wars, society falling apart, LGBT, BLM, reversed racism, population replacement, agenda 21, unpayable debt.
Western Europe and the U.S. is a lot worse off than the Soviet Union in 1991.


Bolsevik zombie in 2020…krokodil ate your brain.

Lone Ranger

That’s an accurate description of yourself.

Lone Ranger

U.S. is in Chaos wihout drugs too…
Most drugged out nation in history.
But I cant blame them, if I had to endure them 24/7 I would be a drug addict too.


But krokodil and vodka are drugs too, ivan

Lone Ranger

You sound like an expert on it…


It’s all over the net, Russia has a krokodil problem.

Lone Ranger

U.D. has the worst drug epidemic in Human history…


Kremlin has new program to replace vodka with krokodil

Lone Ranger

In a CIA funded Disney movie.
Meanwhile even Trump is drugged out of his mind going on a Twitter rage every 10 minutes…?
Roid rage…?


Small dick of Kremlin couldn’t provide vodka rations todat, sad.

Lone Ranger

I wasnt aware you get Vodka from the Kremlin…


Yeah, that’s why you didn’t get any, I take all of it. Putin says my dick is sweet.

Lone Ranger

You should ask soros for better quality drugs, with flkakka you are vile…


Rukies dream all day long about how would it be to be paid by soros and cia

Lone Ranger

Nightmares are more fitting than dreams…
Who would enjoy soros and the cia…?
Only traitors.
Not only to Russia but to Mankind.


A day without vodka is filled with Soros nightmares, Chaos and Cia

Lone Ranger

Indeed, you have a shitty job I would rather work for Taco Bell than to troll for them.


I bet you’d work anywhere in USA rather than your frozen swamp

Lone Ranger

It’s 16C here.
Not freezing.


Inside your house? Damn capitalists, they stolen your stove

Lone Ranger

Inside it’s 24C.


24° Vodka? Putin was greedy with your grades, komrade.

Lone Ranger

Time to lower your cocaine intake…


Just because you didn’t take your vodka today it doesn’t mean others can’t do what they want

Lone Ranger

I dont drink vodka.
But you definately too much cocaine.
So thats that…


Obviously you are out of vodka today.

Lone Ranger

Nope, but you have more than enough coke I can tell…


You can’t tell many things actually without repeating yourself, if you were a bot, you’d be the embarassment of Russian technology.

Lone Ranger

01000011 01110010 01111001 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01010100 01110010 01101111 01101100 01101100 01110011 01110100 01101111 01111001 00100000 00111010 00101001


What does it say, Navalny for president?

Lone Ranger

I hoped you are smart enough to translate it…
My bad…


Putin has a small dick? Is it?

Lone Ranger

Dunno, never saw it, go call the Kremlin and ask them…


I don’t need it, you are the expert in conspiracy theories

Lone Ranger

In conspiracy not in gay porn…


Some people from Kremlin will practice in prison

Lone Ranger

Is this the new soros script??


That’s the Russian way, always assasinate and inprison the old regime.

Lone Ranger

American way*
Than blame it on Russia, China, Anybody else.


Little muzik has no idea about what is going to happen to Putin and his friends when regime changes.

Lone Ranger

Putin will be elected to the President of the U.S. :)


Putin will be elected president of a prison group of prostitutes.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Obongo and Killary wrong tho :)


All you can do is takung what I say and change few words, very original, like Chinese products. Ohh wait, moscals are a Chinese products.

Lone Ranger

All you can do is taking what I say and change a few words, very original, like Americant products. Ohh wait, Ukropnazis are Americant/Poletard products.


Half mongol Russians try too hard to be Europeans, will never happen.

Lone Ranger

Half mongol Ukropnazis try too hard to be Americants, will never happen.


Moscals will never be real Russians

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis will never be real Americants…


Putin will never be more than a midget.

Lone Ranger

Aside from the best Leader Russia ever had and the Leader of the Free World.
Cry more Trollstoy…;)


Free Vodka For All World

Lone Ranger

Why would Russia want a CIA clown for President?
They arent Ukropnazis…


Because they are hungry and will fight for KFC leftovers?

Lone Ranger

Thats Ukraine.
Im starting to feel sorry for them, at least for avg ukies.


Please keep your sorry for Putin when he will be changed.

Lone Ranger

I guess thats why Russian Forex reserves are at $600billion Trollstoy…
Shouldnt you be at your local isis club now sucking dick anyways…?


Does hunger hurts you little piece of green?

Lone Ranger

Contrary to you I had my breakfast.
Im not living on coke and red bulls…


That’s what muziks call krokodil, ‘breakfast’

Lone Ranger

But many Ukrainians hunger thanks to the U.S.


That’s what ya little moskals are told, that Ukrainians are hungry too so you don’t have to be uset.

Mats Öhlén

Please don’t change subject. Either admit that your “9 per cent” was totally made up or show us your source.

Lone Ranger

Butthurt much…?

Mats Öhlén

Thank you! However after a Quick check I could not find anything that support your “9 per cent claim” . Could you please be more specific, where in these two sources are your claims supported?

Lone Ranger

Wiki claims 14-16% in 2012 cant remember, but in that range.
Since than it has decreased.
Especially with lowert oil and gas prices.
Exports were $470billion I think, from that 245-250billion were hydrocarbons.
Total GDP was around $1.65trillion.

Mats Öhlén

“can’t remember”… “I think”. You don’t seem that certain anymore. Just paste the 9 per cent information from your source.

Lone Ranger

I did.
Trycto handle it ?
Now fuck off Trollstoy…

Lone Ranger

P.S. stop sucking CIA/soros dick…

Mats Öhlén

I found it now…I mean the fact that oil exports takes a 16 % share of Russia’s GDP in 2012. So I must admit that you are right in that sense. But I could not find the 9 % figure you are talking about. But one more thing. You and Jens Holm refers to two different kinds of figures. Jens Holm refers to the oil share of total exports and you referred to its share of Russia’s GDP. The question is what figure is most relevant here. For my part I think share of total exports is more interesting as Russia’s economy tends to be rather “undeveloped”.

Lone Ranger

I guess that’s why they have $600billion in Forex reserves vs $127 in the U.S.
Russia runs a trade surplus of around $250billion per year, the U.S. runs a trade deficit of $7-800billion a year.
I think most same persons know which countries economy is more healthy.
Russia also has a debt to gdp ratio of 12% vs 130% in the U.S…

Mats Öhlén

Just read an interview with Anatoly Chubais, who has different facts than yours it seems: “In his interview to Forbes, he called oil the “backbone” of the Russian economy. Indeed, oil accounts for 20 percent of Russia’s gross domestic product, 40 percent of its budget and 60 percent of its exports.”

Lone Ranger

Fake news, same as Forbes.
CIA propaganda.
Case closed.
Truth hurts, try to handle it.
Crumbling U.S. Empire.
Rising East.
Mark my words…

Lone Ranger
Lone Ranger
Lone Ranger

Explains why you are drugged out beyond full retard…


The poorer the people the greater the leader. They have to compensate with something.

Антон С

Not 9%, but near 1/3, though you’re right in common. Agriculture goods import brings almost the same money as gas import – over $30 billion. And it grows much faster than any other sector, 6% for 2019. Arms selling ~15 billion.

Lone Ranger

Its 9%.
Down from 16% in 2012.
Albeit it covers around 70% of govt spending.
Which is nice that way Russia can keep a flat income tax rate of 12%.

Антон С

9% of GDP? I’m talking about the state budget.

Lone Ranger

Im talking about GDP.
Its around 60% of the state budget.
That way Russia can keep a flat income tax rate of only 12% which is one of the lowest in the developed World.

Антон С

GDP for this year is ~110 trillion in domestic currency, state budget – ~20 trillions. Here is the link. There are 3 columns: 1) GDP in rubles; 2) in dollars; 3) growth/down percentage


I think the Russians have gamed this a thousand times and have conclusive found that using oil/gas as an international weapon only leads to short term gains and massive long term damage. Putin’s main aim is to improve Russia and engaging in global energy supply wars won’t serve Russia’s aims long term. You’re right that Russia has good economic fundamentals at the mo, but Putin is not going to squander that for short term gain (unlike so many other leaders do).

John Brown

Wrong Russia won’t collapse but why shoot oneself in the foot?. Once the majority of gas and oil is sold to China India and Packistan etc. Then play hard ball if needed.

Jens Holm

I partly agree. Russia as well as others has to use common sense.

As I see it russia can only help China a little. The gas is far away from where the Chinese actually lives in China.

They can hope for many other markets and fx Pakistan or India. But it has to be remembered those countries need electricity and cooling more then warming. So its about winning the markets after very big investments.

I allow me to see India as more to replacing into windpower and solar cells. They dont need more smog and pollution and not even by clean gas. Haha. I am relative old and probatly wont see any of that.

I hope for peace in ME and has hoped for it for many years. The last estimates of mine says, I should be at least 150 to see it:)

And another thing in Your calcualations is completly wrong too. Russia should devllop itself by education and another infrastructure and use the gas themselves. Thats where the real money are.

Until You have no know how You could invite foreigners into freezones and demand some real profit as well as the foreign companies educate people to do jobs, which today hardly exist in Russia. You could fence it.

John Brown

Wrong “As I see it Russia can only help China a little. The gas is far away from where the Chinese actually lives in China.”
Russia can help China a lot.

There are lots of deposits near China and I don’t believe you understand the economics of pipelines.

It how much you send by the pipeline and for how long.

Антон С

You’re right. New gas fields and liquid gas facilities in Arctica (“Novatek”), Northern sea way, nuclear icebrakers – it’s all needed to sell natural gas to any customer. Japan is paying x1,5 times more than Germany.

John Brown

Yes you get it. They also are waiting to make a pipeline to South Korea through North Korea but it is on hold due to stupid Russia going along with Zio USSA sanctions against the North while at the same time they sanction Russia. Time to dump all sanctions against enemies of the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire dictatorship. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Russia only need to make one more pipeline to connect all of the east pipeline networks with those in Europe.

This system will also be use for Kazakstan and Iranian gas to China as well as Russia gas

Антон С

As I know, the problem is on korean side (it’s formally the state of war between them). Anyway, they can buy liquid gas from port Sabetta.

John Brown

North Korea is all for it. The USSA won’t let the south sign up.
I say drop all sanctions against NK and build it anyway right now all the way to the SK border. Once its done SK will sign on as money talks and the USSA is in rapid decline.
Its good for the Russian far east giving lots of jobs and building up infrastructure.

Traiano Welcome

Germany is not on Russias only customer.

Russia has stopped the gas flow in the past to punish Europe before – and Europe bent the knee.

Wind and Solar energy are useless for heavy industry required to drive competitive modern economies. It is only good for self-sufficiency … If Europe is happy with that, fine, but then it is signing over control of Global Markets to China.

Jens Holm

It was the other way too. You forget that.

Your version for what can be driven or not driven by electricity from Wind Farms are very incorrect or outdated. Denmark today produce more then 50% of our electricity and we are using a lot. We do sell parts of it to Norway, Sweden and Germany and buy back electricity made by them by other sources.

It competes well in prices and we have a cleaner air and less noise and less left over products, which also give a long and better life for us.

We have no plans for total replacement by wind, but we and the rest of the world actually build out and mainly with great succes. Those machines also are innovated so they can be used more places then before as well as they produce more pr unit.

Denmark is one of the most industrialized countries in the world and we do keep needed replacement by conventional powerplants as reserve. Hopefully we will use more and more cars with electricity, so we build for that too.

You say we are no modern economy. Haha. Actually You say You dont know Denamrk at all. Come and visit.

Pharmaceuticals: US$17.5 billion (16% of total exports)
Machinery including computers: $15.4 billion (14%)
Electrical machinery, equipment: $9.7 billion (8.9%)
Mineral fuels including oil: $4.8 billion (4.4%)
Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $4 billion (3.7%)
Meat: $3.8 billion (3.5%)
Vehicles: $3.1 billion (2.8%)
Furniture, bedding, lighting, signs, prefab buildings: $3.1 billion (2.8%)
Fish: $2.9 billion (2.6%)
Dairy, eggs, honey: $2.7 billion (2.5%)

Антон С

“Russia has stopped the gas flow in the past to punish Europe before”

It didn’t happen. Hohols (ukros) stole gas after the end of the contract, “Gazprom” stopped delivering until payment, that’s all. It was 10 years ago. Gas transit via Belorussia and Poland wasn’t stopped.

Антон С

Definitely need to try it someday. I’ll send you a bear with gas balloon with propane and another one with gasoline, then we’ll start.)

Jens Holm

Any opposition for needed changes are treated like him.

Here he is descriebed as : hardcore neo-liberal and pro-Western opposition figure Alexey Navalny.

If it wasnt that he was a ziopnist oligarc of the worst and a mix of Stalin and the Khazars.

Its a typical propaganmda version, whcih show how Russia is not and by that low in almost all contexts of devellopments.

Not even the Leader in Kharbarovsk by 70% of the voters doing a good cleining job even in the highly corrupt Blasjevic museum was allowed.

So no matter Navaljev was poisines or murderes as amany others too, no needed changes by any ideas, whcih not even are new, can be allowed.

Its exact the same for Belarus. Even it was true the opposition there only has 20% of the votes, we at least had listened to them. You can even make oppition smaller, if Your take the ideas from them, which are Your own too.


This does not make any sense: “a possibility that this was a false flag operation by Russian special services”In what way would Russia benefit?? It could be a Russian 5th-column third party, but CIA-linked is most likely.

Jens Holm

The Putin Russia benefits by keeping control and with oligarcs as the top and benefits in low scale and no risk for uprise.

People like You also put in Jews, Westerners and USA. Often it makes no sense and evident its only used for controlling the rest by fear and bajonets. We see the same for Belarus. Much more then 20% support Lukashenko musy go and as usual You make the same fiction Nato, USA, EU, Jews are there very hostile.

But facts are we just want to trade and get normal relations. West has supported Lukashenko until the falsified elections too. There is nothing worth stealing in Belarus at all apart from some radioactive trees.

So the ones, which gets something are the ones working in effective modern companies and new structures, where it creates wellfare for the locals as well as profit for the investers.

We have no plans to take over more rusty Russian museum. We today pay a lot for the new EU members and parts of it is doing pretty well. So its about joining again after Europe has been seperated by barbed wire by Russian neocolonialisme.

And another thing. We as small cpuntry allow ud to support even small countries decide most things be themselves. The safety for that is we join with other small ones as well as big ones in economics and military matters.

It makes no sense telling some are “Pro West”. They are much more like “No more or less Russia” and we have rights to see for something better or even partly join it.

I see how things are well. When Poland join Nato its because they want to be protected. Russia more or less demand poles should remove their soldiers to Germany or USA. Thats why Poles want more EU and Nato. Its about not You, which has taken Poland twice by the Tzars as well as the Bolsjevics.

And that why the Belarussian use the 1919 to 1945 flag. Belarus is ol d polish land. Here Russian even has removed all Poles west.

No CIA ot KGB look a likes are needed to see we are allowed to be there so Russia dont make neocoilonialisme again. We danes has missed the small Baltics and Poland very much. You still has amputated Finland too. You have missiles against us in the middel of Nato in Kalingrad. Thats 5 column to me and very real.

John Wallace

‘ Steffen Seibert said in a statement that the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, or OPCW, had carried out its own analysis of samples taken from Navalny, and they “agree with the results already from special laboratories in Germany, Sweden and France.”


they don’t need him in russia so ostracize him like they ostracized solzhenitsyn and if he returns anyways have him defenestrated like they used to do in prague and such like central european cities under habsburg,
bet they can make a good defenestration from the 7th floor look very much like a suicide.


But Novitchok essentially is a Cholinesterase Inhibitor. I think SF didn’t fully understand the press release. Cholinesterase Inhibitor is the category of a substance, Novichok is the brand/name of the substance.


SF was very clear: Navalny is a drug addict


oh well, who isn’t


The green goblin of the frozen swamp


Any Putin oposant is considered a drug addict by Putin media


Betryal! RT is repeating Soros propaganda

Nick Kollerstrom

The stuff they found had “similar structural characteristics as the toxic chemicals belonging to schedules 1.A.14 and 1.A.15 that were added to the Annex on Chemicals to the Convention during the Twenty-Fourth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in November 2019”. Has the (unnamed) author checked these out? Be nice to have reference, to see whether or not they include ‘Novichok.’
It certainly is the case that all other media reports on this OPCW report come out with a diametrically opposite view to this one. Shame the author won’t put his name to it..

Антон С

“hardcore neo-liberal”

Well said!) 280 comments – is it really so interesting? I’m tired from this crap, because I remember Litvinenko and Skripal’ russophobe campaigns in western MSM. Another one is not interesting at all.


I did not know he s a drug addict.
a souvenir and a tie to his american mentor.

Svincius Savickas

This bitch is a traitor. He works openly against Russia. Russia has the legitimate right to eliminate him physically, and I truly hope that it will happen one day. Freaks like this freak shall not live.