NATO Warplanes Stay Home. Poland & Bulgaria Denied Kiev’s Claims About Air Support To Ukraine

NATO Warplanes Stay Home. Poland & Bulgaria Denied Kiev's Claims About Air Support To Ukraine

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NATO confirmed that the Alliance is not a party to the military conflict in Ukraine. The Kiev’s official claims that Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia are sending warplanes to support Ukrainian soldiers were denied. NATO member states are not sending military aircraft to Ukraine.

On March 1, Polish President Andrzej Duda at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that Poland does not send its planes to Ukraine.

“Gentlemen, as Secretary General has now said, we are not sending any jets to Ukraine because that would open a military interference in the Ukrainian conflict. We are not joining that conflict. NATO is not a party to that conflict. However as I said, we are supporting Ukrainians with humanity aid. However, we are not going to send any jets to the Ukrainian airspace.” – Mr Duda claimed.

In its turn, Bulgaria also denied reports that fighter jets of the Bulgarian army and other Soviet-made Eastern European countries could be transferred to Ukraine to try to regain control of its airspace. Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said at a briefing that Bulgaria itself suffers from the lack of combat-ready aircraft.

“In general we lack planes, we can’t give the only planes we have to anyone. We have a small number of flying planes, we have a problem with the supply of parts,” the prime minister said. “It is completely absurd to give them away”

On February 28th, the press service of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced on its official Facebook page that Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia are transferring 70 military aircraft to Ukraine, which will be able to be based at Polish airfields. According to the statement, Bulgaria would transfer 16 MiG-29 fighters and 14 Su-25 attack aircraft to Ukraine, Poland – 28 MiG-29 aircraft, Slovakia — 12 MiG-29. Shortly after, reports about Ukrainian pilots going to Poland to fly new warplanes to Ukraine were spread by the media.

The involvement of NATO member states into Ukrainian conflict would entail Russian strikes on their territories. Thus, the world would face a WWIII.


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Lone Ranger

The usual delusional double digit iq ukrobot whining…
The sooner Putin wipes the floor with them the better.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lone Ranger

Have you noticed that Reddit is an alcove of ukronazi? They also ban the Russia canal
Here is a mod message for the users




Easy to do since there aren’t any Ukrainian (UFO) left, and the few Ukro dimwits running around with AKs are shooting each other instead.


In my opinion, the reddit crowd is at the bottom of the bell curve.

Cyric Vigilius

LOL. Is about to Miracle weapons to rescue them. What about the horoscope. Do the stars predict a great victory?

Hungary Guy

Yep, according to Ukraine- Western PsyOp Media:
Moscow is about to be taken, in an hour by Azovi Khazar Freedom Fighters

Lone Ranger

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

James Brown

Slumped over the bars in Langley. With tears in their beers!

Last edited 3 years ago by James Brown

Non alcoholic beers at that, woke muppets. lol

John Tosh

Please give Russia the security guarantees it requests. Please please please.

My home state of Texas and states like Florida and Georgia are beautiful. It would be nice to see Russian tourists come visit one day not to have a nuclear event obliterate these states.

State Department of the USA please remove Victoria Nulan and her group before they kill us all. They have been wrong so many times from the thought that Russia was bluffing till date. Please remove them before they kill us all

Hungary Guy

Tell that to your russophobic, 1- bit, paid for by CIA Senators, Congressmen (i.e: Rubio)…

Last edited 3 years ago by Hungary Guy

That’s not something you can beg for. They won’t listen.
You either have to do it by force or let the 3rd world take care of it.


Today senator Chuck Schumer said that people who talk like you should be found and “dealt” with.

I don’t care what that POS says. I am American born and I hate our homosexual government. I SUPPORT RUSSIA!

Biden is satan

zelensky is retarded he thought if he said it on twitter then it would come true

Good boy



Yatseniuk and Turchinov ruled the country from Facebook. So no wonder Zelensky is using Twitter.

Cyric Vigilius

Turchinov. Is that dog still in Kyiv? Can’t wait to see him hanging from a lamp post.

Barba Papa

Sleepy Joe let the Taliban take over Afghanistan and did nothing. And that was despite the US having fought and bled there for 20 years. Why does the Ukraine think he will do more for them? And without the US leading the charge (and provide them with a nuclear deterrence against Russian nukes) the EU is going to do squat but use tough language.


You think it was Biden call to leave Afghanistan? All these politicians are different horns to the same devil.

Hungary Guy

Trump started this whole Cycle of Wars back 3rd January, 2020 assassinating Soleimani.
Trump also gave arms to Azov & Nazis & was not able to guarantee Ukraine’s Neutrality to Putin.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hungary Guy

Afghani liberation was coming, regardless of US president in charge.
And the fascists they had as puppets there did not have much illusions either, they knew they’d have to flee Afghanistan. Like these fascists they have as puppets in Ukraine also know they will have to flee eventually. But before they are allowed to flee, they have duties that the US demands of them, like leaving the country in as much chaos as can be achievable before takeover.

Last edited 3 years ago by Manu

LOL. The US wanted Bulgaria to give away its Mig-29’s. So they would have to buy second hand US F-16’s. From batches of tired old stocks the US wants to unload for cash. Poland realizes using their air bases for any attacks on Russians inside Ukraine would probably see Russian air to air missiles chasing the ‘Ukrainian’ warplanes, likely straight back into Polish airspace, which would ground everything across the entire Polish country. And equally, a very good chance of ‘stray and accidental’ conflict zone missiles heading straight for the nearest Polish military radar sites. Seems Bulgaria and Poland object to getting thrown under the bus for benefit of the US-UK branch of NATO.

Last edited 3 years ago by Quadrophenia

Sounds about right.


I’m somewhat proud of them in fact. Rebellious vassals :D

Porc halal aka חזיר כשר

But they did not condemn those false allegations as well … well …

Hungary Guy

Not just them.
Burisma, Azov & CIA, MI6, Mossad, ISIS, Al Qaeda ties, too.
Despite massive burning of documents, Russia will have the Evidence collected & presented.

Cyric Vigilius

No surprise there. The Deputy PM (some say the real PM) Chrystia Freeland is a confirmed Nazi. It is not hidden at all. She was caught at rally on the weekend brandishing Nazi slogans. She tried to delete her tweet, but the internet is forever. Criminally ugly too.

Michel LeBlanc

That bitch going to get it one day.

Not that voting matters, but who would vote for that cunt?

James Brown

Seems the Ukrainian military Facebook page is NOT the best official spokesperson for either the Bulgarian or Polish military, or their air force units, or air bases. Who would have guessed?!

AM Hants

Tell that to the Daily Mail, who are rabid, with Ukraine Hysteria, even using images of children, that their Nazis took out, and blaming it on Russia.


The worst backlash is coming from a photo of a palestinian girl confronting an IDF soldier. They tried to pass it as an ukrainian girl confronting a Russian soldier. Obviously it was debunked in 10 minutes. They changed the tune after the debunking. And now people are calling them racists. HAHAHAHAHA

Anglo pedophiles drug addicts are in deep shieeeett.


May I say that Ukraine are being allowed to control the narrative but ultimately Russia will prevail and the world would be better off since The Russian people would know who their enemies are

AM Hants

One part of me says, be patient, like back in 2014 and watch their lies fall apart. Then another part of me says, they have got away with their lies so often and I so hope it will not be the same again. Good luck Russia.


Yes but that was at the height of their power. They’re in steep decline now.

Hungary Guy

Covid HOAX perpetrated by the Fake News Media fell- this one will too, eventually.

James Brown

Technical correction: the western MSM has control of the narrative across the western world. This is no surprise to Russia as they knew it was coming. Media is a form of reality, and powerful, but in this instance, Russia has to buckle down and not pander with responding too much western media. It is a distraction designed to create pressure. Russia has already learnt this in Syria, where all their good work – de-mining towns, etc- is totally ignored by western MSM.

Last edited 3 years ago by James Brown

Western media coverage is nauseating hypocrisy.


Yes. We should ignore it mostly. Counter by flatly mocking people who still follow it.
The only reasons they have for doing so is out of weakness of character. You can remind them of that, no one likes to be seen as cowardly.

Hungary Guy

Too bad…
Russian BUK and Pantsirs could have used some Target Practice.
Also, two nuclear- tipped Zircons hitting Romania @ Poland under 3 minutes.
Meanwhile: EU vows to accept Ukraine into EU- so if Russia take over Ukraine -> :D

Last edited 3 years ago by Hungary Guy
AM Hants

If you go over to the Daily Mail, they are completely rabid, with Ukraine hysteria. They are now using the deaths, caused by the Ukraine Nazis, and blaming them on Russia, complete with photos of the families. Or are they crisis actors.

Seems like the Daily Mail are going back to their Nazi roots. Didn’t they support them, back in the 40s?


That was always going to happen. Everyone knew it was coming. Russia accounted for that for sure.


Yes. Russia knew all this backlash was going to happen. They new they would loose equipment and men, as in any war.

So make no mistake, Russia is pissed and isn’t going to take any more and they are ready to sacrifice for the security of their country.


NOTICE how these supposed rebels who outed the vaccine lies now are full behind the lie about Russia?


What airplanes? Ukraine wants default along with Mig’s and Su’s. Bloody satire this is!!! Maybe BJ should do bj to Zelensky as well.

Hungary Guy

Let’s go Brandon!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

They also want $57billion and an EU membership.

Last edited 3 years ago by Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
jos Boersema

By USA (also known by their aliases NATO, EU, UN) pretending almost not to exist in a military sense, they allow all the focus to go to the cluster “Russia – Ukraine”, in the minds of the people. This could be a psychological operation, to be exploited. Otherwise, it needs to be explained why USA is like suddenly not existing in a military sense, when you would expect millitaries to rattle their sabres if they perceive a threat to their territory, such as Russia attacking westward. USA cannot completely hide, and must still be seen to “have the initiative” and to keep stirring the pot, but some talk of sanctions is boring political stuff compared to a serious war/invasion. Explain it to me otherwise. I think it’s just another psy-op by USA, to withdraw and create this Russia-Ukraine spectacle for people to feed on. Makes sense ? Once done, hatred can be exploited, USA can play the hero savior.

Hungary Guy

Don’t be summoning the Devil.
Might come in the characteristic form of a False Flag

jos Boersema

The devil hides in darkness. To shine light causes problems for evil. A false flag operation is always a possibility. We also don’t necessarily know what the top guys are up to, on neither side. In the end, the criminal super rich fight the unruly peasants who don’t want to be their slaves anymore. I think this is the main battle line on Earth. Everything else is ultimately an illusion and a distraction, an outgrowth of human vices of some sort (broadly speaking).

CryptoAlchemist BurnEye

at this rate, it won’t be an April fools joke when Kiev falls within a month. The Comedian Zelinsky jokes on twitter of victories using video game footage and claims of nato air support. meanwhile the world’s left him all alone in a countryside full of wolves and Bears!


It’s a brilliant move by Bulgaria. Already they have shortage of jets. If they send the remaining ones to Ukraine, it’s certain that none will return. Then Bulgaria will be without any fighter jets at all!

Andrea Catalano

Even Slovakia denied to send warplanes to Ukraine: “A spokesperson for the Slovakian Foreign Ministry told Newsweek on Tuesday morning: “Slovakia will not provide fighter jets to Ukraine.””


The Poles and Bulgarians sucked too hard on Bidens ballsack and were told to do it slowly and share.

CIA bot

Oh no! Poor Ukies are left to die alone…. But don’t worry – NATO is crying for them! lol Ukro-corpse desperately needs infusion, new weapons, new cannon fodder (nazi fanatics, albanian and syrian jihadists even NATO spec-forces).

Pity they don’t send NATO planes, they would be wrecked in 5 minutes just like all other Ukie planes :D


Ukrainian propaganda is in maximum overdrive.


Slovakia having 3 ready to fly mig 29. Other 9 will must borrow from Russia 😁😁😁😁😁

Timmy Temperance

The Johnson just told a weeping lady that there cannot be a NATO imposed no-fly zone over Ukraine. He was white as a sheet too. I think the military generals gave him a good talking to, and maybe a little bit more. At least he is speaking some sense now. NATO shooting down Russian planes would be the start of the end of the world.

mike l hutchings

this bit of Ukranian propaganda was thought up in an outhouse somewhere in Galacia