NATO Tanks Burning On Zaporozhie Front Mark New Stage Of War In Ukraine (18+)

NATO Tanks Burning On Zaporozhie Front Mark New Stage Of War In Ukraine (18+)

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It seems that the world was timely distracted by a new round of war in the Middle East and we forget about the failure of Kiev’s counteroffensive, paid for by the West. Only the Ukrainian military continue to beat their heads against the wall of Russian defense. The situation on the Zaporozhye front is heating up, then subsiding, but the front lines remain unchanged.

The area of Rabotino south of Orekhov still remains the main direction of Ukrainian attacks, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have almost completely stopped any offensive operations in other areas on southern frontlines. The Ukrainian command throws the main forces for attacks in the direction of the villages of Kopani and Verbovoye.

In recent days, the AFU have not stopped trying to break through the Russian defense line between Rabotino and Verbovoe. Ukrainian forces continue daily attempts to gain a foothold in the area and create a bridgehead at any cost. The Ukrainian command throws armored vehicles with infantry units into attacks with the support of Ukrainian artillery. Infantry attacks in waves. The assault groups are different, some are small, the others include up to 15-20 soldiers. Each of them attacks a separate Russian trench in different areas.

They are met by Russian scouts and paratroopers. Active shooting battles and artillery shelling continue around the clock. Russian aviation responds with air bombs.

NATO Tanks Burning On Zaporozhie Front Mark New Stage Of War In Ukraine (18+)

Military situation in the Zaporozhie region on October 21, 2023


Destruction of the AFU with FPV drones in the Zaporozhie region:





In recent days, the Ukrainian command has used a large number of Western heavy equipment in offensive operations in the area. German Leopard tanks, American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Stryker armored vehicles were thrown into the battles.

As a result, the AFU continue suffering losses both in personnel and in equipment, including NATO tanks and armored vehicles.

Cheap FPV drones destroy the legendary German Leopard 2A6 MBTs:



Another Leopard 2A6 with the flag of Ukrainian Nazis destroyed by a single strike of a small drone:




Strykers failed to bring any victories to the AFU:



More Ukrainian equipment burned down in the Zaporozhie region:




The Ukrainian attacks have still not brought any results. Moreover, the Russian military continues regular counterattacks. For example, Russian advance was recently reported in the area of Verbovoye.

Over the past days, Russian forces advance several hundred meters near Priyutnoe in the South-Donetsk direction. They showed some captured Ukrainian positions (18+):



NATO Tanks Burning On Zaporozhie Front Mark New Stage Of War In Ukraine (18+)

Some trophies

However, judging by the latest reports from the front, the Ukrainian military is preparing to freeze the southern frontlines for the winter period after the counteroffensive ended in complete failure. The Russian military reports that the Ukrainian side has become extremely active in mining the Zaporozhye front. On the one hand, this is aimed at preventing further Russian advance as a result of counterattacks. Also, large-scale mining signals that the Ukrainian command will not launch any large-scale offensive operation in the near future.

In its turn, the Russian military is also increasing the scale of remote mining of Ukrainian rear areas. Ukrainian sources complain that since October 10, units of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, the 108th Territorial Defense Brigade, as well as rear and support units of the 116th and 117th Mechanized Brigades of the AFU lost a lot of servicemen and equipment in previously safe rear areas. They suffer losses in minefields, while the mined areas are constantly changing.



The absence of any successes on the Zaporozhie front forces the AFU to concentrate on other areas where the Russian Army conducts limited offensive actions. A few days ago, the Ukrainian command hastily transferred the battered units of the 47th Brigade from the Rabotino area to the outskirts of Avdeevka, where they were immediately thrown into the assault of the ash dump, where they suffered even greater losses. LINK, LINK

At the same time, the AFU began attempts to advance across the Dnieper in the Kherson direction. Such operations are accompanied by even greater losses than the counteroffensive in the steppes of the Zaporozhye region. To force the river Kiev urgently needed to find more cannon fodder. For these purposes up to three brigades of marines were withdrawn from the Zaporozhye and South Donetsk directions and transferred to the Kherson region at the end of September.

Amid the ongoing Ukrainian operations on the eastern bank of the Dnieper, Ukrainian artillery recently sharply intensified shelling of Russian positions in the Tokmak area in the Zaporozhye region in an attempt to prevent the Russian military from transferring reinforcement to the Kherson front.

It can be concluded that the months-long Kiev’s counteroffensive in the Zaporozhie region led only to the loss of the lives of tens of thousands of Ukrainian servicemen, numerous Soviet and Western equipment and meager results on the battlefields. Today, the configuration of the fronts is changing. The AFU is forced to transfer large forces to deter the Russian offensive in the Donbass. At the same time, the Ukrainian command is trying to break through the Russian defense on the Dnieper, which can lead to very dubious results in the absence of any success on the Zaporozhye front.


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everything about the nazi effort is dubious. the nato backed nazi regime will have to be collapsed eventually, either brute force or internal collapse. the sbu has not yet even been marked as a terrorist organization by russia


they will continue till the last ukranian and eu citizen unfortunately the goal of the zionists and wef young global leaders in the eu behind these wars is that we mutually destroy eachoter so israel can become the seat of the world government. we need to stop fighting eachoter and help the palestinians defend themselves from ethnic cleansing.


the war in ukraine can end at the negotiation table in 1 day. with the naftalli bennet negotiations as a basis which were fair to both russia and ukraine. however the criminals in the united states military complex dont want peace they want it to continue so esav and edom europe and the united states are being destroyed


with all the talk in these comment sections about “jews” you accept a israeli to negotiate a “peace” plan ???

Boycott USA the world's bully

so nato trained and equipped their proxy kyiv land forces for yesterdays war, with obsolete metal chariots that are huge targets, instead of providing them with drones and electronic warfare.


exactly and next year live training exercises in the sky. f-16 will fly 45 minutes maximum on average before pilot ejects.


45 minutes? an optimist…


there is already material for this. india’s major military exercise pitting f-22 against su-27. the americans fell in an average of five minutes. this was the death blow for the development of the f-22. which led to the further development of the f-35. there was an attempt to hide the exercise reuslt, but india did not hide the result, it had not achieved anything by hiding.


looks like they’re waiting for f-16’s in 2024 to use with m1a1 abram tanks. obviously this is doomed to fail. the abrams are probably housed in poland right now. it makes you wonder— did the lack of quality in education finally hurt the brain capability of warmongers? its like they’re trying to win — but stupidity gets the best of them


is the gmo grain, ultra processed foods, the clot cv19 vaccines, chemicals in the water, shit education system, too much tv — or a combination thereof? asking for a friend

Paul Scesniak

yes, i think your question points up a big part of it. the reason, possibly the only one, that explains my ability to see this, is that i am quite old and thus learned in schools etc. just before the many-layered decay really took hold here in the west and degraded our citizens. what rot we have now.


us war luck in iraq has caught them off guard. the us started the ukrainian conflict before the us lost in afghanistan. now they would hardly go to the ukrainian conflict. since soviet times, russia has been aiming to defeat the us military, so it should not come as a surprise that russia is doing better than the iraqis. but apparently it still came.


to je ono, len bite tie bandrovské fašistické zvery!!! smrť fašistom!!! mor ho!!! svetu mier!!!

senile sawyer

senile germ midget stapo gubber celebrate 19 years as retired maid. i swill send him obama chocolate turd

Psionists slaves of America

bravo .it never gets old watching zionist enslaved, treasonous, cannon fodder ala shish kebob.


“however, judging by the latest reports from the front, the ukrainian military is preparing to freeze the southern frontlines for the winter period after the counteroffensive ended in complete failure.”

it is not up to ukronazi pigs, which front is “frozen”. it is up to the russian armed forces to decide who is eliminated and who lives. the drugged idiot in kiev already understands this.

James Hodgkiss

todays videos are exceptionally good!!!that house went up a treat. made me realise, the west and its war machine is only good at murdering babies and children and women etc, like in gaza.


please publish the recipe for the fourth video it looked delicious

jens holm

4 stages of senility–i am stage 4–nazi retired boot licker dementia


just death and dying for these lads.
