NATO Still Trying To Use Neo-Nazi Junta To Attack Russia’s Nuclear Triad

NATO Still Trying To Use Neo-Nazi Junta To Attack Russia's Nuclear Triad

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On January 8, the Kiev regime’s drones targeted the “Kombinat Kristall” fuel depot in the vicinity of the Engels-2 strategic aviation base of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) in the Saratov oblast (region). The attack allegedly destroyed some of the reserves of specialized T-8V high-density fuel used by Tu-160 strategic bombers (better known as missile carriers in Russian military nomenclature). According to several sources, T-8V is produced through a complex refining process at only several facilities in Russia.

The Neo-Nazi junta’s Defense Express claims that such fuels were produced “only at petrochemical plants in Angarsk (nowadays known as the Angarsk Petrochemical Company) and Orsk (now named Orsknefteorgsintez)”, but admitted that this information is based on decades-old data from the time of the Soviet Union and that they were “unable to find any statistical data on its production in Russia”.

The propaganda outlet further claims that the purpose of the attack was to “disrupt the battle readiness of strategic aircraft based at the Engels-2 air base, particularly Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers of the 22nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Division”. However, Defense Express also admitted that Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers use conventional aviation fuel types (T-1, TS, RT), unlike the Tu-160 which uses the aforementioned T-8V, created specifically for its Kuznetsov NK-32 afterburning three-spool low bypass turbofan jet engines.

Interestingly, while proud of the supposed achievement, as it would severely limit the Tu-160 operations, the Kiev regime’s outlet conceded that the VKS “barely ever uses Tu-160 bombers for strikes on Ukraine anyway” and that they were last used during a massive combined missile/drone strike on November 17 last year, “the first such deployment after 550 days of inactivity“.

This admission alone raises questions as to why the depot was targeted. While certainly not the most potent part of Russia’s strategic arsenal (with ICBMs and nuclear-powered submarines/SSBNs being far deadlier and more survivable), the Tu-160 is important for the country’s deterrence capabilities against a potential direct NATO aggression, meaning that such an operation could’ve only been coordinated with (or even ordered by) the world’s most vile racketeering cartel.

In order to hurt Moscow’s nuclear triad, NATO would certainly want to disrupt the operations of these strategic assets. There are currently around 20 Tu-160s in the VKS, which is not enough for the Russian military, so another 50 are expected to be built (10 are currently on order). This makes them even more valuable, at least until there are larger numbers of available aircraft due to a renewed and expanded production run.

It should be noted that this isn’t the first time that Engels-2 has been targeted. Back in early December 2022, the Neo-Nazi junta attacked it along with the Dyagilevo air base in the Ryazan oblast (housing Tu-22M3 strategic missile carriers). The runway of Engels-2 was struck at the time, resulting in several injured personnel, while a fuel truck exploded at Dyagilevo.

The infamous SBU (now effectively a terrorist organization) also launched operations to hijack Russian bombers and fighter jets, showing that the Neo-Nazi junta is more concerned with aiding NATO and fighting PR battles rather than contributing to actual military operations. This is a further confirmation of the Kremlin’s legitimate concern that the political West effectively turned former Ukraine into an “anti-Russia” and that it planned (and still plans) to use the unfortunate country as a strategic springboard for another Barbarossa-style invasion.

However, attacks on Russian strategic deterrence capabilities aren’t limited only to aircraft, as evidenced by several drone strikes on Moscow’s early warning radar systems back in May last year. This includes the May 22 attack on the “Voronezh-DM” at the Armavir Radar Station located in the Krasnodar Krai (a federal subject in southwest Russia). Just four days later, on May 26, another over-the-horizon radar station, located near Orsk, a city in the Orenburg oblast, was also targeted in a drone strike.

Luckily, the UAV was downed by air defenses. Although it failed, the attack signaled a far more brazen Western involvement, as these radar stations play no role in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. They’re strategic assets important only in the case of direct confrontation between Russia and the political West. Such actions are tantamount to a declaration of war.

In other words, the US/NATO keeps testing Moscow’s patience. However, while the Kremlin is showing remarkable restraint, this isn’t an endless resource, particularly if it becomes ultimately self-defeating to maintain such bearing. As the political West is slowly but surely losing its mind, it cannot be expected its leadership will be sensible and accountable. Detached from reality and with no consequences for its war crimes and aggression against the entire world, the US/NATO seems to think this too will go unpunished.

Worse yet, the world’s most vile racketeering cartel keeps mocking Russia’s red lines and trying to test how far it can go. Some of the most prominent Western intellectuals have been warning against this, including Theodore Postol, Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and National Security Policy at MIT, Princeton and Stanford. Still, it seems any voices of reason in the political West are promptly silenced.


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the best place for these weapons is exploding over the jewsa and tel aviv.


be careful what you wish for do unto others ” revenge is mine sayeth the lord. “

BoJo the Magnificent

i’m a lord and when i went to get my yearly haircut , the barber discovered there was nothing underneath it.


dont think so.
the world peace impact would be probably much greater with aiming washington, london and brussels.


no. everything is about the law. war is legal business. its run by the law.without lawful support it would be criminal


aircraft like the tu-22m3, tu-95ms, and tu-160, are the bane of nato because of their ability, due to the lack of capable usn carrier aircraft, to control the northern atlantic. as such they effectively prevent the us from waging a conventional nato war against russia in eastern europe with any chance on success.


nato doesn’t give a shit about weak nazi ruzzia, which isn’t even a regional power 🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆


course they so it’s the biggest parcel of land on one title on earth .

BoJo the Magnificent

when trump annexes canada and makes me its military governor, the us will be bigger than russia.

Last edited 1 month ago by BoJo the Magnificent

banned ..the kessler conspiracy .my copy was stolen by ,as described by charles manson family ,like the mob ,with their ” family first community values ” as the creepy crawlies that every community is endowed with by rule of law .get yourself a copy. look and learn .

A Casual Observer

charlie manson would probably have been awarded a phd from that same ukraine institute of higher learning that awarded david duke one.

biletsky would have made him an honorary azov member.


nato means peace, vladolf means looting, fake and silliness


stfu you dirty hasbara hurenkind bastard.
many millions of dead and wounded from vietnam, korea, irak, serbia, somalia, syria, libya, yemen and many others proofs your braindead dirty lies allover wrong.
you little parasite know that, but spread your paid lies to poison dumbasses like you?


zzzzzombie talk


war is the most profitable business on this planet. it sustains the love of money that creates economic growth without which the global economy would collapse. its that simple but only because the law allowed it to become the backbone of the whole show. imo.


i saw you in my gay bar last night—ramses insatiable for mulatto semen

NATO in Pieces

ha ha ha ha ha


its really funny how the russians are allways complaining that the west does not play by the rules. look at the entire history of this world the definition of the west is to win by not playing by the rules but braking them and then making new ones whenever the old ones no longer are deemed usefull.


but they are always willing to give the ‘partners’ and ‘negotiations’ one more try, because next time will be different…

BoJo the Magnificent

i went to get my yearly haircut today and the barber discovered there was nothing underneath it.

English Barnyard Tours

i went to the salisbury cathedral to view the original magna carta and was told you swiped it and burned it during a satanic ritual.

it’s just as well because when i arrived, they told me that two suspicious russians with fake mi6 badges had poured some thing called novichok over the whole thing.

maybe handling it caused your cerebellum to fall out from under your haircut?


they should have deleted france from the worldmap after napoleon attacked them to teach everyone that attacking them has consequenzes. i mean the japanese just attacked one island of the usa not even the mainland and got firebombed and nuked so everyone understands you dont mess with the usa.


they aren’t trying. they are actually doing it. is there something different about russian language that they can’t fathom something bad is actually happening? seems the leader also has great difficulty learning from mistakes and admitting mistakes, is that a cultural trait?


the amusing thing is they hate each other so much they kill each other and yet they use the same stupid lies. all drones/ missiles shot down some debries hit the actual target it was supposed to hit. well perhaps shot the stuff down far away from the target so it cant acurately fly and still hit it after been shot down …

NATO's Wishful Thinking

8 of the tu-160s were actually purchased from ukraine after the soviet breakup. with a speed of mach 2 plus and a rotary missile launcher the potential military value of this aircraft is enhanced in the new hypersonic era. this must be worrisome for the globalists at nato in their ruthless grab for russian resouces.


drago yhe neo nazi parrot is back with his bs as usual , votka flows a lot today is on fire

NATO in Pieces

did izetbegovic roll out a red carpet when osama bin laden landed in bosnia or did he not want to draw attention and just used a grey one to blend into the tarmac?

btw: was it true that bin laden delayed his plans in order to not upset nato’s attack on belgrade or was that just a rumor?

crafty fellow that guy was.

Last edited 1 month ago by NATO in Pieces

jesus must have been 2 bottle votka at least

captain hohol

it either ends with nuclear warfare, or with the people of the west destroying the axis of western neoliberal elites who are trying to force lgbt progressive politics.

because that’s in the end what this is about, it’s about the evil elites knowing they can’t propagate any other way than indoctrinating anyone else and if russia sands as a solidarity against that, then the world will always sufficiently resist neoliberal wokeism.


go treat yourself neo nazi drado

Captain Crunch

snap, crackle and pop – three of zelensky’s newest ghost brigades.


or the same thing happens as in every other war they found someone who will betray their country for enough dollars and this someone will either kill the leaders or deactivate the defences.
the usa fought irak twice, yugoslavia twice, lybia, yemen, afghanistan. the afghans shot us soldiers in afghanistan and the yemenites try to hit the ships and drones of the usa. everyone else did not even try to fight the usa and now compare that to ukraine…


nato plans to attack when it considers russian defences adequately degraded ‘ recent reports of 2.5k british soldiers in romania. a reason. not to be trusted.


nato wont invade russian core territory ever. they want to degrade the nuclear deterance to use their own nukes and will send their troops later to just take the ressource rich far east.

English Barnyard Tours

2.5 thousand british soldiers? they sent their entire army? who’ll protect our barnyards?


liee bots and tard alucinated and out of reality bots and the others are yhe boys who love to eat their icecreams with the forehead