A soldier of NATO-led peacekeeping force KFOR guards convoy of the road near the village of Leposavic, northern Kosovo, Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic
Britain denies sending anti-tank weapons to Kosovo but Serbia says otherwise.
Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst
After supplying equipment and emboldening a militarized Ukraine, Britain has now started arming Kosovo’s Albanians with Javelin and NLAW anti-tank missile systems. The British Embassy in Belgrade said that some Serbian media published fabricated claims of arms exports from the United Kingdom to Kosovo and claimed that there was no truth to those allegations. However, Serbian Minister of the Interior Aleksandar Vulin insists that the UK did transfer weapons to Kosovo, stating: “You are creating an army, arming them, giving them armored vehicles, anti-tank systems, drones, conducting training, we hear that you are sending them to trial courses in Turkey and Albania,” adding that the integration of Kosovo into NATO is only intended to “provoke Serbia.”
London seemingly wants to use the situation in Ukraine to increase pressure on the Serbs over the issues in Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH). Before the Russian military operation commenced in Ukraine, Britain was already heavily involved in security issues in the Balkans. It is recalled that Boris Johnson warned of an extremely dangerous situation in the Balkans as early as December last year and appointed Air Marshal Sir Stuart Peach as the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to the Western Balkans.
Following Brexit, the UK did everything it could to keep its presence in Europe, including in the Western Balkans where the roots of conflict already exist and threaten to boilover. The UK advocated for the maximum strengthening of Operation Althea (formally the European Union Force Bosnia and Herzegovina), the strengthening of the NATO contingent in the country, and even coordinated the unilateral arrival of British contingents and forces on the territory of BiH.
Such British (and NATO) militarization awakens anxieties and counters the security of both Serbia and the Balkans, with the violent wars of the 1990’s still fresh in the memory. The UK will likely continue to deliver equipment to the Balkans and also encourage other NATO members to strengthen anti-Serbian militaries in the region.
This comes as Montenegro seems synchronised in terms of Russophobia and pointing to Serbia as a disruptive factor in the region. This is ironic when considering Montenegro has no independence itself and follows the interests of the UK and US instead. Albania is also another key to Anglo designs over the Balkans, especially as they enthusiastically express their willingness to take practical steps to strengthen NATO forces in the Balkans.
The Western arming of Kosovo, bolstering of BiH, and encouragement for Montenegro and Albania to militarize is a warning to Serbia that it should not be so close to Russia, especially in the context of the Ukraine War.
The fact that foreign instructors are arriving with military systems in Kosovo is not a novelty because they have so far trained Kosovo Albanian soldiers in special forces, support units, telecommunications, anti-armour, PVO systems and more. However, this is likely just elementary training and an incomplete process with a future aim of fully equipping Kosovo’s forces with much more powerful weapon systems.
London is making such a decision to arm Kosovo even though there is no complete consensus in NATO regarding the status of the territory, with Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain refusing to recognize its illegally declared independence from Serbia. Despite a consensus not being reached, London and Washington are working timelessly to assist Pristina and construct some kind of Kosovo Army.
In effect, the Anglo Alliance are further radicalising Kosovo’s Albanians and encouraging destabilisation in the Balkans. Instead of punishing Kosovo’s de facto Prime Minister Albin Kurti for banning Kosovo Serbs from voting, they reward him with weapons and further integration into NATO.
Lightweight anti-missile and Javelin anti-tank systems, most commonly mentioned as part of a Western “support” package for the Ukrainian Armed Forces against Russia, have become part of the arsenal of Kosovo’s so-called security forces. The acquisition was agreed at a meeting between Albin Kurti and Boris Johnson in February this year, and according to Serbia but denied by the UK, the first contingent of 50 systems was delivered in April.
At the same time, the European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee will hold a session to discuss a draft resolution that will invite Serbia to harmonise with EU decisions in foreign and security policy, including sanctions on Russia. A draft resolution proposed by EP rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilczyk, expressed regret over the fact that Serbia failed to comply with EU sanctions following Russia’s military operation in Ukraine and urged Serbian authorities to show “a real commitment to EU values.”
The draft resolution reminds Serbian authorities that progress in the dialogue on normalising relations with Kosovo will determine the pace of EU accession negotiations. The proposed text is to be adopted by the European Parliament at a plenary session this year.
In effect, the EU and the Anglo Alliance are working in tandem to move Serbia away from Russia. The EU provides the carrot of bloc membership while the Anglo Alliance provides the stick by arming, training and militarizing Kosovo’s Albanians against Serbia. Given that Serbia has already experienced the full horrors of NATO and could do little as Europe divided the Serbian people by establishing new countries and not allowing them to be in the borders of Serbia, it is unlikely that Belgrade will be intimidated into abandoning its long, tried and tested relationship with Moscow.
My question is: who pays all these weapons? the Kosovars or the American taxpayers?
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The stupid dumb tax payers.
You can’t blame tax payers. I’m American and I’m livid that DC swamp rats are using my taxes to fund terrorism across the globe and I can’t do anything about it
Your forefathers gave you guns for a reason
Fertilizer and diesel is cheap too, I’ve seen the final product send Humvees five meters in the air. Much more effective than a plastic piece of shit AR-15. Unfortunately the media machine has taken complete control of the population, it’s extremely effective at silencing voices that preach for peace, reigning in the military budget, and less overseas intervention. I remember before I became a world traveler being young in America how there were still voices in the media arguing against intervention in the Middle East, but the oligarchs and crony capitalists have complete control of the media now, it’s even more of a police state than before 9/11/2001 which is saying a lot. Dissenting voices are not tolerated, are shamed, and are “cancelled”, whatever that means in a free society. In my opinion the only thing that will bring the empire down is an economic crisis similar to the Great Depression. At the moment their retirement system has turned into a Ponzi scheme, many Americans have no healthcare and rotting teeth, inflation and gas prices are sky high, wages are stagnant, housing prices are through the roof, there’s an unheard of drug epidemic tearing apart the youth, I could go on for pages. It’s a perfect combination of factors, the country is in a worse state than ever before in its history. Hopefully someone will light the match to bring it all crashing down.
Fertilizer and diesel are not cheap the price has gone up.I’d like to ask you a question. If the Serbs are so close to Russia where did the Serbs come from Russia or the Russians came from Serbia? The Serbs came from Russia the Serbs are Slavic like the Russians Yes or No ? The Albanian’s ( Illyrians ) have been in the Balkans for over 2500 – 3000 years. Take a good look at the map and see the truth. The Russians are not committing genocide in Ukraine NATO has encroached on Russia’s borders. Russia is defending herself. Thank God for Father Russia (Vladimir Putin ) now am I telling the truth or not. You can’t have it both ways. Be honest with yourself. You had your Hitler. Slobodan Melosevic remember what he did in the 80’s & 90’s. The truth will set you free…
All right, now we are telling the truth for what it really is, instead of Greater Serbia Greek anonimuns jurnalist. You can’t have it both ways. Bosnia is Bosnia, and not some bs state known as Big or whatever. Paul the greek islamophobic, Gremanophobic Greek preacher. Suffering from low self esteem complexity because his ancestors mixed way too much with ‘dirty asians’ turks in the first place. Yes, there are Muslims, more white way more than thou, and that is the fact that screws up your brain and comprehension.
What idiocy. Bosnia is part of Serbia but of course the bacha bazi will support the Ittoman expansion. Bosnia is Turkish and Iranian puppet.
No, you are very well known idiot, Alexander here and there and everywhere. England is a part of France, and live with that. So screw you, English rachitoid retard. You have all those millions and still bitch is a bitch.
Why do your answers become less and less relevant?
I am not Greek or a journalist just speaking the truth about who is right or wrong.
I actually replied to a post about the USA, so I’m not sure why you typed all this moronic gibberish. Our Hitler has actually been the American government, tens of millions of Native Americans are dead and wiped out, the survivors were thrown in concentration camps. Hundreds of thousands of black people kept as slaves for hundreds of years and kept in a modern form of Jim Crow slavery to this day. Let me ask you a question moron. Mexico neighbors the USA and is run as a narco-state, the police, army, and politicians are all complicit in the drug trade. Militias roam the countryside and kill at will, they attacked government forces when they arrested El Chapo’s son and FREED him! The drugs from South America flow to the millions of American junkies, it funds these drug cartels and the havoc they wreak on Latin American society. So the USA will spend trillions sailing and flying across an ocean, sending weapons, overthrowing duly elected governments, instead of sending a peacekeeping force to Mexico? Trying to help Latin America instead of overthrowing their democratically elected governments? Fund development and aid programs? Invest in their own society so not so many people use drugs every day? It’s so sick and hypocritical… My comments are about America taking care of herself before she butts into affairs of others, don’t throw rocks from a glass house.
1. You are not Ilirians and consequently you have not been in the Balkans for 2-3000 years. You came in 1043 attached to the horse tails of Giorgio Maniace in his campaign against Greece. After the defeat he left you on Serbian territory. Unfortunately, the Serbian king Milutin allowed you to settle in today’s Albania. The Turkish census on the territory of Kosovo I Metohija of 1462 clearly shows that there were 26 Albanian families on the entire territory. So with your propaganda you can clean your ass.
Second, until 1912 (the year Albania was created by the United Kingdom) there was never any state or kingdom called Albania there were four clans that did not speak even the same language without literature or any kind of culture. The only national hero you have is Skender Beu named Đurađ Kastriot(ic) son of Ivan Kastriot(ic) and mother Vojislava Brankovic. Therefore, in all your “millennial” history the only national hero you have is Serbian. The United Kingdom created Albania to weaken Serbia and consequently prevent Russia from going out on the warm sea.
Third, since you have been on the Balkans for 2-3000 years, find me one and I say only one Albanian toponym on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, you will not find it because it does not exist and I will tell you more, at least 80% of the toponyms in Albania are in Serbian, it is not possible that on the millennial land of a people there are almost exclusively the toponyms of the invader who arrived a few centuries ago. More than half of the names of villages and towns in Albania today are Serbs or Albanianized Serbian names. There is something wrong with the fable of the poor Iliryans crushed by the invaders who even put the names to the mountains, villages, cities and rivers before coming to occupy them. Even stranger is that you have never put back “your” toponyms or names of cities and villages.
Because Serbs translated those cowardly. Ferizaj, couldn’t really translated that but Vuchitrn.
Albania was created to weaken Greece.
Did you know that George Washington’s mother was 100% Albanian… Woodrow Wilson is the one who allows Albanian to get his independence meathead
Albanians are Illyrians though.
Of course they are not.
Yes, they are and you are serbian aloromanian non slavic turkic gypsy.
Bosniaks are the Turks of Europe.
My ass is clean your mouth is dirty… just like the Greeks say Alexander the Great was Greek the Macedonians say he was Macedonian the Albanians say he was Albanian. Over half Alexander the Greats army was Albanian the say so there you go. Knot Head…
american gun owners are LARPers
I agree with you. I follow a lot american Youtube channels that are either Republican,Libertarian and Democratic. They are all against wars and especially US being a World Cop.
Same in my Country,all we can do is call the bastards out when we can,the clown masquerading as the British Prime minister is spending millions of our taxes supporting fascist in Ukraine while Britain goes to rat shit.
In your country, does know one ever ask who is paying for the arms? Ukraine is not, they are bankrupt. Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, they will be paid. I am in interested in the mechanics of it.
Exactly. Arms contractors makes a contract by providing a loan to the purchaser. As soon as the purchaser defaults as in the case of Kosovo and Ukraine that is right away, Government bails out the contractor. Translation = The taxpayer pays.
Heroin,it’s an old scheme from 90’s.Europian narcomans with premision from BND.
Shiptars are gonna pay for those weapons with what??? They have no economy worth of procuring income. Kosovo is a fucking US base.
You ain’t Slovenc, you are chetnik serb. Dirty gypsy pig.
Slovenes for the win! Serbs and Slovenes and maybe Croats should send your Ottoman prick into hell.
You are little rat, nothing but that.
You are a dumb pile of pig shit you filthy islamized mutant turko-bitch.
Suck my dick and die, servian.
You are talking about gay s*x (your true identity) all the time
No I am a big lion
And you are worthless piece of shit.
Kosovo republic.
The EU and that means Germoney like always.
Germanys pockets are empty first the refugees(52billion per year) than pharmamafia/Lockdowns(40-60billion per year) and their industry is crippled every day more and more… real inflation this year between 15-20% in Germany.
Maybe next winter EU will not heat with gas but with worthless paper money called Euro.
Serbia is another example why you should’t to be ally to russia. Serbia = poverty
russia = poverty
Before opening your month and use your little grey cells –
Poorest Country in Europe
Per Capita Income (USD)
1 Ukraine 2,963.47
2 Moldova 3,217.72
3 Kosovo 4,402.56
4 Albania 5,288.86
Serbia has been the fastest growing economy for years and still growing.
You are must be kidding, alright?
You the bacha bazis will never be poor. However, you might get left pregnant.
Your mother named Robin the red hood.
The bacha bazi got mad it seems.
Kosovo is not a country but a US puppet just like Qatar or Bahrain.
Hay Hans !!! We fucked you Nazis in both wars and will do it again !! Serbians are no slaves to anyone !! Obviously you haven’t left your WW2 bunker yet and have not seen the world outside !! NATO is a peace of shit that left Afganistan like a bunch of cunts !! Serbia may not be and God forbid the USA or Germany but its by far wealthier as a nation, a free and independent nation not a fucking USA slave like all the NATO scum bags !!
According on central bank statistics and data serbian economy is very weak when you compare to eastern europe country like Poland,czechia,estonia or romania who decided to be part of west,nato and european union. Its no about being slave, problem with serbia is your govermment – they lack of pragmatism and internal politic that is based on anti-nato rhetoric. Time to move on and face fact that there is nothing what russia can offer to serbia, just poverty and nothing more.
Get out of your bunker the Russian bunker busting bombs are on the way !! Fuck off and die, its none of your business what Serbia does you Nazi MF !!! Keep your stinking Germany and all those puppet states that you mentioned with you !!! Our government is ours and we chose not to be part of a NATO terrorist organization !! Where is NATO NOW…you lead Ukraine into a war with Russia and left them hanging, you fckung cowards !! Every single Serb is anti-NATO because we don’t sell out for your lousy Euro/dollar !! You should worry about your own ugly nation as its becoming a minority and soon you will be embracing Allah as your savior !
You sebs are genocidal psychos, that started WWI with monstruous act of massacre of Archduke and his wife that was 9 month pregnant in Sarajevo. So, FUCK YOU FASCIST, savage piece of pork, instead! Death to greater serbia, death to Gavrilo the monstruous slaughterhouse Princip.
Yes but that was secret society not the common Serbs. A Freemason killed the duke.
Get life you little pathogen.
Big pathogen
WWI was started by London, purposefully.
Eat shit you mutant islamized turko-pig, buttlicking bitch of Turks, Austrians, Nazis, yankees and every other scum dirty whore from fake ‘nation’ without name, history, language, shame or brain. You even like to suck albanian dokey dick you moronic insect. FUCK YOU ISLAMONAZI pile of shit. Death to bosniax or whatever those dirty mutant animal insects created by Turks and USA called themselves today.
DIE piece of shit, you and your entire ‘nation’ of turkish feces.
Butt hurted by truth? Kosovo republic.
Kosovo gaypublic
Only the greedy banksters care about money so much. We the idealists have hearts and souls.
Like you do, hooked nose?
Hooked nose are yourself since you belong to Gog Magog.
I’m German to but I for Russia and Serbia I hate the shit NATO
I been to Germany many, many times…beautiful and wonderful people !! My wish is for Europe to break off with NATO, these proxy wars that USA/UK keep making against poor nations just so it can dominate globally !! NATO is nothing but an American cash cow by selling their military to all the members and to use it as it sees to meet their agenda !! Which country did USA ever defend ??? It invaded and destroyed a dozen countries just in last 20 years !!
Now could be a good time to liberate Kosovo from those drug dealing animals.
Except that you been slaves to Turks for 700 + years. Fuck Serbia! To Hell with chetniks and greater serbia!
Greater Serbia for the win. Chetniks for the win!
IRA GOES FOR THE KILL! English hypocrite. Weed. Waste. Dump. Junk.
I am Greek. You think that I am English because I am literate.
Half of you Germans are non binary, while the other half are non entities.
My country is in NATO and EU and i hope someday Russia will liberate us from them.
The people(not the corrupt paid politicians) of slavic Nations love Russia and hate NATO/EU
I wouldn’t say they love Russia. At best they are not hating it. Up until break of Soviet union, it was exploiting countries in it’s sphere of influence not giving much itself.
Also, the shady ways of corruption isn’t really that good to live in. It’s way better to have honest terms that are spelled out officially than uncertainty which could lead anyone to jail if someone in high places want it. Also poverty of majority of population isn’t fun to live in.
That said, western culture is deteriorating really fast and creating influx of “refugees” to divide and impera isn’t fun either. Giving blowjob to USA is humiliating, and overall occupation of country by USA forces is not something i want.
Dear Hans,
In 1941 Kingdom of Yugoslavia signed pact with Hitler, On 27. March 1941 pact was broken by demonstrations organized by British Intelligence. Hitler invaded Serbia and was shouting 100 Serbs for one dead German solder. In Kragujevac quota was drown with 5000 pupils from the school.
It seems 400 years ongoing schism between West and East churches is more important then we admit.
It seems the so called Kosovo got some Javelins too and NLAWs.
But Shiptars (or Albanians) there are our enemies and I respect them as enemies. They just don’t like us and I accept that. The main problems is within Serbia, starting with our traitorous president Vuchic with his criminal group having business with Kosovo and Montenegro mafia on all expenses of Serbian people.
Hajde ne seri ! You need more breast feeding the milk formula made you as dumb as a stump !!
Glupi BOTu. Što majmun ne uđe sa vojskom i policijom dole. Idealno je bilo kada je S-400 bio kod nas. Stupid and traitorous Vucich gave Albanians independence. They have Constitution, Laws, Attorney, Military, Police, Phone number +383… If Kosovo’s policeman decide not to let me in Kosovo, I can not go in.
Jebo te bog v rit. Pa še šipterji te nej nategnejo do guše. Slepec preklet. Vučič mora plavat med zahodom in vzhodom. Če bi lahko bilo po njegovem,bi šiptarija že zdavnaj bila v Alabaniji. Vučič je kriv ja. Ti si budala zahojena.
Pozdrev Slovenec !! Sluzio sam vijsku u Ajdovscina 1984/6 !! Bio sm dobrovolec iz Kanade…hahaha !! Slovenia is beautiful !!
Znači služio si JNA u Ajdovščini?? Slovenija je stvarno lijepa Država. kako misliš Dobrovoljac iz kanade?? Explain in English
Ti si budala zahojen. Slovenian named Mitar Jankovič. Oh yeah, that’s right, that’s a real Slovenian.
Do you enjoy Slovenian dick?
Perfidious Albion, always stirring the pot.
Now it’s Little Britain, attack puppies for Bidet. The dumb being led by the senile, lol.
Look people, we all know that NATO is a terrorist organization. And we also know, what to do with scum like that… Blow them to hell, along with all those stinky Albanian organ traffickers.
NATO is the Anti-Orthodox Alliance. Unfortunately many Orthodox Nations are now vassals of NATO. We need to pray for their liberation.
Agreed. Look what they have done to Greece. A beggar’s prison. You know the world is upside down when Greece opposes Russia and Turkey is allied with her.
N=Nazi A=Atlantic T=Terror O=Organisation
NATO is front for global Freemasonry.
Lightweight anti-missile and Javelin anti-tank systems given to kosovo were you have many drug and organ traffickers and trainers of islamic terrorists.What can go wrong?!!!
Just yesterday ukronazis have been Serbian slavic ortodox brothers…hmmm. Just yesterday.
Ukronazis are close to Bosnian nazis and jihadis.
Boris Johnsons Bots such are you.
Boris the blade. lol You are a bot of the mad mullahs.
What it have to do with my comment? Are you drugged or insane?
Bosniaks have insane hatred for Greeks.
Brits as well as the EU and NATO is showing that Serbia needs to straighten up and do what they are told. Germany, Britain, France are the European bosses and the US is the Big #1 Boss of Bosses and the rest are serfs.
Serbia is sold to the wef!
Serbs are F-ed by their politicians, and “elites” !
Common Serb people better get pepared for digital enslavement, high inflation, food shortage and pandemic restrictions, and compulsory covid booster jabs!
Yes unfortunately. We are all slaves of the cabal.
This is so bad. It seems that the Anglo Saxons are on the same page with radical Islam. No matter if they hate it, they are on the same page all times.
Renfield being created by the blood thirsty Vampires of France, UK & US. Better known as FUKUS
Start arming the IRA; that will teach the Brits that others can play the same game.
The Brits and US believe they are arming Kosovo and the Ukraine, but the vast majority of those weapons are either being destroyed by the Russians once the make it to the Ukraine and/ or sold on the black market. The world will be dealing with these weapons in terrorists’ hands for decades to come.
Yes and Icarus Tanovic is a huge terrorist.
Бој не бије свјетло оружије него срце у јунака!
Fight is not the light of a weapon but the heart of a hero
Brits… creating conflicts all over the world since 1700s