NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Borders On April 1 – April 14

NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Borders On April 1 - April 14

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Maps showing the activity of NATO and Swedish reconnaissance aircraft near the borders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine from April 1 to April 14 were shared by OrionIntel.

NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Borders On April 1 - April 14

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NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Borders On April 1 - April 14

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James Ferguson

Here is a photo from the heavy bombarded Mariupol:

Just kidding, it’s from Omsk.

James Ferguson

Russian missile strike on Kiev×400.jpg

Just kidding, it’s Detroit

Last edited 2 years ago by James Ferguson
Last edited 2 years ago by ....
Ghost of Snake Island

The Ukrop government proposed to exchange Medvedchuk for the British mercenary Aiden or w/e his name was. In the interviews that he gave he sounded like a downey, the guy quite literally can’t formulate a single sentence. Whatever his mental condition is, he’s definitely not 100% right in the head. And this one British downey, is deemed more valuable than the hundreds of high ranking Ukrainian officers who are currently in Russian POW camps. I mean….. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The Ukrop gov is expressing how 1 down syndrome retard from the UK has more value than over 2600 Ukrainian POWs combined, including pilots, top brass etc.

The Ukrainian government uses every chance they get to express how they perceive their own soldiers as utterly WORTHLESS cannon fodder. It’s actually insane how the Ukrainian soldiers just cope with all the ways their own gov would rather see them dead than alive and still gleefully continue being cannon fodder for said regime.


You are on fire, dude! The apex of American power and this is what their cities look like. Maybe this is why the Ukrotards wanted war. They’re incessantly babbling about joining “the west”, so perhaps they thought your cities are supposed to look like this to get in the club.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

Ukrotards wanted war? Are you complete dilusional?


Which one of those trash bags is you?


==== Beautiful girls are waiting for you on –

Last edited 2 years ago by Antessa

The idiot Swedes are at it again and have now totally lost the plot. What the hell are they trying to prove? We already know that they on the whole are pathetic losers, going back more than thirty years. And they can’t even protect their own borders. Why would Nato even want to be associated with them? It is shameful how these once brave warriors from the homeland of Rurik are behaving today. I am disgusted actually.


Useful idiots are useful because they are the useful sacrifice.


The truth of the matter is of course that all soldiers in reality are nothing but sacrificial lambs to be slaughtered. Some will live, some will die. They are unwitting mind controlled human beings who are lead to their death on the battlefields by demonic forces beyond our comprehension. What you are saying is on the whole correct.


Something went seriously wrong in Sweden back when Olaf Palme was killed. Now they have no conscription, fielding a professional NATO stooge army that even participated in the Afghanistan crimes.


Somethings been going seriously wrong there for a very long time. Remember that they have had a Socialist government there almost every year since 1936. Only 5 opposition governments have managed to get a look in during that time. Right now the socialists are on a roll again, they have been in charge now for 8 years. Just checked the facts on Wikipedia The main problem in Sweden is of course their open door policy to immigration which has turned the country into a sewer. Hardly any Swedes live in the ghettos, oops I mean of course, the suburbs around the big cities.


Given the number of stingers being shipped to Ukraine, and then captured by allied forces, how hard would it be for some ‘terrorists’ to ‘buy some on the black market’ and then show up on the boundary fence of a few NATO airfields and shoot down AWACs aircraft as they take off? When the local rozzers find the discarded launch tubes, the serial numbers will point straight back to the US or the Ukrops, but the big club will get the message, even if unofficially.


The West controls the Terrorist groups essentially. Nothing would be attacked without their blessing, say for example 9/11.

hans raus

Yes, and what you will do? nothing! NATO is superior alliance and we do what we want. Soon finland and sweden will join us and whole baltic sea will be blocked…deal with it russian child rapists ^^


Ser, it’s the Bidens et al that are the child rapists, so that would make it YOUR side

Cela Metal

you are a child rapist!


Your losing, for the record.


Yes, we runs away from Afghanistans! We has many private security companies like Dyncorps that sells the childrens. Good job.


homosexuals should not expect crack to improve senility


If Putin declares WWIII before the great attack from out Donbas, he is toast. His artillery and hard wear will be wiped from the earth. So anyway he must wait until he tried the good old Russian stampede of expendable young lives, like those cavalry on horseback in WWII.

mike brown

wtf is sweden doing omg lol

Last edited 2 years ago by mike brown

Poking the bear.

hans raus

NATO play 5D chess, Russian child rapists play checkers

Hans is happy, russobots barking and gets angry ^^


who ever kills jews are the good guys


nato–impotent, weak anachronism


I thought all NATO governments were broke? where do they get all the money to pay for all this watching someone else’s war? No wonder my taxes are so high!!!!!
