NATO Prepares For Air Battles With Russia Over Ukraine


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NATO Prepares For Air Battles With Russia Over Ukraine

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NATO Prepares For Air Battles With Russia Over Ukraine
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NATO Prepares For Air Battles With Russia Over Ukraine

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On April 3, Poland confirmed that it had transferred its MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. The head of the Polish President’s Office for International Policy claimed that the transfer of the first batch has been completed. Earlier, Polish President announced the supply of the first four Mig-29s. The total number of aircraft prepared for Ukraine was not revealed. Warsaw reportedly has 40 MiG-29 fighters in total, of which only 29 are in operation.

At the end of March, Slovakia also sent four MiG-29s to Kiev. In total, Bratislava agreed to provide 13 fighters. The rest of the aircraft should be delivered “in the coming weeks.”

In the Kremlin, these decisions were called “the disposal of old, unnecessary equipment.”

On April 1, North Macedonia officially confirmed its decision to supply Ukraine with 12 Mi-24 attack helicopters. Up to 6 of them were reportedly upgraded including by the Israeli company Elbit Systems. The aircraft were adapted for interaction with NATO. The helicopters received new avionics, Aviators night vision system, navigation system and infrared lighting.

North Macedonia bought these helicopters from Ukraine in 2001, when Kiev was selling off old Soviet military equipment. Now Kiev is trying to get its helicopters back.

Earlier it was reported that Skopje transfers four Su-25 attack aircraft to Ukraine, which were also bought from Kiev. The aircraft have not flown since 2004. Local media reported that Ukrainian military engineers with Nazi chevrons were spotted inspecting and repairing the Su-25 at a military airfield in Northern Macedonia back in June.

In response to official requests from journalists, the Ministry of Defense of Northern Macedonia neither confirm nor deny information about the transfer of attack aircraft to Kiev.

On April 3, the speaker of the AFU Air Force Command declared that Ukrainian military already has three brigades of MiG-29 fighters and two brigades of Su-27 in service. At the same time, he noted that these are old Soviet fighters of the fourth generation, which are morally and physically outdated.

One brigade includes three squadrons of 12 aircraft each. That is, there should be about 108 fighters in 3 brigades. However, Ukrainian media reported that there are only 72 MiG-29 aircraft in Ukrainian brigades.

Thus, these brigades are likely still not complete. The Ukrainian Air Forces lost a lot of aircraft and professional pilots since the beginning of the Russian Special Military operation. Russian air defense are still intercepting Ukrainian aircraft on almost a daily basis. Without suppressing Russian air defense, what is not possible without direct involvement of NATO forces, the number of foreign aircraft sent to Ukraine does not play any significant role.

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Robert Simpson

No worries … Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm more targets!!!


It’s like a chocolate box. Mmm, hope there’s a Pollack inside. Boom!


target rich environment is how I’m viewing the new ‘Ukraine offensive’

Lance Ripplinger

Zelensky and his ilk behave just like Nazi German officials did. Herman Goering made claims all the time that the Luftwaffe was all powerful, and that they didn’t have a shortage of manpower and equipment. This is the same shit that Zelensky and his cabal of Nazi lovers are doing. Ukraine doesn’t have an air force left. Their air defense network is all but destroyed. Look at how we now see very few reports of Russian Air Force losses.


wunderwaffen ist commen!!!!


Ukraine’s air force would be more successful if used as a ground force instead. Going in the air just makes Russian radar and missiles lock onto them. They would be better off having tank tracks


En 24 horas estan todos machacados


all stand off missile firing contests, few dog fights I think. If the MIG29s of Ukraine are flying from Ukraine (and not Poland) most will be destroyed on the ground. Thus far Ukie MIGs have got 1 sortie before destruction. Can’t see any difference here. Surely they’ll use them for destroying armour and storage rather than fighting them rooskies manno a manno.


There shouldn’t be an airport or railway track left in one piece in Ukraine.

Gorgeous George

Mig29 and SU25 don’t need a runway. Railway tracks are easy to repair. And supply of cruise missiles is also not endless.


He’s not wrong nothing is infinite. Russian/soviet planes don’t need runways, any flat level ground with sufficient support will do. That said, Russia is producing cruise missiles now at a rate completely unheard of, and uses them in volleys that overwhelm uaf abilities completely.

Last edited 1 year ago by CentralAsianStudies
William White

Get the bridges, not the tracks, same on the highways and do the intersections as well.


Easier said than done I’m afraid. If Syria can repair an airport in hours, ukies could do the same sadly. Railways take a few hours to days to repair/replace especially when the west is eagerly supplying you with replacement parts.
Plus the soviet/russian planes take off from roads, highways, farm roads, crop duster strips etc. They can take off from numerous improvised airstrips. There was images a few weeks ago uaf planes in a forested area beside a underused hwy in western Ukraine, parked under the tree cover with netting and some cover to attempt to disguise them from observation. This is what you have to do when your fighting an army many times stronger and over powered. You must hide your few remaining assets for later use, regardless of how futile it is in the end


I doubt whether the few jets will achieve anything. Each flight is enormous risk and they will be targeted one after another. No matter where they land or hide. They are easy targets.
Rather the countries like Poland or Slovakia get rid of their old jets to replace them through newer ones like F35 (which they hope to not pay themselves). And PR effect.

AM Hants

So true. With regards the F35, have they fixed the 100 primary faults yet? Including the one where the pilots have a problem with the oxygen? The same problem they had with the F22, when the pilots refused to fly them, owing to health and safety concerns.

William White

F35 is no threat, they can’t keep them combat ready. Just a piece of junk.

AM Hants

Russian jets can take off anywhere and they are helping Syria. Ukraine, can you say the same,? When they have NATO assistance and NATO needs a full airport, runway and support act, before one of their pilots can switch the engine on.



Mig’s are not important. Cluster ammunition, swarms of drones several thousands of differents drones including Reaper and the new Bayraktars are, enough artillery ammunition, several hundred Himars and tanks are, anti-tank mines are, 15000 pieces of cal.50 Barrett M82 Sniper rifles are. Shiploads of hellfires missiles and Javelin ATGMs are, and of course 200 large howitzers, including DU ammunition and white phoshorous ammunition is. A good stock of JDAMs and MOABs are.

And in addition few thousand military advisers from USA, UK, Australia, Poland and Germany and of course enough tunnel-building, fortifying and maintance and repair specialists, is what UKR needs. To this add all the new weapons factories which are to be build in Ukraine (wherefore I’d advice to build them eighter in Poland close to UKR border instead of inside UKR itself or at least – if doing them in UKR – then build them under-earth from the very beginning to make them hard to hit targets for russian missiles)

In perspective of weapons tha’st absolutely enough for UKR to stop and beat back the russian invaders. As they (russians) have already now, after roughly 1 year in Ukraine, suffered nearly double the amount of losses, that the US suffered in roughly 10 years (!) of Vietnam war.

And regarding ukr offensive capabilities…
The about 250-850 military vehicles which are also delivered (of which about 180 are battle tanks) are a good thing, and if used in combination likely able to free one maybe evn two specific regions of Ukraine from the ru occupiers but for sure not enough to liberate all of east-ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by primo553
AM Hants

Then along comes Russia, and all of a sudden none of the above works. Wonders of Russian electrical jamming systems.

Gardiner Mulford

Smash Ukraine!! God Bless Russia!

Mexican Czar

S-400 Satan

Edgar Zetar

Will see great fireworks in the skies of Ukraine soon!!!, In the next decade all NATO fighter pilots would say they get their blood baptism in Ukraine War. Poland will never give anything to anyone for free so expect Poland take some Ukraine land sooner or latter, lets wait and see, also the direct involvelment of NATO (Created and Mastered by USA) is showing the world their ‘true’ purpouse. The Masters of the Universe blindly believes they created and owned everything… so blind so blind are the Masters of the Universe.


Whatever the Israelis have done to the aircraft may make them lethal. One cannot just presume they are not a threat. Has Russia tried Israel for intelligence re the aircraft & copters? Yes I agree with comments below that Polands airports should have been blown up and the aircraft doing the deliveries there too. Goods coming into Ukraine should have been blown up too. The motorways and Railways should have been kept so busy being repaired that more weapons was taken from the agenda.
The freedom of the seas and skies should be altered so that military aircraft and shipping keep a wider berth than merchant shipping and transport, passenger and leisure shipping and flights. It should also be required that in certain areas, military aircraft and shipping should fly or sail through, without military maneuvers. China and north Korea may be glad of that The Black sea should only be used for military maneuvers and exercises by the nations which actually sit on it.


Turkey shoot…

Kev, not Kiev

How much more obvious does it have to be? NATO is the warmonger, Rothschild occupied G19 countries are prostituting their military stockpiles, while Ukraine prostitutes its captive population to certain death against a superior Russian war machine. Well it’s obvious enough that every oil producer and his mother are dropping petro dollars as fast as you can say “we’re not paying the FED tribute anymore, all it does is produce terrorism as a return on investment”.

AM Hants

Even Japan refuses to say no to Russian oil, despite sanctioning Russia, along with their G7 mates. Even Maccron and Ursula, the EU Water Witch, are over in China, begging for help and money. Things did not work out how they planned, courtesy Ukraine.


Možná to zpomalí postup RF a prodlouží utrpení prostých Ukrajinců, ale cíl to nezastaví! Hegemonie USA a zlaté miliardy bude ukončena a NWO globalistů nebude nastolena! Svět bude multipolární nebo žádný! Putin to řekl jednoznačně, k čemu by nám byl svět bez Ruska.


indeed, NATO doesn’t even risk its air power against Syria, and certainly not Iran. All the US’s proxy attacks are because it can’t get through that air defense

Icarus Tanović

How the hell they are going to implement as they say “suppression of Russian air defenses”, for example Syrian S-125 an old air defense system take down F-35 of Zionistic regime army.


Great success. North Macedonia is now unarmed.

AM Hants

No problems, Russia has control of the Ukraine airspace and guess those Polish jets will not be flying for long.

Arch Bungle


It’s as if Yanqui fighter jets are just not good enough for a real war against a real enemy.


Ukraine started this war with approx. 110 fixed-wing jets and the Russians are working on destroying the fourth such airforce plus approx.230 helicopters downed.
This has been achieved with their world beating air defense network plus Russian tactical jets which cannot be matched by the ones the West are supplying or even those threatened.

NATO would need to mobilize every jet it has including available F-A19s, F-22s F-35s Grippens, Eurojets and Mirages to even stand a chance of a tie with Russia’s air defenses. In other words WWIII.

But the point of the aircraft being given and promised to Ukraine is not to win, NATO, a subsidiary of the USA doesn’t care to commit to try for a win, the point is to clear old stock so that General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin etc. get to replace them.
