NATO Brings New Escalation To Ukraine


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NATO Brings New Escalation To Ukraine

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NATO Brings New Escalation To Ukraine
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NATO Brings New Escalation To Ukraine

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Amid the ongoing heavy battles on the frontlines, Russia and Ukraine continue to exchange massive strikes in the rear areas.

On the night of May 17, Russian forces launched a series of precision strikes in different Ukrainian regions. While Russian troops are approaching Kharkiv, Ukrainian military facilities in the city and the region are pounded by drones, missiles and heavy bombs. The local authorities confirmed damage as a result of Russian night strikes in its different districts, including the industrial zone. The destroyed targets included the points of deployment of the Ukrainian military, used for accommodation of reserves prepared for further deployment on the Kharkiv frontlines.

More explosions thundered in Poltava, where an air defense system was reportedly destroyed. Ukrainian military infrastructure facilities, including a command post, were struck in the Vinnytsya region. After a pause, Russian Geran UAVs came back to the southern Odessa region.

In its turn, the NATO/Ukrainian military are increasing the intensity of attacks in the Russian rear.

On the morning of May 17, the Russian Ministry of Defense summed up that 102 Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed in five Russian regions as a result of the night air battles. Crimea was targeted by a combined attack. Together with 51 Ukrainian UAVs intercepted over the peninsula, at least 6 unmanned boats were destroyed in the Black Sea.

The attack was as usual coordinated by NATO reconnaissance aircraft operating in the area.

As a result of the drone strikes, falling wreckage caused fire at an oil depot in the town of Tuapse. Some minor fires were reported in Novorossiysk. All of the fires were eliminated by the morning.

One of the intercepted Ukrainian drones exploded near the energy substation in Sevastopol causing minor damage.

The scale of the night attack is not comparable to the miserable results.

The Crimean peninsula, mainly its western part, including the city of Sevastopol, were targeted by massive combined attacks for the third day in a row. On May 16, at least 13 Ukrainian unmanned boats were destroyed in the western waters of the Black Sea. The Ukrainian military upgraded its marine drones and equipped them with antiaircraft missiles; but they are still easily destroyed by helicopters of the Russian Navy.

The new wave of escalation is waging in Ukraine. The Russian army is grinding down the Ukrainian defenses and advances in the Kharkiv, Avdeevka, Zaporozhie and other directions. Kiev armed by NATO is heavily shelling civilian areas, increasing attempts to reach any strategic targets deep in the Russian rear. Kiev is serving the needs of the NATO warmongers. Once the Ukrainian army loses the ongoing war, it does not end the standoff between Moscow and the West. Thus, any decisive damage to the Russian military, in particular in Crimea, will benefit NATO in the end.


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dear jens holm,

we are very pleased that you continue to inform yourself on the southfront page and thereby greatly improve your general education.

people like you are an enormous enrichment of the debate culture.

it would be an honor for us if you would stay with us in the future and recommend our site to others in your circle of acquaintances

Jensgenyi Holmenko

my father worked in a kolchose in eastern ukraine and cleared straw out and in and out and in. the horses wasted time. this circus will be replaced by plastic straw from china.

then we were evacuated to western ukraine. here we have our own toilet and no longer have to poop in the grass of our garden at -40 degrees! thank you brother zelenskij + + ?

Last edited 5 months ago by Jensgenyi Holmenko
jens holm

sure that for sure fake story. we transport all like that on bycicles, maybe big rickshaw if they fat.

jens holm

te main controller is russia. its supported we laws of your own too.

you write a self created illusion. very much as satan are tricking god. you also learn there only are one truth created by your great leader zelenskij.

some 8 billions in the rest of the world dont think so. and there are many oppinions. many are very good ideas which you could need.

Last edited 5 months ago by jens holm
Janildo Teles

the service dog gor 0 id wrote that too too.

jens holm

russia control because they superior culturally intellectually technological—in dempmark usa colony we control only potato

Janildo Teles

0 id wrote that

jens holm

your plastering is no news at all. im sure yoiur grandprents belive you if they get candy in both hands and you fill them up with milk and honey.

go to the doctor. you forgot jews.

jens holm

0 id did that too. thats how ussr collapsed itself

jens holm

when were there no media control and secret services in your ukrainian country?

and usa. you can say its kolchos economics and affiliates and we trade much more with china and india then your 144 mio zelenskij dwarf too, where some 100 asovs run the rest ukraina

jens holm

the ukraine cossacks with many small canyons, where were many too, were second best to the tzar elite troop.

and why. the tzars mainly left them alone in their primithe was. they just bought a lot a food from there to fair prices and exported it with loss.

jens holm

incommers just made big towns and not the ukrozzz. fx kharkov, rostov and aleksandrovka,/yuzovka/ strelino/had 30% jew too. ´the tzars got read the jews i russia itselv. ukrozzz didnt like that part.

not liking you is like that. really ukrozzz don’t like poles. same thing. you don’t like people obeying your big joe and supporting it.

jens holm

ukrozzz has the right to defend themselves. that was a demand from russian and #west#.

by that they gave all their all nukes to. they were all directed west. good for us too.

its seems russia had created another zone. they already has several.

jens holm

none in whole world, where i have acces, has not ever written that.

the rest is spoiling.

jens holm

fuck me in my shit full ass if i understand anything i’m talking about.

BoJo's former advisor

we’ve always had trouble with those stupid danes. when they invaded britain, they brought the average iq down by twenty points.

BoJo's former advisor

ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole and we were out of our minds for getting involved with overthrowing their legitimate democracy and installing a genocidal puppet regime.

jens holm

another russian joke: i`m not zelensky.

he has absolute power it’s dictatoric til big internal problem. all money are used to warfare. by that reforms many reforns timbukto.

suddenly they refer almost the real world.

ukrozzz deny to understand the normal structures which now exclude ukraine. by that you get almost transplants like this and conclude from that.

Jüri Eintalu

zelensky is a corrupt piece of shit he buys him self a 75 milllion dollar yacht while most of the ukranians suffer under his disastrous war. he should have honored the minsk accords then there would never have been a war

BoJo's former advisor

his wife runs around buying shoes like imelda marcos while ukrainians die from trench foot.

the truth is: ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole and we were out of our minds for ever getting involved with overthrowing their legitimate democracy and installing a genocidal puppet regime.

BoJo's former advisor

would you be kind enough to translate that into human english please?

see what i meant by stupid danes? the ones left behind are even dumber than the ones who invaded britain.

jens holm

i want be right porter but not educated–so i became illegal potato farmer


i second this and would like to add crocus shooting gallery to this list.
two enlighted debaters of the highest order.

i humbly bow to them.

Last edited 5 months ago by M.Paraplu
BoJo's former advisor

low caliber regimes always attract low caliber supporters.

the truth is that ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole and we were out of our minds for ever getting involved with overthrowing their legitimate democracy and installing a genocidal puppet regime.

jens holm

i ony one friend—my god is money

Janildo Teles

thanks. you are nice persons.

we already use the site instead of electrochock.

jens holm

its normal for the world. parts of the ukraine lives in the past.

denmark fx take ukrainians as old country with no passport and nothing.

parts of them, like me, still no fight for ukraine and live in old bad days and infect what danishes created.

we take all from danmark – ever, ever.

jens holm

maybe we world understand danmark better if they used real letters.

it’s bohemian to me! i speak russian and not a bit of ukrainian.

that’s why i consume russian media and analyze putin’s speeches.

jens holm

you might try a non ukrainian reactor and not 4 long bearded ukrainian a fresh made macaroni polski fiat.🦆🦆🦆

jens holm

there you go again.

it great matter if klitschko is jew, are green and has 3 legs.

its far out to ignore ukraine for good reasons collapsed a whole empire and some else takes over.

there are over 100.000 jews in ukraine and some 21,5% nazis. they the state, which not even borders made by them.


the jewish puppet president of ukraine who’s sending ukrainian men to their slaughter while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally was recently asking ” how can one strive to eliminate an entire nation?”jewish president zelensky, jewish prime minister of ukraine denis shmygal and the jewish head of the office of the president of ukraine andrey yermak) are working hard in eliminating an entire nation.

Jüri Eintalu

the kiev koke kike’s days are numbered. the al ciaduh bus is ready for the moment his owners decide to chuck the gimp goblin under the bloody tires. the rump ukrapper dumpster fire is sputtering out and when it’s done creepy pedo joe and hunter snort will no longer be able to hide in the smoke. time to get the civil war reloaded in $lumville, the main event kicks in as the iou fiat filth dollah gets the global flush.


this little jew zelensky has tricked thousands of ukranian goyim to fight a war and die for him and his overlord george soros. even if ukraine won the war its the jews who have won and the ukranians who lose. the jews will loot and plunder the country of all its riches. while ukranians suffer a life of hardship and poverty. zelensky sails off in his 75 million dollar yacht to his multi million dollar villa in egypt.

jens holm

and not only that. your kind has killed 200-300 1000 danishes and 100.000 of your own ukrainians and destroy the poor eastukraine leftovers.

so again: you unite the rest of world as a overinficted, stinking appendix malfiction

BoJo's former advisor

wow, that’s at least 4 million nazis in ukraine. they could make denmark surrender in 4 hours if they wanted to but i think denmark prefers they just be invited in.

Last edited 4 months ago by BoJo's former advisor
Jüri Eintalu

i was 10 back in 2014 and dreamed about dying in a trench for porky and all the gang but had to settle for beating an old guy to death on the street for speaking danish.

now i’m 20 and who says dreams never come true?

Franz Köhler

zelensky the coke clown shouldn’t be able to hide he needs to be hung at the gallows for war crimes. he doesn’t deserve anything less than a death sentence or life in prison.

Jürgen Grabowski

to an extent i do agree with you, how ever who will be the one that hangs him? ok if was done by the people of ukraine. the best thing would be for him to be in prison for the rest of his life to ponder his existence. no phone, no communication with the outside world, nothing.

Jürgen Grabowski

the optimism strategy confuses and does not work as it was before

why would it confuse now? ukraine’s chance at victory now is not any less than it was 2 years ago. crimea is to be retaken in 2 weeks, trust the plan – z

jens holm

a usual outdated isolated version. you like the globalist world, you ar in it. here in westukraine you also worry for our taxi driver only if he has a lot of money (corruption)

you don’t like zelenka and his rada a even see the country as united. that was the realchanger for some 36 millions added to some 4 mio with no plans for the people living there.

jens holm

ukraine is a made greety construction of no control.

and after that even attack it naming them as homos and pigs. my was parents like this.

the we bet is leaving them alone. the best anytime is very needed corruptions for incresed money at home. you are glued in you own dirt.

jens holm

help you own ukrian proasovs do a longer and more descent life. its a future with many choises and steps. you can only do that by electing and electing bad people – as well as removing the genial best ones.

S. Adams

“trust the plan”
you know that was a trump supporter slogan?
and what did he do? not much, if anything beneficial.


yes, but it goes for all jews, not only for zelensky, putin, solovjov, medvedev, b. lazar, j. rotenberg, lagarde, blinken, sarkozy, merkel, j. kushner, netanjahu, ignazio cassis, w. mückstein, j. teichtal, j. borrell (eu), j. schuster, v. nuland, r. kagan, the rothchild’s, the warburgs etc. etc.

Last edited 4 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

now you will you are totally starnge – again. you will has elections with only one choise. #ukrian election#.

you are an upperclass and the rest are nothing. we even blame us self even we are much bad and still going. when we debate hard fx in eu and nato debetate for better for us solutions.

as long as you see many brains is much better than one are in decline.

jens holm

i just tell about the rest of the world. you are totally conserved and biased from it.

i cant recognize my country in your version, even i live in it and has doors and windows.

you accept that being told world as small naive children with candy in both hands.

Last edited 5 months ago by jens holm

so, you’re thinking of making conserves from poor jüri? that’s very ghoulish, hambone.

Jeffrey Dahmer

i am danish.

jens holm

me too 🤣🤣🤣

Last edited 4 months ago by jens holm

after all, are we all, why else do we use this danish forum 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

Dør Perup

…quite simply, because in denmark all forums and news are censored 🐸🐸🐸💩💩💩 🚽🚽🚽

Burn 🔥 the stars and stripes!

what i ask myself is how would the u.s military in an actual battle not using proxies, conduct their offensive operation against russia or china , cause in my honest opinion the u s military at some point rather on…but ultimately suffer a humiliating crushing defeat!

jens holm

9 countries support ukraine them hard only from nato.

some 141 countries has attempted want to persuade ukraine to surrender

this is pathetic, i am now also emigrating to denmark

jens holm

ukraine could import muslim men, they don’t drink.

but you right too. too many things are here in west ukraine just as in uganda

it’s about some 36 mio ukras. they has the right to a descent and drunken life.

you has more to offer??? i go…

Last edited 5 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

that’s what you learned the old collapsed poroshenko-tymoshenko school. and you didn’t learn…

you not even understand our economy is based on loans and fakes.

schools, healthcare and pension we get 100% from the usa and the eu, our own gdp is at the bottom, sorry, no longer exists, shame on zelensky and his clan

jens holm

you soldiers not even die an your defending – your leader has discotted you from satan and god, som you do die.

that’s the real world in zelenskys ukraine. i go to danmark

Last edited 5 months ago by jens holm
Boycott usa the world's bully

jens holm still makes more sens than all nato mainstream media. :)

Danish Marmelade

this is true.

jens holm

nato as well as eu we see ukraine by zelenska as disconnected to in so many things. why help and feed them. they are hardly in what they signed for.

almost like leaders hitler same same attitude – and ukraine too – ukraine too – satan satan.

Last edited 5 months ago by jens holm
Gneaus stapo

this is synagoge of satan to mean? satan??? are u stuck in the middle ages/ dark ages? whats next witches? for ur against satanism/ witches i i can sell u holly grail, jesus pupic hair or whatever else nonsense u wanna believe in sucker

jens holm

the government and the ukrainian army are the personification of what is new nazi of the 21st century.

the dictatorship and the ukrainian oligarchy are terrified of democracy knocking right on their door, then people will question why they have salaries 10 times more lows and be financed by the west

Gneaus stapo

lada zelenskaaa, formerly also know as polski fiat, one of the few example of kit i like from polska.

zelenskaaa right on the other is a fat ukrainian traitor,a total disgrace for a country that used to be on the right side of history most of the time and used to fighting/ revolt against the german naz yyyy s.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gneaus stapo
jens holm

poroshenko didnt accept that even ukrainians were communist. poland has to give some 25% back to ukraine as well. east pressuia to ukrain – the way.

ukrainians has erased their own history.

jens holm

we only attack overpopulated regions as long as they don’t use contraception too.

none should blame us for that. they are coming west ukraine to no matter what we do.

what a wonderful world. eat not meat = 🙈🐵🙊🙉 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

jens holm

thank you for nothing. no for what. something for nothing. agricultural people are smart but stupid, and i don’t like them in my neighbourhood.


although ukrozzz never tire of repeating lies and diverting attention, with the exception of a few sheep and parrots serving the zelenska dictatorship, the entire world whole world knows how the bandera nazis behaved.

Capitol Shooting Gallery

there is a lady on youtube who claims that a coalition of nations, including the usa, russia, china and india will destroy ukraine, or what the bible calls bablyon, will be destroyed in just one hour and will never rise again as a world power! but how can this be when my country is humiliated every day from the russian federation and makes zelenskiy look like a complete jerk!


the ukrainians are so pathetic! zelenskaaa is a complete buffoon and he makes his people and his country look just as dumb as he is! i hope when the deal is done the polaks parks there polski fiats in ukraine, it would serve the stupid, incompetent ukrozzzz right!


you don’t say.


impressive: now even lavrov admits the truth about the russia-china relations. lavrov calls putin, quote: “xi’s donkey” during china visit, and further admits that “nothing now depends on russia”. see:

Last edited 5 months ago by MotherTeresa

remember folks, i told here from the very beginning in 2022, that in the end russia might win 50% of ukraine but will in fact lose all the ru territory from east of moscow to vladivostok to china. let alone it’s economic indepedence – due too massive debts and dependence on chinese money, electronic goods & ammunition.

Last edited 5 months ago by MotherTeresa

sun tzu would applause this “no limits” partnership in which china conquers without firing a shot.

Jüri Eintalu

mother teresa is right. all over ukraine, people have now started to teach chinese in schools!

mother teresa: 🤡 😆😆😆

Jüri Eintalu

“””remember folks, i told here from the very beginning in 2022, that in the end russia might win 50% of ukraine”””

this is what ukrainian patriots look like! – this explains the whole state of the country!

mother teresa: 🤡 😆😆😆


??? i am german not ukrainian. i am not in support of jewlensky nor of jewtin. i want ukrainians as well as russians (both mostly christian people) to free themselves from the death grip of the jews, which are now their masters. same goes for the people of eu & usa. whole world need to rise up against jewry and exterminate this world pest.

Last edited 4 months ago by MotherTeresa

been saying for a long time, “you can’t coexist with parasites.”

jens holm

i am inferior species—i invite other monkey but they prefer banana—normal for dane

Dansk Marmelade

jens, when will you pay us for your brain enhancements? your bill is overdue by 6 months.


napoleon 1812 the fuhrer 1941 nato 2014 = der untergang

Icarus Tanović

and what happened after that?


a semi-isolated anglo country hardly having taken part in the war becomes the new world power as the rest of europe sinks, only this time that’s not going to happen.


(for some reason i could no longer edit my previous post)

there’s no strong third party that the anglo nations can throw at russia or china.
ukraine is weak. the eu is weak. japan is weak. all of them are clear vassals of the us.
naval supremacy is becoming moot. naval trade becoming less important.
us coal supremacy is becoming less important, us oil turned to shale is irreversibly costly.
every advantage the us and uk had are disappearing.


exactly icarus ! just 1 simply question one needs to ask “thewhiterose” and all those believing in the jewish invented history lies, to expose their twisted wordview. question: if really “the good” have won wwii, then why is the world of today such a disgusting place full of genocide, globalism & mrna mass-poisoning, asyl-terror, replacement-migration, jewish-israeli world terror, wars everywhere, hunger, starvation, greed and child abuse !!??

Last edited 4 months ago by MotherTeresa
Massa John

any vermin attack was put to bed by morning

jens holm

i am bad joke


danish nazi and alzheimer enthusiast jens holm talking to himself again?

hitler did the same during his collapse in his bunker.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

usa-nato are laughing at little vlad’s “red lines”…heheheh


dogshit comments from our dogshit brain.
since many months we dont hear any laughings from ukros and theyr supporters from the frontlines.
and we will see who will laugh after the russian victory parade in odessa in a not so dar future.
so stfu you braindead pc of shit.

Red Line Days Are Over

talk about red lines is long over now the russians have switched to giving detailed target information in syria. iraq. yemen and lending helping hand to separatists in french occupied new caledonia to just name a few. there are many other things happening that you can cry about like all the dead us “mercs” that have been blown up recently going on safari in ukraine.


yep. empty threats of repisal. besides, russia hasn’t got permission from israel to do anything else.

jens holm

u dumb amerikunt hysterical

Jens holm



anyone who reads my comments knows i oppose nato imperialism driven by dugan’s vision of impansive russian civilization. but crocus, you are nuts to poke the bear. the good future lies in ukraine being allowed to join western europe ultimately opening to the kapitalism light and imperialistischen air of slavery offered by the political model of western turbokapitalism and market enterprise. move toward peace!


anyone who reads my comments knows i oppose nato imperialism driven by dugan’s vision of impansive russian civilization. but crocus, you are nuts to poke the bear. the good future lies in ukraine being allowed to join western europe ultimately opening to the kapitalism light and imperialistischen air of slavery offered by the political model of western turbokapitalism and market enterprise. move toward peace!


anyone who reads my comments knows i oppose nato imperialism driven by dugan’s vision of impansive russian civilization. but crocus, you are nuts to poke the bear. the good future lies in ukraine being allowed to join western europe ultimately opening to the kapitalism light and imperialistischen air of slavery offered by the political model of western turbokapitalism and market enterprise. move toward peace!


anyone who reads my comments knows i oppose putin’s imperialism driven by dugan’s vision of expansive russian civilization. but crocus, you are nuts to poke the bear. the good future lies in ukraine being allowed to join western europe and russia ultimately opening to the brighter light and fresher air of liberty offered by the political model of western democracy and free market enterprise. move toward peace!


it’s honest at least , but as far from reality as crocus hatred. “brighter light and air of liberty” in europe lol


“mind your own business” would be a better approach to piece in my opinion , not to prozelytize with the western “freedom and democracy”. give the russians their security guarantees and you will have peace and new perspectives in europe. and let them live like they want to.

South Front Is Pure Joke

good news for jan and jon, you will soon be lucky enough to take care of the glorious future of ukraine right at the front 🤡🤡🤡

S. Adams

really? i did not hear a peep from the locals.
war goes on. its the build up for the big one.
“governments running under a military economy” there are some big players…. china

S. Adams

this page is jens holms v.s. jens holmes.
my finger is cramping from scrolling over it.
don’t feed the trolls! :d

evjenski holmchuk

please feed me –this is only attention i find except potato

S. Adams

i feed troll banana. bye


russia is no different. they refuse to be honest about their losses just like israel and ukraine and america.

S. Adams

well, it’s a shell game. but the “western” msm never avoids an opportunity to claim victory.
last i checked… it’s been a couple months. it’s a “stalemate” and ukr need more nato arms. hahaha.
it would be funny if it wasn’t my taxes, paying for weapons, killing innocent ethnic russians in eastern ukraine. it’s none of my business! what happened to neutrality? even switzerland is not acting beige.

Last edited 4 months ago by S. Adams

moron amerikan nazi–imho…”the amerikan national character differs profoundly from those in europe, asia…” geoffrey gorer

S. Adams

“all generalizations are dangerous, even this one.” – alexandre dumas-fils

efihenya jensova holmenko

“all generalizations are understandable, even this one.” – efihenya jensova holmenko

S. Adams

i’m not jens holm.
that’s a real quote from someone smarter than you.

S. Adams

are you jens holm?
or are all the trolls calling themselves delicious danishes?

Dansk Marmelade

here i am. i’ve renamed myself in honor of our very number uno and probably only export. we’d import chinese marmelade too but they don’t know how to make it. ours is secret recipe handed down from stolen arabic archives in sixth century.

S. Adams

♪♫ woah, a-get yo’ hands in the air
and get to clappin’ ’em and, like, back and forth ♫♪
♪ “i just don’t give a fuck.” ♪

S. Adams

i love marmalade.
♪ but if i offended you good, ’cause i still don’t give a fuck. ♪

Dansk Marmelade

all generals are dumb but mostly western ones.

S. Adams

trolls are mental diddlers. especially the cheezy danishes.

Sun Tzu

the day the nato ‘decides’ to send troops to ukraine is the day ru should nuke all the nato hubs preemptively (dont wait until they ‘physically’ enter ukraine). the art of war.


you urge insanity. no one survives, let alone wins, a thermometer nuclear holocaust. explore political paths to peace. security guarantees for russia if reciprocated with russia abandoning imperial aspirations may work.


you urge insanity. no one survives, let alone wins, a thermometer nuclear holocaust. explore political paths to peace. security guarantees for ukraina if reciprocated with nato abandoning imperial aspirations may work.

S. Adams

thanks for the rationality.
i live near an international airport. it’s a secondary/tertiary target for an airburst.
there’s nothing else here. no ships, just an airport. lot’s of c-130’s that are u.s. air-force. but this is canada. they stop here on the way to europe. i really dislike when “ospreys” are around. they buzz the tower and fly like maniacs. i love the sea birds.

Last edited 4 months ago by S. Adams
S. Adams

there are also c-17’s on occasion… maybe an air-force fighter group will stop here.
i see lot’s of cool planes. from many nations. usually the fighter jets that are escorts’ sonic boom and zoom off to new england or somewhere. i love seeing the red danish planes and helicopters.

Last edited 4 months ago by S. Adams
S. Adams

yes i mentioned the red danish. because jens holm is basically a meme on this site. i also do see lots of red danish aircraft headed for greenland.
mmm, pastry!

efihenya jensova holmenko

jensi, o jensi, make the breakfest for the guest, now


why do many moron amerikan nazi come here?

jens holm

i want burger only find potato

jens holm

i will attend my church of money and pray to money with my hamas terrorist hero

tom crocus sawyer

all amerikunt worship money

Pop goes the Weasel

the more this guy jens posts, the stupider he gets.

evjenski holmchuk

as ukie nazi denmark deported me back to ukraine where i beg for potato and act like service dog for amerikan

jens holmchuk

i failed to graduate from kiev potato academy–they deported me to denmark where i am now senile retired toilet scrubber

tom crocus sawyer

russia has humiliated us homosexual hillbillies–we arid. an inferior species

Dick Von D'Astard

“the attack was as usual coordinated by nato reconnaissance aircraft operating in the area.” nato needs to understand that they should not be operating aircraft in the area.

Joseph Day

well chase them spy planes away

S. Adams

u2? ha-ha that’s a pun. a bad one.


europe is not a democracy. if you vote, you must not disagree, like the ukrainian people or hungarians. there will be sanctions, blackmail and war. and ursula von der leyen, the president of the european commission, has not been elected to lead europe in the national elections. the eu cannot afford to complain about others.


it’s called kharkov dummy!
