NATO And Kiev Launched Bloodiest Attack On Donetsk


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NATO And Kiev Launched Bloodiest Attack On Donetsk

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NATO And Kiev Launched Bloodiest Attack On Donetsk
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NATO And Kiev Launched Bloodiest Attack On Donetsk

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Today is a day of mourning in the Donetsk People’s Republic. On January 21, the Ukrainians launched a precision terrorist attack on the civilians of the city of Donetsk.

During the day, the urban agglomeration was subjected to at least 59 attacks. As a result of the Ukrainian attacks, 28 civilians were killed. Another 25 people were wounded, including two children.

One of the targets was the market in the Kirovsky district of the city, which was crowded on a Sunday morning. The Ukrainian army struck civilians with 155-mm shells provided by NATO.

People were literally torn apart, many had their limbs cut off, body parts were stuck in tree branches.

Russia called on international structures and governments to condemn the Ukrainian strike, warning that their silence means approving of the killing of civilians.

The UN Secretary General again condemned the Ukrainian crimes, but unfortunately, little more is expected from the so-called international community, which remains under the yoke of Washington.

In particular, some European leaders are trying to justify their bloodthirsty position, claiming that Moscow allegedly unleashed this war and bears responsibility for all the victims. They hypocritically omit that Nazi formations funded by Kiev have been exterminating the population of Donbass for a decade. Exactly 9 years ago, on January 22, 2015, Ukrainians attacked the Bosse area in Donetsk. Then, eight civilians were killed at a bus stop during rush hour, and 26 others were heavily wounded.

Despite the monstrous crimes of the terrorist Kiev regime, the West continues to convince its public that Ukraine is a victim and requires help. As a result, those in power do not stop the shelling of civilians with the support of their patrons in Washington and Brussels.

On the night of January 22, Ukrainian drones struck power substations in Donetsk and Makeyevka. Both cities suffered partial black outs.

At the same time, Kiev and the West are crying, accusing Russia of leaving the Ukrainian population without electricity in the winter cold.

Indeed, the Russian army has every opportunity to completely destroy the entire Ukrainian energy system in just a few days. However, despite the fact that Russian targeted strikes have been ongoing for almost two years, the lights are still on in all large cities of Ukraine, albeit intermittently. The reason for this is that the Russian strikes target large powerful stations, the destruction of which primarily affects the work of military-industrial enterprises. The Ukrainians, even though they are experiencing difficulties, are still warm this winter.

In its turn, Kiev is striking power plants in Donetsk, where there are no plants serving the needs of the Russian army. As a result, the Ukrainian attacks are aimed only at further worsening the life of the population of Donbass, which has chosen its future in Russia.

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Virgo Atheist

i cannot really understand why these people are still there while the war is going on… why did they not leave and go to western russia until this is over, or at least head back to the furthest parts of eastern donbas.

it’s been 2 years… why do they still put themselves at such risk? i think the kiev regime should be nuked & forgotten about.

indeed nato knows the civilians it is killing, as it always does. donbas will be recaptured by russia in the coming year. move these people!

jens holm

many has left. i have no numbers but some 2-3 mio of 8 has. ukras attack specific target well.

here are added a lot of milatry stuff, around that its no sage. uusians of course hide between the civilie – partly as umbralla to.

but you are relative safe, where are only homes. donesk is mig. it has many just homes.

jens holm

never writ–much blood in diaper no tampon

Peg leg Pete

‘ukras attack specific target well’ says the diaper boy (or whatever it is)’

yep, they’ve targeted civilians for years. they do it well. practice makes perfect.

die a slow and painful death from inhaling your own fecal mater, jenny.


because they know if they leave rus will give their state back to the ukrnzis in some sham settlement. so far rus hasn’t even managed to take back donbs, khkv or zprzy from ukr.

early documentaries on rt showed the anger of dntsk civilians against the late arriving rf.

then what, move blgrod citizens to mscw? rus now seems incapable of defending any part of its territory, but i guess ordinary lives don’t matter.


why isn’t there an air defense system like in moscow??

Potemkin Village

rf air defense system is public joke. can’t defend any russian town.

Last edited 8 months ago by Potemkin Village
jens holm

kind of. they has not expected ukras can attack them at all.

the tradition ahande always is russia/ussr are the attacker.

at lot af the ukraine rebuild by usa, gb and thelves was about that too. averything was against west only

Peg leg Pete

aw, how sad. methinks someone’s ego has been hurt. run little fellow, run to momma now.

jens holm

you shoukld try leaning about facts.

1) ukras are much stronger they are your ever told and

2) its almost impossle to create a umbrella against everthing. the ukras varies and make trick as well. by that some 80% can an exelent score even some 20% are hits.

jens holm

never writ this—my senility painful forced to retire as janitor when i became 70 years old in 1999

jens holm

i never wrote that

Peg leg Pete

yes you did

jens holm

ok, i did. but want to take back. can i please?

Peg leg Pete

there you ago peg leg pete. i didnt write that.

he know i make western sence. im a western.

Peg leg Pete

uuups. you wrote to yourselv-

the moron copy name. you see my name but another mail.

i write faster then him and waste his time. by that others are botheres less. he just confirm me sending grenades and f16s to ukras.

Peg leg Pete

ukras are much stronger now? it’s a big secret. a secret weapon? is that what jenny’s trying to say?

russia has kryptonite, silly jenny. no escape for dill weed salad boy. eat up! add some spinach.

Last edited 8 months ago by Peg leg Pete
Potemkin Village

russian air defense system is pure joke. can’t defend their towns. andrei martynov should have red face and better continue hype pink floyd. that man sounds like a good old soviet clown.

Last edited 8 months ago by Potemkin Village
The tank knower

you are the typical idiot

jens holm

i hope you are only blind

jens holm

i am village idiot

jens holm

i have 3 monkies too. i call tham nutsee, nutheer, nut speekapoo.

Peg leg Pete

you are not born in brighton

Peg leg Pete

are you promoted?

jens holm

his ego has booboo and momma not home to make better

Peg leg Pete

vodka didnt do it.

Icarus Tanović

what hypocrites they are! it is simply incredible. god have mercy. criminals.

Last edited 8 months ago by Icarus Tanović

we are immoral stupified hillbillies desperate to distract from our humiliation by superior russian

GG and G

if this was nato, then why is the rf not retaliating directly against nato? remeber what ursula said “in 5 years” nato will be strong enough to attack russia. so now they are not prepared yet, it’s the perfect time to destroy them.

jens holm

if were in ukraine there would not be a single russian foot there dead or live.

wee have not invaded anything there. some other moron has. we also havnt colpased your empire.

we try to help many now free states op to a descent standard. here are belarus and ukraine defined as random and a kind of new bufferzone.

jens holm

russia has changed that and saming fx finland and sewen to nato member instead om neutral.

very are igorant of the worst kind. nato is several times stronger then russia even todays. we also are not sitting ducks less clever the you.

so to speak in numbers.we have added and you has lost soldiers from finland, sweeden, the baltics, polan, tjeks and slovaks, hungarians, moldiens, roumanisn and bulgarians. and you has not front bases there.

jens holm

correction—russia far stronger than all nato—ukraine is proof…i am terrified senile nazi….humiliate myself at south front…show that we are inferior to russian—collectively we are now humiliated by russian victory in ukraine georgia syria moldova…now we hated in africa asia middle east sot amerikunty

jens holm

i never wrote this

Peg leg Pete

no you didnt.

Peg leg Pete

you are only wasting your own time.

Peg leg Pete

i see atleast 11 sheep has no contact the rest of the world.

jens holm

we like split up country in balkans kall kosobo or something but keep country together in ukraland call dombas and ukra country kill civilians more maybe we crazy, don’t know. maybe church know?


rus has turned a blind eye to nato rebuilding ukr forces since 2014. at one point zlnsky was openly laughing at vp’s gullibility at a presser with mrkl on the fake mnsk accords.
rus policy making is dominated by olgchs, mostly friends of vp. money matters, not people. ten years of ukrnzi shelling of dntsk has actually increased since the smo began. mscw doesn’t care about its own civilians’ deaths, and arguably never has.

Last edited 8 months ago by B.F.Finlayson
jens holm

zelensky big clown but i like circus, hope he play drums with penus for my kindergarden.


because russia and the rest of these countries have their game rules. the rule is that they wage war but not on each other.

every one of their nuclear doctrines state that fact.

“we will kill and let people die for our cause but we will not attack the elites.”

jens holm

hi amerikunty–you also moron

Allahists Are Nazis

fortunately, there are just some days of this horror left. avdeevka is falling right now and with its end, there will be no more attacks on donetsk with artillery.

the silence in the western media or labeling the fact as unconfirmed russian claim at best, is just disgusting.

for the fag posting about air defense i have just 5 letters: 155 mm


the smo’s slow stop-go lack of progress enabled fscst ukr to re-arm and rebuild time and again while rus citizens were either slaughtered or their lives ruined.
all military in ukr should have been bombed back to stone age by rus in the first month. instead mscw kindly left the power on, the trains running and the pipelines flowing to its enemies in eu.
mscw values olgrchs and friendship with eu/murika more than its own citizens. btw, a new gas deal was signed with murika in nov.2023!

Last edited 8 months ago by B.F.Finlayson

maybe one day people will see that these governments are all lies and led by those who sport the mark of the beast.

jens holm

we also invented windpower, which now replace a lot of coal, oil and gas. and for the fat people ozempic too.

russia is not even able to produce insulin for diabetes.

so we are not #these goverment#. compare you we are #it#.

jens holm

russ big drug addict country. make much hemp and can turn off all elektronik stuff for thousend kilometre radios when it get hi.

Erik Samuels

let’s not forget over 20 million russians lacking indoor toilets. they have to shit outside in very cold weather and get frostbitten arseholes, penises and cunts.

jens holm

i so tired of lovers like you deny to see the world or cant.

tempting to see you as already bombed you selv by your great chairman.


exactly russia is basing it’s rules of engagement on the minsk accords that’s why russian troops are fighting for trenches and streets in farm towns instead of carpet bombing whole cities

jens holm

we fool russlanders a lot with minsk stuff. maybe that why they mad. don’t care.

jens holm

we are underincformed at all.

its more as you are censured away or dont dare.

its true gaza/israel and yemen make new headlines.

fx we are fully aware biden cant send, what we had for for.

jens holm

and about advidka: russians dies faster then flies and loose a lot of equiment. to your victorry has a price – even you see that as blinds.

jens holm

i didn’t say that

jens holm

i read only true news in cnn. und der copinghagendas gazette….make me see truth every day.

jens holm

sorry must make better clear. what we had for for for for for for for for.


russia is just like america and israel.
bomb people and then demonize them when they fight back.

you’re cities and infastructure are viable targets just like ukraines.

this is an elitist game to them and they don’tcare about civilians.


rus is not like isr or murika, both guided by m*lice and gr**d. rus makes far too many errors, for sure, and is afraid of provoking murika, isr or nto, but its motives greatly differ.


by turning everything into couples 5-d-chss, rus often fails to spot simple or necessary military solutions (as ymn can). consequently rsn ctzens suffer (never olgrchs), as do its allies (syr), while u-s-nto-isr operate freely in bth ukr and the m.e

jens holm

they see why ukraine were meant to be no attacker.

jens holm

i red that back and even i not understand it


lol. russians are more worried about ukes being warm in winter than their own citizens being blown to bits.

russia is shit just like america.


amerikant comments always immoral and stupid—a truly inferior species that belongs in zoo

jens holm

noit many reach the russians. they are censured away or bias hard.

when i see things from about and from my denmark i cant recognise it aven i live in it and has windows and doors.

mabee you are bars in you zoo as well. and right. you has no patent in moral and studid version. more like you are excudes not kwoning a lot of things.


two years and donetsk city is still being shelled by artillery. it’s obvious russia is basing it’s in theater rules of engagement on the minsk accords. and refuses to follow the israeli example in gaza and carpet bomb the areas where the shelling in coming from

Erik Samuels

putin needs big dildo to his own arsehole. japanese could send it to him.
