The large Russian/DPR mop up operation in Mariupol against the armed formations of Ukrainian nationalists continues. The advance is slowed by fierce street fighting.
On April 1, representative of the DPR People’s Militia Eduard Basurin confirmed that the AFU grouping deployed in the city of Mariupol was cut into three small parts. Mop-up operations continue in the Kalmius and Left Bank districts of the city.
There are three main centers of resistance left in Mariupol: the central district, the Azovstal plant and the Mariupol port located in the Primorsky district.
The main stronghold of Ukrainian nationalist forces are the large industrial facilities of the Azovstal plant. Most of the Azov nationalists are currently besieged in a heavily fortified industrial zone. On the territory of the Azovstal, members of the Azov regiment deployed military headquarters, warehouses and barracks.
Azov commanders likely hope that Russian military would not massively strike the Azovstal with large-kaliber missiles in order not to completely destroy the facility. In the case of a major assault of the DPR troops supported by Russian servicemen, a bloody fighting may continue until all the nationalists are destroyed.
Meanwhile, Russian Kalibr missiles already hit the facility.
Chechen forces are also deployed near the Azovstal, preparing for the assault.
The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, gave the remnants of the Azov regiment who a day to lay down their arms. He published a video, appealing to the Ukrainian militants:
“I suggested that they soberly assess their remaining resources and give up. You can give up today. If this does not happen, tomorrow, April 2, all the militants will be destroyed.”
According to the head of the National Center of the Russian Defense Directorate, Colonel-General Mikhail Mezentsev, the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol to the Zaporozhye region was viciously and cynically disrupted by the Ukrainian military. On March 31, the Russian Armed Forces declared a ceasefire regime in order to open an additional humanitarian corridor for civilians from Mariupol to Zaporozhye.
567 people were evacuated during the day from Mariupol to the refugee reception point Bezymennoye in the DPR today, the headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported on April 1.
Akhmat Sila!
It is good for humanity that the war will finally be leaving the tormented people of Mariupol. Washington will reap what it has sown when it comes time for the dollar to fall.
$100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 in debt.
The first barrel of oil sold for paper doilies will probably do it.
that time has already past: look at the ruble dollar pair: ruble up to prewar levels and now with the peg to gold, the sky’s the limit.
Smouldering ruins. This is the future for other cities in Ukraine unless Zelensky negotiates a resolution with Russia and takes the Johnson and Biden worms out of his ears.
I thought you were about to say “This is the future of other cities in Eastern Europe”…
no need to assault—when they can no longer eat rats and starve, send in a few lgbt sawyers to take them to funeral home
They already there next door, curtain twitching and reporting. A costly fiasco.
So why did they dress up so nice and took those heavy rifles with them? Russia and the Chechen forces will get the job done. Is not a fine job to kill your people that way. Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. But those who got their head screwed up the last 8 years deserve whats coming to them. They got their fair chance to give up this pointless fight.
They basically doing inhuman, dirty work for Zelensky, while he does not care for anyone but himself. If he did, he would have avoided this mess.
I fear the head screwing has been going on for generations,but got worse over the past 8 years,its tragic but that Bandera mentality has to be destroyed.
The screwed ones are them, where 2,15% nazis not even in the parlament runs the business with Jews.
Most here only know the Stalin versions of Poland and the Ruthians being Novgerod and Kiev.
Zelensky is merely a clown for the western audience. His job is to entertain the audience, nothing more.
Not at all. We do see he desperat try to get any possible help. We give it what we can by almost keeping Minsk 2.
We know clowns from clowns. Some act and do well for Real. Regan was such a clown and Arnold still is alive.
I will remind You the Ukras elected him because not wanted the two other possibilities.
I compare with Makron. None wanted left and right to take over. By Zelinsky and Makron they at least got hopes.
Zelinsky has grown to a real President helped by the Russians.
Putin also ha united the world then Biden.
Them Azov boys all turned into Chucky dolls. Souls were grabbed by the Devil.
Denazification won’t be enough. Ukraine needs an exorcism.
So where are the real Denikin and Josef Banderas in this. Those are erased.
It wasnt the last 8 years. As a minimum it was from the Zar died. Thats more then 100 years.
“They basically doing inhuman, dirty work for Zelensky, while he does not care for anyone but himself. If he did, he would have avoided this mess.”
Someone who doesn’t care for anyone is a psychopath. No wonder he’s “working” for the 3rd Reich (the EU).
They almost certainly have lots of provisions. That could take months.
Secretary for Defense for United Kingdom of Great Britain Ben Wallace has been accused of having intercourse with girls under the legal age of consent (16) and is due to be questioned by the police in the near futura.
Seriously? A source?
Any further info on that?
Sexual exploitation of children is part of the culture. It’s like fish and chips.
Brits are mostly all funny that way.
I cannot comment on ongoing investigations, sorry guys.
Things like that should be seperated and no gamechanger. People doing that of cource should be punished.
In Our contries accused is not the same as guilty. Things has to be proof.
nazi jens should be separated from all civilized people—aleady has been except for social workers, changes diaper 1 Time per week
Would be interesting how many Americans or British “instructors” are trapped in Mariupol. I hope all of them will get what they deserve.
We will see. They have done a very good job and should have medals and extra pension.
senile nazi jens released from santatorium— moron transgender village idiot
I’m pretty sure not many, probably not even one. They are taking cofee in Kiev or Lvov rather. They have the Banderista useful fools to die for them, as well as many regular Ukranian conscripts.
Fighting is still ragging in the eastern Ukrainan town of Mariupol
I’m an American. I’m glad you told me where it is.
Don’t get confused. It’s already the western town of the Donetsk Republic.
Blinken just issued an order that any Azov headstones must carry…..
‘my personal pronoun was….’
Any unidentified remains must carry:
‘here lies a schmuck who died for the almighty dollar. We appreciate your service. Personal pronoun unknown’.
Thats the Eastern Bunny version.
jens nazi –anti-social worker tells me you attempt sex w bunny
The Western Russian town of Mariupol, you mean.
alabama hillbilly moron
Murad Gazdiev is the BEST!
When I grow up, I wanna be just like him.
Screw the plant, the advancing force must call for artillery and air strike when come toward fierce resistance a plant could always be rebuilt. Strike it hard and make they soul shake .
Oh dear, what’s wrong with the Russians? Now they add insult to insult to injury. My Russian is not the best but does the patch of the guy in the video really say POLICE??? Are the most elite fighters of the extreme right, the best soldiers in the world, the pride of the army really being wrecked by Russian bobbies? What the hell? I mean in a way it makes sense to send the police to deal with criminals but I must admit it is somewhat spooky to see what the police can do in such a short time. To take Falluja the yankees had to use weapons of mass destruction and the city was later retaken by ISIS.
What I would do at the end, is that I would gather all those Ukrainian soldiers (POWs) and put them to work. They would have to rebuild the city Mariupol from scratch. They would have to carry bricks, cement, sand, make mortar, etc.
Can anyone give me the name of the song that is played on Chechen videos ? I’d like to put it as a ring tone on my cell.
Chechens and DPR doing all hard work. Where is the Ru Army? I don’t understand how the fuck Ukros managed to land 4 or 5 helis there? The moment they land they should have been hit by every artillery piece in range (no doubt there is plenty). They were lucky that someone in DPR positioned a few infantrymen with captured stingers. Where is Russian air defence? Air force?
Yesterday Ukros attacked Belgorod. And escaped?!
It is also not clear to me what has been happening with the Russian army in most of Ukraine for the last 7 days. It looks like a system breakdown to me. I recently said that it is better for them to use nuclear weapons as soon as possible, so whatever-destroy fucking planet if necessary, otherwise they will soon fight in the cities of Russia. But I didn’t think it would happen this fast.
So, Ukrainians rode helicopters in Russia, as much as what, 30-40 km, rocketed a bit and returned home peacefully on time for breakfast… Wtf??? so, ok all good, but where do they get more helicopters from, where are they parked?! I’m not a military expert, but even a layman can conclude that someone in the Russian system totally screwed up, not only about this, but from day one it seems to me. Or we had too high an opinion of the Russian army. They seem to be far from a modern force …
The Russian army stalling after 1 week of fighting is not a show of weakness, but a central part of the new strategy aiming at faking weakness to get more weapons from the EU to Ukraine where they can easily be tracked and destroyed. This way, it will make the future special operations in Poland, Baltic states, Rumania and Germany less dangerous.
When Germany finds out it has been deceived, it will be the true beginning of WW3.
You should never use nuclear weapons (unless they are already nuking you, I guess). Do you guys have a brain? I mean it seriously: nobody who knows even remotely what those weapons do and how easily all out nuclear war can escalate, driving the whole Humanity to extinction in a matter of hours in many places and months at best elsewhere, can even think nukes are usable: they are only a last resort threat.
You have only use a totally buased one way propaganda TV channel.
But Ukra always has had a big army. It should be more familiar with You that it in contrast to the Russian one has been renewed 100% in structure and added a lot of first class infantery weapons for defence.
You also are told most of them are russians kept down by nazis.
None of that is true. the naziz are very visivle but only 2,15%. The Russians in te Putin way are 17,8%. Should those 17,8% decide the rest should be runned by Moskva?
And are things bad in Ukraine. Yeas they are. Thew corruption level is the same as for Russia.
And dont give LUCK. They are very clever and well educated. You even are told Russians are the best soldiers. We dont see that in the west. We see MANY.
nazi jens jibber like lobotomized monkey—sorry for insults to monkeys
via becomes more stupid each day
Yeah I would let them star unloading supplies and loading passengers (they needed at least 10 minutes) then pulverize them all. I doubt there are many places still under Azov control in Mariupol where 5 helicopters can land. Also, fighter jest should be in air nearby or at least 1 or 2 in constant alert to intercept these incursions. I mean DPR people were smart enough to predict this scenario so why russian army didn’t…
Yawn! It’s always “imminent” this “imminent” that with Russia, but rarely does it actually happen. Like the Rubles for Oil fiasco. All bark and no real bite.
crying in alabama trailer park
rouble today worth more vs dollar than prior to denazification began feb 22…LOL
truth hurts moron hillbilly
I like this Ramzan Kadyrov guy.
I don’t. He’s a ruthless tyrant (nowhere where you get 100% of the votes in favor of the official list is a “democracy” at all) but let’s hope those bearded thugs get the job done anyhow.
I’m honestly not vey convinced that using Kadyrovite death squads in this denazification campaign is of any help but I’ve been wrong before, so I hope for the best.
The true play here is massing for Donbass, drawing in Ukraine’s defense, then racing to Moldova to cut off Odessa then capture it
People on the streets in the US are constantly telling me that it is a good thing that the conflict is killing the Nazis in Ukraine.
south front = south cocksuckers
amerikan expert at being sodomized by taliban
zz top = dumb cocksucker
We need a scale in km to understand how large these pockets of Nazi units really are in Mariupol.
Barely 3×3 km in Google Maps for Azovstal, some 7 km for the Primorskie port district in legth, incl. the Russian wedge inside.
Good question, I did not realize how big this city is, only Azovstal is about as large as my own city (municipality) which hosts 350,000 people (yes, we’re packed like rats).
All the destruction, albeit mostly due to the US,UK, NATO indifference to the consequences of their parts in creating this war, will require a new financial architecture as called for by Helga Zepp LaRouche and many other nations declaring their sovereignty from the British inspired “rules based order.” This can be achieved with the already established alternative of the Belt Road and the massive global infrastructure projects designed by the late Lyndon LaRouche. Visit #The LaRouche Organization at their website
few remaining nazi rats in Mariupol starving now —only nutrition available is nazi sperm—they enjoy mutual fellatio…soon they die or surrender, and are sent to Siberia 20 years for war crimes