National Mourning In Iran: President Raisi And Other Officials Killed In Helicopter Crash

National Mourning In Iran: President Raisi And Other Officials Killed In Helicopter Crash

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On the morning of May 20, Tehran officially confirmed the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in the helicopter that crashed in the Iranian province of East Azerbaijan on May 19. According to the official report, the helicopter crashed into a mountain.

The victims of the incident also included:

  • Hossein Amirabdollahian, Iran’s foreign minister
  • Malik Rahmati, governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan Province
  • Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Al-Hashem, representative of the Iranian supreme leader to East Azerbaijan.


National Mourning In Iran: President Raisi And Other Officials Killed In Helicopter Crash

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Sardar Seyed Mehdi Mousavi, head of Raisi’s guard team, the helicopter’s pilot Colonel Seyed Taher Mostafavi, co-pilot Colonel Mohsen Daryanush, and flight technician Major Behrouz Ghadimi, also all perished in the crash.

The delegation was returning from talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the border of the two countries, where it participated in the opening of a dam on the Aras River.





After the death of President Raisi, the Islamic Republic will be headed by Vice President, who will serve as head of state until new elections, which will to take place in the next 50 days. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has confirmed First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber as the country’s acting president. Khamenei also declares five days of national mourning.

The complex management and control system in Iran and the state apparatus are quite resistant to various shocks. Therefore, a power vacuum is unlikely to arise in the country. However, the complexity of internal struggle and the presence of groups with different interests increase the risks of disruption of the internal balance.

“The people of Iran will not worry, there will be no failures in the management of the state,” the Supreme Leader Khamenei called on the people.

Tehran is yet to launch the investigation of the crash. So far, the official claims did not suppose that the President Raisi was killed. However, numerous coincidents and rumors about the crash provoked numerous suspicions.  

The footage from the crash site, shows the wreckage of the helicopter. The reason for the crash was a thick fog in the northwestern mountainous area of Iran. Thus, it is not clear why those responsible for the flight made a decision to allow the flight over the mountains in conditions of almost zero visibility.

The past week was marked a series of reports about assassination attempts and state coups in the sovereign countries which contradict the US hegemony. On May 13, there was a warning of a military coup in Turkey. On May 15, an assassination attempt targeted Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico.On May 16, there was another warning about a possible assassination attempt on Serbian President Vucic. As a result, on May 19, a helicopter carrying the President of Iran crashed.

Various observers noted that recently, Raisi stated the need for a single BRICS currency, which would further weaken the international dominance of the US dollar. The beginning of behind-the-scenes negotiations between Iran and the United States was also reported after a long break.

Some power is clearly betting on an aggravation and global conflict. One of Washington’s strategic interests is to prevent transit through the South Caucasus, which contradicts the geopolitical goals of the US. The aggravation of old conflicts involving Iran clearly fits into this strategy. The death of senior Iranian officials can be used as a lever to further destabilize the region. The independent policy of countries outside the control of the United States is a great threat to Washington.


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what kind of stupid people put two high ranking vips in one chopper.

allah the smallest

it was yallahs will to kill them off. they were not good muzloms. they were child molesters and pedophiles. this is a good day. yallah yallah you f0kking pigheads


the saracens are are low iq. they shoot from the hip yelling aloha snackbar, treat their women like dirt and will never be able to develop nukes. thank god.

Zionist Imbreeding Department

europe is being overrun by muslims, jews and amerikunts. that is your future. at least iran is an independent country not like israel, which is a termite on the west

Last edited 9 months ago by Zionist Imbreeding Department
allah the smallest

yes, independently dead they are.
i wanna see me some dead ayatollas now!
yallah yallah

Hans Olaf Henkel

sei froh dass du unabhängig dumm bist, dadurch sind deiner dummheit keine grenzen gesetzt

be glad that you are stupid independently, because of this there are no limits to your stupidity

allah is small

thank yallah your life is is limited.

Icarus Tanović

yours too.

jens holm

another inferior amerikunt very small


dont say this too loud. on every anti western leader that falls the chance that the next in line is a pro western agent. no one would have seen argentina as a pro western country under kirchner and now under meley they are in team america and spit on the global south.

allah is small

and that is exactly how it happened!

Icarus Tanović

hey angel, 😇 you’re so sweet. alexander the smelliest.

Icarus Tanović

my dad has actually the smallest. so if any one of you mozloms here would like to donate some sandy c0m for my poor mommy, that’d be great!

Icarus Tanović

that is your dad and mom, alexander, you talk about your self, am i right?

suka blya muhamad

hhhahaha made my day


people who belive that some god protects them i guess.
these were some kind of peacefull talks between azerbeidzhan and iran.
someone didn’t want that happening. same as when the polish president
was killed on his way to peacefull talks with russia. and now poles cant even imagine peace with russia so it worked perfectly for whoever did it.

Last edited 9 months ago by kotromanic

moolah does 😁


why is iran still using an enemy helicopter for it’s president

allah the smallest

because iranian leaders are stupid and poor. they are kikes.


does kike not mean jew? how can they be stupid and poor then?

Last edited 9 months ago by kotromanic
Icarus Tanović

it means that allah has the smallest of all made up gods

Icarus Tanović

how about yahwe?

Hans Olaf Henkel

der einzige jude weit und breit hier, bist du! dein niedriger iq deutet darauf hin

the only jew far and wide here, you are! your low iq indicates that

Ramses II

wrong!!! his a-social texts mark him as a jewishclown 🤡 😆😆😆

Icarus Tanović

and we mark you as a smelly old vagyna of a filistine hore

Icarus Tanović

that is your mom, dog meat imposter.

Massa John

because they’re brainwashed by some 1400 a.d. holy book, which didn’t tell them about time-bombs in operating systems. and then there was that stuxnet virus, who killed their centrifuges…


hmm. does anyone believe that in this world political situation this was purely an accident?

allah the smallest

reisi was always jerking his meat under that dress and never washing his hands afterwards. thats why i killed him.

Icarus Tanović

that’s what you do, so you know, english imbecile.

Zionist Imbreeding Department

hopefully iran will learn new security protocols after this tragedy

allah the smallest

yes, they will involve more suicides with choppers in the woods.

V2 for Victory

you are not funny, btw dear ‘smallest’ (clown)

Erik 1953

we should look into the history of the pilot. this accident also could be orchestrated by people inside iran that are not happy with the soft handling of israel by iran. we should not forget that people are starving in gaza right now. and egypt does not accept 7 million angry palestinians.


iran never cared about gaza. they only see it as a way to make the sunit arabs accept shiite iran as leading muslim country which they never will. its the same as if russia would try to be the leading christian country. catholics dont see orthodox as real christians and sunites dont see shiites as real muslims end of the discussion. iran is wasting its time to try to appeal to the arabs.

Herman Wirth

that’s right, the aryan iranians and the khazarian turks regard arabs as subhuman. weren’t the ottomans oppressors of arabs and occupiers of arab land? were the sasanians friends of the arabs in palestine?

Icarus Tanović

what? you drugged?

Icarus Tanović

or gaey like me?

Icarus Tanović

hey alex, why are you so scared of me? is that because you are gae?


because of iran the is atleast restance against usa/nato warmongery thanks for that.persians are great leaders and all iranian presidents are strong.raise weregreat and warrior and he went down as a great man and leader ripfighter.


erdogan has passion of killing arabs and muslims with usa,britain and france.


erdogans real passion is killing christians and kurds.

Herman Wirth

the nemrut and teppichfresser erdogan is in fact a khazar as most turks are. the only difference is that for opportunistic reasons the khazars adopted judaism and the seljuqs adopted islam. they were all bloodthirsty barbarians from the steppe, just like the huns before them. they stole asia minor from the arabs, armenians and byzantines. so if the khazars are not real jews, the seljuks are not real muslims.

Hans Olaf Henkel

…naja, beim kleinasien raub waren sie aber doch recht erfolgreich

Icarus Tanović

it does. that is a traitor of a kind.


rest in piss with the rest of your country

Satanic Anglo Scum!

i burn uncle sams stars and stripes.


that burn hurt as much as this plane crash

jens holm

amerikunt #1 lgbt loser

allah is small

i wipe my hiny with iranian flag. hence the colors of soft islamic stool.

Icarus Tanović

i use the iranian flag as my c0m rag.

Icarus Tanović

oh, that was massive one! fucking pedejo asshole.

Icarus Tanović

i bbq your mothers c0nt

Icarus Tanović

you bbq your cunt, cunt.

Massa John

the united rats, #1 in the gutter


you drove that joke home way better then iran president pilot


the chief pharisee of the shiites is dead. satan’s mosque of false shia muslims will never get jerusalem.

Satanic Anglo Scum!

you train head choppers, so what you talking about..

Icarus Tanović

you willis?

Icarus Tanović

you pig shit?

Icarus Tanović

true dat!!!

Icarus Tanović

dat gos strayt to your moms.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

israel e estados unidos atingiram com míssil o helicóptero. eles foram assassinados! vingança! vingança! vingança!

allah is small

crawl back into your mommy’s behind.yallah yallah pighead


this whole thing reeks of stupidity.

allah is small

the ayatollahs are not smart. they still use sand as toilet paper.


wondering if the black box for the helicopter has been recovered it will give a clue to what happened during the final moments of the flight! along with a detailed investigation

allah is small

it is covered in poo and urine by the iranian supreme leader. oops, it happened during her martyrdom.

Icarus Tanović

funny shiite

Icarus Tanović

yeah, you funny shit.

Israel is a Terrorist Colony

they should have been using a modern chinese or russian helicopter. the bell 212 is from the 1960s!

Icarus Tanović

or they should all die

Icarus Tanović

satanyahoo is gonna rot in english prison. bring him dog food, but strictly kosher shit.

Last edited 9 months ago by Icarus Tanović

they are using mi-171 too. i guess a model of helicopter has no role there. malfunction may appear even on a new machine (like b-737-max) as well as sabotage.


no doubt, i see mossad hand behind this incident, the country azerbaijan is moosad infected & infected place!

Icarus Tanović

i see your mothers c0nt behind it

Icarus Tanović

you are most dirty clint in here, c|_|nt.

Last edited 9 months ago by Icarus Tanović

some say it was a helicopter even though some pictures it looks like a plane.
– we haven’t actually seen the bodies.
– the weather data seems to have been erased.
– kikes / mossad posted on twitter a helicopter emoji 12 hours before this happened
– immediately fireworks went off inside iran after the news
– why was such high ranking people all flying together in one vehicle during such bad weather
– was a energy lazer weapon used?

Last edited 9 months ago by FuckKikes
Icarus Tanović

your mother was purchased by 12 kikes. they have its c0nt as time share

Icarus Tanović

your mother was rejected by 12 wahhabi cuck suckers in slave market. stinking. infection.


azerbaijan, an ally of israel, could very well have caused some damage to raisi’s helicopter when it was on the ground and caused the assassination of the iranian president…

Icarus Tanović

they sure did. they are working all behind each others back. f0kkin mozloms

Icarus Tanović

jerkoff fuckin mazlum, go to war, save theodores idea.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

we got him!!!

burn in hell you filthy muslim orc bastad!!!


Icarus Tanović

we’ll send some of your kind there too.

Icarus Tanović

and then send some for my mothers stinking c0nt.

suka blya muhamad

what kind of government iran has hahaha. ohh i forgot iranian civilians prefer foreign airliners than their domestic ones because they know how crap they are just like their government


israel sabotaged his flight aliyev is a shabbos goy servant and an enemy of iran and russian interests.he made it possible for his juu masters
its time both iran and russians realize this and take appropriate action reverse his karabakh annexation and take out aliyev shabbos goy. turn azerbaijan in a russian province/colony.

suka blya muhamad

i heard helicopter pilot’s name is a mossad agent named “eli copter”
