Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah speaks at the funeral of Fuad Shukr on August 1, 2024 (Al-Manar TV\Screenshot)
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said on August 1 that the war against Israel has entered a “new phase,” speaking at the funeral of the group’s senior commander Fuad Shukr who was killed in an Israeli strike that hit the Lebanese capital, Beirut, two days earlier.
“We are facing a major battle that has gone beyond the issue of support fronts, whose battlefields include Yemen, Iraq, Syria and the Gaza Strip,” Nasrallah said addressing mourners via video link.
“I say to the enemy: Laugh a little now, but you will soon be crying a lot because you do not know which lines you have crossed,” he added.
The leader also declared that the killing of Shukr -who was reportedly his top military advisor- and the assassination of the political chief of the Palestinian Hamas Movement in the Iranian capital, Tehran, the next day had pushed the ongoing war to “a new phase, different from the previous phase, and the escalation depends on the behavior and reactions of the enemy.”
“Today, they are the ones who have to await the revenge of the honorable people of the Ummah [Islamic nation],” Nasrallah said.
“The enemy and those who stand behind him must await our coming retaliation, which will be certain, Inshallah [‘God willing’]. There is no debate regarding this, and between us and you will be the days, the nights, and the battlefield,” he vowed.
The leader added, “will this retaliation come at the same time or in different phases? Israel doesn’t know where it’s heading.”
A recent report by The New York Times revealed that the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei ordered a direct strike on Israel in response to the assassination of Haniyeh and that the country was considering carrying out a joint operation along with its allies in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
Nasrallah also affirmed in his address that attacks on northern Israel “will continue from tomorrow, and this has nothing to do with responding to the assassinations [of Shukr], but rather a continuation of the battle since October 8.”
In addition, he vowed that Hezbollah will continue cross-border fire until Israel reaches a ceasefire agreement with Hamas in Gaza.
All in all, the Middle East appears to be on the brink of an all-out war as a result of Israel’s recent attacks against Lebanon and Iran. A joint strike by Tehran and its allies, including Hezbollah, against military targets in Israel appears to be very possible.
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i don’t know how to comment on that. iran already tried retaliation strikes on israel and it was a fiasco. israel has precision intel, they know when, where will be the target, they bypass all aa defense like a hot knife through butter and have 100percent success rate. iran on the other hand has bold statement, zero impact on israel and their “revenge strikes” only serves hardcore jews as pretext for more strikes. iran should learn basics before attacking israel.
not a fiasco, on thecontrary, it showed the world that the iron doom really was a sieve and hadn’t iran already finished the attack the jews would behomeless by now. notethat the perfide albion and the disunited states of friggin a both turned up and saved the day for the jews. so when iran dispatch an armada of drones followed up by a large number of heavier stuff and then yet another large number of the heaviest stuff, tel aviv and haifa will be in ruins
iran can indeed make some damage to haifa or tel aviv if israel allows it and use it as pearl harbor 2 propaganda. it means u.s. boots on the ground and unconditional support of u.s. military for israel. remeber. jews are willing to fight to the last u.s. soldier as u.s administration is willing to fight to the last ukrainian. it will be a bloodbath for iran and syria. if russia get involved, ww3 is guaranteed. iran has nothing to gain but all to lose.
maybe, but if it means the zionazis will be removed for the cancer that they are, it’s worth it for the long term stability of the region, one side of martyrs living in heaven, and the rotten worms of the empire burn in the eternal hellfire.
but they will not be removed. they will hide behind black u.s. soldiers as canonfodder, causing massive and irreparable damage to iran . it is always the same. they will waste 100.000 afroamericans to kill 10m of irani civilians. the same scenario as in ukraine, where they sacrificed 500k ukraininans to kill 500k russians. they simply don’t care.
48,000 deceased russians–680,000 dead ukies
it really isn’t a race war. it’s a class war. they dont care about peasants at all regardless of race.
35000 billion in national debt against 85 million and 1.8 million sqkm. no way the disunited can participate in an attack on iran also having a hezbollah in the back and the houthis in the south ( houthis have already shown the world that they can penetrate the iron dome, soon to be the iron doooom
it is not about quantity but quality. iran army will be stalked on every move, israel will use artificial intelligence and precise strikes in scale that was never seen before. they will commit genocide like they did in gaza but this time with direct support of u.s. army and in much bigger scale. israel will place orders and american soldiers will obey and die. and iran will be destroyed.
sure, jews will use artificial intelligence, iranians will fight using true intelligence.
you relly swallowed that story of ai superpowers. please, for your own sake, stop watching marvel idiotic movies.
i warned you. this is not a game. they will weaponize dumb arab and persian people and make them do precisely what they want them to do to justify genocide and great israel. iran heads are too hot meanwhile putin is a bit too coward. if these 2 approaches blend together, it would be a perfect mix but alas. putin and iran, both stubborn as mules.
iran could use iraq as first defence line. kill the americans there. us population will not support a 3rd iraq war that’s for sure. so when us is hit hard in iraq with bases on fire, and hundreds of dead there in single big strikes – this will send a brutal warning to usa what will await them when entering iran. easy like that. powerfull deterrence visible to the whole world is needed now.
is not quantity? no and why the evil cunts zionists warmongers are always begging for more and more weapons everyday?
dream on – iran can muster a huge army with a missile-shield that the jews can’t penetrait. after all the distance palestine iran is something like 2000 km and the jews airplanes can’t handle that distance without refuelling and i doubt they have the required long distance missiles that would be needed.
false–israel and iran have missiles that can target both nations
künstlicher intelligenz? du bist sehr witzig.
false amerikan–it is about volya–amerikans have none; persians do
the ironic doom.
debt irrelevant–amerikan lgbt military defeat by taliban
iran has according to article 51 the right to retaliate. like last time, a coalition will try to defend israel and chickens will be counted afterwards, followed by a symbolic response from israel maybe, just to say we can hit you too. so what has iran to lose again?
nobody gives a shit about retaliation. the winner writes the history and iran will not win a war against u.s. army backing israel. the best scenario they can achieve is a “decent defeat” which means total destruction of their country and losing huge chunk of territory to israel. in the worst scenario they will be totally annihilated.
sure, you can thump your chest all you want beforehand, but your scenario, any serious analyst predicts israel will be wiped out first. iran and israel are not adjacent btw, and israel can’t occupy gaza anymore, they are reduced to raid it, but you’re already dreaming of projecting troops to iran hahaha🤡
no real war–israel is geographically little—they are vulnerable to hizbollah iran etc..this low intensity conflict could continue for decades
you really are an idiot. iran was here long before the scum zionist usa and will be here long after scum zionist usa is gone.
85 million iranians on 1,8 million sqkm able to defend itself well. the disunited states would be fools to even try. think afghanistan and have a laugh or vietnam. not a line of success.
doubtful this matters–iran like hamas has many underground facilities that cannot be destroyed from afar w missiles
i agree with this post from you. indeed if iran plays its cards right, luring usa into yemen and iraqi quicksand/quagmire and eliminated the usa forces there mercylessly – this will give victory in the end – even if usa decided to bomb iran or is stupid enough to above their yemen and iraq adventures send some troops into iran.
but beware one resp. two things. china & russia – they both are deeply involved economically (and hiddenly even politically) with the jews, and they – if it comes to the real deal – might betray iran. it is possibly and china in this is a real wildcard. so things only work out positively for iran if russian & china are truthfull reliable partners in weapons deliverly like they were for northvietnam.
you should remeber vietnam & afghanistan.us can lose if you fight them the right way. dont present then targets, fight then in areas where they are exposed, hit where it hurts, and use mine-war so that the more troops they bring the more they lose. fight from the underground, tunnels, bunkers, use women, kids everything to resist the usa invaders.play your cards right & you’ll win.
choosing the right battleground is important. so drag them into 1. yemen 2. iraq again. – bog them down there in bloody gruesam guerila war. order hezbollah tostrike israel nonestop, 2-3 years later storm the golan heights, then leave and storm again like tet offensive style. be illusive and have secure weapon support from china. put your whole nuclear & weapons and eduction deep deep underground in iran.
if after all that – being bogged down in yemen & iraq – us has troops left to go into iran – let them have it, as they there will again be met by even more guerilla warfare afghanistan style. usa will not win it. it will destroy cities, yes, kill mio. yes, but will lose the war – and afterwards – after us withdraws ( like in afghanistan) iran needs to goahead (like northvietnamese did) and storm israel from all sides (north hezbollah, south houthis, east iraq/iran) war won israel gone !!!
this retaliation nonsense is stupid. if you are no clown then you deliever revenge cold, bolt and without warning your enemy. as otherwise he can prepare to deflect the strike and get out of the deathzone in order to not get hurt. this is clownery not retaliation then.
“american soldiers are happy to die for israel.”
us general.
amerikans fear death
‘if’ israel allows it…lol.
genauso hat man damals über die nazis geredet. man hatte die deutschen als unbesiegbar bezeichnet. mein lieber toto. hast du nicht gesehen, was in afganistan passiert ist? wenn die moslems in nahe osten es satt haben, dann wird israel tatsächlich nicht mehr existieren und usa werden weglaufen. grüß
doubtful—only speculation
us boots on the grounds where ? in iran ? had iran not be stupid allowing its president be killed and replaced by a israeli agent thing would be much better, as iran is much stronger than saddams iraq (and even there us army failed miserably and were destroyed in the quagmire). iran with its hills and mountains is by terrain much more like afgahnistan or chechnya – perfect for guerilla warfare.
iran has to just make sure that weapons supply from russia and china is underground and save – same like vietnam did back in 1967. even if usa is stupid enough to send troops into iran – let them, it will be their demise and end. but all that does work only if first iran gets rid of the traitors which israel has placed deep inside the current iranian government. starting with the so-called new iranian president.
let’s just hope shit don’t hit the fan. because if it does every body involve will get some poop splattered on them. if you know what i mean.
the fucking mullahs will do it again!
last time they were clever, they bombard israel with 300 drones as decoys and set their hits later with very few missiles. -damn it!
for israel, a billion-dollar damage is caused by fired patriot missiles. also the ukrozz are waste the patriots like there is no tomorrow!
no one can reproduce these things at this speed, – holy shit!!!!
exactly, israel economy in tatters, us army and mic overstretched, china and russia backing iran, usa sending boats which struggled to halt ansar allah’s attacks, and were humiliated in iran’s measured response last time. and the axis is now talking about coordinating operations this time. pakistan might help israel with their samson option for them
nukes aren’t hard to make at all. you don’t even need centrifuges if you use lasers or breeder reactors, which can easily be underground. iran could easily make even low yield nukes.
true–israel has capable military and nukes—nearby nations do not challenge israel–exceppt hizbollah in lebanon
at the end of the day, these israeli strikes achieve nothing strategic. they are tactical publicity stunts. make a big show to memory hole failures in gaza. that’s how the western goldfish memories are. israel has achieved none of its broad objectives in gaza. they are hated even more now and their enemy list has increased 100x since october 6th. all the assassinations in the world will never break the resistance because so long as zionist oppression exists, so too will resistance
at the end of the day, terrorist sympathisers are crying.
1 thessalonians 2:14-16 says all one needs to know about jews.
“all new testament is hebrew thinking”. –frederick schliemacher
israel has achieved many objective in gaza–deluded to believe otherwise
well, your comment is interesting, but i don’t know if israel can be described as a hot knife trough butter or as a jew with a knife in the neck.
pardon, as a sionist with a knife…et coetera.
pun intended, i suppose. good.
zionists and nazis are the same thing and they are going quickly to hell.
iran gained a lot of intel from those telegraphed attacks with drones flying from iran for 18 hrs, still the us, uk, france, saudi, jordan and your iron dome could not select the right targets. i think anyone understands if drones are launched from syria, iraq and lebanon, iran can launch the precision missiles, shortening time to react drastically.
low flying and small drones can almost totally bypass air defense. look at russia. it does have the worlds most advanced anti-air but drones regularly get through. hezbollah has either been holding back or is totally incompetent. the palestinians are competent enough to use drones even w/o explosives to great effect. just a guess but more idf were probably killed today, yet again in more ambushes. hamas are kicking their ass and all the idf can do is bomb civilians.
too sissy to even come over in person, how are people supposed to be afraid unless they are faggoty little scared queers too?
bullshit they pass air space when there’s air traffic of civilians commercial flights that way air defense are not activated because they can hit the civilians planes, just like they do on syria there’s nothing super about that just pure cowardish nothing more.
then for the time being, one should simple stop all civilian airflights and civilian air traffic. this way no usraeli f-16 can hide in the radar shadow of a civilian plane. problem solved.
yhy = either a nasty lying jew or a zionist.
that night cost israel an astronomical amount of monies and would have shortly overwhelmed the defence. iran told usa when he would be sending his presents.
that no problem for the jews, because they always spend other peoples money, never their own.
israel benefit from us satellites spy planes
i agree. they should never tell the israelis beforehand that they’ll going to strike them. just do it, and do it quickly, and strike hard were it hurts. strike asymetrically. block the ship traffic to israeli mediterrain ports. raise the migrants in europe to attack jewish and american owned businesses, take hostages, do bus-bombings inside israel etc. and for missile strikes hit dimona, ammonium nitrate plant, knesset or mossad headquarter without any pre-warning.
as long as iran stops notifying imperialists, zionists and their minions (like jordan) before attacking. time to shoot to kill, not to kick up dust and make a spectacle!
iran is soooooo predictable. iran will took a bait and israel will use it for propaganda as always.
haniyeh is a hamas moderate compared to the gazan hamas bureau. he preferred negotiations and political solutions. that israel killed him shows the world their disregard for ceasefires and their lust for war and bloodshed. jews are a sick tribe. they deserve absolutely everything they get and have gotten sinc the days of jesus
don’t mix judaism with zionism.
one is a religion, the other is a psychopathic ideology of the enemies of mankind.
judaism is a cult of psychopaths. have you ever read the talmud? it is a deranged word salad based on jewish narcissism. christianity tried to reform this crappy cult but guess what. the jews conspired with the romans to kill jesus for trying to reform judaism. and the romans then destroyed the jewish temple. talk about an insane tribe of hateful sinners
we don’t know of existence of jesus for sure, but we know very well that zionists are a murderous damned bunch.
jews worship themselves, not god.
amerikunts worship jews, not god.
jews worship the devil. and they even admit it. read harold-wallace rosenthal interview at archive.org. this will educate you to the facts.
only jews have souls …… all gentile women, without exception, are whores and filth …… eating with a gentile is like eating with a dog …… even the best of the gentiles should be killed ……….
the goyim were put on the earth like donkeys, to serve the chosen people …….
wrong judaism is satanism – its not a religion but a mafia like diabolic cult! it has different faces to confuse the none-jews. different faces are: communism, bolshewism,genderism,liberalism,feminism, lgtbq, neocon, zionism, maoism, fake-green climate-ideology, fake-democracies, fake-right parties (like trump, le pen, wilders, afd etc.) etc.
its quite simple really. the israelis think hezbollah and iran wont escalate because they are fearful of a wider conflict. bibi suggested that the us had his back after his visit to the us and a new round of escalation started after that. the problem is if there is no comparable retaliation israelis will keep prodding and escalating. you therefore need to retaliate as a deterrence. its all very italian. italy is probably the closest european area culturally and genetically to the levant.
but an appropriote retalion is then used by the jews and their medias to accuse iran of “crime” and will only use it to further strike and murder. so no, retaliation yes, of course, but in a clever way. a way that hurts but which can not 100% be backtracked directly to iran. let houthis or hezbollah do things, or the large amount of pali or shia refugees in europe etc. retaliate asymetrically but strike hard. that’s the right answer !
its quite simple really. the israelis think hezbollah and iran wont escalate because they are fearful of a wider conflict. bibi suggested that the us had his back after his visit to the us and a new round of escalation started after that. the problem is if there is no comparable retaliation israelis will keep prodding and escalating. you therefore need to retaliate as a deterrence.
watch your back, you might be next.
none of this will solve your problems, which are psychological..mwahahaha
aww, is that a threat, a warning, such is from a studio gangsta? i think that by now you should be developing some mental disorder. shaky grounds you’re standing on. i can smell your fear.
if narrallah could give retribution to those in london who ordered the assassinations, that’d be clever
he could, by simple mobilzing the so-called refugees, and libanese guys everywhere in europe. why they do not play this card i dont know.
pure words no act..hebollah child killers.
some bag of zionazi filth is using my call sign “martillo”. you can tell it’s a zionazi clown by the “level” of english it manages to cobble together with its idiotic nonsense.
express vpn, cyberghost, private internet access are mossad honeypot operations. do not use them. they are owned by kape technologies, an israeli cybersecurity firm with ties to mossad
“escalation depends on the behavior and reactions of the enemy.”” in other words, nasrallah is allowing the zionist state to control the strategic initiative. pulling your punches is not the way to win a winner-take-all wrestling match.
very true ! so eighter nasrallah is stupid or weak. or both ?
amerikans assainate far more–tried to kill assange
muhammads are crying hahahaha bobo
israel motto:
“i will find you and i will kill you”
israel motto: “i will try to get gentiles to do stuff for me becuz of the holocaust”
but but wheeeeen
comen hesbolah