Nasrallah: Hezbollah Can Convert Its Rockets Into Guided Missiles, Make Drone

Nasrallah: Hezbollah Can Convert Its Rockets Into Guided Missiles, Make Drone

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah as seen on Al Manar TV during his speech on 16 February 2022.

Hezbollah possesses the ability to convert thousands of its rockets into guided missile as well as to manufacture drones locally in Lebanon, the group’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, said on February 16.

Nasrallah made the revelation during a lengthy televised speech meant to commemorate three of Hezbollah early leaders.

“We now possess the ability to transform our thousands of rockets into precision-guided missiles,” Nasrallah said, “We started that years ago and converted a large number of our missiles into precision-guided ones, so we do not need to bring them from Iran.”

“We have been producing drones in Lebanon for a long time, and whoever wants to buy them should submit an order,” he added. “Our men are able to keep pace with all advancement, we are ready for all developments in the military industry.”

Nasrallah also touched on Israel’s repeated strikes on Syria, which are usually promoted as attacks on Hezbollah-bound weapons shipments.

“The enemy tries throughout its aggression in Syria to prevent the reach of precision-guided weapons to the resistance in Lebanon. I tell the Israelis that what they call a war-between-wars has turned the threat into an opportunity for the resistance,” the leader said.

Hezbollah leader also warned Israel against carrying out any special operation inside Lebanon to search for advanced weapons.

“Should the enemy dare to carry out a certain operation in search of our missiles, it might face an ‘Ansariyeh 2’ operation,” Nasrallah said referring to the Israeli 1997 landing on the shore of the southern Lebanese town of Ansariyeh’s, in which 12 of its elite Shayetat troops were killed by local resistance forces.

Hezbollah has been building advanced offensive capabilities to deter Israel with direct support from Iran and Syria since the early 2000s.

These efforts have been paying off. Since the war of 2006, Israel has not conducted any large-scale operation in Lebanon in order to avoid a response by Hezbollah. This situation will not likely change anytime soon, especially that the group’s offensive capabilities are improving as confirmed by Nasrallah.


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Not a lot of people know this but it was a Hezbollah double agent who fed israel the intel and led them into the ambush. Hezbollah also had hacked an Israeli drone and gathered intel on them. If Hezbollah was capable of hacking Israeli drones in 90s, I wonder what they’re capable of now.


He should come out and fight like a Man. Cockroaches

S Balu

Absolutely but before that you must get certified that your back is absolutely clean not smelly like english people they use toilet paper


This is why Hezbollah has way more than “150k missiles pointed at Israel” the Zionist know this, but sugarcoated the number


So why they dont liberate Palestine ?

S Balu

So why don’t you use environmentally friendly water to clean your backside and not use toilet paper

Cuckmander Hebrew

Why aren’t you fighting the kikeroaches, you shitskinned wog? Your pindick erDOGan is the biggest arse rimmer of piglestinians, yet he jerks off the kikeroaches at the same time.



Cuckmander Hebrew

Shitskin oglu turku orospu


Ottoman leftover. Amcik


Hezbollah drones aren’t cheap. Hezbollah spied on a whole Israeli exercise that was aimed at deterring Hezbollah, and Hezbollah watched the whole thing from Lebanon.
Hezbollah is the pride of Lebanon, I just wished the brainwashed Lebanese noticed this.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Which exercise? The most recent one?


No, the exercise was in 2020.

The new video published by Hezbollah was in response to Israel doing snow exercise to confront Hezbollah. I believe the point of the video was destroy IDF and Israel morale since they were certain they’ll beat Hezbollah in the snow.

Cuckmander Hebrew

Kikedf’s two main conventional strengths are as follows: (A) armoured brigades and (B) air force.

The first category isn’t too hard to deal with. Use laser dazzlers to blind the sensors of the APS systems on their vehicles and use PTKM-1R “Top Attack” mines/UAVs/ATGMs to kill them.

The air force bit you don’t have any conventional means of suppressing so I suggest activation of air defence batteries HA has and to target their air bases/hangars with precision missiles.

These twin strategies will see you overcome in the Third Lebanon War.


Thing is with armoured brigades is that israel relied on them too much in 2006. Clearly they didn’t work, and Hezbollah has much better weapons to deal with them. IDF trophy system on the tanks is probably useless since hamas has went against it and Hezbollah probably can counter now after seeing it in action.

For the airforce the IAF commander said that Israel can’t rely on just their airforce to fight Hezbollah, but even then Hezbollah is prepared for their infantry and Air Force. Hezbollah is guerrilla warfare and airforce don’t really do the job against guerrilla fighters, especially ones who know how to counter it. I remember in a speech Sayed Nasrallah said that the same khordad that shot the america reaper in Iran is all over Lebanon, if Nasrallah has admitted that, they for sure have better. The known air defence Hezbollah has are from 2006 war and Syrian war. Hezbollah won’t use those air defence against Israel most likely, and certain the SA-8/17 are just a cover for more modern air defence.

Another big thing about IDF airforce is that it will most likely be useless. Hezbollah will simultaneously target IDF air bases, airports, military bases, check points and economic infrastructure. In my opinion once Hezbollah hits their economic infrastructure and Israel economy becomes like Lebanon they’ll most likely tap out. Israel requested a cease fire 11 days into the 06 war when Hezbollah was using unguided rockets, once Hezbollah hits all those places I listed, israel will either tap out or try and nuke. This is probably a stretch, but I believe Hezbollah knows the locations of Israel nuclear silos, because if Hezbollah goes all in, they’re going to need that type of intelligence. The nuke sounds bad, but Israel will probably use a hydrogen bomb and just take the region out (I hope I’m wrong and never happens). NATO will most likely be there because USA will never give israel the green light to fight Hezbollah because of 06, that’s why they created !s!s a YouTube video of Wesley Clark admitting isis was created to fight Hezbollah.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jnoub
Chris Gr

Those groups that predated ISIS were funded by many sources, even the Assad regime.

Cuckmander Hebrew

No need to write your fanfiction here, gayreek faggot. Stick to rewriting your shitskin history and pretending to be Europeans instead of brown bastard wogs spawned of turdkish rape.


Don’t weaponise your stupidity.

Chris Gr

Fatah al Islam was supported by the Syrian regime.


I believe if those Israeli criminals are stupid enough to attack Lebanon again Hezbollah will take the fight over the border into Israel on the ground.


100% IDF barely has any morale. It takes 5 IDF terrorist to take down a old Palestinian man with crutches. When they go against someone who has guns and knows how to use them, they’ll run back to Europe

Cuckmander Hebrew

They don’t belong in Europe. Let them stay on the land they love so much…there’s plenty of space for them in that shithole six feet under the soil.


If you believe Nasralah admitted getting missiles from Iran I have a bridge to sell you.


He has multiple times. It’s already facts Hezbollah is funded from Iran and Syria

Cuckmander Hebrew

Oh, by the way, does HA use RPO-Shmel? It’s a shoulder-fired rocket-assisted flamethrower and the RPO-Z variant is incendiary in nature.

It would assist tremendously in causing damage to civilian infrastructure, particularly kibbutz farms, should HA decide to go on a full-scale offensive south of the border.


I’m not sure if they do, but probably have something similar. The only way I see Hezbollah go on the offensive is after they send missiles into the north, enough to cause a blockade for support to the IDF left in the north. From there Radwan unit will come in and setup checkpoints while Hezbollah and its allies assist with missile showers.

Hezbollah units inside the north will use guerrilla warfare (similar to 2006 style) and rely less on armoured vehicles to avoid casualties. Hezbollah has mastered the hybrid warfare, so they’ll for sure setup ambushes inside of the north. Hezbollah will most likely rely on Hit-and-run attacks just like in 2006 when they would hit merkeva tanks then quickly change positions so IDF will get confused.

Chris Gr

If there is such a fight then greater powers will come there to aid. Israel will be supported by the non-Muslim and non-communist world and Hezbollah will be supported by the Muslim and communist world.


Those non Muslim you’re talking about (NATO) is a flop. All their soldiers are either transgender and have low morale. American general himself that men nowadays in the army are achieving similar physical statics to women. That’s not good, men are naturally a lot stronger than women.

Hezbollah soldiers hate NATO and Israel, they’ll have no problem dying on the battlefield if it means to take some Israeli soldiers with them. NATO will have no morale against them, because west has made a narrative that all other soldiers outside of America are weak, when Hezbollah actually fights back and American troops don’t expect it, they’ll run like bitches

Cuckmander Hebrew

The Beirut Barracks Bombing was amazing. Amerikwa and the zogmutt filth which people it are as much a virus to Australia as the chinks and kikeroaches are.

Please blow up more of them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuckmander Hebrew

The barrack bombing, khobar tower bombing, Argentina bombing were all Mossad false flags I believe. Search up on DuckDuckGo or any other less censored platform “us barrack bombing Mossad false flag”

But it was still good those American terrorist died

Cuckmander Hebrew

Personally, I don’t think so. The whole argument about Beirut, Argentina and Khobar of “fAlSe FlaG” is peddled by kikeroaches/amerikwans to begin with to maintain an aura of invincibility.


The thing is with Khobar is that they accused Hezbollah and Iran right away with no proof, when the FBI went to investigate, the saudis started blocking the investigators, and I believe the fbi investigators believed it was Saudi and Mossad who did it to make Hezbollah go to war with USA.

Cuckmander Hebrew

No, saudi arabia wouldn’t risk that. You see, those ragheads are too hooked on the oil sales to the jew-ass-aids 🇺🇸 to pull off such a stunt, not least of their fears being a kinetic retaliation or a regime change.

Trust me, those sandmutts from the arabian peninsula are cowardly bastards – both my father and I have confronted them in our respective time and the ones they truly fear, they don’t dare double-cross.

Chris Gr

France, Russia, India and Brazil are much stronger than any Muslim power.

Lazy Gamer

Maybe Israel will now stop using Lebanese air space since Hezbollah can now do the same