Kosovo Police Special Operations Unit patrol the area near the border crossing between Kosovo and Serbia in Jarinje, Kosovo, 28 September 2021
The narco-terrorists currently occupying the Serbian province of feel increasingly nervous as their dream of “ethnic Albania” seems to be shattered.
Written by Drago Bosnic independent geopolitical and military analyst
The last days of July saw a sudden upsurge in violence and escalating tensions between Serbia and the narco-terrorist neocolonial entity currently occupying Serbia’s southern province of Kosovo and Metohia. The problem arose due to the Albanian narco-terrorist entity’s intention to ban the usage of Serbian government-issued documents in the southern Serbian province under NATO occupation. The decision to escalate tensions followed less than a week after the illegal narco-terrorist government visited the United States and met US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.
After a very tense weekend, which according to some (as of this writing) unconfirmed reports included sporadic gunfire, the situation currently seems to be relatively calm, but remains volatile nonetheless. Throughout the previous night, tensions remained high, after several hours of sirens wailing, as well as roadblocks and the closing of main administrative border crossings. The decision of the narco-terrorist puppet government to start implementing the policy of banning the registration of vehicles with Serbian plates, as well as the ban on issuing Serbian identity cards provoked a reaction of the Serbian community, which has been under tremendous pressure for decades.
The narco-terrorist puppet government sent its henchmen to enforce the illegal ban, prompting a tough response from the Serbian community, which, although relatively small, is united and well-organized. The barricades that were set up by the Serbs last night were still present in the morning. Heavy machinery was placed in the vicinity, including trucks loaded with gravel. Most local businesses, catering establishments, cafes, pubs, pastry shops, fast food restaurants and bakeries are closed, although some food and convenience stores remain open to ensure the locals are provided with basic necessities.
For its part, Serbia is attempting to defuse the situation, although this approach is questionable, as it seems the NATO-backed narco-terrorist government sees such moves as a weakness. According to Belgrade media, Serbian President Alexander Vucic left the presidential residence last night and spent several hours consulting with the leadership of the Serbian military. The details of the conversation remain classified, although there are reports that the Serbian military units were put on high alert and are currently maintaining high combat readiness in case that the Albanian terrorist forces attempt any sort of violence against the Serbian community.
According to reports by local media, US Ambassador in Pristina, the de facto caretaker of the narco-terrorist government in Pristina, Jeffrey M. Hovenier, held urgent consultations, which also included the European Union representatives. As a result, the narco-terrorist government postponed the decision to ban Serbian documents until at least September 1. However, soon after the announcement, the Interior Ministry of the narco-terrorist government, led by Xhelal Sveçla, declared that only the main administrative border crossings of Jarinje and Brnjak are exempt from the ban and that the decision is supposedly already being implemented on other crossings.
The narco-terrorist government Minister of Foreign Affairs Donika Gërvalla-Schwarz said this morning that “facts remain facts”, and that, according to her, the government in Pristina agreed with the proposal of the USA, in accordance with the EU, to “pause” the implementation of the decision until September 1, but only if “the barricades are removed by August 1”.
“Reciprocity will remain a reality. Kosovo has not ‘postponed’ anything. The regulation on identity cards has been active since midnight,” Gërvalla-Schwarz said in a statement given a few hours after midnight. However, the word “postponement” was used by the narco-terrorist government itself in its official announcement.
The NATO-led Kosovo Force, otherwise known by the acronym KFOR, stated it will be “ensuring the safety of all citizens”, although such statements can hardly be seen as genuine, given their almost regular inaction as Serbs are being attacked on a daily basis. KFOR promised it will send helicopters to fly over the north of the occupied Serbian province, starting from this morning. KFOR announced last night that it is ready to intervene if necessary, including in the north and implement its mandate based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244. However, the Serbian community remains extremely sceptical after most Serbs were forced out of the province in 1999 after NATO forces attacked Serbia. NATO-backed ethnic Albanian terrorists with links to Al-Qaeda killed thousands of Serbian civilians, including for organ harvesting. NATO doesn’t only turn a blind eye to decades of brutal oppression of all non-Albanian communities in the southern Serbian province, but is even arming and training the narco-terrorist government.
The so-called “Kosovo”, under the presidency of Albin Kurti, whose platform is the unification of a supposed “ethnic Albania”, is usually portrayed as a “democratic and progressive country which loves, respects and implements fair laws and constitutionalism, peace and security, for all citizens without distinction and for their entire common country.” The reality, however, is the complete opposite. The so-called “ethnic Albania”, also known as “Greater Albania” is being implemented through ethnic cleansing of all non-Albanian communities, particularly the autochthonous Serbs. With the US rapidly losing its global hegemony, the narco-terrorists currently occupying the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia feel increasingly nervous as their dream of “ethnic Albania” seems to be shattered.
LOL hypocritical trash article. Serbs can require special permits and licenses from Kosovar Albanians in Serbia but Albanian Kosovars can’t require the same of hypocritical trash Serbs. Nice joke. 🤣😆😂
Cry more idiot Serbs. 🤣😆😂
Shiptars are nothing but criminal gangs. Ask anyone in the world.
What a stupid article. The US are urging them to do it just like in syria and karabakh.
It is part of their strategy to force the russians to concentrate on multiple frontlines
and be overstreched.
Kosovo is a US Colony just like Bosnia is a EU Colony. Nothing happens their without
order or atleast permission from the US/ EU.
Yep, one big US/ NATO army camp. So much for their “independence.”
Actually, a great article. Did you even read it? Try this part:
“US Ambassador in Pristina, the de facto caretaker of the narco-terrorist government in Pristina”
How’s this any contrary to your comment?
Prishtina postponed its decision for September 1st, so we will have it all again in one month. Our traitorous president Vuchic will not do anything because he is west puppy and he deals heroin with Albanian prime minister Rama, Montenegro president Djukanovic and former Pristina ruler Tachi. all of them need unsecured situation for their business. With this tension political points go to Vuchic and Kurti.
LOL at this loser Drago Bosnić and his article. What a stupid cunt.
Fuck serbia
Got any heroin?
Serbian Tanks should have rolled into Kosovo years ago,many of those Albanian criminals came from Albania proper.
They have already did so.
We are slave dogs for the jews
Serbia refused to join US/EU sanctions against Russia so they use their bloodthirsty albanian terrorist auxiliaries as always to keep pressure and punish Serbia. Nothing new or surprising, Alb/Shiptars were always opportunistic bandits.
A koja je razlika između čede i šiptara, pa ista ste turska govna šta ne?
Turska govna su ti u ustima, sa svim ostalim nato govnima koje pozderes u stali.
Nego kUjo crvatska koja je razlika izmedju razmazanog pseceg govneta i tzv. hrvata? Psece govno je malo inteligentije od tebe 😀
Pa šta ti pradeda nije bio alija? Pitaj svoje stare od, ako meni ne vjeruješ da ste vi i šiptari ništa drugo do turskoga okota koje čeka naredbu budućega sultana 😘
Kurton kurvat smesan si, jedes isto govno 100 puta. Vec smo ustanovili da su turci najvise jebavali po ugarskoj pokrajini tzv. hrvatskoj od Krbave pa narednih 250-300 god, nauci svoju ‘povijest’ to jest austro-ugrasku jer svoju nemate. Mi smo turke do Jedrena oterali, a vi im i dalje lizete bulju u hercegovini/ federaciji. “hrvatsko cvijece” haha
tvoj pradeda je bio i Alija, i Zaboti Janos Mesaros, i Mario i Hans, a sigurno i neki Milan, Zoran, goran, em si pokatolicen em smo vas 70 godina jebavali Beograd je bio tvoja prestonica. Vidis da si poceo i ekavski da pricas “pradeda”?? hahaha
Koji albanci i srbi? To sve turci po krvi, poturice! Vidit će se točno kome će se priklonit i jedni i drugi kad im njihov sultan naredi
Kurvat pusi kurac, ti si magarece govance iz italijansko-ugarsko-tursko-svapske stale. Mi smo sultane ubijali a vi ste klecali i sisali kurac svima i svakome kao sto i danas radite govnaru pokatoliceni bez jezika, imena, istorije i mozga.
Ustasa, kada si se odrekao pravoslavlja, jesi li osecao zadovoljstvo dok si klao oca i brata kako bi dokazao da si posveceni katolik?
Ja niti nemam krivovjernoga Oca, niti moram klati, pa nisam čoban turčin srbin govno, kako hoćeš, što razumiješ ili da pišem latinski???
siptari su vasi drugari /vasa nova braca. Srbi vam nisu valjali sto su vas oslobodili hiljadugodisnjeg ropstva, vi volite da sluzite strane gospodare isto kao i sipci. sad zajedno lizete bulju amerima. I niste za drugo .
Ne znate ni vlastitu povijest, pokori se svome vođi i šuti tursko pseto. 400 stotine godina i više su vam kozojebi majke, sestre i kćeri jebali zato i jeste deformirani. Em ste krivovjernici, em lažete i izmišljate vlastitu povijest iliti istoriju kako vele vaši latinski gazde, jer svojom se dičit ne možete, pa bi tuđu. Najgore vam tek slijedi kad saznate da ste nastali od Hrvata, šta će te onda?
Debilu ti sam sebi odgovaras haha. taman si opisao taj pogani mutirani okot tzv. Kurvate: vas su turci jebali “samo” 300 godina, ali stvarno su vas toliko jebali da su vas istrebli pa su Austrijanci naselili Srbe da ih brane. Od tih Srba si nastao ti picka katolicka kad si primio jezuitsku papsku pedo-karu: 300 godina vas jebavali turci, 500 austrijanci, po 1000 madjari i italijani i 70 godina Srbi! Sad vas jebu nato crnci i svapski gej turisti. Idi im ribaj klozet, lizi guzice i ne prdi ovde deformirsana, mutirana kUjo.
Znas kako se zove najduzi animal p.orn ikada? Hrvatska povijest, 1000 godina karanja u stali 😀
Dečec ja neznam u kojoj ti stvarnosti živiš, ali ja koliko znam srbi su bili i ostali osmanlijska pseta govna kako hoćeš, to vam je zapisano u dnk i glazbi nakon toliko godina sužanjstva raznoraznima sultanima muratima….
Kujo preglupa, ne znas ti ni da pises jer si glupavo psece govno nastalo 1000 karanjem u stali od strane Turaka, Italijana, Madjara, Svaba i naravno magaraca. Kurvati nisu narod kurvati su proliv. Zivotinjski.
Nauci srpski fekalijo magareca, nemas drugi jezik. Nije “neznam” nego ne znam. Lakse ti udje jezuitska kita u praznu glavu nego pravopis za osnovnu skolu hahaha
I još nešto, ajde molim te piši sa ćčđđzšž tako da nemoram koristiti prevoditelj, gubim vrijeme i teško mi te razumijeti, ne pričam tečno turski
Nastavi da me molis 😀
vi kUje drugo i ne umete sem da klecite, molite i sisate. Kakav turski, ti jedva pricas srpski a drugi jezik i nemate… verovatno imas i srpsko ime, neki zoran milanovic pokatoliceni otpad.
Na kolena kUjo i moli! Za tebe sam Papa popapis mi ga! Ili u prevodu: popapiš mi ga. mnogo si glup cak i za kurvatske standarde.
The goat herding, terrorist Albanians are literally emptying their bowels in fear.
They were told and they should have known that once their sponsor became weak enough or disinterested enough that they’re little pretend state, which is completely propped up from the outside will revert back to it’s natural identity.
Those of you who don’t wish to be proper Serbian citizens should start moving back to your original shit hole; or you can stay & burn in the flames of your own evil.
Ladies and gentlemen mine the language now .where is south front now every single comment should be filter it sf. Not just my one
“mine the language”?
With land mines. In the mine, of mine. It is verry understandable.
Even the moon is defined with something with no hair.
I voted one star because of the extremely biased title. I didn’t read the article.
I downvoted your comment because it’s extremely stupid. Unfortunately I read it and wasted 0.2 seconds on your idiocy (which is 0.2 seconds too much).
Whatever: Kosovo and its people have the same legitimate right to self-determination as does Abkhazia or Donbass. Be coherent, don’t be a fascist like Zelensky.
Now I have to read another stupid comment and waste another 0.2 seconds on your nonsense and even more to reply it…
albanians are supporting zelensky, hundreds of albanian terrorists are in Ukraine, same shit as Maidan-Banderists or terrorists in Syria, same tool, same tactics, same U.S. masters, and you are supporting these KLA/UCK fascists and terrorists owned by NATO-Nazi… albanians have their own country in albania, they never ever had any state in Kosovo, nor Kosovo ever belonged to albania (except briefly under Hitler/Mussolini as some puppet genocidal entity same as today under NATO-NAZI). Even the word Kosovo is Serbian and Serbian only. They are majority there only because they committed mass scale genocide, just like Banderists trying to do in Ukraine/Malorussia. Donbass or Abkhazia both belonged to Russia for centuries, so keep your dumb fallacies for your war criminal Javier Solana.
Of course, Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia (and Montenegro) have every legitimate right to self-determination but that was denied by Nato-Nazis. Not even Serbs in North Kosovo are allowed to stay in Serbia, so yeah you are full of shite like all Nato-Nazis.
Every single government in NATO-plus is supporting Zelensky with greater or lesser determination. It’s not even relevant. These tensions re. the 7% of Kosovars who consider themselves Serbian and did subject Kosovo to a brutal apartheid regime under Milosevic, which can only be described as “nazi”, just as Maidan can only be described as such too, have been ongoing for 24 years already, they flare now and then and then fizzle, as happened in this case again.
What I protest is to write an opinion article from such as extremist perspective as to proclaim a whole nation-state, ruled more or less democratically by its own people, as “narco-terrorist entity”. This clearly defines the writer as an ideologue and not a journalist or more or less neutral analyst, it’s just a piece of crappy propaganda, too crappy to persuade anyone who is not already persuaded (and may even get some of those scratching their heads and deserting that unilateralist camp that does not even make the most basic concesions to neutral and free thought).
I don’t care about your two seconds: it was you who decided to answer to me, you put up with me (or you unsubscribe or at least you shut up).
PS – Re. Solana, he used to be Minister of Foreign Affairs in Spain when I was a youngster. Indcidentally Spain is the only polity in NATO that still does not recognize Kosovo’s sovereignty (and they still support Maidan and are hostile to Russia). So when you criticize him, you’re criticizing the policy re. Kosovo of the only other major country in Europe, besides Russia, that does still claim that Kosovo is Serbia and will always be unless Serbia recognizes its independence.
There is no such thing as “Kosovars” you indoctrinated idiot, no one call them “Kosovars”, not Albanians, not Serbs, no one except NATO media. It’s another CNN-NATO mantra for brainwashed retards like you to justify fascist Great Albania project. Same as “evil Milosevic blah blah”, he was a leftist/communist, not a fascist, unlike albanians that you openly support: they were proud to support Adolf himself, they still worship him in Kosovo. Their “democratic leaders” are mass murderers and terrorist like Haradinay and Tachi. They are indeed the “narco-terrorist entity” owned by NATO. Perfect description and perfect definition.
Apartheid? More braindead CNN crap, I told you were full of shit. Serbs and all other minorities in Albania were literally banned and exterminated under Hoxha (something between Hitler and Pol Pot), it wasn’t an apartheid it was 100% genocide. At the same time albanians had more rights in Yugoslavia than Serbs: under Tito they continued their genocidal policy, they systematically terrorized and ethnically cleansed Serbs, plundered and destroyed churches, raped nuns, they even destroy Serbian cemeteries, that’s how sick they are. Monstrous and hideous crimes that you stupid asshole support because CNN told you another of their Mickey Mouse stories ‘Saddam WMDs, Assad gas babies, Milosevic apartheid’. Bullshit to justify US aggressions. They did it against Spain 120 years ago to justify US war of aggression, they keep repeating the same pattern of lies again and again: they sent their terrorists, then they “defend” poor little innocent butchers and head choppers. Drug dealers and organ traffickers in this case, something that you asshole support. They were rebellious even under Tito, when he died they immediately started an uprising back in 1980. They have every possible right back then, like no other minority in Europe. So again you are full of shit.
In Yugoslavia albanian numbers tripled, because they were soooo “oppressed”. When albanian hordes took Kosovo they exterminated 99,9% Serbs south of river Ibar. and basically everyone else. The real genocide, the real Nazis and ISIS. How dumb you have to be if you can’t realize that Serbs in ex-Yugoslavia are in exactly the same position as Russians in ex-USSR: the most numerous people who made these countries, yet left without any human rights because NATO-Nazis, especially the US said so.
“Every single government in NATO-is supporting Zelensky” pathetic attempt to divert, I’m not talking about the governments I’m talking about albanians who fight for Ukraine, so called Georgian legion for example is full of albanians. Albanians 100% support ukraine and vice versa, you started with ‘Zelensky’ argument and you failed like everything else you said. Same as this one: when I criticize Solana’s war crime I criticize Spanish stance towards “Kosovo”?! Ha It’s not just a fallacy, it’s complete idiocy. He was FM in Spain before he became NATO gensec and before illegal NATO aggression and before any Kosovo existed. So it’s totally irrelevant. Worthless just like everything else you said, you are a complete waste of time. But this one is not for you, it’s simply the truth that needed to be said.
You keep parroting Nato-Nazi lies and keep supporting nato-narco-terrorist entity so called “Kosova”. And keep protesting against the truth.
Koliko laži i izmišljotina, odi pa se liječi, iskompleksirana budalo se veli kod nas
E al kad usraski usronja prica o kompleskima, ironicno i tragikomicno… Kujo preglupa ti si definicija kompleksa, gluposti i lazi, kao i citava tvoja mutriana lazna ‘nacija’
za tebe leka nema, najedi se magarecih govana u stali i crkni moronicno crvatska
Već sam ti rekao da gubim previše vremena na tvoje objave dok ih prevedem, koristi normalna slova da vidim čitati i da ne moram koristiti prevoditelj. Uvik i navik Bog i Hrvati 😘
Bolidu ovo je sajt na engleskom, lepo sto preferiras srpski a to sto si mentalno poremecen je tvoj problem i to genetski.
boli me kurac da l ces da citas, krepas ili nastavis da jedes govna u stali. Ja sam ovde da se smejem dok te zajebavam tako glupavog a ti si tu da cvilis i patis dok ne krepas i odes kod Stepinca u pseci pakao, jedini “Bog” kojeg vi imate je pedo-demonski satanski Vatikan
100% truth, I’m glad you retarded nazi ustasha degenerate filth hate it. Maju is a waste of time, you are a waste of oxygen. And a biological waste in general, directly from monkey bowels.
Most Kosovars are Albanian speakers, ethnic Albanians, but since day one of their struggle they have been dispelling any suggestions of unification with Albania and have also not aimed at butchering North Macedonia or Montenegro, where ethnic Albanian populations also live natively. In fact in North Macedonia their goal was to turn the country from a Slavocentric one to a multiethnic one, with Albanian language being recognized as co-official in all Macedonia in equal terms with Slavo-Macedonian (which some claim is a mere dialect of Bulgarian). The ethnic Albanian stand has been extremely constructive, while the Serbian stand (at least while the controlled the country under tyrant Milosevic) was extremely destructive, racist, genocidal even. In most ethnic conflicts there’s one side that gets the upper moral ground, and in this case it is Kosovars (or ethnic Albanians in general). That doesn’t mean they do everything perfectly, they don’t, they are human like you and me, but their position is sensible. There’s no way you can persuade me or almost anybody to take the Serbian side after what happened in the 90s (and that I witnessed in person to some extent).
Also filling your text with gratuitous insults only makes you look like a very fanatic jerk. An impotent one because of the medium but potentially a dangerous one.
And yes: Apartheid and state terrorism. I witnessed in person, I was told also in person by even more knowledgeable people, many of them ethnic Serbs, I even felt nausea and dizziness, almost fainted, after watching too many photos of Kosovar victims of Arkan’s terror. You know nothing but a narrative you’ve bought into, I have seen the real deal.
me moron racist like miss Magoo, also work for CIA at bond steel
Well if Kosovo have that right, then Northern part of Kosovo have the same right to self-determination. Be coherent, don’t be a fascist like Zelensky.
Arguably so. I could take that as sensible stand. But that’s not what the fanatics say: they say all Kosovo, no exception, is part of Serbia even if more than 90% of its population clearly think otherwise.
E, a tko su veći fašisti i naivne budale od srba sori turaka???
The people of Kosovo were Serbian before they were ethnically cleansed. The Mahala Roma(Gipsy) community was the largest in the world – they were all ethnically cleansed once the KLA criminals were put in power by the US/ NATO goons . The Mahala is no longer in existence just like the hundreds of churches burned to the ground by the KLA narco-terrorists.
You need to stop getting involved in subjects you know shit about.
If such thing ever happened it happened in the Middle Ages. It’s plausible that the Albanian settling of Kosovo is from the Ottoman period but many centuries ago. It’s not documented that there was any “ethnic cleansing” anyhow, much less that Albano-Kosovars would be to blame for it. It’s not even clear how many people living in Kosovo when Serbia lost it to the Turks considered themselves Serbs. All that would be interesting to clarify in terms historical… and honest… but has little or no relevance to today’s politics, what matters is that, even if annexed to Serbia for almost a century (since the Balcan Wars), it has remained ethnically Albanian and, when they could finally elect their leaders, they demanded not even independence… but equality with the other ethnicities of Yugoslavia: to have their own republic. When they were violently denied that, they opted for independence and the vast majority voted for it, just as in Crimea. Serbia tried to suppress that exquisitely peaceful revolt, causing ultimately the collapse of Yugoslavia and Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia demonstrating to be the most genocidal of all. It didn’t work.
We like it or not, the NATO intervention in Kosovo was about the only right thing NATO ever did. It was crazy not to do something about the very spark that brought the Balcans to the worst and most criminal war that Europe has suffered since Hitler, especially when not doing anything would have brought into the conflict Albania first, Turkey second, and others possibly later (Greece, Russia maybe). Also that would have been a true genocide, Milosevic’s Serbia was all in genocidal racist mode, I know first hand.
You do blow job?
I do. For free 🎈
But still nobody wants it. Verry sad.
me sympathize—I so senile I cannot pay lgbt to bend over for them unless I pay in rubles
America!… Doing what it does best when it L0$e$ EVERYTHING!…
Serbs have been under Albanian oppression for decades? Are you from another dimension or what?
From Udba chief Alexander Rankovitch Albanians are under EXTREME pressure from serbs. That is why Amwricans gets its claws so easy in Kosovo.
And Tito dismiss him already in 1968.
And how about small pox outbreak in Kosovo in 1972? Are them so insane to do that to them selves?
Just saying.
They were once the bloodhoung of the ottomans and are not the bloodhound of nato.
Bosnian wannabe turk you are from another planet – Uranus. Rankovic tried to stop albanian terror and Tito killed him. Small pox outbreak in Kosovo? Wtf? Some dumb albanian muslim pilgrim had contracted the smallpox virus in the Middle East and then spread it to his village but it was stopped quickly. Nothing to do with anything except proving your extreme stupidity and insanity.
Drago,Drago djubre jedno lazljivo..srbija destabilizira tri susjedne države, niko na svijetu vas ne voli, ama bas niko. Da nije malo do vas Srba .
Time to get into Kosovo and destroy the narco Mafia. It won’t be easy, but it will be done. No mercy.
before USA stole Kosovo from Serbia funded the KLA civilization existed; now it is organized by narco human trafficking hyenas protected by amerikan military at Bondsteele
serb army enters kosovo… turkey blocks south stream… italy buys grain from egypt…
Please try this again without the childish “narco terrorist” BS. It doesn’t do your case any service to resort to such unprofessional name calling. Let the truth speak for itself. Just give the information. Thanks
Au kome smeta istina o turskim poslušnicima ili psima? Pa šta brišete objave, čega se bojite istine? Sigirno je krivovjerno tursko pseto pisalo ovaj članak. E čobani čobani, samo čekajte svoga sultana, krv ne laže!