Washington lost the diplomatic battle between the U.S. and Beijing amid the trip of Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Asia.
On July 31, the plane with Nancy Pelosi on board took off from Guam, according to the tracking service Flightradar24. The destination of the special aircraft of the US Air Force Boeing C-40C (09-0540) was not specified, but it took of in the direction of the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore.
The Singapore’s Foreign Ministry that the U.S. delegation led by Pelosi will visit Singapore from August 1 to 2 for talks with President Halimah Yacob, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and a number of ministers.
At first, he took off from the mainland of the United States in the direction of Hawaii. Then the Flightradar service restricted users’ access to the route of the special board.
Nancy Pelosi is going to visit Washington’s main allies in the region, including Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan.
At the same time, the US delegation could also make an “unannounced” stop on the island of Taiwan. Earlier, several American media reported that Pelosi would visit Taiwan. In turn, she did not confirm or deny these allegations.
She already intended to go to Taipei in April, but then her plans were prevented by coronavirus.
Nancy Pelosi’s provocative maneuvers are another attempt to push China to aggravate the situation in Taiwan.
Beijing’s officials warned of the toughest measures if she decided to visit the island.
China urged the White House to strictly adhere to the “one China” policy, as well as not to aggravate the situation in the region. Chinese President Xi Jinping unequivocally advised Biden “not to play with fire” during their phone call last week.
Chinese state media commentator Hu Xijin of the Global Times said Pelosi’s plane should be shot down if it’s escorted by by US fighter jets as it’s an “invasion.”
“If US fighter jets escort Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it is invasion,” Xijin said in a tweet that has since been censored by Twitter. “The PLA has the right to forcibly dispel Pelosi’s plane and the US fighter jets, including firing warning shots and making tactical movement of obstruction. If ineffective, then shoot them down.”

The Global Times also released a piece noting how China’s People’s Liberation Army made a post on social media stating, “Preparing for War!”
The official account of the 80th Army of the Ground Forces of the Northern Command of the PLA on Weibo posted the appeal: “Get ready for war”
Amid Pelosi’s departure, the Chinese military conducted live firing exercises in the waters of the eastern province of Fujian, located across the strait from the island of Taiwan, on July 30. The maneuvers were probably intended to demonstrate to the US the Beijing’s determination to defend national interests by military means if necessary.
During the PLA exercises in the Taiwan Strait, a massive launch of MLRS missiles was made in the direction of Taiwan.
In addition, the PHL-16 MLRS were spotted during their transfer to the eastern Fujian province.
In turn, Taiwan has deployed air defense systems at Taoyuan International Airport, a civilian facility, and has also raised fighter jets from Chiayi Air Base.
The China’s military drills are also a response the US military manoeuvres in the region. The American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and a guided missile cruiser, set out from Singapore on Monday heading northeast towards the South China Sea, according to ship-tracking information provided by Beijing-based think tank the South China Sea Strategic Probing Initiative.
Thus, on July 31, the website of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives announce the countries that Pelosi will isit during her trip. They included Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan. Taiwan was not mentioned.
However, the media battle did not end. On July 31, France Internationale reported that Pelosi will fly to Taiwan via Clark Air Base in the Philippines and will meet with President Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei on August 4. Then, on the evening of August 5, Pelosi’s plane will land at Yokota Air Base in Tokyo where she will meet with Fumio Kishida.
I sure wish Russia had protected the Eastern Donbas to outside invaders 8 years ago the same way China has with Taiwan. The only reason why the U.$. will capitulate to China is the draw on the $USD and the American manufacturing that Mainland China controls!…
Peace on this war is not coming anytime soon since the END GAME set by US UK EU NATO is to avoid prosecution and eventual conviction of crimes against humanity knowing full well that the proxyNazis they supported would in the end turn against them once the Russians emerged victorious. Given such situation, RF forces should now aim for no less than the head of Zelensky to dissuade the rest to continue the futile efforts heading nowhere but death or defeat. Denazification & demilitarization should give way for the newly found objective to set up an international court within Ukraine to prosecute the crimes of the western bloc of which the collaborative effort from BRICS nations including Iran, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Nicaragua, Malaysia, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Cuba and others are needed to expedite the stabilisation of Ukraine to facilitate the process of judicial proceedings that would dissolve the western empire of evil for good.
Zelensky may be better alive and injured.
China commits more atrocities than the US. If you think that China wants to hold hands with the rest of the BRICS, and share power, then you are a fool. China wants to dominate the world. The CCP has basically stated this openly. China wants the US and Russia to destroy each other, so that it can rule. There is a reason Putin avoided closer ties with China until now, when he has no alternative. The US is bad. China would be even worse. Russia is the hope of the world.
Every being has a will to power. The question is what are we going to do with that knowledge?
China has been waiting since 1949 to take back Taiwan, 8 years is only a blink of an eye.
Eastern Donbas has now morphed into all of Donbas, with more territories soon to be Russian.
Russia has destroyed the US and EU economies, on its own.
The EU, British and US economies were in poor shape before covid, worse shape after covid and now in even worse shape. People are dying fast and they are dying younger since the jabs, children are not being born as the jabs had abortifacient and sterilising properties.
But Erdogan is worse than EU
All well said… But we still don’t understand the aftermath of THIS (https://themillenniumreport.com/2016/10/treason-who-did-911-and-why-did-they-do-it/)… And “why” the $ilent partner(s) (http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html)… Stayed $ilent (https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/) for fat too long!…
Fuck Xi and his predecessor(s) for making those kinds of deals at the expense of Americans that were murdered in that deal… And worse still, the millions that followed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine!…
The verdict hasn’t been reached on Putin yet… Although the longer he stays in the “UN ClubHou$e” the worse his legacy will be cast for that procrastination at the expense of his own countrymen and the World!
Whenyou get a fkd up country full of cowards who did not defend constituates thats what you get,and unlike you Russians atleast have the balls to do something no usa nor eu nor china never had the balls to come up with (period) worse are the (covert reight sect,globohomo populace whom consider democracy has a future,well it fkn well don’t trump is a loudmouthed fascist gimp too,so in the end you need to harden the fk up and don’t thionk for any second any christian orthodox owes anyone anything all along,seens they are the blameless and unlike dumassed woke americans this century pretendede all is sweet when infact all along the way come post 90S usa are the biggest threat to humanity,
so you have no choice but to follow the truth,owe up to cowardness and don’t assume that putin or any other diligent brave Russia owes you ww2 traitors come be nazis,.anything!
Putin ain’t zelensky either,dare you insult divine authority,lgbtq are not gods army (period)
I won’t reply to insults,like in the real world never argue with idiot,no matter how prudent!
Beats doing hard time in prison otherwise.
“Putin ain’t zelensky either,dare you insult divine authority,lgbtq are not gods army (period) I won’t reply to insults,like in the real world never argue with idiot,no matter how prudent! Beats doing hard time in prison otherwise.”…
Never said he was Zelensky. But he certainly has carried the water for the “Tribe” and prolonged the agony of his own with truth(s) like these (https://www.vbirstein.com/the-convenient-death-of-vitaly-churkin/) -especially when it comes to his Central bank acquiescing to the BOE/Federal Re$erve in fixing the price of commodities which is at the expense of the global economy in extricating itself from this me$$, worst of all his own Country!…
Leaving it there.
8 years ago, China would not have dared to respond to America like that. Today, after the victory of Russia, America is a lame duck, and China allows itself to talk to it like that.
8 years ago, we were not yet ready for war, we know that the entire Western world will fight with us, we were preparing as in the Second World War. He who is in a hurry always loses, remember this!
Kadyrov explained the fear of Europe to touch on the topic of the Great Patriotic War
The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, explained the fear of Europe to touch on the subject of the Great Patriotic War. He wrote about this in his Telegram.
According to Kadyrov, they are afraid to touch on the subject of the Second World War, because “in 1941, not only Germany attacked the USSR, but also “the rest of Europe, with the exception of the Serbs and Greeks.” “Spanish divisions and French legions, the armies of Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland, parts of Czechoslovakia, Croatia went to the USSR,” he said. The head of Chechnya claims that at the time of the attack in Hitler’s army, there were about a million soldiers of “fascist Germany’s allies”, who today are part of NATO.
Kadyrov added that at the end of World War II, up to 1.5 million Europeans had been captured by the Soviet army, in addition to the Germans. According to him, that is why in Russia May 9 is celebrated as Victory Day, and in Europe May 8 is the Day of Reconciliation and Mourning. “They grieve over their non-victory in the enduring anger against us! We have different holidays and occasions. And we will never be friends, don’t flatter yourself and don’t step on the same rake again and again,” the head of Chechnya concluded.
In May, Ramzan Kadyrov appealed to the Polish leadership and demanded an apology for the May 9 incident with the Russian ambassador. Then unknown people doused the Russian Ambassador to Poland Sergey Andreev with red syrup and did no
t allow him to lay a wreath in honor of the Victory Day.
Kadyrov has never been the brightest in the the stock. Morelike poster boy, a manequin for who knows how really stable peace between Slavic people and Chechen Mujahedeen headchoppers and Chechen mobsters. Instead of focusing his anger towards those who instigated WWII – centers in New York, Switzerland, London and Paris, he is pissed on by ” Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland, parts of Czechoslovakia, Croatia” who were merely vassals who had to obey (as they do now) or else. It seems very suspicious why he never mentions Rockeffelers or Rotschilds as those who needs to be destroyed – or Zionists? He is probably afraid to even mention their names. Why doesn’t he go after these boys if he is so “righteous among nations?”
Even Slavic Serbs had an expression “ugly as a Chechen” to depict that someone is phisically ugly and crooked. Such love!
War isn’t about good looks. Thats for sure.
but they are handsome anyway, the one calling them crooked is the crooked one.
“Ugly as a Chechen”? More like “Dumb as Marten”!
This guy is right. We in Serbia did have such an expression “ugly as Chechen” commonly back in 90’s due to influx of Chechen gangsters to our capital. There was even a song sung by Vodoo popeye that says “A ja grozan kao Čečen! Oprosti mi Katrin, usta su ti kao mlin, Ostao sam nedorečen!” Bit hard to translate literally. And Chechens really should address Rotschilds and Rockefellers as these punks brought both wars to Chechenia, and many others. It is interesting but Chechens look a lot like beardless Albanians we are not very fond of, most of us at least.
Pardon me – wanted to say that Chechens look like Albanians with beards. Šiptari s bradama.
The gangster Chechens are disliked by the rest of the Chechens. Kadyrov’s Chechens are WONDERFUL. I want to join their fan club when they get one.
Talk about gangster nobody like it, not only chechen but the rest also the same.
No, we don’t have such an expression in Serbia.
Sure not now, but let’s be frank, we did before. Let’s not pretend because it is not currently opportune politicaly.
Dont you dare say anything against Kadyrov and his Chechens. That crosses the red line. The gangster Chechens are a different breed.
No one in Serbia even heard about Chechens until ’90s perhaps. Vodoo popeye?? Neki levi reper zajebant koji je napravio par parodija, sad njega da citiramo kao narodne poslovice 😃
Good, because I am a Kadyrov and Chechen fan.
you are disgusting immoral kansas hillbilly
Chechens are handsome, cute, fun and have charisma. And the word is physically but the crooked one is you, your head is crooked and so are your eyes.
Kadyrov is wonderful.
Like to suck kadyrov cock? :D
Kadyrov has never been the brightest in the the stock. Morelike poster boy, a manequin for who knows how really stable peace between Slavic people and Chechen Mujahedeen headchoppers and Chechen mobsters. Instead of focusing his anger towards those who instigated WWII – centers in New York, Switzerland, London and Paris, he is pissed on by ” Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland, parts of Czechoslovakia, Croatia” who were merely vassals who had to obey (as they do now) or else. It seems very suspicious why he never mentions Rockeffelers or Rotschilds as those who needs to be destroyed – or Zionists? He is probably afraid to even mention their names. Why doesn’t he go after these boys if he is so “righteous among nations?” Even Slavic Serbs had an expression “ugly as a Chechen” to depict that someone is physically ugly and crooked. Such love!
They are destroying lgbtq nazis,what the fk is this cia/muslim hate poof week?
How dare you insult children victims of cia/nazi/demonrat cia fuckfests,make no mistake there is no future in fascism nor the lgbtq,so you muslim/hetero haters posting all kinds of subliminal insults to heteros,get a life or get the fk outta ukraine!
Who cares if Serbs have the hots for beareded Chechens or not. I had the privilege of seeing Chechen women in real life… they’re often stunning beauties.
He’s wrong about greece,how? Simply ousted the nazis in 221 days,from their mainland.
kadyrov is muslim brave he is not orthodoxy,that being said greece have an evil leader today,(deep state haervard educated spoilt gimp,just like his daddy ex vice greek pm,whom orchestrated the cia/mi6 plot to settle turks which interm nowadays backfired on the nazis,
If you follow the trends see how they like it,now Turkey has awakened to the truth?Too bad!
R.E Google : Britains Dirty Little secret : 1945-1949 Greek civil war.
Would not have “dared” to respond like that…?
Tell that to the Afghans, Iraqi(s), Libyan(s), Syrian(s), Yemeni(s) and Ukrainian(s)!…
And please don’t tell me that China hasn’t benefited from their mi$ery.
Russia has been producing missiles shells and military equipment so they could protect Ukraine AND take on NATO should the need arise. They have been mitigating
the potential sanctions for years, developing money transfer technologies, developing defence and weapons for years in order to be able to defend Ukraine, without being left open to attack and sanctions. After Libya, they could see the need to protect themselves, then Syria occurred. Syria has been
a help to Russia although Russia has given Syria a great deal including the lives of her men. The practice of being in Syria has given Russia valuable experience.
Yes, if Russia had sent troops in Donbass in 2014, Strelkov would not have had to retreat, and Slavyansk would have been part of the DPR. The Duma approved troops, but Putin forbade them. In those days, the DPR had tremendous spirit and leadership. Acquiring all of Donbass would have been easy. I can’t say I know Putin’s reasons. His decisions are usually wise.
They survived, didn’t they? Russia had to harden itself against sanctions. They did their homework and now the west ist paying dearly for what they did back in 2014. Just wait and see. Russia had withstood anything the west throw at them. This was only possible because Russia prepared itself. This was not the same 8 years ago.
You are right. It was not about 2014 but what happend before that. Maidan was a counterreaction. Some 17m8% Russian should no more run a state as a state in a state by Moskva.
The invasion has done it much worse, so I support and also donate more for defending those 82,2% to have their own country. They have according UN for 30 years.
It eemes You have no idea about what normal or relative relations for coutries and their activity is.
You prefare they again are connected to the Russian collapse. None here buy a ancient car, which for good reasons never can drive well again.
NATO and the US have been looting the world for far too long. They have murdered millions and started many unnecessary wars. US is about to get wiped out. They poke China and they get what they deserve. US is a rotten country, financially bankrupted and without any moral or ethics. They all see what is coming. They want to put the whole world on fire so everyone is busy to take care of themselves. But we live in a world with nukes. You f**k with Russia or China like that and they finish you off without hesitation.
US is going down even faster now. Dems will lose the midterms and the fed will have to zero the interest rate. This will be their endgame. Dollar collapsing, society in total disarray. Republicans will prosecute Dems for high treason, it there will be time for that at all. Mark my words.
US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US’s trade.
Warmongol again
Liar again
US cowards are the laughing stock in Asia. China browbeat the US warmongers again. Nancy lost her aging nerves after China threatened to shoot down her place. US is a real banana republic paper tiger.
Ha ha. Thats partly right.
Russia wasn’t ready then; it has taken 8 years of preparation so they can accomplish that goal now.
Pyrrhus was Russian
La culpa es del estúpppppido Putin que andaba llorando por ser “socio” de los globalistas s-o-r-o-s biden y democRATAS globalistas norteamericanos, no le dió la gana de parar en seco el euromaidan y enviar servicios especiales a exterminar n-e-o-n-a-z-i-s, toda esta guerra hoy no existiría
It is an act of war, China should respond in such a way as to leave no doubts in the jaundiced minds of the US neocons that they are looking at war….
Nuke Nazington
Skeletor cannot go to Grayskull as Ximan says no.
It’s going to be a short trip.
Beijing would have saved all of its wasted resources if it simply bomb the tip of the two possible landing sites of the whore’s plane with hypersonics to deter US further meddling and to prove the indefensible character of its hypersonics.
The US should be restrained to their own country, they only cause war outside it
More like USA should behave better too.
Why is is that in every damn culture of the world there are some who will happily die forthe USA….
Not Pelosi though, she chickened out.
Because the US is still rich and powerful
and they think it will remain so
for the next thirty years.
The only group of people in those countries balking against this at this moment are geopolitical analysts.
Your numner one is correct. They have a high level to decline from. By that they have time for needed reforms. It seemes very complicated for them.
But You seemes to have for now very old Sanders. He did get a lot of votes but also was number 3 compared to Trump and Biden.
My hopes for USA is they are 50 states and can decide a lot of things at that country level. Its npot only about those man dirty fossils.
USA has a lot of problems. Some here forget those are visible in USA and is hidden in many other countries.
Cash or blackmail sometimes both.
We look at the alternatives. We are allowed and even has the right for it.
Kapitalisme produce and mainly as it is most places by that has less loosers. The bad sides can be reduced as we do it in Denmark.
You kind of expect a better life and livingstandard equal sharing a production, which is not even there. Its very visible for Russia and several others.
In those matters the China Communisme has found it. They make the cake to share bigger. Thye do it with us.
Yanks only understand force.
me like yank force in rectum
Injuri Ga Ga wrote this and not me.
Perhaps the yankees are going to offer that old dying fart to get there WW3. Just like they offred 3000 people in 9/11.
Wasn’t it also about 3000 in Pearl Harbor?
It makes no sence to debate something like that. If so we are gone in 50 minutes. You only has chanes as a worm.
Ms.’Jane Fonda’ never looked so haggard hahah, he should try using a little less prosthetics next PhotoOp lolol
pelosi is right—USA#1 drag queen nation—denmark#2
For Denmark its apolitic to include all. It pays off. 60.000 in GDP and by many reasons like this a lot of other things are doing better then for most.
It makes no sense to compare with USA in many things. It show You low level well. That makes no sense to repeat it.
China should SINK and naval vessel that crosses into China’s territory or SHOOT DOWN any plane that crosses into China’s airspace and that MEANS TAIWAN as TAIWAN IS CHINESE TERRITORY. =Z=
If You need a job I can recommend You for my worst enemies.
The #1 problem the USA faces today is a small group of corrupt power-wealth individuals that network together to socio-politically oppress over 329 million of their own citizens and give them no say in where their country is heading. The FBI/CIA* ensuring that state sanctioned systemic corruption and criminality goes unchallenged.
*CIA is a designated North American terrorist group and should be banned in all BRICS+/SCO/CSTO/CIS/EAEU member states.
Typical ancient propaganda like this makes me laugh.
The corruption in USA is very low compared to most countries in statistics as well as maps.
WWIII will not start for the visit of an old hag to Taipei. Everyone relax.
Yeah but it’s funny to see China bullied Americans into submission this time.
Nancy the ugly witch: “I’m going to visit Taiwan”
Chinese: “No you are not.”
Nancy: “Ok, perhaps I am not. I value my life too much.”
Back in 1999. Americans bombed Chinese embassy with impunity. I doubt they would dare to try it now.
I understand the trip has not been cancelled… yet. Just down-hyped.
‘Pelosi’ is not a legitimate representative of the United States of America, and neither are any of her little friends. Her behavior is criminal and does not reflect the will of the American People in any way at all, whatsoever.
This provocation needs to be prevented.
She is the second in line to succeed Biden (first comes Harris) in case of death, incapacity or impeachment, she’s perfectly integrated (as a major boss) in the current DPUSA government, how is she “not a legitimate representative”. She’s not even “low profile”!
and she has previous exp. with this sort of thing,it was the Tiananmen debacle,tho barely recognizable
Do you know what “legitimate” means? There is difference between legality and legitimacy.
Yes he does. He relate to facts and not to, what You and Yours like.
You and parts of the world show here importance very well with all Your fuzz. USA cant send Biden and harris there. So they by herself send number 3 in rank.
Thats might be a good or bad idea. But they do show the attencions and worries very well.
Thats right. She also for many years has showed she is more then a nobody.
As I recall it You are right about being President. If Biden and Harris dies, She has the elected connections to all states with here.
In Denmark we have a foreign title for it: Grey Emmenience. But sje is not grey🎈
You are incompetent Yourself. USA tryu to fight back. Thats how it is.
being Chairman of the House of Representatives is high rank. he is also a moderate republican
She’s only there to manage the graft and insider trading that will emerge from semi conductor business transfers. Hunter’s offline. The Chinko kleto crypto’s are seething.
There is One China. And Taiwan is not a part of it. Taiwan never was a part of China. I hope Pelosi goes. I think China would back down.
Taiwan has always been Chinese. The indigenous people of Taiwan are direct descendant’s of Chinese who crossed over to what is now Taiwan over the land bridge thousands of years ago which is now the Taiwan straight. Genetic evidence supports that.
I have never understood China should be one state. Its the reason for they have so much bad Governess for so many centuries.
Okay, let’s get this straight once and for all.
Nancy “Antoinette” Pelosi did not lose anything.
She never had it to begin with and anyone thinking she did is delusional.
She is simply,y on a US Taxpayer vacation she takes several times a year at taxpayer’s expense except she chose to go to pacific Asian countries rather than European Countries as the majority of her world travels in the past.
Unfortunately, the House Clerk website only allows display by Quarter and Nancy is often delinquent in filing her travel requests negotiating who is going to pay her Alcohol bill. .
Shoot her down if she tries to go to taiwan. Most americans will approve.
Another one to call “unprovoked war” after all this provocation. Taiwan is much smaller than Ukraine and it’s isolated. Taiwan’s “president” will be arrested faster than Zelensky snort a cocaine line.
Nancy Pelosi-Jane Fonda acting for the British Crown Corporation. Compare their pictures please. But who is to say she was even on that plane..well maybe they dont have green screens in Taiwan?
If China lets this slide, then she will lose face, look weak, and will lose Taiwan eventually. I highly recommend they walk the talk.
everyone is moving…. its like each of the countries in the world are waiting for their turn….
The Chinese remember well the Opium Wars of the mid 1800s instigated by no other than the slimey limey establishment. The Chinese will pay back the Anglo-Saxon pirate race with interest and that includes their Americant cousins.
Looks like WW3 might be started by an old woman, and a pretend Jewish woman at that.
This is a huge political clusterf**k, the problem here is since both China and Taiwan see themself as one country and bot claim to be the rightful leaders of it it’s a very similar situation, politically speaking, as the one in Ukraine with Donbas and Luhansk. By supporting Taiwan the US would do what Russia does in Donbas und Luhansk and therefore acknowledge to the world that Russia could be in the right. Yet if they don’t and China and Taiwan go to war again the conesquences to the world as we know it would be unimaginable and weather one likes the US or not nobody with in his right mind could support Taiwan being overrun by china. It would cripple the worlds economy, research and to force a free society into dictatorship is brutal. That is exactly what would happen to the Russian Population if the Asow fighters could roam free in the east of Ukraine. And the really sad thing is: if the west hadn’t pushed Russia so close to China, China had no chance. But they did and now the world as we know it might is at the line of collapse. All just because of childish, short sighted hypocrisy.
It makes no sence to compare like that. You also ignore that USA actually took away Japan for and with the Communist China. USSR took their troops there and used them against Hitler.
It makes no sence to put some few azovs 2,15% and the rest being 80% not accepting they will be a part of the collpased Russian hemisphere all the way to west of Berlin.
You seemes to have eroded everything and the reasons for Maidan away. I and we dont do that in UN and its many representatives.
Legally speaking it is exactly the same situation: Internationally Ukraine is seen as one country with the internationally recognised government in Kiew that has 2 breakaway regions under their own government. Same Situation in Taiwan: China and Taiwan is internationally recognised as one country with the government in Beijing, Taiwan as a independently governed region that claims it is the rightful government but it is not the internationally recognised one.
Now in Taiwan the US backs the breakaway region, in Ukraine the other way round. And I get your point that situations have to be viewed independent from each other but if the only argument of one side is moral superiority that argument erodes very quick under such circumstances.
It doesn’t matter if only 2% are asov, what matters is that the rest of the country and it’s allies allow that 2% to murder, rape & torture without fearing consequences. Completely ignoring that this behaviour is against all the values they claim to protect. I have many friends from Ukraine, that is not a fight good versus evil. Ukraine had every chance to maintain peace in it’s own country, but they were so blind sighted by hate that they turned on each other. Russia is far from a shiny white knight too and the US are not holy neither. The reason for the Maidan was the trade agreement the EU offered Kiew, knowing it’ll tear the country apart. And then the (then not yet known) Asow people fired at the people, protesters and police alike to get the government overthrown. This is not coming from a russian source but was reported by the BBC. The UN was a once great organisation and partly still is, and a very important one. But it is also eroded by corruption, like so many things. Just because corruption is so much worse in russia doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist in the west.
Rising rates with unpayable government debt … the US is really itching for a war. But they also don’t want to be any part of it. Dilemma, dilemma. First Ukraine, then Serbia now China. The US will lose all conflicts and probably will go down before next year. November midterms are about to be a “game changer” anyway. If they go too far and interfere to make another democratic victory the whole country will burn. If they loose they will probably put some of those dems in trials. Biden will certainly be impeached anyway.
Thre You waste mytme again. Yiu are a no learner. I learn nothing.
Jens, learn to write a comment. You are clearly trembling. I had no idea I had that sort of effect on you. Probably also your brain is shutting down because it can’t handle that amount of facts at once. Maybe you can try to grow a single new brain-cell and double your capacity?