MQ-9 Reaper Crashed During Reconnaissance Operation Near Russian Kaliningrad

MQ-9 Reaper Crashed During Reconnaissance Operation Near Russian Kaliningrad

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On the evening of March 18, the MQ-9 Reaper reconnaissance UAV of the US Air Force, which operated almost on a daily basis near the Russian Kaliningrad region, lost contact and control from the ground in Polish airspace. As a result, the aircraft crashed.

According to the Brigadier General Ireneusz Nowak, inspector in the Polish Air Force, the UAV crashed during a training flight. The UAV took off from a military base in Romania and was supposed to land at the Polish Miroslavets airfield.

According to Novak, the US military in Romania lost control of the MQ9 Reaper around 18:00 local time. After that, they tried to transfer control to the Polish side, but they failed to do so. The area of his possible crash was cordoned off, there were no civilians there. As a result, the drone was found nine minutes after the fall, Novak said.

He added that the investigation of the incident will be handled by the United States with the help of Polish specialists.

In the afternoon of March 18th, there were two two MQ-9 Reaper drones operating in the airspace of Poland, WILEY22 and WILEY33. They both took off from a military airfield in Romania.

During the day, both UAVs faced technical malfunctions. According to the official claims, the crashed drone was WILEY22. There is still no information about the fate of the second MQ-9 with the call sign WILEY33.

Early in the morning on March 19, the Poles closed the airfield from flights and the Polish military department has also suspended MQ-9 flights.

Western media blamed the Russian military for the incident; but the Polish Ministry of Defense denied speculation in the media about the involvement of Russian electronic warfare systems in the incident.


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imagine if the russian military was operating drones near the usa


true, however, china likes to fly spy balloons over the continental usa regularly. just ask joe bidens team if you want to know when the next balloon is scheduled for a fly over!!


according to the news after the fact the balloons were a weather experiment from some university not related to military. china has satellites doesn’t need weather balloons. the media just hyped it up for the pentagon to talk trash about china if they formed a danger they would’ve been shot down the minute they entered us airspace not after a media spectacle.


remember that there were many in us who believed in the china spybaloon story. such a bright people!

Branko Timarac

creepy joe biden is just doing what united paedophiles of raping children have been doing for past 300 years!!! it’s china’s right to spy on united paedophiles just like the united paedophiles incessantly spies on china!!!


also usa needed 6 days and 4 attemts to shoot down a scientific weatherballoon … and they needed to ask the russians how to do it in the first place xdxdxd


nobody flies over stinky wokistan burger ameriaka except honduran drug dealer

Last edited 11 months ago by tomsawyer

well, they would shoot them down directly and announce that next time they will target the base where it came from. maybe rusia should have done this two years ago?


the drones are a provocation they don’t need drones to see what is going on nato has tons of satellites gathering intel on the ukrainian and russian front.


they are testing russian reactions. it can be 50times drones and then real f35 with real bombs… they look similar on the radars..


that will be the last thing they do before the world is destroyed since the russians have the dead hand, also known as perimeter in case of a strike by the enemy.

Debunker of NAFO lies

russia should do it


soon to be.


i hope russia will start shoting down american awacs and poseidons over the black sea. it was too late 2 years ago already.

Assad must stay

putin too chicken to do that

AM Hants

so would you be happy for the planet to be erased, owing to impatience?

Icarus Tanović

bloody shoot down.


another gay useless u.s hollywood weapon


it was probably designed by freemasons… ie, gayer than gay, and off in tranny-land gayness.

gestapo mcslapo

reepr n dun n got busted n dunnit.. n dun…………..


clown sawyer

our clown show —our incompetence…but we gud at lgbt


now the beat has started lies of freedom of fly and navigation will stop soon.because it is obvious spy of nato,uk,usa and france.


c.i.a spy operation that went wrong!

AM Hants

that is what happens when nato goes sniffing around russian military bases.

AM Hants

was it 2015 or 2016, that a couple of polish military jets and the uss roosevelt aircraft carrier, got too close to khaliningrad, during a nato exercise? allegedly president putin gave the order for a submarine to take out the aircraft carrier, using the jammers. the aircraft carrier was left without electricity. she ended up having to naval healthcare in the uk, before she could get back to work.

AM Hants

2/2 uss donald cook, got too close to crimea and had to do a figure of 8, to escape bastion. plus a russian whicker basket took out the electrics, leaving the sailors traumatised and with mass resignations. that was back in march 2014 in the black sea, and again in the baltic sea, the following year.


the donald cook was the cia ship who controlled mh17 flying as a drone right in the war zone, were it was shot down by 2 zionist aircrafts. zionist occupant in palestine were convicted as mass murdrers by war tribunal in kuala lumpur.sinds 9/11 falls flag every plane can be controlled by the cia. mh370 landed on diego garcia in the maledives.

Johannes feigl

hthank you for putting this info ou tthere.that the public arena remains so cowed an dsilentover the dissappeearance of this plane and a
l many family
ies are missing a. family
y member.not a peep from the msm ortheir respective question.who was. on the plane that interested parties wanteddead????????

AM Hants

the hato exercise, that was focused on airline communication. pilots had complained of them taking out their flight communications, but, hato carried on. the final day of the exercise, mh17 went down, a plane with a radar image just like the russian president’s plane, which they were expecting. why did hato refuse to release their data, at time of incident?


dobrá práca súdruhovia, ha, ha, ha … takto sa to robí. debili zo západu teraz budú premýšľať, čo sa to vlastne deje. nebudú môcť otvorene obviniť rusko, že má na tom podiel viny. to by bolo ako vyhlásenie vojny. ha, ha, ha … ak by mal poruchu jeden tak budiš, ale oba naraz? to je nejako podozrivé. mysleniu zdar!!!


$10 says russia hit the pos with the khibiny


we are incompetent we crash ourselves with no help from taliban we fail


well, every body, i know exactly where the drone is residing right now! now boys and girls, can anyone guess?
well if you participate in war like behaviours and it can be proven with your own equipment, do you think the bad man will punish you, boys and girls?
honestly, just how thick can americans get before they think for themselves?


probably a pygmy downed it with a spear


good news, more of that and make life unliveable for the occupiers of palestine and send them into their diaspora 2.0 asap!


$10 says russia hit it with the khibiny.
