Moscow’s Missile Defense Systems Celebrates 58th Anniversary

Moscow's Missile Defense Systems Celebrates 58th Anniversary

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On January 22nd, Moscow’s missile defense division celebrated the 58th anniversary of its creation.

This is the only division in Russia that is designed to defend the city of Moscow from attacks by enemy ballistic missiles from any direction, participate in a missile attack warning and control outer space.

The missile defense system was created strictly in the framework of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

Its composition and combat characteristics allow it to:

  • fend off the threat of the possible use of a nuclear missile strike, due to the features of it functioning as a missile attack warning system;
  • raise the threshold for nuclear response;
  • increase the survivability of the objects of the highest importance and the leadership, capable of making decisions of the measures of response;
  • “Reveal” the level, goal, and targeting of a strike using high-precision information tools.

The missile defense system is a unique complex of geographically dispersed sophisticated multifunctional radio engineering, rocket-launching facilities and electronic equipment, jointly operating in real time with a high degree of automation and exceptional measurement accuracy, which automatically ensure almost guaranteed defense of Moscow from new generation multi-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles, armed with several warheads, equipped with the latest systems of overcoming means, including cassettes with dipole reflectors, active jamming stations, heavy and light false targets of various classes.

The system includes:

  • A command and computing station;
  • A Don-2N radar station;
  • launching positions with anti-missile silo launchers;
  • anti-missiles;
  • a data transmission and communication system linking all the ground-based facilities of the system in a single cycle.

The central and most complex element of the missile defense system is the Don-2N radar station, which detects ballistic targets, tracking them, selecting, measuring coordinates and pointing anti-ballistic missiles at them against the background of a real space situation.

Moscow's Missile Defense Systems Celebrates 58th Anniversary

The DON-2N Radar station. Click to see full-size image

Centralized management of the system and its means in the modes of combat duty and combat work is carried out by the combat control system, implemented in the form of functional software.

During combat work in automatic mode, the tasks of controlling the means of the system are ensured, which guarantees the destruction of the warheads of ballistic missiles attacking Moscow, including target detection, selection of the warheads to be targeted, guidance of anti-missiles.

Moscow's Missile Defense Systems Celebrates 58th Anniversary

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Every day, more than 200 troops operate in the facilities of the missile defense system for round-the-clock duty.

As part of the functional control of the combat readiness of the missile defense system of Moscow, the combat crews of the facilities conduct regular training and exercises on the practical development of the tasks of detecting and repelling a nuclear missile strike of a potential adversary.

In 2019, combat formations from the Moscow missile defense division conducted more than 600 training sessions on detecting conditional ballistic missiles, tracking them, measuring coordinates, analyzing the composition of complex targets and guiding missile defense.

During combat duty over the past year, the Don-2N radar station discovered more than 17 ballistic missiles and space-launched missiles launched from Russian training grounds, cosmodromes, as well as offshore areas.

In addition, in the interests of assessing the combat readiness of the anti-ballistic missile system and information support of the Russian space monitoring system, the Don-2N radar combat crews performed control reconnaissance of about 300 space objects, of which more than 60 space objects were classified as especially important.


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Mehmet Aslanak

Congrats to the 58th anniversary comrades. You should have invited Mathias Rust to the celebration. He had evaded all the radars & landed right into the RED square in 1987.


He did not evade anything. it was a coordinated action designed to lower soviet military might perception in the west and to cause chaos and lower self respect among soviet military comandres. it was part of soviet elite betrayal of their country and of the just society idea.


Yup his plane was almost continuously tracked.

Wayne Nicholson

Read the story. The Finns alerted the Soviets about him so they knew his speed and bearing before he entered Soviet airspace. he didn’t evade anything …. the Soviets just didn’t heartlessly shoot an 18 year old kid out of the sky.