More Evidence Points To US-NATO Sabotage Of Nord Stream

More Evidence Points To US-NATO Sabotage Of Nord Stream

If you live in Germany, you may want to begin scouting out firewood before winter.

By . The original source of the article is Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics

Increasingly, there is little doubt who is behind the Nordstream pipeline leaks, now numbering four. The corporate media is lamely attempting to blame Russia for blowing up its own multi-billion dollar pipeline and its expensive cargo, but as usual, the corporate propaganda media provides no evidence to back this up.

From that oh-so-reliable news source, the Express:

The massive leak in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which many suspected to be an act of sabotage, could be Russia’s way of sending a horrifying threat to Europe, experts have warned. They say he has the prowess and firepower needed to damage other pipelines. Over the past few days, four leaks have been discovered along the 1,234km-long Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany. The pipelines, which bypassed Ukraine and Poland by transitting gas via the Baltic Sea, started leaking on Monday, which experts from Denmark and Sweden have confirmed occurred after strong explosions.

Indeed, I am certain Russia does possess such technology. However, so do the US and NATO, both with more incentive to blow up the pipelines than Russia. It doesn’t need to do this. Russia can simply turn off the tap on its end, as it has partially accomplished in response to Germany and Europe sending munitions to kill Russian soldiers.

As for the required technology:

BALTOPS is an annual military exercise held in the Baltic Sea. From Naval News:

Participating nations include Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries will exercise a myriad of capabilities demonstrating the inherent flexibility of maritime forces. Exercise scenarios include amphibious operations, gunnery, anti-submarine, air defense, mine clearance operations, explosive ordnance disposal, unmanned underwater vehicles, and medical response. (Emphasis added.)

Moreover, not mentioned by the corporate propaganda media, is the fact BALTOPS was held near the coast of Bornholm, an island off the east coast of Denmark, precisely where the explosions and gas leaks occurred.

Coincidence, right? Here’s another one, quite naturally not reported:

It wasn’t disclosed because this explosive-laden device belongs to the US military or NATO (or possibly Sweden, a country begging, along with Finland, to join NATO). If it had been identified as Russian, the morning headlines would be taller than Mount Everest.

Only trade publications reported the strange discovery. Obviously, not many Americans read pipeline technology journals.

The vehicle was discovered during a routine survey operation as part of the annual integrity assessment of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was within the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) approximately 120 km away from the island of Gotland, the Swedes called on their armed forces to remove and ultimately disarm the object.

More Evidence Points To US-NATO Sabotage Of Nord Stream


As social media de-platformed analyst Pepe Escobar notes, the development and production of this sort of submersible drone have been on NATO’s to-do list for some time. “NATO for its part has been very active on the underwater drones department. The Americans have access to long distance Norwegian underwater drones which can be modified with other designs,” he writes.

Meanwhile, the corporate propaganda media is ramping up the “Russia did it” story.

I’d link to The Washington Post story, but they want money to read their propaganda.


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tommy homo sawyer

we feminized insecure immoral LGBT americunt cannot compete


A big reveal in no time flat! Who knew investigations can last less than one week’s time? It’s almost as if…

Pro Russian Axis of Resistance

USA #1 is a bitch.

Ziological Warefare

USA is filthy terrorism pretending to be a country. There is nothing to boast about being a barbarian. This is the 21st century and the US is a disgrace to humanity


of course Yankee terrorists did it, they had means, motive, opportunity… Russians could shut it down whenever they wanted without destroying it. How they did it NATO waters anyway? Why would they destroy their own pipelines and not the Baltic pipe/Norway-Poland opened the same day by total ‘coincidence’?

The very claim that “Russia did it” is an insult for intelligence. But then brainless masses in the West don’t have much intelligence, they swallow whatever crap media serve them…

USA No. 1 State Sponsor of Terrorism

Globs of jello pass for brains in the west. Biden is not the exception. He’s the norm.

jens holm

That is verry nice looking US drone in Danish waters.

It looks exactly like my dildo. Also made in USA

tommy homo sawyer

jens penis removal require dildo—jens too poor to pay mulatto to penetrate anus w penis?

Ziological Warefare

The USA only shows its non ability to interface with the outside world. It resorts to hostage dramas, blackmail and rape to “win” markets. Take a look at China who does the opposite. The Americans have always been barbarians, only now the mask has slipped right off and all their fake “values” fell along with it. USA is a war mongering fascist machine that needs to be put down

Arch Bungle

I have not seen the Americans create anything worthwhile in 3 decades.

The Chinese build and create.

The Russians build and create.

The Americans destroy.


Anyone with half a brain knows the Americans did it. The damage was done in NATO controlled waters. They can say whatever they want, they won’t change my mind. Besides, they’ve even said they’d do it. And have a motive. Jesus, what more evidence does one need?

Last edited 2 years ago by none

There’s no question of who is responsible, the question now is how does Russia respond? Putin is already coming under pressure from hardliners who believe he has been too soft, so what now? this attack cannot go without an appropriate response………

Kev not Kiev

NATO did sabbotage the pipeline, they made the promise, they kept the promise. Germany, ie. The real people of Germany, are you paying attention? You’re no longer at the EU dinner table, like Ukraine, you’ve become ‘what’s for dinner’, thrown under the bus of criminal and genocidal Rothschild ambitions.

Vlad from Romania

They are sheeple. They have no opinion. All they know is to obey to the Authority. Their Mom is The State.

Bigg Chungus

Russia will send deniable infiltrators to the Americans’ southern border to blow up railways and fuel depots.

L du Plessis

Russia will respond to the sabotage in due time…😱



AM Hants

Is that what your daddy said, when your mummy gave birth to you?

AM Hants

I love their timing. Plus, they know that the West are desperate for a major war, so why accomodate them, at the moment.



Last edited 2 years ago by PEDRO EL GRANDE


Last edited 2 years ago by PEDRO EL GRANDE

Tit for tat – time for Russia to sabotage pipelines of USA/UK
and tactical nuke loads of Ukrainian military targets using low yield warheads to prepare for this winter offensive :)


Surprises this upcoming winter season. Major offensives with 300,000+ mobilized reservists and possibly some extra hot explosions on Ukrop military strongholds in the form of 10-50 kilotons ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by Reason
AM Hants

Witnesses to Yanukovic standing down, were the French Foreign Minister, The Polish Foreign Minister – Radislav Sikorski, and the German Foreign Minister, who is now the President of Germany.

Guarantors to the Minsk II Peace Agreement, which was backed by the UN and then ignored, were France and Germany, who went on to ignore the UNSC backed Peace Treaty.

Over in the UN, they held a meeting, with regards what happened with NS1 and NS2, with France holding the Presidency and the Chair. Why did they refuse to allow the evidence and facts, from the Gazprom Expert, from being presented? Russia has what is needed, that the UN ignores and has stated they will release it, when the timing is right.

NATO appears to be heavily involved in it all, as the article explains. So why are NATO nations conducting the investigation, completely ignoring all evidence and facts from the owners of the Pipeline and Russia?

Didn’t they run exactly the same script with MH17 and get away with it? Will they get away with yet another false flag, with Russia getting 100% of the blame, for their crimes?

Do we need a biased UN or can BRICS and friends come up with something similar, but, based on neutrality?

iron dildo

uss bonhomie sold for scrap….1.2 billion $. US navy destroyed by 1 lgbt sailor with a wooden dildo and a lighter….pygmy navy more fearsome than homo us navy

AM Hants

Isn’t the area around the NS1 and NS2 Pipelines heavily surveyed by NATO, owing to it being a major junction into the Baltic Seas?

Just like in 2014, when the MH17 was flying through airspace, the day that NATO were finishing their ‘Breeze’ exercise, which involved dealing with air communication and fly by wire technology, NATO saw nothing.

They are running exactly the same script, with regards NS1 and NS2, with the media lapping up all they present, with no facts, evidence or anything else. Just the mantra ‘#Blame Russia’.


Over in the UN, they completely refuse to listen to any evidence that the Gazprom Expert, who was called in to speak, had to say.

What nations were involved in witnessing the Ukraine President Yanukovic stand down? France, Poland and Germany. The Polish Foreign Minister, who happily thanked the US for taking out NS1 and NS2. The German Foreign Minister, who is now the President of Germany. Again France and Germany came back to act as Guarantors of the UNSC backed Minsk II Peace Agreement, that they all ignored, including the UN.

So now, these nations want to investigate NS1 and NS2, all NATO Members who will completely ignore the actions of NATO members in the areas. Who will compose a report, that will run with the ‘#Blame Russia’ mantra and it will be run on exactly the same script as MH17. Nothing Russia or the owners of the Pipeline, Gazprom, have to say, will be listened to.

I look forward to Russia presenting their facts and evidence to the World Stage. Also, I look forward to the BRICS and friends nations, creating their own International Law Courts, where NATO members do not have the majority voice.


Sanction applied to Russia BDS style but when israel confronted with non government BDS the countries leaders ban it
Apparently peoples beliefs don’t matter only what their leaders want not for the benefit of the people but to enrich and benefit themselves

AM Hants

Do you remember the USS Liberty and how Isr**l took it out. The US covered up and got down on bended knee. They had no problem with their navy being taken out, so long as it did not upset those that did it.


American industry the main beneficiary of higher energy costs in Europe due to USA/nato sabotage
Always was the plan the usa couldn’t compete with cheap European energy supplied by Russia
So the EU decided to destroy its own advantage at the behest of usa
I am sure Baerbock habeck Scholz con der Leyen stoltenberg will be well rewarded in the near future
Hungary blocked the ban so instead they blew it up as they didn’t get authority to stop the flow

Warrior Nation

I didn’t know that Ukraine had a navy anymore! Where do they keep it?

Glad to see Kurt Nimmo is still writing though and that Southfront is publishing him.

Tommy Jensen

LOL…………….You can only get factual news for free. All fake news and propaganda cost you.
Think about it………….. all sheeple pay for bs and suck it all up…………….LOL.


Well, the fact that he fucked up NS1 and NS2 will be talked about for ever, but it will never be a certainty in the war zones of the liar.
The fact is that Switzerland, which stupidly denied neutrality, has signed all the sanctions against Russia, does not recognise the annexed territories, so this little country is in cahoots with Russia through NATO. Result: in some parts of Zurich, e.g. in the properties of the LIVIT Jewish-owned real estate company, there was no heating last week. People are ordering electric heaters and will be unable to pay the double priced kWh.
The vassal German state will screw its citizens even more. The aim is to provoke civil discontent, a popular uprising, and then put it down.
New slavery is being introduced at breakneck speed!


Nato is the military wing of the Jewish Rothchild family


If Russia wanted to they would have blown up the new danish pipeline as direct competition
USA done it as direct competitor to their 10 times higher prices lng gas
Would have used third party to deflect blame
All evidence points to them as they knew the German people were starting to realise they were being used by their elite politicians


The Russians sneaked in under the nato fleet that was carrying out war games in the area
