More And More Foreign Troops Deploy To Syria’s Manbij

More and more foreign troops are deploying to the  Syrian city of Manbij, the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik Turkey reproted on April 6 citing commanders of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

“The United States and France have increased the number of their military in Manbij following Turkey’s statements,” Sputnik Turkey quoted  Helil Bozi, a commander of the SDF’s Military Council of Manbij, as saying.

“The US has deployed its Special Forces units near the Sajur River thereby setting a red line the crossing of which will be seen by the [US-led] coalition forces as an attack and will prompt retaliatory actions,” Bozi highlighted. “Our alliance with the forces of the coalition continues to operate, nothing has changed in this sense. The [US-led] coalition continues to support the SDF.”

The SDF commander added that British troops are also deployed in the area of Manbij. Bozi continued claiming that the US and Turkey had reached no agreement over the key city.

“In case Turkey reached an agreement with the US, the latter would not provide Manbij with military supplies and beef up its presence there,” he said. “For its part, the Military Council of Manbij is determined to maintain resistance in the event of an attack and protect its territories to the last drop of our blood.”

The Russian news agency also reached Rezan Gulo, the defense minister of the Kurdish canton of Jazire of the self-proclaimed Democratic Federation of Northern Syria (Rojava) that also confirmed the presence of US, British and French forces in Manbij.

“The military contingent of the US, Britain and France is located not only in Manbij but also in Tell Abyad, Deir ez-Zor, Raqqa and Tabqa within the framework of the [US-led] coalition’s assistance [to the SDF]. The coalition forces are increasing their presence throughout northern Syria,” Gulo said.

Earlier, the Turkish state-run media claimed that the US is currently building two military facilities in the area north of Manbij. The move is allegedly part of the wider network of the US efforts to strengthen its positions in northern and northeastern Syria.

Photos by Mohammed Hassan show US military positions near Manbij:

More And More Foreign Troops Deploy To Syria's Manbij

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More And More Foreign Troops Deploy To Syria's Manbij

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More And More Foreign Troops Deploy To Syria's Manbij

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More And More Foreign Troops Deploy To Syria's Manbij

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Shame, so many Brits, Americans and French will die for the cause of israhell.


Yes, they have a severe Jew infestation problem, the US and Palestine in particular. 95% of the planet’s Jews live in the US, Israel, France , Canada and the UK. Their governments are compromised by the parasitical Jew disease and they routinely exhibit the symptoms of it.


Nut and yahoo gave trump his orders not to leave Syria, the soldiers of the West must fight and die for israhells interests,that is what all these wars in the middle east are also about.


Eehm… Why are these Western Soldiers Fighting for these Western Demonic Psychopathic Masters in the First Place?! Everyone Fighting for them Lost the Right to Live!!!

Claire Langoulant

Shoot them all Erdogan !

You can call me Al

Can we airlift the Brits out first please and just do the other two sets of numpties ?.


its usually the french that run first…/wink

You can call me Al

WE do not run – I am asking for a tactical retreat to abide to International law.

Plus then we can get the beers in and see the French get battered, raise their white flag, eat a garlic and onion, marry our Mothers, sh1t themselves and then run.


lol…i couldnt resist diggin yah a little…/smile

You can call me Al

No offence, ever.


Anyone read any comments from Turkey about this development? Is Erdogan crazy enough to follow his threats?

s Slippy

Erdogan doesn’t threaten anyone, what he says goes. Thats why the people here on Southfront hates him. Whats happening now is simply negotiations to make it a smooth transition.

If he has claimed Manbij, then the PKK lives on borrowed time. Military action is pending.

You can call me Al

or is he crazy enough to bow down again to the Yanks ?


They heard the sirene song of Putin: come our western friends in Syria.


Syria, Turkey, Russia, Iran & All Others may Victory come Swift! Obliterate these Foreign Intruders….their evil intentions lost in Oblivion…


Obliterate israhell and then we shall have no more war-mongering parasites!


The Destruction of Israhell will be the Excuse to Start their New Crusades….the Ideological Masters to Create a War between the West & the Muslims (so that they can Continue their Control over the World Population). Are the ones to be Searched for…


I do not rely on the primary propaganda books (the bible, the quran or the torah) when it comes to 21-st century reality. This is the evil! It must be destroyed!
I am a Christian but not mentally sick to believe in mythology.


I have my own opinions about the Great Creator…those Evil Bastards are abusing people’s own believes to set them Up against they are the Ones using Our Mythology against Ourselves for our own Destruction, Divide & Conquer…to understand “Their” Knowledge it is important to understand Religion….and yes wipe out Psychopaths..where ever they may Hide…


Absolutely! I was in stitches when bibi nuts went to EU with a bible in his hand after trump announced that he will move the usa embassy to jerusalem. Who does he think he is brainwashing? I don’t have a problem with people believing or not but I shall not tolerate idiots who are manipulating me and parasiting!


We all know inside what is Right & what is Wrong…don’t need books for that.. because otherwise all illiterates would be Evil…books can be a good guideline though.. depending on how you read them


yes…this wont be over until the Muslims decide who their real enemy is…and fight together….they need Iraq to come in and support removing NATO from the Middle-east…dont be divided, dont play the Wests game…


Did you happen to read “Christ” or “History of human culture in natural-scientifical light / interpretation by N.Morozov?


No, not yet. Why? Should I?


Had people known how Christianity emerged, from the very beginning, that would have been the only world religion. Because the word ‘Christ’ means initiated into knowledge, which was scanty at that time, limited mostly with astronomy. He, who lately was named ‘Christ’ learned how to forecast Solar and Moon Eclipse and devulged it to people…But he was not crusified, first Gospel was written in Greek and says of ‘stavros'(pillar). ‘Crux’ emerged when Gospel was translated into latin. Only slaves were crusified, but Christ was either rabbi or tzar…and so on, long story, brethtaking reading. I have read all 7 volumes of “Christ” in 3 months. Most valuable reading, no equal. Just read biography of Nikolay Morozov and you will be astonished.


Thank you. Sounds interesting.


The world didn’t need religion. Religions were invented by wealthy men to control the mass and amass wealth. Coincidentally, all man made religions omit astronomy.

It must be understood that the land of Canaan-Phoenicia was pagan at first and foremost. The people worshipped the land, the wind, the sun, etc. This part is omitted in most narratives and hold most, if not, all the answers. The very foundation of all three “Abrahamic” religions has its root in Canaanite-Phoenician paganism with Adonai, the God of Fertility:

Pharisaism, known today as Judaism, was created by the ruling class of Persia (as an accentuated version of Zoroastrianism) to destroy the polytheistic beliefs in Canaan-Phoenicia.

Every dominant power distorted the Book as they saw fit. One example is how the Ptolemies replaced the Persian minister in Canaan-Phoenicia, Ezra, with Moses and moved the Exodus to Egypt.

Sebastian Vicente

Ruling class in Persia, was Avestanic or zoroastrist. Is documented, Adonais not the name of God, is a generic. Adonis in those time was called nebo. Greetings to your master Satan.


Where exactly do you read me associate Adonai with Persia and/or their beliefs?


Where exactly do you read me associate Adonai with Persia and/or their beliefs?

I don’t have a master but if you silly comment is to associate the God Canaanites-Phoenicians worshipped, please know that it’s nothing but Christian propaganda (that the Canaanites worshipped an evil God by the name of Moloch and they made sacrifices). Not any different than the demonization of Viking with their alledged horns (to associate them to “Satan”). Both alledged “evil” Canaanites-Phoenicians sacrifices and “evil” Viking horns have been invalidated by forensic archeology.

Sebastian Vicente

Come on, the church knows best than nothing the vikings do not use horns ( Saint Olaf, and creation of Norway and Sweden). The Phoenicians had many gods, Baal, Haddad, Nergal. THe canaanites? Who are they? The amorrites invades and kill almost all.


There was Church propaganda about Viking horns. I’ll find the reference.

Where do you read me write he Phoenicians didn’t have many gods?

The fact that you don’t know who the Canaanites were speaks volume of your knowledge on the matter. The Canaanites, Phoenicians, Cartiginians and Punics were one and the same people. Greeks called the Canaanites: Phoenicians. Romans called them: Carthaginians and/or Punics.

Saying that the Amorites invaded Canaan and killed its inhabitants inflates that volume furthermore. It’s as mythical and as absurd as the Biblical story where the “Hebrews” (whoever they were) invaded Canaan and killed its inhabitants. The Amorites only settled themselves in the region of what is known today as the Golan Heights.

Sebastian Vicente

Do you want defy egiptians, assyrians, sumerian, elamite sources? The amorrites (Martu called by other peoples) invades Canaan, Ebla, and later sumerian cities. Canaan is the name of the land not of some people, like “Hatti” invaded by hittites (nobody know the name of that people), amorrites, hittites, “hiksos” (hurrites), and more killed the original people. In those years the cities need animal proteines, leather, wool what shepards bring, the shepards became merchants. Ah, and at least 5 incursions of Egypt documented in hierogliphs. The hebrews were shepards and welcomes, not in fortress moabites, amorrites, hittites, suteans. The jebuseans a tribe takes by sword Jerusalen, the amalecites plunder all the area ( and they are the border guards of Egypt). Deny the amorrites were bandits what attacked the caravans and kidnap peasants, is to deny the history. Obvious the assimilation proccess bring some amorrites to acadian culture.


I am aware of the inscriptions. If you read my comment again, I did write the Amorites forcibly settled themselves on the land and settled many cities in Mesopotamia.

You brought up a good point with the Hebrews: they were shepherds. Which begs the question: how did shepherds supposedly invade the land of Canaan to then kill all its inhabitants (as stated in the Book of Deuteronomy). We know it’s a myth.

Another question is how/why the alledged “Hebrew” script/language took precedence on the Canaanite-Phoenician script/language. Reality is that the Hebrew script and language are Canaanite-Phoenician.

Sebastian Vicente

Hey Guy, The Guteans, Kassites, Kashkas, were shepherds. :), amorrites, arameans, too, in the begining the assyrians were shepherds

Brad Isherwood

It’s All BS…..Complete Fiction.
Not the Greatest Story …
The Greatest Lie.
Death of untold Millions for lies.
Hebrews/Jews – King David and Solomon ….complete Fiction


Never said it was true. The point of my comment is that the fallacious “Abrahamic” religions have their roots in paganism.

Brad Isherwood

Exactly. …why I posted Humphreys link.
His website is Devastating!

Many people realizing 911 was False Flag, … examined the Apollo Moon landings
To discover that was All Faked!

Jack Whites photo study rocks it into the upper deck!


You confuse religion and superstition. Religion is the state of mind seeking to understand surrounding world. Here is simple example: first, primitive man was afraid of lightning and thunder; it was horrible for him to see a tree blaze up all of a sudden during a thunder-storm or his family member fell dead because lightning struck him. He sought for explanation. And ‘found’ it – it was angry Zeus. Later on it proved to be Jupiter. Jews insisted it was Jahweh (Jehovah). In XVIII-th century Russian scientist Mikhail (Mikhaylo) Lomonosov invented lightning-conductor and the problem was decided.


You wrote quite a bit to say nothing relevant. Most importantly, you missed he point of my comment completely.

Sebastian Vicente

Don´t tell lies and nonsenses, the acussations of the rabines (blasphemy like yours), Deposed like a rabine, and the thorn crown ” is the crow you people give you” and Jesus thirsty they give vinager not wine. You are a gnostic defeated 2000 years ago.


I did, sounds creepy. No, thanks.


The Apostle Paul Founder of Christianity

Jesus was not the founder of Christianity as we know it today. Most of the New Testament doesn’t even concern the historical Jesus while the main influence is the Apostle Paul and a Greek convert named John.

Paul never met Jesus in the flesh, he only claimed some strange vision and proceeded to paganize the teachings of Jesus (who preached an enlightened form of Judaism), until he created Pauline Christianity. Because there are no known writings from Jesus, the actual Apostles, or anyone that actually knew Him in the flesh (other then perhaps James), most of what He taught is lost forever.

The beginning of Christianity stands two figures: Jesus and Paul. Jesus is regarded by Christians as the founder of their religion, in that the events of his life comprise the foundation story of Christianity; but Paul is regarded as the great interpreter of Jesus’ mission, who explained, in a way that Jesus himself never did, how Jesus’ life and death fitted into a cosmic scheme of salvation, stretching from the creation of Adam to the end of time. The doctrines of Christianity come mostly from the teaching or influence of Paul, a Pharisee(?) who rejected his Pharisaic Judaism and converted to Christ. Paul would later be placed over his Jewish-Christian rivals by a Gnostic heretic named Marcion. See Marcion.

What is shown below is taken word for word from The Sierra Reference Encyclopedia.

Copyright 1996 P. F. Collier, L. P. All rights reserved.


PAUL, ST. (died c. A.D. 68), founder of Pauline Christianity. His name was originally Saul. He later claimed that he was a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin, from a long-established Pharisee family in Tarsus. According to Acts (though not according to Paul himself) he studied in Jerusalem under Gamaliel, the leader of the Pharisees and grandson of Hillel. This account of Paul’s youth, however, is subject to doubt, since the tribe of Benjamin had long ceased to exist, and Pharisee families are otherwise unknown in Tarsus. According to Paul’s opponents, the Ebionites, he came from a family of recent converts to Judaism. He learnt the trade of tent-making (or perhaps leather-working), by which he made his living.

While still a youth in Jerusalem, Saul became part of the opposition to the newly formed Jerusalem Church (the disciples of Jesus, who, believing that Jesus had been resurrected, continued to hope for his return to complete his messianic mission). Saul was present at the death of Stephen. Soon after, Saul was an active persecutor of the Jerusalem Church, entering its synagogues and arresting its members. Acts represents this as due to Saul’s zeal as a Pharisee, but this is doubtful, as the Pharisees, under Gamaliel, were friendly to the Jerusalem Church (see Acts 5).
There are almost 40k of Christians sects and every each of them claimed to be the righteous one..


Thank you, last sentence “There are almost 40k of Christians sects and every each of them claimed to be the righteous one..” speaks in favour of ‘holy truth’ most loudly.


The only reason I comment on that are for others to understand that there are lots of fake religion just like most people have been condemning every religions as its not known to many about roots of the religion /s..
I use to see and heard people condemned Muslim just bcoz of Isis the wahbabism sect.. by right wahbabism is not a sect as claimed.. it’s an ideology where there can kill, murder and confiscates anyone and anything.
This is what happened when there are many ignorants..! I wonder why they don’t call IRA as a Christian terrorists when they can label Islam as terrorists..? Coz, both are fake religions.. By the way.. I’m a believer and a believer to Moses and Jesus as taught by my religion /faith as a matter of fact it is in my book..! tq salaam

ps: what you thanked me for are not my words.. it was from Wikipedia b4 they got rid of of the link..


“The military contingent of the US, Britain and France is located not only in Manbij but also in Tell Abyad, Deir ez-Zor, Raqqa and Tabqa within the framework of the [US-led]

Then, soon the SAA & allies will kill and eliminates them including you the ungrateful gypsies as you’re all illigals to be there in the 1st place..!


lol just try just try and touch the US of A !


Afrin is gone, the rest is just atmospherics.


i dont thinks erdogan would dare to attack them. you can rerun the lebanon script again… install a resistance group in the east and commit guerilla war/truck bomb on the foreign troops barrack and installation

Cheryl Brandon

Off course; They ignore UN and, use their NATO group against the majority of the world because, the largest country is China. Eventually, they have all have to leave. Guerilla warfare from local people who do not support the KURDS.

Hewal Neutralizer

Damn such a cost effective defense systems on kurds part. Just hang a big American or French flag,sometimes even Syrian or Russian flag to save your ass. Cheap whores.


ahah 800 soldats usa french blocked army turk very funny!!!

Rodney Dezarn

Will Turkey honor their word or will they be afraid of the U.S. and coalition forces? My guess is Turkey will do nothing!


Long live Israel !!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The US aren’t leaving Syria and the Turks and the French won’t be killing each other. It’s all just a strategic maneuver by the coalition forces [Turkey included], to install an invasion force before the invasion actually starts, very clever.
The French and the Turks will competing in this invasion, but they’ll only be competing to see how many Russians they can kill and then claim the bragging rights.

Rohana Silva

Hay, i don’t know much about Jews, but can some one tell me why so many people hate them, why are they considers “parasites” by some of these comments. Isn’t that what Hitler said? Am I to understand that Hitler had a point? If not why still so many people Hate Jews?


Pure jealousy and brainwashed. There are good Jews and bad Jews just like any other place , country, culture or religion.


So, what ? it was not part of the USA-Russia agreement of the partition of Syria ? Is Russia going to complain now ? Do you remember when NATO promised Gorvachov not to expand to Russia border ?
Well, the promises do not make you poor but the giving.