The Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) continued their airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the governorates of Idlib and Hama for the tenth day in a row.
According to a report released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) on May 5, more than 200 Russian and Syrian airstrikes targeted southern Idlib and northern Hama in the last 24 hours.
The pro-opposition Step News Agency released several videos of the airstrikes showing Russian Su-35s and Syrian Su-22M4 warplanes.
Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense warned that terrorist groups are massing their forces in the southern part of the demilitarized zone around Idlib under the leadership of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)
“It should not be ruled out that they are creating a strike force with the aim of mounting an offensive against Hama,” head of the Russian Centre for Syrian Reconciliation, Maj. Gen. Viktor Kupchishin, told the media.
As the situation around Idlib continues to escalate, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) appears to be closer than ever to launching a large-scale military operation around Idlib. However, it remains unclear if Russia would green light such operation.
If that is true then all the terrorists would have been dead? 200 sorties is a lot of bombs. The Zionists do more damage in one airstrike on Gaza or Syria than Russia has done in 3 years. Perhaps they are dropping flowers. 200 strikes even in an old MIG-21 or SU-22 would amount to 300 TONS of explosives even with 500 lbs free fall bombs. I have no idea what they are targeting, maybe trees like India did!
? crap
Yeah surely like Aleppo, Deir Ezzor, Damascus, Qalamoun, Swyda,Dara,Qneitra, Homs(Al Rastan)…in all that place the air force crushed terrorist and enable to retake these province!
Where do you live and we can target your neighborhood.
HA HA I bet you would not need a helmet .
all the antisemitic commies on here wear helmets, it’s part of their “special” education program led by USSR lol
you are one ugly mofo!!
*nice insult*
In canada you wouldnt need your head of feathers (once youve been fully assimulated and waving that ghey flag).
you still, on self medication… I see.
Another terrorist sympathier ?♂️
f7ck australia, the third class jews.
they use only small bomb load on their old SU… problem is that the famelcuckers are hiding underground… bunker buster needed
Nobody mentioned MiG-21 or full ordnance loads .
If you read up on tactics and missiontypes/ordnanceload used by airforces across the world, only rarely does any plane load up 100%
Schools and hospitals are common targets of Russia and assads losers .
Schools and hospitals are common targets of USA, Israel, Saudi coalition loosers
Another dumbed down Canadian ?♂️
I hear your leaders are panicking about China putting the screws on Canada over the Huawei executive you took hostage?
You have been quiet for sometime.Where have you been.
stop drinking the Kool-Aid kid, it makes you sound like a moron.
says the biggest antisemitic moron on here… I love it
I am anti defective dna subhuman. As for antisemitic… khazarian shit you not semitic you are just a mixture of many seeds from around the world just like the romas are. Gypsies and thieves so get over it.
ok, whatever makes you feel better
Promitheas Antisemitious
Pissoff idiot! No such thing as anti Semitic! Anti Zionist , YES
says the antisemite
Semites are Arabs moron, you can steal money, but you can’t steal words.
as are Ashkenazis, Sephardis, and Misrahis – all semitic jews
Is it some kined of preversive joy for you – displaying your stupidity and ignorance in public? For your note – hoping that others are stupid doesn’t show anthing other than hoper’s stupidity.
The Israelis target schools and hospitals, easy targets, trying to kill an enemy soldier is much more difficult than killing children.
Weapons testing and combat training close cities.
difference between Russian/Syrian and Israeli Airforce
IDF airforce has launched 200 airstrikes against densely populated Gaza, eliminating 10 terrorists and causing ZERO civilian casalties
Syrian airforce/Russia have launched 200 airstrikes against loosely populated large area of Idlib/Hama and have eliminated ZERO terrorists and caused 30 civilian casualties
info from syrian military source:
“30+ Russian/Syrian planes and helis are smashing jihadi terrorists all across Idlib in unison. Ground wont stop shaking”
:) time for some salty kike madness
Theres no difference between idf and saa. Gaza is Idlib and any against either are the same camp (the camp of the Islamophobes).
Attacking any Muslims is a grave sin, especially allying with nonMuslims against Muslims.
there’s a big difference. 1 – SAA are warriors whose ancestors defeated and kicked out the French British imperialists
2 – IDF israelis are descendants of 6,000,000 oven roasted juden who were massacred by the Wermacht and SS :)
Wermacht almost succeeded, if only they transferred the remaining jews from western Russia/Ukraine to Treblinka, no mass immigration to Palestine after WW2
by the way, many jews pretended to me muslim when caught by the SS, but that didn’t matter because the SS/Wermacht oven roasted them anyway… 100,000 muslims of the Red Army were also oven roasted :)
the world would have been Christian and free of all jews/muslims if The Führer had succeeded
Another Adolf lover? We see what you are. Your rabbi masters want us to hate ordinary Jews while financing Hitler and likes. Doesn’t work anymore – people start to see your kind for what they are – rats.
Im not against Nazism or Hitler or even Nationalist japan.
I support Muslims first, then maybe Orthodox Eastern Christianity.
So some saa might be Muslim, but we can say the same for Kurds, and Christians.
But noone from america or europe can be trusted even if they say they are Muslim or Christian etc. This is a time proven point.
So Im saying that western assheadists will no longer find a place for them within the Axis, even though their collective voices are overwhelming on western english forums. Even though it doesnt look like that could ever happen, Im saying on Principle, it bound to happen.
Your a fukin idiot
stay in your kiked up prison island.
By your logic, terrorist rats hiding in Idlib are terrible sinners.
Fuk off ya terrorist sympathier
Kiwis hate aussie jews,
“Zero civilian casualties”(c) – hasbara rats hard at work lately. Must be terrible watching your masters lost this war.
What a load of BS! Fuk off ya Zionists fuk head!!
ouch, more antisemitic words
I’m so offended *not*
You dream…., but continue dreaming.
The Israeli government only kills terrorists and never civilians hey, but that’s only because they designate all Palestinian civilians terrorist anyway, to the Israeli government there is no such thing as a Palestinian civilian, they consider all Palestinians terrorists, even the little kids.
Why not add up the total number of Palestinian deaths by Israeli hands since 1955 and then compare the figure to the death rate of Palestinians killed by the Israelis, that shows the truth much better, especially when you notice how many dead children make up that number.
antisemitic propaganda
no the truth
I admire and abide by the old Written Laws and I’m not even Jewish.
Not all Jews are Zionist so I can’t be anti Semitic, I’m just anti Zionist, so I do differentiate. It’s your Zionist agenda I have a dispute with not your Jewish faith, unless of course you adhere to the New Oral laws, then I do.
You should read the Old Written Laws and ignore the evil crap the homosexual Pharisees taught you all, you wouldn’t kill anyone at all then, especially little children.
info from syrian military source:
“30+ Russian/Syrian planes and helis are smashing jihadi terrorists all across Idlib in unison. Ground wont stop shaking”
Just get on with it, put some boots on the ground and do it properly, all the airstrikes in the world aren’t going to take bake Idlib, only one thing will.
Su-35? Unlikely. Su-34 is the plane for such operations.
When they strike, 1 tactical nuke would do the job of many ordinary bombs.