Minsk 3.0: Return To The Age Of Empires?


Minsk 3.0: Return To The Age Of Empires?

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Written by Julian Macfarlane, Tokyo based investigative journalist, writer, author, geopolitical and military analyst

Russia continues to demilitarize the Kiev Regime along the entire contact line.

Kiev has responded with terrorist attacks on civilian sites and infrastructure in Russian Ukraine and Russia itself, as well as is usual atrocities – murdering civilians.

But the war that the US started so many years ago is clearly lost and now the US needs to withdraw— and pretend they had nothing to do with the fiasco. What it wants is Minsk 3.0, which leves most geographic ‘Ukraine” intact— along with the investments of American companies like Blackrock.

It is therefore trying to shift responsibility to Europe, as if this was always Europe’s war instead of theirs. If Trump had wanted, he could have kept the peace by supporting Minsk 2.0 back when . Instead he undermined that agreement, piling on sanctions on Russia and facilitating arms transfers that allowed Ukraine to build Europe’s strongest, best equipped and trained army to carry out a “final solution”, scheduled for 2022,

Let us keep in mind that the peoples of Donbas and Lugansk were resisting the denial or their language and culture by a regime they had seized power illegitimately, and which was trying to enforce its will by shelling civilian centers killing women and children. While the peoples of the DPR and LPR had voted overwhelming for independence, MInsk 2.0 was a compromise — guaranteeing their ethnic rights and local autonomy in a federal system controlled from Kiev.

Kiev was and occupying power – two-thirds of their land—and there wasn’t much they could do, until the Russians recognized their independence and came to their aid in 2022 .

Trump didn’t care about any of this during his first term.

But now he doesn’t have any choice to accept whatever the Russians offer him.

Trump’s support for democracy

When the US starts talking about “democracy”, you know they are really talking about something else. They don’t care about human rights in Europe – or at home even — and certainly not in Palestine.

The US support for “democracy” in Europe—means support for rightwing populist movements, similar in spirit to Trump’s. They also are as tired of fighting a losing war as he is. That doesn’t mean anything will improve under their rule any more than anything will improve under Trumps. Birds of a feather? Not exactly.

Not all birds are equal.

The European elites had thought they belonged to the American flock. Now they realized they were being raised for slaughter.

The US is doing to Europe what it had hoped to do to Russia in the 20th Century – balkanization and control. Transnational rape.

Europe was once a collection of small ethnically defined kingdoms which became nation states only in the 19th Century. Now it is returning to that state.

Minsk 3.0: Return To The Age Of Empires?

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Europe doesn’t have natural resources like Russia – but it does have a skilled workforce, technology and capital—which the US wants to exploit.

JD Vance and the Trumpian Mindset

One Russian site analyzed JD Vance’s recent speech this way.

  1. It is still too early to say which part of Ukrainian territory will remain under Russian control;
  2. It is also too soon to determine what security guarantees Washington and its Western allies might offer Kyiv;
  3. The Trump administration aims to convince Putin that Russia can achieve more at the negotiating table than on the battlefield.
  4. Moscow’s current isolation from Western markets has made it a junior partner to Beijing.
  5. It is not in Putin’s interest to be the junior partner in an alliance with China.

#1. As far Russia, is concerned, they will decide what parts of Ukraine they control. A lot of Russians want to incorporate almost all of “Little Russia’ leaving Galicia to the Poles, a neutral, landlocked buffer state.

Minsk 3.0: Return To The Age Of Empires?

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The New Ukraine?

The four oblasts and Crimea now part of the Russian Federation are not up for discussion –but there is the entire area east of the Dnieper and the Black Sea oblasts, not to mention Kiev and other Russian language areas which will be offered referenda to choose as part of a surrender agreement and re-constitution of Ukraine. As I write, the Russians have advanced from the Kursk region across the border into Ukraine. You can expect them to ‘liberate” all of Kharkov and Sumy.

#2 Is moot if the Kiev regime falls and Russia controls Ukraine directly— or through a proxy Ukrainian government put together by someone like Medvedchuk –who is one of the few Ukrainian politicians to oppose the NeoNazis. “Little Russia” can only have a future with Russian help and the Russian federal system allows its republics considerable autonomy — more than they would under Western control.

#3. What could Putin gain at the negotiating table? Nothing much.

Lifting sanctions would benefit American business more than Russia, which has used them to incentivize reindustrialization and economic and social growth.

On the battlefield, Russia gains new citizens, skilled workers, and access to more than a trillion dollars’ worth untapped mineral wealth, hitherto not easily exploited but now more accessible with modern technologies, such as Russia’s new lithium processing tech – and the help of allies like China. Turkey is already signalling it wants to a piece of the action,

#4. The US economic war on China and its attempts to restrict its access to resources makes Moscow an equal—not junior— partner to China. In addition, Russia’s innovative progress has made huge progress in certain technologies, including quantum computing, the aforementioned lithium processing technology, metallurgical advances with aerospace applications, semiconductor fabrication and defense. These are things that China needs – and China has much to offer in return. as it faces Western threats in the Pacific.

#5 It is not in Russia’s interest to be any kind of partner with the US, which cannot be relied on, having already cost Russian billions and hundreds of lives. Partners need to responsible and trustworthy. China keeps its word. The US just changes its mind. Russia and China are civilizations. The US is a corporation,.

Trust not!

Trump does not exactly inspire trust. He is the Contradiction in Chief. He does not have dementia but he is quite as demented as Joe.

Russia is aware that while the US may withdraw from Ukraine, it is not talking— so far at least — about withdrawing troops or weapons from Europe or embargoing weapons to Europe. In fact, it is still encouraging Europe to fight on. And Russia is still the Enemy to the East.

Russia is also aware of the US’s hostility for Russian allies like China and Iran, so important to the development of BRICS, Unlike the US, Russia is loyal to its agreements and faithful to its friends. It’s contributions to BRICS are based on its reputation for evenhandedness, transcultural respect and honest.

But the US is the world’s greatest terrorist state, which has managed to kill 20 to 30 million people since WWII. It has a long history of terrorism and subversion.

Minsk 3.0: Return To The Age Of Empires?

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US military, CIA coups and clandestine operations in foreign countries since 1845

  • 🇮🇷 Iran: 1946
  • 🇨🇳 China: 1946-1949
  • 🇬🇷 Greece: 1947-1949
  • 🇮🇹 Italy: 1948
  • 🇵🇭 Philippines: 1948-1954
  • 🇰🇵 Korea: 1950-1953
  • 🇮🇷 Iran: 1953
  • 🇻🇳 Vietnam: 1954
  • 🇬🇹 Guatemala: 1954
  • 🇦🇷 Argentina: 1955-1976
  • 🇱🇧 Lebanon: 1958
  • 🇵🇦 Panama: 1958
  • 🇭🇹 Haiti: 1959
  • 🇨🇩 Congo: 1960
  • 🇻🇳 Vietnam: 1960-1964
  • 🇨🇺 Cuba: 1961-1962
  • 🇱🇦 Laos: 1962
  • 🇪🇨 Ecuador: 1963
  • 🇵🇦 Panama: 1964
  • 🇧🇷 Brazil: 1964
  • 🇻🇳 Vietnam: 1965-1975
  • 🇮🇩 Indonesia: 1965
  • 🇨🇩 Congo: 1965
  • 🇩🇴 Dominican Republic: 1965
  • 🇱🇦 Laos: 1965-1973
  • 🇬🇭 Ghana: 1966
  • 🇬🇹 Guatemala: 1966-1967
  • 🇰🇭 Cambodia: 1969-1975
  • 🇴🇲 Oman: 1970
  • 🇱🇦 Laos: 1971-1973
  • 🇨🇱 Chile: 1973
  • 🇰🇭 Cambodia: 1975
  • 🇦🇴 Angola: 1976-1992
  • 🇮🇷 Iran: 1980
  • 🇱🇾 Libya: 1981
  • 🇸🇻 El Salvador: 1981-1992
  • 🇳🇮 Nicaragua: 1981-1990
  • 🇱🇧 Lebanon: 1982-1984
  • 🇬🇩 Grenada: 1983
  • 🇭🇳 Honduras: 1983-1989
  • 🇮🇷 Iran: 1984
  • 🇱🇾 Libya: 1986
  • 🇧🇴 Bolivia: 1986
  • 🇮🇷 Iran: 1987-1988
  • 🇱🇾 Libya: 1989
  • 🇵🇭 Philippines: 1989
  • 🇵🇦 Panama: 1989-1990
  • 🇱🇷 Liberia: 1990
  • 🇮🇶 Iraq: 1990-1991
  • 🇮🇶 Iraq: 1991-2003
  • 🇭🇹 Haiti: 1991
  • 🇸🇴 Somalia: 1992-1994
  • Yugoslavia: 1992-1994
  • 🇧🇦 Bosnia: 1993-1995
  • 🇭🇹 Haiti: 1994-1996
  • 🇭🇷 Croatia: 1995
  • 🇨🇩 Zaire (Congo): 1996-1997
  • 🇱🇷 Liberia: 1997
  • 🇸🇩 Sudan: 1998
  • 🇦🇫 Afghanistan: 1998
  • Yugoslavia: 1999
  • 🇲🇰 Macedonia: 2001
  • 🇦🇫 Afghanistan: 2001-2021
  • 🇻🇪 Venezuela: 2002
  • 🇮🇶 Iraq: 2003-present
  • 🇭🇹 Haiti: 2004
  • 🇺🇦 Ukraine: 2004, 2013-present
  • 🇵🇸 Palestine: 2006-2007
  • 🇾🇪 Yemen: 2009-present
  • 🇸🇾 Syria: 2005-2009, 2011-present
  • 🇱🇾 Libya: 2011

*note this is not a full list

Sovereignty vs Suzerainty

The US concept of “sphere of influence’ is a notion of suzerainty. The US wants to become suzerain to all countries in the American continent— and Europe as well—not to mention the Middle East using Israel as a proxy.

Russia will be offered bits of central Asia and parts of Ukraine. China gets walled off.

Africa is up for grabs.

The problem is that the majority of the world don’t want to return to the 19th Century.


The Americans have nothing to offer Russia— but, as a legacy empire, it is still powerful. Therefore, the Russians agreed to meet the Americans in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, which is committed to BRICS in the long term, but balancing business needs with the West in the short term.

The Russian brand is peace. But they will fight for what they believe in. The American brand is war—as long as someone else is doing the dying. They don’t really believe in anything.

What did the Saudi’s think?

In Riyadh, the Middle East had a good look the respective styles of Russia and the US. The Russian sent a team of their best diplomats including Lavrov – skilled and experienced negotiators. The Americans sent a ragtag bunch of beltway politicos with little to no experience in international negotiations. Trump’s pro-Zionist policies have alienated the Arab Street and have not gone over well with the Saudis.

The Russians are sober, rational, pragmatic and knowledgeable— all the things that the Americans are not.

The result—the Russians agree to talk more — later.

The next BRICS summit is in July in Brasilia.

One reason that Russia is persisting with these negotiations with the US is to demonstrate it commitment to rational diplomacy and international equality of nations —the kind of   Wang Yi of China talks about.

Rivalry between big powers had brought disaster to humanity, as evidenced by the lessons of the two world wars in the not-so-distant past. Whether it is the colonial system or the core-periphery structure, unequal orders are bound to meet their demise. Independence and autonomy is sought across the world, and greater democracy in international relations is unstoppable. Equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules should become the basic principles of a multipolar world.

It is in this principle that China advocates equality among all countries regardless of size, and calls for increasing the representation and say of developing countries in the international system. This will not lead to “Westlessness,” but will deliver more positive-sum results to the world. … Every country should have their voice heard. Every country should be able to find their place and play their role in a multipolar paradigm

Wang Yi, foreign minister of China


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Nato 2.0 -Minsk 3.0

minsk 3.0 is loaded true
.after minsk 3.0 nato 2.0 will be load
.turkey and its radical islamist supporter, erdogan will kick out from nato
.israel and cyprus will join to the nato 2.0 without north cyprus.

it was a big mistake accepting 3rd world islamic scum also israel enemy to nato says trump’s senior administrations tells to eachother behind the backdoors

trump will exit from nato 1.0 and countries which will pay at last %5 will be accept but without 3rd world islamist scum turkey

Last edited 1 month ago by Nato 2.0 -Minsk 3.0
Nato 2.0 loading

nato stopped selling any weapons to turkey since before 4 years.
turkey it is kicked out before unofficialy but it will be official soon.

nato hit a turkish🦃🦃🦃 drone last month on syria with usa made weapon ang that was a message to erdogan, you will be kicked out soon from nato thats why we hit your turkish drone.
it was not a mistake.
.trump will fix it soon thats why trump said as america i can leave nato 1.0 soon and will make nato 2.0 great again. trump is genius.

Last edited 1 month ago by Nato 2.0 loading
The End

so turkey can join whatever she wants brics,middle east ottoman unity or what she wants. congrats 🦃🦃🦃


nato will be to invest more in equipment and weapons. then russia will pay for the destruction of syria.
russia has wiped out all of syria’s economic progress.
not just the progress that bashar assad made in the first ten years 2000-2010, but also all the economy progress of his father.


“the scales of justice you have debased will undoubtedly judge you too one day” 😎

the narrative

hasbara is strong with this one . deflect , divert , change the subject .


minsk 3 will of course only be a temporary solution, because as soon as a democrat gets into the white house…
at that time, russia will pay a bloody price for its betrayal of syria.

Moshe Dayan

all is freemason theater. 🤮


the west is about to gift armenia to the turks in exchange for not taking syria.
then turkey will go to the caspian and israeli planes will be able to attack iran from the caspian
and ukrainians will be able to blow up russian oil infrastructure from the caspian side as well.
turkey is west everything else is just show.

Conan M

“4. moscow’s current isolation from western markets has made it a junior partner to india and beijing. -at russia’s expense.
“5. it is not in putin’s interest to be the junior partner in an alliance with china -when china and india take advantage of russia by remaining the most important and largest two zionist partner($)in the western alliance.” fixed it.

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Conan M

… this is why russia never should have stood by as the silent partner after 9/11 while india and china aided and abetted the crime scene.

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

yes, the russians should have used the apparatus that all devastated countries do when they want to investigate deep state activities conducive on us soil. you derp hard when you derp. nobody can take that from you.


india doesn’t care who it does business with. and india will not care when minsk 3 – like all minsks before it – fails.
in the case of the division of russia into parts, china will cry.
but i will not cry, because i know that russia betrayed and destroyed assad.


who betrayed ghadaffi and hussein they all betrayed somebody the problem is its not the leaders who suffer but the people.


how far from truth are you from what brics is? russian economy goes just fine, brics has been larger than g7 by gdp for many years. russia don’t need west and the “isolation” is just isolation from west. the world is much larger than political west.

Conan M

than if what you say is truth why didn’t the prc or india or “both” relinquish their seats in the un, imf, opec and world bank for greener pastures with the briics after victoria nudleman’s unsecured cell phone was the shot heard round the world as to who did maidan’s orange revolution. had the prc and india taken a stand then where would the briics be now 11 years later?…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

look, oil doesn’t matter because the us can extract as much as it wants from the sand.
who cares about nature?
if they respected nature, they wouldn’t have so cruelly removed the persian leader mossadeq and changed country the name to iran.


russia is pure evil, because it could let assad fall in the summer of 2012. the country would be less religiously divided and people would quickly get rid of the wahhabis, just like they got rid of morsi in egypt.
but no, it was necessary to destroy the work of his father, who had led the country well.

Conan M

“the americans have nothing to offer russia— but, as a legacy empire, it is still powerful. therefore, the russians agreed to meet the americans in riyadh in saudi arabia, which is committed to brics in the long term, but balancing business needs with the west in the short term.” all true. so why does russia remain a partner in the very western sphere that seeks it’s destruction in coveting it’s resources?… whither “briics”?

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

sorry blocked from replying – i gave a truthful answer .

Conan M

i know why they blocked you… don’t you dare say anything bad about putin and his government’s duplicity that “also” seeks to have it both ways with their zi0ni$t overlords. could easily argue that had team putin been eliminated after year 3 of the slaughter inside the eastern donbas doing nothing to protect and defend it then and replaced the ex-kgb turned $billionaire zi0ni$t apparatchik

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Conan M

…it’s quite likely that south-front would have disappeared and the war on russia’s borders would have ended as early as 2016 and perhaps “motorola” would still be alive today and occupying an important seat in the russian federation’s military?!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

one of a three-part series)

first published on april 10, 2011. outstanding analysis by dean henderson

the wall street journal reported on april 7 [2011] that the syrian government reversed a ban on women teachers wearing islamic face cover in the classroom. the concession to western-backed islamist protestors is instructive, since the secular socialist assad government is clearly in the crosshairs of city of london bankers attempting to redraw the political map of the middle east.


no the first hour rebels in eastern ukraine were flying sowjet colors which deeply disturbed the oligarchs around putin. sachartchenko even said some socialist things believing the russians will like it but they were scared to death someone would want to take rich peoples money.


right. the us economy and geostrategic reach are negligible things. i don’t know why anybody even mentions the us in the context of the global economy and international relations. thanks for derping.


as in libya and afghanistan, the banksters are counting on fundamentalists to carry out their counter-revolutionary agenda.

though western intelligence had earlier cavorted with islamists in attacking nationalist movements in iraq, indonesia and iran; it was in afghanistan where they unleashed the full force of their young frankensteins.

the narrative

yes and no , the russians and americans have much to offer each other . trade is good . russia has proven it does not need the us . a nation in self inflicted decline . europe does need russia for it’s mineral and energy wealth . the banker class cares only for profit not common sense and morality.


the united states is not a nation, it is criminal undertaking.

Conan M

and so are it’$ asian “member$” that are “not” who they appear to be and should be nuked first by russia when all else continues breaking down!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

which asian members specifically? why do you speak in codes? do you think that fsb spy on you? i don’t think you are of much relevance for that.


to help poor afghan sharecroppers, who were traditionally forced to work land owned by the king and his cronies.
taraki built schools for women who were banned from education under the monarchy. he opened afghan universities to the poor and introduced free health care.


afghanistan was founded in 1747 and ruled by a bloodline monarchy with rumored ties to the legendary roshaniya– the all-seeing ones. in 1933 king mohammed zaher shah took the throne, ruling the country in feudalistic fashion until deposed by his cousin mohammed daoud in 1973.
in april 1978 daoud was killed in a popular revolution led by socialist leader nor mohammed taraki, who became president and embarked on an ambitious land reform program to help poor afghan sharecroppe


this disastrous experiment came to a head last week when 2,000 afghans attacked a un compound in usually sedate mazar-e-sharif, killing 7 staffers. though set off by the burning of a quran by our own florida version of the taliban (see my left hook article “pastor jones & mohammed atta”), one must understand this nation’s history to fully comprehend afghan anger towards their western occupiers.

Conan M

“trade is good” while hundreds of thousands have been killed and displaced over 10 years by the u.$. that has spent it’s children(s) children(s) wealth and risking both russian and american lives in the process playing the worst game of “nuclear chicken”?…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Conan M

you must be the chinese half to clyde’s zi0ni$t india that feel those risks are negligible after 12 years of it and the sabotaged destruction of a pipeline that would have saved enormous money to all who used it that is now the worst most epoch downside to the west’s forcing lng tanker delivery instead!… got briics?…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

what do you mean by “sabotaged destruction”? who sabotaged destruction of what? are you high? are you julian macfarlane?

Conan M

you must be the wuhan in the sputnik that serves at the “pleasure” of covid!… stamp a “star of david” on all 3 of those and we have out answer!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

taraki appointed tabizullah amin as cabinet minister in charge of land reform. amin, who soviet kgb chief yuri andropov came to believe was a cia deep cover agent provocateur, launched a brutal campaign of terror against political opponents. this turned world opinion against the tariki government. andropov believes the cia had amin infiltrate the kabul government intent on discrediting the revolutionaries.


indeed, in april 1979, a full seven months before the much-ballyhooed soviet “invasion” of afghanistan occurred, us officials met with afghan warlords bent on overthrowing taraki. on july 3, 1979 president carter signed the first national security directive authorizing secret aid to afghan warlords. carter national security advisor zbigniew brzezinski said he convinced carter that in his “…opinion this aid was going to induce a soviet military intervention.”


when counter-revolutionary bandits began to burn down universities and girl’s schools, many afghan’s saw the hand of the cia. as the campaign of sabotage intensified, kabul revolutionaries called on soviet leader leonid brezynev to send troops to repel the bandits. brezynev refused.

in 1979 pro-taraki militants, convinced of a cia destabilization plot, assassinated cia kabul chief of station spike dubbs.


united kingdom america is our barracks . and the popes king of kings grow up its grade three social studies.


they can deny being imperialists all day because, for some reason when the constituted their law they somehow didnt allow the pope to be emperor. an emperor is always legally above a king, even if he’s the king of kings. the question is who is, or plans to be the secret emperor now the spanish king claims to be the heir to the bourbon french empire . but its the russian emperors abdication which was made under duress as his family was being held in protective custody. join the dots.


too much jenkem for you today.


though the afghan conflict killed two million people, brzezinski (image right0 later boasted, “that (carter’s secret directive) was an excellent idea. it had the effect of drawing the russians into the afghan trap.”[4]

cia agents streamed into peshawar in pakistan’s northwest frontier province. the city lay at the foot of khyber pass, the gateway to afghanistan. tens of thousands of afghan refugees had flooded into peshawar to escape the looming war.


no, spanish king claims to be the heir of all the whiskey and has an exclusive right on bourbon whiskey production and sales. which russian emperors abdicated? i’ve heard of only one.


the city lay at the foot of khyber pass, the gateway to afghanistan. tens of thousands of afghan refugees had flooded into peshawar to escape the looming war. with help from the pakistani inter-service intelligence (isi), the cia scoured the refugee camps looking for modern-day islamic fundamentalist assassins who were prepared to intensify the guerrilla war on kabul’s socialist government and now, to repel the soviets from afghanistan


in december 1979 soviet tanks rolled across the panshir valley, while kgb operatives stormed the royal palace in kabul. they assassinated tabizullah amin and installed babrak karmal as the new leader of afghanistan.
brzezinski now had the justification he’d been looking for to begin overtly arming counter-revolutionaries in afghanistan.


taraki traveled to moscow to consult with the soviets on a strategy to get rid of amin. the day he returned to kabul, amin had taraki executed and seized power. a few weeks later cia-backed warlords massacred dozens of afghan government officials in the western city of herat. the combination of these two events finally convinced brezynev to send troops into afghanistan.


it is difficult to reconcile trump’s zionism/globalism with “america first” as they are opposites. perhaps it is only another attempt at globalism while recognizing its current failure , as america was doomed under it’s previous globalist policies. but more likely it is a revision of globalism with america at it’s center casting off it,s european baggage.

the narrative

the zionist regime is powerful in the us , holding a majority of political positions in the nation , to the common man in the world , this should be terrifying . the are changing the us monetary right now .


of the us-allied pakistan military government. [5] the group was feared and despised by afghans and pakistanis alike, who viewed them as a terrorist organization.

pakistan became the third largest recipient of us military aid in the world, behind only israel and egypt. much of that aid was going to arm the mujahadeen who launched raids into afghanistan, seizing large chunks of real estate. a pattern emerged.


the company found what it needed in hezbi-i isbmi, a force of feudal-minded islamist fighters assembled and trained by the pakistani military with cia oversight. their leader was gulbuddin hekmatyar, a fanatic who in the early 1970’s had ordered his followers to throw acid into the faces of afghan women who refused to wear their burkhas. in 1972 hezbi-i isbmi murdered hundreds of left-wing students in afghanistan then fled to peshawar, where they escaped prosecution under the protection


you can agree to a deal with the anglo, for like the norman he is a snake. you should agree but don’t actually follow through. you need to assume he is going to stab you in the back as usual.

Niccolo Machiavelli

the “anglo” (presumably you mean anglo-saxon) has been a subjugated nation since 1066 by those normans you also mention. or rather by their employer, who was at the time pope alexander. alexander didn’t trust the “anglos” because they were orthodox and therefore heathen according to church of rome doctrine. and alexander didn’t trust the normans because they had the effrontery to demand payment for services rendered – he had to give them sicily to shut them up.


i guess you undestand it from the vatican archives you have investigated. or you have learned history by watching tapestry of battle of hastings, made allegedly 200 years after the fact if the “fact” ever existed as no place or trace of that alleged crucial battle has been found at all. what proof can you offer of britons being bizantine orthodox? saxons were heathens by all measures.


gailani was a wealthy afghan aristocrat with ties to former king zaher shah. he owned the peugeot dealership in kabul and his drug smuggling was underwritten by the saudis. [7] a 1989 state department report admitted that afghanistan had become the world’s leading source of heroin.


while hekmatyar’s troops planted poppies, mujahadeen leader sayed ahmed gailani was supplying the turkish gray wolves syndicate with pathan opium. the gray wolves’ iranian supply had dried up when their good friend the shah was deposed and iranian revolutionaries cracked down on the country’s heroin epidemic.


each time the hezbi-i isbmi secured land, they immediately planted it to poppies. between 1982-1983 opium harvests along the afghan/pakistani border doubled in size and by 1984 pakistan was exporting 70% of the world’s heroin. [6] during that time the cia station in islamabad – pakistan’s capital – became the largest spook den in the world.

golden crescent heroin output surpassed that of the golden triangle just as the cia began its biggest operation since vietnam


din multe experiente, vedem ca cei din rep moldova sunt vulpite. joaca la. 2 capete. si pe de alta parte… ce le ar putea oferi romania? rusia le ofera primul pret la energie. romania nu e in stare sa si hraneasca poporul actual fiimd in ue.


gulbuddin hekmatyar followed squarely in the footsteps of vang pao, phoumi nosavan and khun sa – the cia heroin lords of the golden triangle. soon hekmatyar was recognized as the world’s heroin kingpin. alfred mccoy, in his excellent book, the politics of heroin in southeast asia, first exposed the cia’s role in facilitating the guns-for-drugs quid pro quo. he terms the cia approach “radical pragmatism”.


the jewsa has nothing to offer russia but subordinate vassal status like the eu/ uk, or probably more appropriately, panama or puerto rico. they have tried, and failed, to destroy russia, to divide it into a dozen or more resource colonies ruled over by yeltsin type stooges. identical to hitler’s objectives. there can be no genuine accommodation with such an utterly vile, implacable, hate filled enemy intent on the destruction of russia and the russian people.


why does russia even bother negotiating with people who have refused medical treatment to russians, dismissed russians, confiscated cars, handbags and soap from russians, banned travel for russians, banned tchaikovsky, dostoyevsky, and russian cats? russia doesn’t need the golden billion any more – it has many friends in the remaining 89% of humanity. russia should say, you hate us, we want nothing to do with you, so f… you.


trillion dollar question


haq became de facto overlord for mujahadeen operations and provided protection for the heroin labs. hekmatyar himself ran six labs further south in baluchistan province. a state department narcotics suppression officer based in islamabad accused us ambassador to pakistan ronald spiers of refusing to forward any evidence of pakistani military officials’ involvement in the heroin trade to dea, though it was widely known that haq and others were key players.

Shlomo's little weenie

orthodox russians have borne the brunt of these vicious, spiteful sanctions. it’s a different situation for russian jews though. you might find they’re exempt. hence we have “negotiations”, lavrov bloviating , and talks of parleying with a half finished smo.


in the 1980’s pakistan became the world’s poster child for political corruption. the islamabad junta’s unflagging support for reagan’s mujahadeen was at the root of the corruption. a senior us official stated that, “key hekmatyar commanders close to the isi run heroin laboratories in southwest pakistan and the isi cooperates in heroin operations”.


he was president zia’s closest confidant and a good friend of zia’s son, who ran the bcci karachi branch.

haq became de facto overlord for mujahadeen operations and provided protection for the heroin labs. hekmatyar himself ran six labs further south in baluchistan province. a state department narcotics suppression officer based in islamabad accused us ambassador to pakistan ronald spiers of refusing to forward any evidence of pakistani m


this same approach would seem to belie the cia’s penchant for backing islamic extremists.

in 1978 lieutenant general fazle haq was appointed governor of northwest frontier province where peshawar became an arms supermarket for the mujahadeen and home to hundreds of heroin refineries. haq was one of the largest depositors at the cia’s bank of credit & commerce international (bcci).


all the good little eu satraps are terrified. there is actually a possibility that peace may break out in europe!


right, because peace is the likely outcome of the desperate struggle for us dominance on the eurasian landmass.


two high-ranking pakistani military officers were caught with 220 kilos of heroin, but were never prosecuted. the us had seventeen dea agents stationed in pakistan. during their tenure they made zero arrests. golden crescent heroin captured 60% of the us market, where bricks of hashish appeared stamped with a logo of two crossed ak-47 assault rifles circled by the words, “smoke out the soviets”. from 1982-1992, roughly the period of us involvement in afghanistan, heroin addiction in


in september 1985 the pakistan herald reported that military trucks belonging to the national logistics cell of the pakistan army were being used to transport arms from the port of karachi to peshawar on behalf of the cia, and that those same trucks were returning to karachi sealed by the pakistani military and loaded with heroin. the practice, according to the herald, had been going on since 1981, just as hekmatyar’s forces began planting poppies.

the narrative

the international khazarian banker mafia directs government assets world wide . they still have almost complete control of the us and european media , monetary and political puppets in the system . they rule you …


the us rose by 50%.marjah, helmand province, islamic republic of afghanistan – corporal mark hickok, a 23-year-old combat engineer from north olmstead, ohio, patrols through a field during a clearing mission april 9. marines with company b, 1st tank battalion, learned basic route clearance techniques from engineers like hickok, who are deployed with 1st combat engineer battalion. (u.s. marine corps photo by cpl. john m. mccall)


a lot of assumptions here, but a big error in the title as we were living the us empire for 30-odd years now. called nato, that empire is now on shaky grounds and rivals are doing everything they can to make sure it collapses in a dusty heap of historic irrelevance


nato is not actually a us but anglo-saxon empire. center of the empire is london’s city with franchises in new york, paris, frankfurt am/m


in 1988 zia’s helicopter went down in a ball of fire. both he and us ambassador to pakistan arnold raphael were killed. the crash bore an eerie resemblance to the one that killed panama’s president omar torrijos in 1981, which even general noriega, who rose to power because of torrijos’ death, later claimed was a cia assassination.


there was evidence that president zia himself was involved in the heroin trade. in 1984 a pakistani national named hamid hashain was caught smuggling heroin into norway. during a routine search of hashain, customs officials found original copies of president zia’s personal bank statements. the incident caused a major scandal in pakistan, where allegations of zia’s corruption grew louder. the us increasingly saw him as a liability.


i really don’t get the point what is the purpose of the first map that presents some strange mixture of eras in european history, (maybe 14th century) and how is it related to the current or future outlooks of europe. maybe that mcfarlane watched too much holywood “history” spectacles. was he high while writing the article? maybe ingested those spanish dmt fungi? maybe he skipped history lessons at the high school?


maybe he considers “braveheart” being documentary and not hollywood bullshit story? maybe his actual name is julia?


it is no coincidence that virtually all arab nations which the west considers allies embrace islamic fundamentalism, a repressive belief system which is quite congruent with global monopoly capitalism. both are based on a return to rule by feudalistic monarchy and a diminished role for government and thus democracy.


the us blamed the soviets and us air force officials cordoned off the wreckage, barring pakistani authorities from investigating the crash. reagan offered his condolences, citing zia as, “a strong supporter of anti-narcotics activities in pakistan”.

Mark Dankof

trump’s abandonment of zelensky and the ukraine project is essential, accompanied by a withdrawal from nato. the continued american support for israel and netanyahu is disastrous and along with neo-conservative desire for a conflict with china guarantees the unraveling of the american empire.


most us arab enemies embrace secular socialism, which aims to stop the exploitation of oil resources by the four horsemen and their rockefeller/rothschild owners. great arab leaders including the egyptian nasser, the algerian boumedienne, the libyan qaddafi, the syrian assad and the iraqi al-bakr support(ed) a secular socialism (though qaddafi proclaims himself precisely to be anarcho-syndicalist), which poses a very real threat to the neo-liberal globalization agenda.


interventions in libya and syria follow the same counter-revolutionary template employed by the city of london banksters in afghanistan.

part ii: isi, bin laden and chevron

let’s remind you that all of minsks collapsed as soon as they replaced the head of the white house, and minsk 3 will collapse as well.

minsk 3 will of course only be a temporary solution, because as soon as a democrat gets into the white house…


and then we will see the return of well-trained ukrainian nazis.
all agreements with ukraine failed…

Straw Hats

maybe its me but someone or ones is salty and stirring the pot. could just be me though.

Niccolo Machiavelli

one thing that everybody seems to miss is that it is unconstitutional for the usa to maintain a standing army. the 2nd amendment covers the right of civilians (“the people”) to bear arms, “a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state”. so the constitution supports a “well-regulated militia” but not a standing army.

Edgar Zetar

i said in 2023 that the exceptionals will throw zelensky and ukraine under the bus if they fail as they did. usa exceptionalism at his best, i do like the sentence: when usa empire talks about “democracy” is always about something else. be careful russia, usa empire want your land and resources, and if they succeed your childrens would be enslaved and become slaves for eternity just like the western world civilization.
