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- The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 107 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah during the past 24 hours.
- On April 28, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted 15 airstrikes on the Sarwah area.
- On April 28, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted 2 airstrikes on the Majzar area.
- On April 28, Saudi-led coalition warplanes conducted 2 airstrikes on the Hazm area.
- On April 28, Ansar Allah attacked King Khalid Airbase with a Qasef 2K drone.
- On April 29, clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces continued in the east of Madghal district.
Article in tweet makes several interesting observations:
The army general Governor of Marib issued a call for ‘all youth’ in other Yemeni governates to join the national Hadi rump army and fight for the city. The locals are “…considering it an implicit declaration of the end of the role of the “national army” [= YSF] on the confrontation ground, and that the greatest burden of confrontation is on the shoulders of the governorate’s tribes and their sons…” In other words, Hadi’s YSF no longer has enough soldiers for its last front, is disintegrating and isn’t capable of defending Marib.
The YSF claimed to have “…dozens of brigades and more than 100 thousand soldiers and officers…” but this is laughable. Two of their three regions of control have fallen – 7th in Nimh and 6th in Hazm al Jawf – with the 3rd region in Marib on the verge of collapsing. It turns out the YSF soldiers have not been paid for a year. The Central Bank in Aden knows most of the soldiers are fictitious and the pay never gets to the real ones. The Saudis even stepped in last year to pay YSF soldiers, but they also stopped when they realized the lists were mostly fake. The article goes on to say that Muslim Brotherhood had some hand in adding fake names to the forces in Socotra and resisted efforts (fingerprints) to stop that fraud.
All this corruption has cost Hadi his personal mafia territory. It’s kind of why Ansar Allah wants to kick Saudi puppet Hadi and his follower’s asses out of Yemeni government forever. MbS can’t understand what the big deal is, since he’s as corrupt as Hadi and rules KSA with an iron fist. “It’s easy – why can’t Hadi do it in Yemen?” Maybe the Houthis will stop by Riyadh and explain the problem to him.