click to see full-size image
- Russian forces claimed control of the village of Tavrijske;
- Ukrainian forces claimed control of the village of Ruska Lozova;
- Clashes between the UAF and Russian forces continue in the south of Rubizhne;
- Clashes between the UAF and Russian forces continue in Maryinka;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Pokrovskoe with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Berezovoe with a high-precision missile;
- Russia attacked military assets of the AFU in Barvenkovo with a high-precision missile.
Go drown yourself in your own shit
Indian TV has shown another successful Russian pincer as over 1000 Ukrainian soldiers and Nazi terrorists trapped somewhere in this Oleksandrivka vicinity too!! The Russian advance is steadily moving on as Russian people want President Putin to use maximum force as Russia is now officially fighting NATO snakes and liars as well as the Zionist parasites.
What s happening inside Rússia 🤔
Look another ka-52 heli downed by a 30k atgm 🤣 hilarious
Look another ruskies barbecue
In war, as in war, it is natural that the Russians have losses, but they are about 2,000, while the Ukrainians are approaching 27,000
Zzzzzzzzz 😴 lol
No fighting this weekend. Everybody took the weekend off.
The map that never changes lol
very true indeed :) i try to immagine how the invasion of iraq would’ve sounded, if it went like this one : Americans took the village of AlSabba in a fierce clash , then the republican guard took the village back. Heavy fighting, clashes bullshit.
Russia has lost over 25000 men, over 50000 wounded and over 5000 pieces of military hardware, and the complete isolation of the Russian economy with devastating consequences for decades, just to occupy the Kherson oblast. Russian flagship down the drain, Putin’s international reputation destroyed. Remember, Russia already had the DPR and the LPR before the invasion started. Was it really worth it?
Wow at this rate the war should be over last week!
I noticed the war is over for many Pudin lovers in SF. Slowly but steadily the the MIAs are mounting, and a lot others are Losing faith on the master…
Koolaid s running out and copium Will last so long.
How many Will fall to depression?
Putin is experiencing Parkinson. His hand is shaking. Right now he’s strongly trying to masturbate, but he can’t. That’s why all the Putin fanboys here are so shocked. Their little orc-master, Putin, is now obviously not only brainless, but dickless and helpless too.
Not buying it. I’d guess 9000 dead 13,000 wounded. As for Ukraine 20,000 dead, 23,000 wounded.
Around 5,000 Russian fatalities and 8,000 plus wounded out of an active military of 1 million and 3 million reserves. Russia has over 70 million military age men, not to mention Russian women who are as fierce.
For 2022, Russia is ranked 2 of 142 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx* score of 0.0501 (a score of 0.0000 is considered ‘perfect’). This entry last updated on 04/09/2022.
and with all that power, russia is still fighting to take Popasnaya and Marinka for 3 weeks now LOOOOL cmon dude, even if they have some good army somewhere, what they sent to ukraine is junk from 1970 with untrained troops.
@M : It seems you are one of the people with too much computer game experience. The size of a village doesn’t matter, its all about it geographical position and what units are on both sides in the greater surroundings. UAF is reinforcing their strongholds in Poposnaya-frontline many times. Its not about the village itself, the battle is to see in the greater picture. Reinforcements are missing somewhere else, moreover the troops are vulnerable during transports. 40’000 troops in the bigger caldron of Sewerodonezk. I want to see you as you are fighting on one side in be the first one who storms forward…you would simply die for no purpose. Sorry, you have a completly wrong imagination how frontlines work.
Ukraine has had three rounds of mobilization. They are down to their last reserves. Volkssturm from Westen Ukraine are being thrown into the meat grinder. Are they slowing down Russia’s offensive? Yes, but at what cost? When these reserves are gone, there will be nothing left.
Have you seen what those places are like? The fortresses, the trenches, underground tunnels? In many ways they are more diffilcult to take than cities like Mariupol. Ukraine has had eight years to reinforce them. They decribe it themselves as impentratable.
Do some research next time before spouting off with mindless drivel.
April Fool’s Day is over, dude!
That is a fantasy, Indian RAW believes less than 4700 Russian fatalities and almost all of UAF and NAZI terrorists are razed to dust. You paid trolls are now embarrassed to post under fictitious names even. Even in western cities, no one cares about Ukraine and almost all Ukrainian “refugee” women are now being trafficked as prostitutes. What a great job US and NATO have done in depopulating Ukraine and soon no men will be left.
Well then they are the dumbest Intelligence agency in the fucking planet 🤣🤣
And everyone survived on Moskva right? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
It’s incredible to think that Southfront gets away with publishing the same map every day under a new article
It’s incredible they never check comments and allow you mentally diseased moronic degenerate to spam endless diarrhea and even your gay po,rn fantasies .
What happened with the steady advance?
Chop is a border town about 25 km south of Uzhhorod, and it’s an important point for international freight.
Why don t they take that tiny strip of land in the kherson area that juts out,it always looks like it s still ukr on most maps i ve seen from all sources…but why? it looks like a small deserted beach
it is wetlands mostly. The reason its not red is there are some UAF units who are in the area. I do not think they intend to go in and hunt them as they are trapped, just waiting for their surrender. So I have read on other site Russian news somethings are lost in translation I do not speak Russian but thats the jist of it.
But the cauldron. THE CAULDRON!!! 😂😂🤣
This is all parte of the plan. Attract all the western weapons to donbas and then a decisive Swift Victory!!! 8D checkers suckers
Nice one, like the sarcasm, but you forgot to add to 00 to the 8. It’s not 8D checkers it’s 800D checkers from grand loser Putin lol
NATO’s statements justify all-out war. Russia should carry out general mobilisation, conquer all of Ukraine, and then prepare the Ukrainian scenario for the NATO countries themselves, which will be their breakup and destruction. Russia should mirror the proxy warfare against Russian territory by preparing proxy forces to attack NATO territory, with the goal of the destruction of NATO and death of all the NATO leaders as only acceptable result of the conflict.
The current slow and steady approach seems to be working at the moment, so it is best to continue on this path for as long as possible. Your grand ideas are to big to work in practice, unless you want a third world war, with fighting taking place all over Europe and North America.
Let’s conquer the Maryinka Waste Heaps first before we get too ambitious.
Russia has the option of putting a border force in western Ukraine to prohibit ground weapons imports. With anti aircraft capability to prevent air shipments. To do to Ukraine’s ground imports what’s been done to it’s sea imports.
Ts beyond that Russia now has to be defending every corner of Russia from East to West to North to South. Anytime she puts all her eggs into Ukraine now she leaves a vulnerability in her other areas She can’t do that She is too big. She is like Australia Very hard to defend. And with NATO coming from all over she’s stuffed unless she turns feral and risks goung totally berserk That would be her only chance.UUnless she’s got more in her pack waiting to see their own trap sprung.
It could have been done if they had moved a sufficient number of troops there at the start of the war. These troops could have been brought down from Belarus.
Latest news flash here where we are a day ahead of you is that Ukraine fighter jets have invaded Russia.
Trying to provoke to see what response from the Bear.
It’s curious Would Putin be so foolish as to think he could remove the threat from Ukraine and not expect NATO retaliation? Is he caught off guard by the instant reaction,the instant declaration of himself 300 members of the Duma and the Oligarch’s as war criminals and the immediate stealing of their assets?That is the question.
If he is then,we’ll,there’s only one chamce for hom.if he isn’t then regardless unless he has allies waiting to pounce just as instantly once NATO makes its move,he is doomed unless he takes the nuclear holocaust route and has a good bunker.
I am sure he isn’t foolish and all scenarios are well thought off. I hope it’s not going nuclear, this would be the end for so many people, including myself and my family. USA = Satan
Was that another call of duty attack? Or an actual attack?
Yes, Putin is addicted to bolshewism, and has Parkinson. He has to do what his jewish masters order him to do. That’s why they hate people not wanting that jewish commie shit in their country. National socialist government was thousand times better than everything Germany and Russia had afterwards. But this truth the jewish medias do not want us to know. But there are good websites with information on this. See: https://www.mzwnews.net/
I agree, but Germany destroyed itself by making it racial.
That’s where you and I part company. When I say I wish to get rid of Jewry, I am not interested in hounding the local Jewish shopkeeper. What I mean is getting rid of entrenched Jewish power in media, finance, politics, law, entertainment.
Every kilometer forward is another humiliation for the decaying West.
This utter stupidity is why you are fooled by the medias and governments such easily. West, East, USA,EU , RU, China.. they are all controilled by judeo communists. Resp. jews and cryto jews who pose as americans, french, greek, russians, chinese etc. Do the research. Her (Merkel’s) mother line goes back to Emma Drange (maidenname Wachs). With Wachs being a jewish name. Also her name before marriage, Anjela Kazmierczak, is clearly a jewish one. With Kazmiercz being a jewish ghetto part of the polish town of Krakow.
The jews were giving that city district the name Kazmiercz because the dumb polish King Kasimir after long time of them being exiled and forbidden from entering Poland, allowed them to return and even granted these parasites citizenship and citizen-rights. So to honour this traitor to the polish people, the jews called that Krakow town district “Kazmiercz”.
So we have a jewish communist female hellhound called Merkel, which switched here name from Kazmierczak, to Kastner to Merkel, and opened the German borders to all hordes of foreigners, in order to destroy and eradicate the german people once and for all. In addition she throws the german national flag to the ground in a world-wide televisioned ceremony, showing her total hate and disrespect to all germans.
But you fool, still believe the jewish medias, telling you
about these demons like Merkel, Spahn, Sarkozy, Mitterrand, Trudeau, Putin, Lagarde, Mückstein, Roosevelt, Trotzky, Sverdlov, Lenin, Marx, Kagajew, Stalin, etc. being “christians”. No ! They are crypto jews.
You’re obviously not realizing how the satanic sect is working. They are identity switchers since day one. That is their main thing, one day they claim to be french, the other they claim to be german christians, or russians. They are switching there names quicker than their filthy underwear.
There is an old notice warning for kids in an old german childrens-book that goes like this (translate to understand it, or wait I do it for you, because it is merely a rhyme and the translation proggie will likely not be translating it properly):
Quote: ” Damit den Jud’/ Juden man sollt nicht kennen, tat bald er anders sich benennen. Ein Nathan heisst bald Jo-nathan. Herr Levi hängt ein Sohn sich dran, der Abraham lässt weg zwei “a” sodass auf einmal Brahm steht da. Doch andere sind besonders hell. Verschwinden lassen auf der Stell’/Stelle, die fremden Namen sie und gleich, gibts Blühdorn auch und Siebenreich und Feilchenblau und Löwenstein, und Rosenholz und Rosenhain, und Lindenstein und Blumenfeld, und außerdem der Jude wählt, von Tieren sich noch Namen aus, so heisst er Katz und Hirsch und Strauss”.
“In order to not being spotted, the jew quickly switches his names. A Nathan soon is Jonathan. Mr. Levi adds a “son” to his name, the Abraham throws away two “a”‘s from his name, so that finally the word ‘Brahm’ is left (instead of Abraham). But other (jews) are especially clever. Immediately they make their foreign strange sounding names disappear, and suddenly their names become Blühdorn and Siebenreich and Feilchenblau and Löwenstein (Lionstone)and Rosenholz (Rosewood) and Rosenhain (Roseberg) and Lindenstein and Blumenfeld(Flowers/Flowerfield) and in addition to that, the jew is choosing also names from animals like Katz (Cat) and Hirsch (deer) and Strauss (ostrich)(in order so that nobody can recognize them, from their names, as jews anymore.”
This is the warning which the german kids where taught and knew and understand, back in the 1930’s and 1940’s when Germany was a souveran country and the people free, ruling themselves and living their culture without foreign armies occupying their land. This knowledge this wisdom from the children’s book was and is stil important, because it made every german realize to not fall into the trap, which you now have fallen clumsily into. They were smart enough to know how their enemy is camouflaging its existence and agents, and kicked these parasites out whereever they found them.
But you, you obviously know nothing, and even today still think that a jew, calling himself a christian is no longer a jew. Af if a snake miracously becomes a Zebra just because someone puts black and white paint on the snakes back.
These cheap tricks is what guys like you fall to, and because the jews know that, they do again easily trick you into following them and doing and saying what they want you to do and say. Thereby easily luring you and your family into your own demise and death. Wake up man ! You are facing the most evil sinister disgusting satanic brute on earth. It is the devilish arc-enemy of God and mankind in a whole, called jews.
Even Jesus called them “Children of the devil” coming from the “Synagogue of Satan”.
See also: https://www.mzwnews.net/
Sörenson, is that an Arian name?
No, it is name for one of the greatest i d i o t s on this forum
So called 2nd army in the world :D
Interesting how poor Russia was.
11 generals dead. Is Gerasimov still alive?
Ah not Maj. Gen. Andrei Simonov. Was he in that large gathering outside Izyum? Friendly fire?
Ukranian forces just liberated the strategic village of Lozova near Kharkiv. This might be the beginning of the same military collapse the Putin cockroaches suffered in Kiev. Because by all acounts the Russians have done nothing in Dombass other than murder people with artillery. They’re barely pushing through without enough forces to hold those positions. Ukranian forces are simply taking them on by retreating and destroying them from advantageous positions. In other words Putin is fucked. https://ukranews.com/en/news/853622-ukrainian-military-liberate-ruska-lozova-village-in-kharkiv-region-from-invaders
They didn’t liberate anything. It is back to being contested again. Ukraine went in, Russia went out, 5 Kalibrs went in, back to contested.
It’s not even a village anymore at this point. The Putin cockroaches are only good at destroying everything they touch. It’s most likely a bunch of roads and intersections.
Really? Who is destroying bridges, dams, chemicals plants all across Eastern Ukraine? It is Ukraine. It is scorched earth.
I am not saying it is not a valid military tactic. It is. Just be honest and admit it is happening.
so basically the war between a superpower and some shitty, currupted country like ukraine is now reduced to “some villages were captured, then retaken by, then recaptured” LOL ..
Pretty much. Not exactly modern warfare. More like an invasion of orcs and goblins.
One guy pollutes these forums under a dozen different names. We need moderation.
these are mainly senile nazis paid by cia
It’s called Butthurt mate, after years of salivating for Putin, he’s shown himself as incompetent as many knew him to be… you like this place sanitised to reflect that past it’s sell by date fantasy lol
Reality is tough to chew! Maybe Russia can use that rusting S300 they parked in Syria – you know the one they never used against Israel lol
My granny’s knitting club produces two armored vests a week. She asked if that made her a military asset. “Maybe that’s why they destroyed Mrs Petrova’s potting shed.That maybe meant for me? Mrs Petrova is Russian, a nice one.”
We are thinking about calling our new dog zorro,
CIA nazis cry
The Jews are in control of the Jewnited States and NATO. The Jews are continuously bombing Lebanon and Syria. The Jews want control of Russian territory with all of its wealth. Jews control the banks of the world. As Kissinger said, Control the food, you control the population; control the energy, you control whole nations; control the money, you control the world. And control the world they do. This action by the Russians in the Ukraine is the very first real time that they have been challenged. Why Russia does anything for fear of the international press is beyond me. The only ones the Jew owned press is trying to impress are the dumbed down populations of the world and there isn’t a single solitary thing they can do one way or another anyway. They may as well not even exist.
Jews are so clever they tricked Putin in an attack at Ukraine. A year from now Russia will be destroyed, Putin gone and Jews simply take over.
“High precision missiles? Don’t make me laugh” says my gran, “they can’t even piss straight in the pot!”