Military Situation In Ukraine On April 15, 2024 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Ukraine On April 15, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces reportedly destroyed two Storm Shadow missiles in the area of Berdyansk;
  • On April 14, seven civilians were wounded as a result of Ukrainian attacks in Donetsk;
  • Clashes continued in Chasov Yar;
  • Clashes continued near Belogorovka;
  • Clashes continued near Umanskoye, Berdychi;
  • Russian artillery pounded AFU units near Urozhaynoye, Staromayorskoye;
  • Russian artillery pounded AFU units near Rabotino;
  • Russian forces eliminated 30 servicemen, two motor vehicles, one M777 howitzer, one Paladin artillery system, one M198 howitzer in the Kupyansk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 420 servicemen, one tank, 10 motor vehicles, two Gvozdika systems, one L-119 howitzer in the Donetsk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 295 servicemen, one tank, four armoured vehicles, four motor vehicles in the Avdeevka area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 90 servicemen, three motor vehicles, one M777 howitzer, one FH-70 howitzer, one D-30 howitzer in the Southern Donetsk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 60 servicemen, two motor vehicles, one UK-made FH-70 howitzer, and one 152-mm D-20 howitzer in Kherson region;
  • Russian air defense forces intercepted 270 Ukrainian drones over the past day;
  • Russian air defense forces shot down six HIMARS MLRS projectiles over the past day.


Military Situation In Ukraine On April 15, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces advanced north of Berdychi;
  • Russian forces took control of the railway junction north of Novobakhmutovka;
  • Russian forces began assault on Netailovo;
  • Clashes continued on the southeasternern outskirts of Umanskoe;
  • Clashes continue in the northern part of Semenovka;
  • Up to 295 servicemen, one tank, four armoured vehicles, including one German-made Marder IFV, four motor vehicles were destroyed in the Avdeevka area.


Military Situation In Ukraine On April 15, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Clashes continue in Kalinovka;
  • Clashes continue on the outskirts of Grigorovka;
  • Clashes continue west of Krasnoe;
  • Clashes continue in the Kanal district;
  • Up to 420 servicemen, one tank, 10 motor vehicles, two Gvozdika systems, one L-119 howitzer were destroyed in the area.
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Massa John

chasov will cost another 10,000 souls, 8000 on the ukrainian side.


russians are calibrating now better and glide bombs are doing their jobs excellent. on the other side no wunderwaffe and no money. there are already interviews on western tv , where ukrainian soldiers admit themselves , they want only slow down the russian advance and dream some imaginary dream of a future wonder defeat of russia , maybe next year or next life.

Thomas Sundström

one of the reasons why russian mod is highly exaggerating ukie losses are these bombs and missiles. using expensive weapons to kill 2-3 and cause injuries to 8-12 enemy soldiers is not cost effective way of warfare. when rf mod claim losses of 300, ukies in reality have lost 20 to 50 men. moscow lives in fantasy. what is true is that russia has 4 times more cannon fodder to waste than ukraine.

Dave Simmons

the mullahs have the trick with the drones learned from the rushnyk flatheads. we have the problem in kharkiv every night. our guys get the drones down, then the rushnyk rockets come and smash everything. but they don’t meet our air defense, which is cleverly hidden behind civilians in residential areas, because the orcs don’t dare attacking civilians


russia is and has been on a winning streak since feb 2022 and since they aren’t in a hurry they take their time but rest assured that the kikes in kiev are well aware of the dire straits they’re and that a total loss is waiting around the corner. so russia is winning and they don’t have to explain anything to anyone!!

Franz Köhler

reduce 80-90% of russian claims and you will get most likely true losses of ukrainian armed forces. that’s why this war will continue to the end of 2020s. after this war russia will be the north korea of eurasia. russia will never recover from evils of lenin and stalin because russians hate freedom and democracy. they have soul of slave or louse.

CEO of Yapping

if god give you kike one brain cell you clowns wouldn’t be expelled and mass murdered by millions during the whole history… look at you and your ego.

why do you think nato getting closer and closer to sent troops into ukraine? or why france has sent 2,000 soldiers to ukraine?

btw yeah ignore all the mercenaries. people love to downplay ukraine military power… but ukraine was* one of the biggest military power in europe.


there is not a single studio expert on german tv , who sees it this optimistic. the last patriot system for 1 bln dollar will end the same way as did the previous ones, why should it be different this time? the same the french mercenaries or even nato. no experience in such terrible war , they will die faster than ukrainian. why not end this disaster?

Karl Veltjens

the ideal outcome is that russia is defeated and has to capitulate, as germany did in 1945. the problem with the 1991 collapse of the ussr was that it was too peaceful; russians did not feel defeated. they did not understand why the ussr had collapsed.

CEO of Yapping

do you people think someone like this clown ever went to a school?

Karl Veltjens

what russia needs is a capitulation, a true humiliation, so that most russians will understand that they must rethink and denounce putin. an aggressive war criminal such as putin must not be left in place. putin cannot remain in power.

CEO of Yapping

one day russians have no power over their government – the next day they don’t support their government – the next day russians are all like putin… which is it kike?

Massa John

the souls have been given, 8,000 of them…

jens holm

we are inferior stupified feminized losers that are envious of superior russians–they expose us to to be ugly and weak

jens holm

i always writ ebonics—i am expert toilet scrub anthropologist—i study pygmy: they more intelligent

Crocus Shooting Gallery

afu continues to stack orc bodies high…heheheh

Kjetill Roxrud

ukies have killed more rooskie soldiers than rooskies have killed ukies. rooskies almost always have lost more men than enemy in every war. one of these reason for that is poor rooskie military training and that rooskies don’t care about shit of their soldiers.


russian losses using publicly accessible data. comprehensive and regularly updated casualty list now surpasses 44,600 names of military persons. but by january 1, 2024, the war had resulted in the deaths of 75,000 russian men under the age of 50. this figure does not include the military personnel from the units of russian-controlled donetsk and luhansk people’s republics. ukrainian losses are not far behind those of russian military.


confirmed losses (with names and details) 44654. unofficcial probate registry around 75000 (minimum 66000, maximum 88000) until end of 2023.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

confirmed losses – russian military deaths in ukraine have passed 50000 until end of 2023 if adding losses of dpr and lpr. real losses even higher because especially losses of wagner criminals have been very high. so russia has lost more during 22 months than usa in vietnam 1964-73.

Ole Linge🇧🇻

according christopher a. lawrence of dupuy institute ukraine has lost at least 66,000 killed and all russian forces around 86,000 killed until feb 2024.

Degeneration Of Russia

putin is really making russia a hell hole. in 2022, characterized by several major russian military offensives and retreats, including the early assault on bakhmut, about 24,000 russian soldiers were killed. in 2023, this number more than doubled to 50,000.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

44654 russian battle deaths or non battle deaths in ukraine are confirmed until end of 2023. even that figure is high because it will give numbers of wounded in action to ~ 200 000 using 1 to 4.5 ratio (killed to wounded).

Jan Kotke

it seems to be that meaning of life for russian man is to drink vodka heavily, live like a pig and/or to be slaughtered in battle field. no wonder why most decent and smartest russian men and women have escaped abroad living there good peaceful life.

John Holmes

well that’s the reason why russian woman wants to open her legs more likely to european, chinese or arab men than to impotent stinking russian drunkard.

South Front Is Pure Joke

seems to be that sf is uneasy with revealed russian military loss figures. two years of war has cost to all russian and pro russian military organizations together 86000 killed soldiers.


ukrainians has lost 66000 killed until 24 feb 2024 while all russian units 75000 until 1jan 2024.

Thomas Sundström

russian military is using too much dumb munitions, especially those coming from north korea. so even when shooting 3-8 times more their shells are not as effective and accurate than those of ukrainians.

Gerd Trunschka

of course putin fanboys compare russian military deaths so far (80,000 to 90,000) to those soviet losses in 1941-45 (14.6 million according to lev lopukhovsky, backed by david glantz). i’d compare those figures to us losses in vietnam war (1964-73) – 58,000. both used forces average around 450,000.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gerd Trunschka
Andrew Rocca

americans losses peaked in 1968 (16,899). russians lost more in 2022 (around 24,000 deaths) but in 2023 more than doubled (50,000 killed). even as early as late 1965 americans realized they can’t win. russians after summer 2022. usa as nation never collapsed unlike ussr after afghanistan. russia even if “winning” can’t survive in 2030s.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

russians have always spread nonsense of enemy and own losses. during finnish-russo winter war (105 days, 1939-40) stalin claimed in early feb1940 that 60000 finns were killed. actually finnish losses at that stage was 13000. official story of own losses was 48000 deaths. in reality 150000-167976 soviet soldiers deceased during that war. there are names of 167976 killed 30nov39 to 13march40 in russian database (pavel petrov) .

Degeneration Of Russia

even when using almost 10% of gdp to military sector now russia is unable to produce ammunition, missiles, drones, combat armour enough. quite a shock how they desperately have been forced to ask help from countries like north korea and iran. china and india are witnessing how fragile and weak russia is compared all that bragging during 2010s.


from now on both ukraine and russia will have less motivated new soldiers than those in 2022. we can only guess how poor fighting spirit russian soldiers will have now in 2024. perhaps that’s why russia tries desperately use iranian drones, missiles and north korean ammunition.

jens holm

i pray to my god amerikan dollar that superior russian send me prozac

Jürgen Grabowski

russia taking crimea and donbas will be at the end pyrrhic victory for russia. they have lost ukraine and hearts and minds of ukrainians forever. same has happened with all other countries in eastern europe. russia has been never before been so loathed and hated in europe. huge strategic defeat to russia.
