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- On April 14, an explosion hit the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s flagship Moskva. The warship was not sunk and the crew was evacuated;
- On April 13, the US government approved another $800m military aid package for Ukraine;
- On April 14, clashes between Russian forces and the UAF continue in the town of Mariinka;
- On April 14, clashes between Russian forces and the UAF continue in the city of Mariupol;
- Russia attacked airfield in Dnepropetrovsk with a high-precision missile and reportedly destroyed 1 Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet, 1 Mi-8 helicopter and 1 Bayraktar TB-2 UAV;
- Russia attacked UAF positions in Velikaya Mikhailovka with a high-precision missile and reportedly destroyed 2 ammunition depots.
“Freeland put Canadians’ money where her mouth is. In an unprecedented move the budget earmarked half a billion dollars in funding for arms to Ukraine (in addition to $90 million worth of “offensive” weapons announced and delivered since the end of February).”
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Canada is the next Ukraine and needs to GTFO of nato and UN
hey the moskva sunk, dont listen to this shameless propaganda on southfront
SF acutally questions the Russian official claims, whereas Ukrotard trolls just emit a relentless stream of rubbish. In fact, the Ukrainian officials lie so much that even the US propaganda apparatus is wary of repeating Ukrotard claims prior to verification from another source.
they only question it now that they are upset with the obvious lies from russian leadership
,,Ukraine May Get U.S. MQ-9 Reaper Strike Drones”
happy time……not for russian child rapists ^^
Kiev may get nuked.
Happy time….not Azovtrash child rapists ^^
then moscow and petersburg may get nuked as well ^^ happy time
For Kiev?
Haha ha and ha.
Your a clown. Zelensky puppet. Pound sand cunt.
Don’t be afraid of the Reaper. Just pray to come at night, while you sleep.
Your daddy came to you at night while you was sleeping. Which explains why you are such a traumatized sick freak today.
Chechen forces are mopping up and dealing with Ukrainian and NATO forces trapped in Donbass
happy time…but not for US-CIA mercenary civilians killers caught out in Donbass ^^
only passport? no evidence? no proof? nahhh
Go ask Aiden Eslin
They’ll never reach beyond the Ukrazed border.
Didn’t Iran shoot one of those down with a bow and arrow ?.
What remains of the Russian navy has to stay far away from any Ukrainian controlled areas. Odesa should be re-opened soon, big news for getting their economy back in action and getting supplies in to rebuild.
“What remains”? They lost a single vessel. The Moskva wasn’t even damaged by Ukrotards. Jesus, Ukrotards are pathetic. Like dumb, nasty eleven-year-old girls. Passive-aggressive, deceptive manipulation is hardly a charactr trait to which a nation should aspire.
According to latest news it has propulsion and power back online and sailing towards the dock at Sevastopol on its own power.
It sank! Confirmed by Russia few minutes ago.
Where are you getting your information from?
Their best and most capable ship with their best and most capable crew with unique capabilities with respect to long range Anti-Air monitoring and defense. The loss will send the Kremlin back to the drawing board with respect to holding the territory it has already occupying.
Complete rubbish.
What a tragedy, Russian navy is a joke.
You are an absolute idiot if you believe the slava was “their best” . It was launched in 1982 and had not one upgrade to any of its weapons or sensors. Only one ship got a new radar of the three floating museums that make up the Slava. Back to the drawing board? You do realize its a ship? It will not be and was not used to hold land. For Ukraine to take back what has been taken it will cost them. They will be looking at 40k dead and twice wounded to take Donbass. They are about to lose interest in the east real soon.
I’d think it would be more humiliating to have a ship sink itself!
Like they are basically claiming that Russian engineering, construction and operations so poor that their complex systems are more dangerous to the crew then Their enemy?
But props the Russian government for admitting in a relatively timely manner that she was lost. We all have seen how difficult it is for the Russians to admit to a mistake or loss.
What ukrotrash economy?
Zellerboy just asked the EU for $7billion a month for indefinite.
But they have received billions and billions in aid and with money US has send they will buy now US made weapons and drones. Smart move!
What about the ambush at Izyum? The Ukranian special forces just annihilated another moronic Russian convoy and destroyed another supply line to Kharkiv. https://nypost.com/2022/04/14/ukraine-claims-it-blew-up-bridge-in-ambush-of-russian-convoy/
Jewyork post?
“Claims” being a key word here.
I claim my dick shoots $100 bills…soon to be worthless currency.
Claiming something Doesn’t make it truth.
The only difference is that the moronic Russian convoy at Izyum isn’t there anymore. Just like the moronic Russian convoy in Kiev isn’t there anymore either. And just like Putin’s favorite shitty flagship warship isn’t there anymore. You see the pattern?
Yes it goes with the ten of thousands of dead UAF the thousands of dead civilians and the destroyed seventy cities and the four million homeless and the 900 T64 tanks of the UAF and its 210 aircraft and its flagship frigate, and so on….do you see a pattern here? its called war you fucking retard. If shit was not shot down , blown up burnt and sunk they would call it something the fuck else. Now you know so continue about being the pussy you are talking shit on the internet. Fucking retard! Not to mention whats with pussys like you? If you are so hell bent on hating russia go get in the fight? People do it every day…of course those people are not cowardly retards but they still do it. Man the fuck up mouth piece get you shit out there only thing in your way is fear..
With the increasing presence of the demonic entity Nato in Ukraine, the pressure from Russia and its allies on this evil beast must also increase. At the beginning of Putin’s military operation in Ukraine, you could sense fear from the various Nato member states. Now they have become more bold and even brazen, openly declaring that they are sending weapons to the usurpers in Kiev to kill Russians. They know that Putin isn’t going to retaliate, or at least they think they do. The soft war tactics of Putin has now run its course. It was a noble idea that, unfortunately, did not work. Waging war is serious business where you usually have to put everything on the line, for you will either end up as heroes or war criminals. To become heroes, all you need to do is win.
Apparently The Pentagon instructed the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to withdraw all the remaining artillery to the cities on the eastern front – Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, where they can fire behind civilians.
Restraining the offensive of the Russian troops is prescribed by small mobile groups armed with mortars and anti-tank systems, moving across the steppe in civilian vehicles ISSI style.
Using the populations of the towns and cities as human shields is cowardly and pure evil. This tells us all we need to know about the mindset of the Kiev-junta. They cannot be reasoned with and making deals with them is rather pointless. They lie constantly and are obedient slaves to their Nato controllers. I fear that the only language they understand is the language of brute force. And eventually, unless the soldiers of Ukraine start surrendering en masse, they will feel the full power of the Russian military machine, something I feel that they all know is heading their way, and they are dreading it. No doubt about that.
Got a reference to verify that statement?
You sure about that ???
it did sink, check
,,The cruiser “Moskva” sank while being towed in a storm, the Russian Defense Ministry said. ”
happy time, whole world is laughing at russian army
The Moskova sank while being towed. It was taking on water
Doesn’t help that the seas are rough right now. There is a storm in the region from what I have heard. A damaged ship being towed without power of its own is highly vulnerable to rough seas.
Would interesting to know the location of its sinking. How far from shore, what depth and if a salvage operation would be carried out in the future.
Well ,if you call 7degC a 6km/hr breeze
With sea swells at 1m bad.
Is that bad weather?
It’s a submarine now.
Have we won yet? I want a nice, big parade, on May 9, Moscow, Red Square. With Islamists, beautiful Islamists like Kadirov, with dead neo-Nazi, huge dead neo-Naz, and with ships, big ships like Moscow, and with Lenin next to Putin. Embalmed Lenin in the coffin and the beautiful president Putin next to him. A wonderful couple. Uh, that’s gonna be a nice, victory parade!
I want a nice big parade in Donetsk where you can celebrate the Ukrainian NATO membership and the resumption of Ukrainian authority over Donbas. It should be the greatest thing ever, and I think it will happen by the end of June.
A parade float covered in flowered and an embalmed Putin would be really lovely.
I’d raise a bottle to that, then get bombed myself.
And then you could drop the hetero thing and really be yourself. Amyl nitrates, a ball gag, the whole shebang.
We can do all of this.. but uh… Moskva will be a bit of a challenge I’m afraid.
,,Sources in #Russia indicate that #Shoigu is on his way out. He has suddenly suffered a massive heart attack of unknown origin and is currently in intensive care with slim chances of recovery.
Twenty staff generals were arrested for theft of more than $10B”
You think it’s Monty Python episode ? No, it’s just state of russian army ^^
40 comments here atm. At least half are yours with 7-8 or more different names, hans, hol, cop, copium, burning, muhamad, parade….
You are truly one sad, crazy, imbecilic loser troll. Also incredibly boring. Revolting creature.
See that, Hans Raus? The Putin cockroaches and Russian rapists think that you and I are one and the same. You’re definitely right about that. It’s just the state of Russian army. What a bunch of fucking morons. They convinced that they’re military geniuses.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Here’s the article that Southfront piece of shit here doesn’t want to read. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1596305/putin-news-defence-minister-heart-attack-Russia-Ukraine-war
Daily Express is not a real newspaper. Anyone with even passing familiarity with English language media would know that.
I saw on the 11th 150 russian officers were arrested for leaking intel. Now this? I imagine after the humiliating disaster in the north, Putin has his henchmen looking for people to blame who are not Putin or the average soldier.
This news is only coming from Leonid Nevzlin. I know nothing about the credibility of this Russian businessman, it could be wishful thinking.
Nazi Germany LOST to the Russian army !!!!
So now Russia’s flagship sinks
And this is the same Russian army that defeated NAZI GERMANY ???
Americans are accused of being …………SOFT………… Video Game warriors
But would a World of Warship player LOSE their ships to a opponent as WEAK as Ukraine???
Maybe it’s already been done? But it seems to me that Snake Island (now in Russian control) is the ideal location for a Nebo-M radar complex, Bastion-P or Bal-E coastal missile batteries and S-300V4, S-350 integrated air defense complex. Possibly also Ka-52K.
NNIIRT Nebo-M 55ZH6M – Air Surveillance Radars Complex
Free Slava-class cruiser available in Nikolayev. Change of regime included in deal.
Inside a Russian Navy Ka-31R AEW
The Kamov Ka-31 was developed for the Soviet Navy and currently in service in Russia, China and India in the naval airborne early warning and control role.
southfront is catching up, but the moskva has been reported SUNK LOL
I don’t know why SF keeps posting this outdated map. Phase 2 is well underway. RF Forces are now contesting Lyman. Borova has been captured (Confirmed by Ukr) and also Velyka Komyshuvakha. The little red dot around Izium is not at all representative of RF’s area of control.
Putin is a traitor to BRICS and NAM, and along with basharul al-asshead are the end of how Axis was supposed to be, and start of what its become, another second rate nato with a drooling vodka laced accent.
I miss a red dot in the Black Sea as under control of the Russian navy.