Military Situation In Syria On October 4, 2017 (Map Update)

This  map provides a general look at the military situation in Syria on October 4, 2017.

Military Situation In Syria On October 4, 2017 (Map Update)

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So any1 know what’s is wrong with Al masdar news site ..same news and no update for days now. They don’t answer back either !?


I have the same problem. Also Syrian Perspective hasn’t had a new article since September 9.


Possible ban or something ? Dunno it’s strange anways.


Perhaps US interests put pressure on the Lebanese government to close the Al Masdar site down, perhaps it is another attack on the Al Masdar web site.
We will all know in the due course of time.

Is it a coincidence that the Al Masdar blackout occurred at the same time as the ISIS offensive on the SAA lines of communication ?

Ostap Bender

They do not need to put a pressure on Lebanon government (it’s the internet and governments are barley significant), domain is registered and website hosted at GODADDY.COM American company and they can do with it all they want…
Take a look for yourself:

Southfront on the other hand is registered and probably hosted in Moscow, protected through against DDoS attacks…


Thanks for the info. That would make sense.


Some type of censorship I assume. Open and tell me what you see please.

Ostap Bender

100% censorship, AMN – Al-Masdar, was under DDoS attack at least 7 times in last 3 months, and this is what I get when I open Syrian Perspective (old news):

“Someone” is not happy with news they are providing, it is like we live in some kind of Orwellian, one minded society…

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He is saying it’s a psyop out of Saudi Arabia led by the Israelis and US government attacking pro government sites, I go to or farsnews for news they keep up to date and you can check on facebook and twitter , with the latter is you don’t need a twitter account unless you are going to comment. Then just bookmark their twitter pages.


I don’t use Facebook or Twitter. Thanks for the other links.


Nothing. Cannot ope page.


I just got a RSS update from Al Masdar re: new ISIS offensive but their website doesn’t load. I think Leith Fedal is in Iraq now? I dont have twitter so i can’t tweet them…


There were some people tweeting them about it but they did not answer back. Site didn’t load for few days error 505 or something ..after that it was back but with the same news before the site was down which are still showing till now. No updates


There was an hacker attack on their web, damaged a lot of software systems…It seems, to be fixed soon…

Wahid Algiers

I can confirm that AMN is not updated since several days.

Graeme Rymill


There are updated articles just not linked to from their main pages


Nice catch Graeme. Have you heard anything about Syrian Perspective?

Graeme Rymill

No sorry……it’s not a site that I have visited


Almost a month without an update there.

Leonard Kline

Syrian perspective is back up but some are having problems accessing new posts (2). Try the archive page.


Great idea! Thanks a lot!

Wahid Algiers

Cheers thanks Graeme.