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- On November 28, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded 2 hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
- On November 28, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions near Tal Tamar;
- On November 28, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions in Tal Rafaat;
- On November 28, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions in Menagh;
- 14 SDF members were killed by the Turkish Army in the Euphrates Shield and Peace Spring areas in the northern Syria, according to the Turkish MOD.
If secessionist PKK-YPG-SDF terrorists won’t give the stolen land back to Assad then Erdougan should go in and force them out and ethinically cleanse the area from the Kurdish scourge.
when do we get more advances
Türk güçleri ezer geçer. Alır. Tutar. bir daha da geri vermez. Bu bilinen bir gerçek. Kırım gibi.
Kim Türk güçleri ezer geçer?
Nobody …hehhheh