- The Syrian Democratic Forces are set to resume advance on the ISIS-held pocket on March 9, after another round of evacuation;
- The SAA and the NDF continue anti-ISIS raids in the al-Bukamal-Mayadin-T2 pumping station triangle;
- On March 8, Turkish forces started patrols in the Idlib demilitarized zone;
- Syrian warplanes delivered airstrikres on Saraqib and Khan al-Subul in southeastern Idlib;
- Turkish forces will reportedly assist in reopening the Damascus-Aleppo highway.

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Idlib – lost and gone. (Sold out to Turkey)
Tanf – lost and gone (deal with it)
East Euphrates – will become Rojava and Syrian Kurdistan (Deal with it)
Golan Heights – still under IDF
Syria govt <60% of its former territory :D
Syria is a fractured ghost of its former self, lol Syrian govt has no choice but to negotiate with the SDF/YPG and Turkey now
yawn yawn
Yes you are probably right, now fuck off.
before russia is done, the kurds will be back where they’ve been for a long time, as tenants along the borders, turkey will have returned behind the turkish border, france ordered back home by its gerontophile president and the morons from moronistan (aka usa) will be closer to bankruptcy than ever before and when it happens, fatso, bedbugcrazy bolton, evil abrams and so on will be gracing the gallows next to the white house and the squatters will be out on their asses trying to swim to safety with no moses to lead the way. what more can the world ask for right now? not much but it will be worth a good larf – idiot!
But Putin is working his Zionist and Americunt “partners”, not to mention Turkey “friends”. What a team player :)
What can one do if you do not have military capabilities for proper self defense.
Thats a false question and can be gine any answer as You wish.
The only way to recover Syrian territory is to unleash deadly force on Altanf and Erdogan.This will put Russian bases on risk and prompt Russia to respond to both USA and Turkey Israel attacks.It wo t take long and USA through his proxies France, Germany, Britain will call peace.Soon after an immediate withdrawal will follow.
I will recommend You to the worst enemies of mine.
coming back to do shift work in the tel aviv factory for the furtherance of the illegal interests of the murderers and thieves and gaza concentration camp operators or with other words the squatters on stolen land – may you soon be eviscerated and forgotten by the entire world.
It must be long distance, or You are far out.
Yo compadre, internet connection restored at the loony asylum?