Military Situation in Syria On July 3, 2017 (Map Update)

This map provides a general look at the military situation in Syria on July 3, 2017. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have fully secured the eastern Aleppo countryside and the Ithriyah-Resafa road. The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have advanced in the southern countryside of Raqqah.

Military Situation in Syria On July 3, 2017 (Map Update)

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Good to see that Isis pocket in Hama is starting to be reduced but is still like a dagger in the heart of Syria.

Justin Ryan

Hey, can you please send me the link to this map resource u are illustrating! It is very interesting :)


Yep thats it, another good one is

Justin Ryan



my friend’s aunt makes $90 an hour at home… she has been laid off for 5 months, the previous month her pay was $12204 just working at home for a couple of hours each day..➤ see this➤ page


Hmmm, spoilt for choice, I wonder when the Sultan will poke his bugle in?

Justin Ryan

Shut the fuck up Attrition47! Jew’s arnt welcome here!

John Marks

Maybe he should try moving south towards Raqqa.
Might make the Kurds realize who their real friends are.

Sylvain Jeuland

Good, now reducing Ithriya-Palmyra frontline ?


The isis area east or khaybir and euphrates river up to the iraqi border is rich in oil. The us can grab it all for SDF colony at any time, but are trying to grab territory that hems the SAA instead. That is their priority.

The SAA should follow similar pattern. Bypass the palmyra – salamiyah pocket and adance towards deir from three directions : resafa crossroads, arak, and T2. Grab territory to define the Syrian-Rojava border first, wipe out the isis pockets later