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- On January 20, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no case of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
- On January 20, Israeli warplanes targeted a building in Mezzeh area of Damascus city. Sadegh Omidzadeh, the intelligence officer of IRGC Quds Force in Syria along with his deputy reportedly were assassinated;
- The IRGC published a statement and announced death of four of its military advisers in Damascus.
israel has revealed it’s true character as a nation with the revelation of it’ satanic blood lust in gaza. something that will always be remembered and marks the beginning of their end.
what i don’t get with all these wars, is why the people being attacked don’t respond by targeting the parliament and it’s leaders when they are sitting as a priority. take out the head of the snake forever.
this murder is only possible whit the green light from russia !!!
ten útok na damask treba pomstiť!!! sionisti si už dovoľujú príliš veľa. keď nie rusko, tak aspoň irán by mal dobre vyzbrojiť sýriu!!! tie dve vojenské základne od jordánska by mali zrušiť a to za pomoci iránu a ruska. treba začať pomaly oslobodzovať celú sýriu!!! bude totižto dôležitou súčasťou zoskupenia na blízkom východe.