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- On February 5, the Russian Ministry of Defence recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in Idlib region in the past 24 hours;
- On February 5, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in al-Barah;
- On February 5, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Atarib;
- On February 5, Russian warplanes struck ISIS hideouts in Ithiriya desert;
- On February 5, an American soldier was killed in Syria in an incident not related to hostilities, according to U.S. Department of Defense.
Another US soldier died “in an incident not related to hostilities.” What the hell are these boys dying from? Rough sex? Bad drugs? Suicide? Traffic accident? Murder? I’m sure the War Department will give the boy’s mommy and daddy the usual nonsense: “Your son served honorably and the entire country and the world regret his loss in this world-wide struggle against terrorism.”