Military Situation In Syria On February 25, 2025 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Syria On February 25, 2025 (Map Update)

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  • Anti-Israeli demonstrations took place in several towns in southern Syria condemning Netanyahu’s claims and calling for the withdrawal of Zionist troops from Syrian territory;
  • The Syrian Interim government launched the National Dialogue Conference in Damascus discussing transitional justice, the constitution, institutional and economic reform;
  • AANES and other Syrian Kurdish leaders boycotted the National Dialogue Conference in Damascus citing concerns over its inclusiveness and legitimacy;
  • British delegation visited Qamishli International Airport;
  • Clashes between the SNA and SDF continued near Tishrin Dam;
  • Clashes between the SNA and SDF continued near Qaraquzaq bridge.
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the narrative

the decades old greater israel project continues to the despair of the innocent. protests are rising because syrians know the are equal to palestinians in israeli eyes. yet israel in it’s arrogance only demands more syrian land and control.

Last edited 1 month ago by the narrative

why doesn’t beglerbeg jolani want to call on the brave army of his sultan erdogan?


be patient.your sultan watching you closely.not long now


nasrallah and utkin are dead and israel will take syria. the shameful human species jolani and assad is nothing. assad and jolani worse than isis and hamas. putin really had to kill utkin?

fghanistan’s history suppressed: islamists, heroin and the cia
part i
by dean henderson
global research, february 21, 2025
10 april 2011
region: asia
theme: terrorism
in-depth report: afghanist


utkin should never have allowed his crew or passengers to have any explosives on their person, one bout of turbulance, a grenade pops off one guy, and boom, everyone suffers from one idiot’s mistake. putin didn’t kill them, they were incredibly useful to putin. you don’t hand a man 4 state military awards and blow him up in a plane, when he is more valuable as a commander of irregular forces fighting against your enemies.


we can thank the jew zibignew brezinski for that that filthy cockroach designed the us strategy in afghanistan and hes the brains behind arab spring.
also its a implementation of the jewish odet yinon plan.

Dragon of Bosnia

zionists are filth.


sweet dreams 💤


first published on april 10, 2011. outstanding analysis by dean henderson

the wall street journal reported on april 7 [2011] that the syrian government reversed a ban on women teachers wearing islamic face cover in the classroom. the concession to western-backed islamist protestors is instructive, since the secular socialist assad government is clearly in the crosshairs of city of london bankers attempting to redraw the political map of the middle east. as in libya and afghanistan,


the banksters are counting on fundamentalists to carry out their counter-revolutionary agenda. though western intelligence had earlier cavorted with islamists in attacking nationalist movements in iraq, indonesia and iran; it was in afghanistan where they unleashed the full force of their young frankensteins.

this disastrous experiment came to a head last week when 2,000 afghans attacked a un compound in usually sedate mazar-e-sharif, killing 7 staffers.


this disastrous experiment came to a head last week when 2,000 afghans attacked a un compound in usually sedate mazar-e-sharif, killing 7 staffers. though set off by the burning of a quran by our own florida version of the taliban (see my left hook article “pastor jones & mohammed atta”), one must understand this nation’s history to fully comprehend afghan anger towards their western occupiers.


in april 1978 daoud was killed in a popular revolution led by socialist leader nor mohammed taraki, who became president and embarked on an ambitious land reform program to help poor afghan sharecroppers, who were traditionally forced to work land owned by the king and his cronies.

taraki built schools for women who were banned from education under the monarchy. he opened afghan universities to the poor and introduced free health care.


when counter-revolutionary bandits began to burn down universities and girl’s schools, many afghan’s saw the hand of the cia. as the campaign of sabotage intensified, kabul revolutionaries called on soviet leader leonid brezynev to send troops to repel the bandits. brezynev refused.

in 1979 pro-taraki militants, convinced of a cia destabilization plot, assassinated cia kabul chief of station spike dubbs.


indeed, in april 1979, a full seven months before the much-ballyhooed soviet “invasion” of afghanistan occurred, us officials met with afghan warlords bent on overthrowing taraki. on july 3, 1979 president carter signed the first national security directive authorizing secret aid to afghan warlords. carter national security advisor zbigniew brzezinski said he convinced carter that in his “…opinion this aid was going to induce a soviet military intervention.


taraki appointed tabizullah amin as cabinet minister in charge of land reform. amin, who soviet kgb chief yuri andropov came to believe was a cia deep cover agent provocateur, launched a brutal campaign of terror against political opponents. this turned world opinion against the tariki government. andropov believes the cia had amin infiltrate the kabul government intent on discrediting the revolutionaries.


in december 1979 soviet tanks rolled across the panshir valley, while kgb operatives stormed the royal palace in kabul. they assassinated tabizullah amin and installed babrak karmal as the new leader of afghanistan.brzezinski now had the justification he’d been looking for to begin overtly arming counter-revolutionaries in afghanistan. though the afghan conflict killed two million people, brzezinski (image right0 later boasted,


nasrallah and utkin are dead.
no one will defend syria anymore, i was disappointed by jolani, erdogan and assad.


every empty building, old arms depo, or weed covered airstrip that israel bombs, saves the lives of about 100 palestinians that those bombs didn’t land on. in this perspective, their obsession in syria is actually helping palestine, but to be honest, not by much…


i hope there is at least one isis-k tajik in moscow. the cowardly traitor bashar al-assad deserves to be slaughtered.


putler and assad betrayed the syrian people. i hope there are enough terrorists roaming freely in moscow. maybe they’ll have a little luck and an opportunity will arise to assassinate these two dirty traitors. people like that don’t deserve to live. i’m so sorry that hezbollah and wagner destroyed isis that i didn’t watch the nice little movie with a beheading of bashar assad’s nice curly head.


this would be a nice little film that would include the black isis flag and a nicely beheading of bashar al-assad. but at that time i was still so crazy that i wanted bashar al-assad to win. now i want the beheading, but at least the slaughter of bashar al-assad by isis-k but i still respect utkin, prigozhin, and nasralah because they good people. i am comforted by the fact that isis-k is roaming freely in moscow and that isis-k will not give up glory if it finds and behead up bashar assad.


the story we are being told about syria does not make any sense. president assad was a respected figure in syria despite all the recent boilerplate attempts to smear him.the syrian army has always fought hard even when defeated and there was no reason for it to collapse like a house of cards, or like a world trade centre skyscraper’. something doesn’t smell right here.
