Military Situation In Syria On December 8, 2024 (Maps Update)

Military Situation In Syria On December 8, 2024 (Maps Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 8, 2024 (Maps Update)

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  • The IDF advanced into Syrian territory. Mount Hermon is occupied. The IDF issued a warning to local residents and urged them to stay in their homes in Quneitra, Ofaniya, Al-Hamidiya, Al-Samadaniya Al-Gharbiya and Al-Qahtaniya;
  • The Israeli Air Force is carrying out massive strikes on targets in Damascus, the Khalkhala airbase in Suwayda, the Mezeh airbase in the vicinity of Damascus, military units in Tel al-Hamad, Tel al-Shaar and Tel al-Taalib, warehouses in al-Mayadin;
  • Clashes are ongoing in and around Manbij with the SNA trying to capture the town;
  • The United States military reportedly issued a warning to the SNA and HTS not to encroach on the SDF areas in Deir Ez Zor and Raqqa;
  • Turkish-backed militants captured the Kasab crossing north of Latakia;
  • Central Damscus government fully collapsed. President Bashar al-Assad fleed the country;
  • Mass looting and killings began in Damascus;
  • The leaders of the armed Syrian opposition have reportedly guaranteed the security of Russian military bases and diplomatic institutions in Syria.
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Seriat law is nice

sariat law for syria. syrian islamic state is nice. petrol is nice. no terrorists only rebels in syria.🔥⚡🕹💊🕶biggest drug country syrian islamic state.

manbij is caput

i bet iran must be thinking about getting nook insurance right now. otherwise the same thing that happened in syria can suddenly happen in iran and topple the mullahs regime in a matter of days or weeks

Seriat law is nice

turkey,syria,iran = islamic states.

isis, isid,
tahrir el syria,
3rd world refugees,
3rd world migrants,
biggest drug country (syria).

biggest dog,cat population (türkiye).
biggest turkey populatin (turkey)

biggest islamic fanatics.

welcome to the middle east

islamic state of syria republic loading. %10>%50>%100

most peaceful place to live.

Last edited 2 months ago by Seriat law is nice

you must be on drugs.

Psionists slaves of America

some unintended consequences of the qaeda-hts-wahhabi take over of syria can be that they reach out to the iraqi sunni triangle in anbar province and elsewhere and united march on the shiite central government in baghdad to create a multinational caliphate. as usual the zionist-enslaved imbeciles in washington haven’t done their homework


if that was to happen then that would mean they did their homework even better then we could have ever imagined.

scott critter

yeah, yeah, yeah got you loud and clear. just what brandon wanted. too bad he’s a one termer, his brain is mush and trump will take the credit for making israel greater again.


that would be kind of cool. then they could move into central asia, then in a generation take over what is left of russia.

at least it might be a bit more self serving and functional then the current self abasing crop of nonsense
that is nothing but a waste of time for the majority of the actual participants.


majoosi cope is so delicious


most of the weapons the russians gave to assad will now end up in the ukraine.


it seems that israel is bombing the ammo depot’s and other military bases containing those weapons. it appears that the turkish backed factions are both the same as the american backed ones.


heyy, would you look at that! erdoganistan finally abided by their 2020 agreement with russia and opened the latakia – aleppo highway lmao. marvelous work vladimir vladimirovich putin, i doubted your diplomatic maneuvers before but now i see it all coming together like a fine puzzle.

The Kurd

i wonder with what kind of mental gymnastics the russian media will come up with to justify this catastrophe


maybe they will just blame it on everything else but themselves. and partially true since there were a great many factors that lead to this, but russia’s cowardly dance with erdogan was one of the major reasons. they intervened and put so much effort and resources since 2015 just to reach this result which pretty much nullifies all of their previous work.

The Kurd

i agree, they did a good job keeping assad standing in the beginning only to throw him under the bus by making a deal with erdogan. hts was about to fall and were cornered to a small part. i really dont understand what the justification was for that deal, which in essence lead to all of this. turkey shot down their jet and chopped the head of the pilots, armed ukraine with drones, worked against russia in libya and armenia. for what? what was there in it for russia?!!

The Kurd

+ russia moved out the way in afrin (kurdish area) so turkey could take it.

Janne Kankaanpää

forget about hts and see who assad is, what he does and what he stands for. i have serious, serious problem in understanding people, who call dictator of rape a good fellow and what syria needs. even mazloum said, it was a great thing assad is gone. how your moral compass is this wrong?

Janne Kankaanpää

seriously, i have exactly the same problem in understanding somewhat regular people who thought at the time that nazism was a great idea and hitler was good leader. i have exactly the same moral problem in underatanding somewhat regular people thinking assad was a great guy and his method of rule by rape and torture is a good thing.

Janne Kankaanpää

right now sdf is killing civilian protestors. 4 killed in karama, they are shooting protestors in maskanah and soon they will be killing protestors in deir ezzour because locals are not interested in being part of sdf and feel more like they are syrians. kurds are right now ruining their own chances in any future syria. they are not buying any good will by killing civilians.

Janne Kankaanpää

i seriously can not understand why you love assad, or think he was good for syria? the day assad was overthrown there were 54 prisoners of conscience whom were about to be executed the same day. today woman was out from saydnaya, who entered there 19 years old and got out 31 years old. raped for 12 years, she had 3 small children of rape with her in a jail with no windows. for me people who loved assad or thought he was better than syrian self rule have seriously f’ed up moral compass.

Last edited 2 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää

no one gives a damn about assad. the good thing was he was a minority dictator and just like saddam that meant he did not touch minoritys unless those descided to rebell against him. now we have a sunni majority rule and like in all majority sunni regions all others end up leaving or six feet under.

Janne Kankaanpää

you are no better than hitler.

jordan, egypt and emirates are all sunni majority countries and minorities are treated by the government there better, than in finland.

Last edited 2 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää

fake holocaust stories, but muslim.

Janne Kankaanpää

like you, many still deny the actual holocaust. and you are no better.


they will probably say everything works according to plan. the usa allready sent more money and so will ukraine. anyone who said russia is undefeatable will point at syria. i just hope some american has enough heart left to push the turks to prevent a genocide against all minoritys in the new sunnistan.

Shlomo's little weenie

silence 🤫


syria’ can play the whores of war games now for the military industrialists. keep everyone guessing who dunnit.


and where’s basher allassad gone too ? disappeared like the cheshire cat ?

Karl Pomeroy

he’s gone to moscow.

Janne Kankaanpää

he is in russia now. he is telling some excellent advices for russian generals how to win war in ukraine. the key for victory in ukraine is to have the entire russian army in moscow max 5 km from city center and to make impenetrable defence ring around putin. that is how he almost won in syria.

Last edited 2 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää

menos mal que iran habia destruido un quinto de la aviacion militar judia que si no …


en 50 años los musulmanes musulmunizaran a toda europa y la enviaran al infierno del tercer mundo menos rusia


poderoso caballero don dinero
y en donde estaba china para respaldar con dinero a los sirios en medio de una megacrisis financiera infernal producto de esta guerra satanica
despues de todo los anglosataners van por todo el mundo incluidas rusia y china
no vale decir a mi no me importa por que no han venido por mi por que van a venir por todo y por todos en algun momernto fatal
como el famoso poema antinazi

bye bye ASSad!


Massa John

the cabal’s one and only victory


sure believe it. you can paint a line from the litani river up to al tanf to see the future borders of erez israel which of course will just be temporary until they want more. after this easy victory many mercenarys and much of the us military delivery capacity will be free for ukraine. isreal does no longer need them cause hamas is dead, hezbolah crippled and iran lost his access to isreal.


who cares about syria, at least shoigu has his reindeer herder mansion and the oligarchs have their yachts.

the orthodox even got some billion dollar cathedral, which is a lot more then the orthodox usually get


ahhh, what a gorgeous new look


kikes show again why hitler was right. after doing all of this, they are now invading syria from the south. but then again, sunnis alwas loved to drop their pants for the kikes and bend over a barrel. its in their nature.


neo ottomans and eraz isreal soon to join nato and conquer suez to close the mediteranian off for any non nato ship military and civilian. after ukraine now the second route of the chinese silk road is closed off for good as well. everything going acording to plan for the new american century i guess.

The Kurd

sf now approving the comments? what happened to freedom of speech? trying to hide the failure of russian foreign policy?