Military Situation In Syria On December 25, 2024 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Syria On December 25, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Israeli army entered Suwaysa village in southern Qunaitra;
  • Several people were wounded by Israeli gunfire in the Suwaysa area;
  • SDF arrested several alleged pro-SNA activists and individuals connected to the protests in Raqqa and its countryside;
  • Clashes between the SNA and SDF were reported near Qara Quzaq bridge;
  • Clashes between the SNA and SDF were reported near Tishrin Dam;
  • On Dec 23, a French delegation met with representatives of Kurdish parties in the city of Qamishli.


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you got all these anglo european/american delegations meeting with hts and now the french meeting with kurds, once again syria is being divided up by the old colonial powers


its weird huh, the jews arent even hiding it that they were supporting supplying and arming alqeada headchoppers al along. the french the americans the anglos we are all controlled by the jews, this is all in israels interest they want to destroy syria and annex the golan and divide it and annex lands upto the euphrates taking advantage of secretarion voilence and divisions between the ethnic groups odet yinon plan

Sultan 9f hell

erdogan is the worst sultan of turkey. under erdogan administration cronology

1. north kurdistan region has been created – 2012

2. syrian kurdistan (rojava) has been created – 2013

3.turkish kurdistan – 20??

4.turning turks to arabs – 2015 by 10 million arab refugees fucking turkish women

5.highest enflacion in the world. total economic colapse.
6.most dog, cat, turkey populated country. dog,cat,turkey poo 🥔 are in every street in turkey

Last edited 2 months ago by Sultan 9f hell
Sultan of Anatolia

i love haters, i love seeing them cry on the internet 24/7. in the meantime, we’re making progress and achieving our goals. you’ll get even more hate and the word “turk” will haunt your dreams forever hahahaha


erdogan is a shabnosgoy and servant of the jews in israel just as his friend aliyev both are enableing israel to commit genocide against the palestinians they are supplying israel with all the oil it wants through azerbaijan and turkey. and soon trough a new pipeline through syria this is what its all about

Sultan of Anatolia

the year 2025 will be very interesting and this map will change. the yellow part will disappear.


i doubt it will because erdogan is a shabbos goy he works for the jews and the jews want a communist and allied kurdistan on the euphrates that will enable them to annex all arab lands upto the euphrates. erdogan wont wipe the sdf out he will let them grow like the cancer they are until it will destroy and divide turkey so israel can also snatch away antakya province from them


the only solution we need is a united march on israel through syria and taking back the golan for syria and liberating palestine. putting these jews back in their place were they have to share with the palestinians rather then them having everything for themselves


erdogan wont do such a thing because hes a shabbosgoy jew helper he much rather want to destroy europe and help aliyev to destroy armenia because he loves the jews and he wants to see greater israel take over all of the middle east

Last edited 2 months ago by Freedomfighter