Military Situation In Syria On December 23, 2024 (Maps Update)

Military Situation In Syria On December 23, 2024 (Maps Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 23, 2024 (Maps Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 23, 2024 (Maps Update)

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time to call saa tiger force.🐯 if anyone can find them.😁


they are nomore unfortunately. wagner is also a shadow of its former selves without its leader. assads syria lost too many allies in to little time and its army was bribed on some levels. otherwise this would never have happened. the only winner israel and turkey is their ally they trade oil from azerbaijan through sryia.


the syrian people are the ones who lost in this dirty game of jewish geopolitics. unless muslims and christians unite and see who the enemy is the jews. everyone in the middle east and the world has lost as these jews are working towards our destruction.

Obsolete Stars and Stripes!

iran just letting their arch enemy the zionist entity run amok,smh.


the new iranians president is a simp and wants to do deals with the west.


of course the last died in a (((mysterious))) accident.


may israel prosper and shine forever, as it’s enemies collapse and their terrorist supporters on sf cry and flee. 🇮🇱💘 the most gracious, magnificent and inspiring 🥲human creation, long live 🇮🇱 and it’s blessings and crimes too.


save it for your war crimes trial you filth.

Shlomo's little weenie

you on your monthly period via your nasal passages at all ? 🐷


now usa,france,britain and turkey will steal oil and gas of syria legally under hts regime.putin’s share of oil pipe line through syria joint turkey mission doom.putin turkey oil pipe line through armenia doom.putin eyes on libya.

Truth hurts

libyan government (turkish puppet) also dont want them. outplayed in armenia en syria by erdogan and soon in libya as well. if he gets betrayed by trump too, then putin gotta be the biggest strategic loser in russian history. a couple years ago everyone was looking at russia as an ally to count on, now that whole image is gone.

Malcolm Z

russia is moving troops to libya while russian troops are advancing in ukraine which means the western weapons has failed againts russian weapons.

Thruth hurts

slow gains at a high cost, even using korean soldiers. the image of russia being unbeatable by regional players is not valid anymore. that on itself is a huge disaster for russian image.


bro the russian fighting the whole nato terrorists gang and they facked them and africans are very happy to have the russians on their side while they throw the nato terrorists out of their countries .

Truth hurts

ok lets not exaggerate the role of nato and korean fighters. the main forces are russian vs ukrainians. everyone thought russia would role over ukriaine. which they did at first but that is not happening now. in addition to that, abroad russia is just straight up losing. whether that will translate at home, we have to see yet.

Shlomo's little weenie

your term “image” is unfortunately correct here


macron,merkel betray putin,putin betray prigozine,biden betray putin,putin betray assad.erdogan betray putin.putin betray syria best tiger forces and wagner of russia.the beat goes on.


now is time for big giant of usa the goliath trump to come and betray the dwarf of russia with tiny eyes call putin.


the west has inflicted strategic defeat on russia, russia lost in syria, russia lost in kazakhstan, russia lost in sudan.
when that wagner guy had his ‘accident’ russia lost the brains behind anything that was going on
now the ollgarch boy can have his negotiations that always result the same thing but he keeps wanting it anyways…


almost the whole world stands behind russia while the sinking us-controlled west is hated


you need to change that to israel the whole world including russia stands behind israel and they support israels interest over that of anyone else they rather destroy syria with foreign headchoppers and destroy lebanon the palestinians europe turkey everyone to help these jews achieve thei end times goal of wiping 2/3 of the world population out and subjegating the remainder as loyal servants.


freedomfighter: i party agree with your post. i d say: the politicians and other immoral, greedy & godless people of the whole world, yes they stand behind israel and judaism. but upright, national as well as upright religious christians and muslims – they dont but instead despise israel & judaism.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

these jews are the commondenominators of each and every war and every self destructive agenda and genocide against armenians christians palestinians lebanese syrians iraqis iranians germans russians its the jews and its always the jews who are the perpatrators behind each and every agenda that is destroying us from within.

Last edited 2 months ago by Freedomfighter

fully agree with this comments. thumbs up for it big time !!!


blockbuster. your view is very childish. infantile thinking only leads to people getting tricked again, and finally gets them killed. please realize: usa was captured by world jewry in 1913 (federal reserve act – aka jewish coup), russia was captured in 1917 (“russian” aka jewish revolution – with the jews leo bronstein + later serdlov, lenin, marx – on behalf of rothchild & schiff – taking over everything, & then murdering mio of national russians – incl. the czar + czar family).

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

je čas aby turecké sily začali ofenzívu proti vojakom z usa!!! tí podporujú kurdov, ktorých turecko pokladá za teroristov. daj boh aby sa už začala poriadna mela, medzi týmito oboma členmi (zto) nato: nech to má šťavu, nech to má šmrnc. svetu mier!!!
