Military Situation In Syria On December 2, 2024 (Maps Update)

Military Situation In Syria On December 2, 2024 (Maps Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 2, 2024 (Maps Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 2, 2024 (Maps Update)

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putin&trump win again

as long as russia keeps khmeimim air base and tartus, any gain by the islamic terrorists will be reversed eventually. once putin gets his win in ukraine with the help of trump, the saa and battle seasoned russian forces will make short work of erdogan’s terrorist in syria.

Last edited 3 months ago by putin&trump win again
The Kurd

yeah sorry but a big l for putin for making a deal with erdogan in the first place. hts took the second biggest city in matter of days. should have ended those scum when they were at their weakest. god knows hows much effort and destruction it will take to take aleppo back. hell, the whole stability of syria is at risk atm.


10 reasons why trump cannot end the ukraine war

Janne Kankaanpää

sdf just announced they will start military operation against syrian army. they are just there for the carcase.

The Kurd

events are developing as we speak, media reports are also part of the propaganda tool to create chaos. so let’s not rush to conclusions on events that haven’t taken place. having said that, if reports are true, than shame upon on our leadership. our people just got displaced and instead of allying with assad and save both our asses, they attack the only neutral player.

Janne Kankaanpää

just now sdf attacked syrian army and took control of 7 villages.

rebels attacked syrian army in nighttime raid taking control of 4 strategic villages and killing 50 syrian soldiers and took 4 tanks.

just now massive rebel reinforcements are coming to hama. it seems they are doing their big push to take hama today, or tomorrow.

Last edited 3 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää
The Kurd

terrorist scum hts, not rebels (and not kurds) are attacking hama.

regarding deir azor, which is not part of the kurdish main land to begin with. kurds were only there because isis was there. important to note that it was handed over to local arabs within the sdf. they were only installed by the usa to counter iran. definitely not defending those attacks but they are not kurds or the core of the sdf.

Janne Kankaanpää

well, what do you call sdf (pkk)? they have killed more civilians, than isis and al qaeda combined. i bet they drink tea together daily.. isis, sdf (pkk) and al qaeda fighters. all are carved from the same tree. they have so much in common. al qaeda can brag about 911, isis for bombing mosques and pkk for bombing shopping centers.

The Kurd

pkk is marxist at it core and was actually founded in syria itself. al-quida and isis are religious and they fought against the kurds. pkk mainly attacks turkish military. im starting to think you are just a turk repeating some garbage propaganda.

Janne Kankaanpää

marxist, or religious, all terrorist. same as israel and usa. in finland people of my area killed all marxist terrorists from all the country in 1918. some fled to russia and about 90% of them were killed by stalin. what an irony.

Last edited 3 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää
Janne Kankaanpää

marxism is an evil ideology, the same as al qaeda, zionism, neoconservatism, nazism, racism, etc.

i prefer socialism and humanism. those are my two main ideologies why i can not support any of those groups, including bashar al assad.

i do not support any person group, or government that intentionally bombs hospitals, civilians and tortures people to death.

The Kurd

majority of kurds are sunni muslims and never heard of karl marx. it was established in context of the cold war whereby turkey was a nato member and kurds wanted support from russia. the end goal is to establish self rule and determine our own destiny, like any other nation. what is the problem with that? if guys didn’t accept being ruled by the soviet union either, why being hypocritical when it comes to kurds?

The Kurd

btw sdf are not communists, their ideology is democratic confederalism. personally these ideologies dont mean shit to me. all i care ahout is for my people to live free as kurds. i have no problem with our neighbors either. i just dont want them to rule over us or try to assimilate us.

Janne Kankaanpää

hope you get your country. but the lands that ykg/pkk occupy are about 90% non-kurdish areas. also if they got independence, it would mean ethnic cleansing and genocide for others. i hope self rule for moderate kurds, not pkk.

for me no1 option is democratic syria. it will mean more rights and autonomous area for kurds in syria like in iraq. bachar can/will never give you that.


why can’t turkey be like iran and kick out the americans from their soil. nothing the americans do in the world equate to ‘good’ for humanity. if anyone still believes these monkey brain war mongers still someone happened to land on the moon seven times is incapable of thinking.

Tommy Lee

because turkey is a nato country.


turks were defeated in ww1 and have been only alowed to keep their territory by descision of the western security council members since russia was busy with the bolshevic revolution.
if the signatar states conclude they failed to meet the requirements to keep the territory they be legaly attacked by the western nations. same why they dont block all russian trade through the bosporus and just delay them and annoy them as much as they can without beeing blamed to fail the contract.


how the fuck this happen look at how much land they took, all alepo wtf is this…


only israhell and the turks can benefit from a situation like this; i don’t see how this situation benefits others.