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- On July 31, the international security forces in Kosovo, operating under the auspices of NATO, were pulled to the bridge over the Ibar River in the city of Kosovska Mitrovica;
- Serbs from the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija held protests amid the decision of Pristina to ban Serbian license plates and documents;
- On July 31, special police units of Kosovo moved from Pristina to the north of Kosovo and Metohija;
- On July 31, firing of automatic weapons was reported near the Brniak checkpoint on the administrative line between Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia;
- On August 1, the leadership of Kosovo postponed the procedure for ban on Serbian documents until September 1.
time for Serbs to remove reunite w Kosovo
Montenegro is not Bosnia and Herzegovina. The map is all wrong. Toponyms are also wrong. There is no Kosovo, but only Kosovo and Metohia as southern province of Serbia. The fact that it is occupied at the moment doesn’t change anything.
Dečko da nisi malo u zabludi???
Which part you do not understand?
Map is wrong. What is name Bosnia and Herzegovina on the map is actually Montengero (not that it changes anything, US puppet like ALB).
But Kosovo is actually Kosovo and Metohija – proper name for occupied province.
One US Colony attacks the other US Colony on behalf of the US to piss off Russia and harm Inmated of the US Colonies.
And the Zio/Anglo scum will side with Islamic radicals.
Russia getting pissed of because 2 US colonies are fighting… At least 1 of those premises is wrong.
The country labeled as “Bosnia and Herzegovina” on the map is actually Montenegro. :]
Please fix this. Also would be nice to have more towns marked instead of just Kosovska Mitrovica and Priština.
Is Medjugoprje marked? Research Medjugorje and the Messages of Medjugorje.
You don’t have to waste your time, here’s the message:
“Come, all you religious loonies, give us your money.”
Kebab should be removed. There’s plenty of room in Africa and the middle east for Moslems.
US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US trade.
Whoever sets the balcans on fire deserves to burn in hell. Once burning you cant stop the flames there.
I would think the serbs would simply take care of business, i mean after all they had that catchy tune “my father is war crimanal you have no balls to arrest” any group who could come up with that little diddy should scare the shit out of their neighbors.
Prishtina postponed its decision for September 1st, so we will have it all again in one month. Our traitorous president Vuchic will not do anything because he is west puppy and he deals heroin with Albanian prime minister Rama, Montenegro president Djukanovic and former Pristina ruler Tachi. all of them need unsecured situation for their business. With this tension political points go to Vuchic and Kurti.
Kosovo i Metohija is part of Serbia now US occupied also all countries of Serbia .
Militar situation on the anus of the pig mafia Nancy drunked druged Pelossi insider monkeys trading in the anus !!! 100 years taking in the anus !!!!
not much to expect from Serbia at the moment, war in Ukraine has stopped many deliveries from Russia. Talking about Mi 35, Mi 17 helicopters from Russia and also from Cyprus, addition two batteries Pantsir S1, Krasuha 4 systems, everything on hold…nobody know for how long. Even Fk-3 delivery from China is not finished. Our attack drone Pegaz…production just started. Need time…much time, 5 years minimum and good geo political situation. If we start conflict now we would loose big time, not from Albanians, nobody care about them, but from Nato
serbia is a shit country and they can go to hell
Bosna and Hercegovina has no border with “kosovo” !!!
Old hungarian territories must be annected back to Hungary. In this case Serbia is terminated. This is the really strategy of NATO. The only one problem is the gypsy-jew Orbán.