Military Situation In Raqqah Countryside On May 25, 2017 (Syria Map Update)

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are advancing against ISIS in the countryside of Raqqah. The SDF has claimed that it gives ISIS terrorists time until May 31 to withdraw from the city. Then, the SDF will start the advance on the ISIS self-proclaimed capital.

Military Situation In Raqqah Countryside On May 25, 2017 (Syria Map Update)

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“ISIS terrorists time until May 31 to withdraw from the city”

Yea… So they can go to deir ezzor and give the SAA hell there(I don’t think they will ever take deir ezzor however)


It seems to be the now way to go.

IS left, once it was almost over, both Manbij and Tabqah, IS was paid by Turkey to leave Al Bab and with a bit of searching most likely more examples can be found. SAA lets rebels go from almost everyywhere.

In a way it is sane. Why fight on once the chips are down and one party clearly lost. To cause even more destruction and casualties?

Solomon Krupacek

and? the saa makes the same tactics.


Yes but the SAA is in a more dangerous position and has many more enemies from within its areas, from outside its areas and from other countries. So it makes sense to be more desperate.

But the SDF have the neverending funds and airpower of the USA and only one front to fight in.

Solomon Krupacek

also saa has neverending funds, heavy weapons, airforce, + russia, + iran, + hezbollah. and the turkomans went to north aleppo and kill kurds.

i think, nobody should criticise the same steps


In fact the SDF has several fronts.The one against IS around Raqqah, the one all their south line against IS raids, the whole north against shelling and attacks by turks, Afrin and Manbij against turks and islamists.

As for funds, SDF hardly has any. How can they with hardly any export, any external trade, no industries, no tax base and no external financial support. The only trickle coming in is salaries paid by Assad.


Protecting your flanks from attack isn’t a front.

Anyway, why do you think the SDF are on Assad’s payroll? Have you confused them with NDF?