Military Situation In Pokrovsk Direction And In Russian Kursk Region On September 1, 2024 (Maps Update)

Military Situation In Pokrovsk Direction And In Russian Kursk Region On September 1, 2024 (Maps Update)

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  • Clashes continued near Nechaev and Nizhnyaya Parovaya;
  • Clashes continued near Olgovka and Matveyevka;
  • Clashes continued on the southern outskirts of Korenevo;
  • Clashes continued near Malaya Loknya;
  • Clashes continued in Krasnooktyabrskoe;
  • Clashes continued in Komarovka;
  • Russian forces repelled AFU attacks west of Apanasovka;
  • Clashes continued in Russkaya Konopelka;
  • The Ukrainian army strikes at pontoon crossings built by the Russian army to supply the forces in the Tetkino-Glushkovo front;
  • Clashes were reported near Pogrebki;
  • Over the past 24 hours, the AFU losses amounted to up to 360 troops and 23 units of military hardware, including 4 battle tanks.


Military Situation In Pokrovsk Direction And In Russian Kursk Region On September 1, 2024 (Maps Update)

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  • Clashes continued in Selidovo;
  • Clashes continued near Grodovka;
  • Clashes continued near Vozdvyzhenka;
  • The Russian Army is advancing on Ukrainsk;
  • Up to 560 servicemen, one tank, four armoured vehicles, five motor vehicles, two Gvozdika, five D-30 were destroyed in the area.


Military Situation In Pokrovsk Direction And In Russian Kursk Region On September 1, 2024 (Maps Update)

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Skip 59

i find it astonishingly stupid for zelensky to make this move to invade russia. i question if it was truly his decision alone. if any military commander criticized him, i’m sure he was relieved of duty. zelensky is just what you want leading the troops—a comedian who dodged the draft several times himself. zelensky is a war criminal. he has no business being the head of a country, no less a war. this is such a stupid move; he had to have been told to do this by the neocons.


still the same mantra, if russian generals would not drink vodka and do shit, they would find the gathering before ukies crossed border and smash them with artillery and strategic bombers, but they allowed them into russia, put 300,000 civilians in shit and lost around 100.000 of troops which were waiting for command. the only good thing for putin it was not barbarossa2 because otherwise they would have 1000km breech and enemy 50 km from moscow

Real Saxon

@ hoghout, my comment is a response to skip 59. plus the breech is definitely not 1,000 km sq:
https: //liveuamap. com/ ?ll=48. 11679266819489; 37. 739980468749984&zoom=8

1. russia invaded ukraine. how can you expect ukraine not to return the favor?

2. it’s not the neocons. it’s the jews. just look up the members of top positions within the us government, media, stock brokers and tech companies. they are overwhelmingly jewish. there are very few anglos in the top positions.

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

america stopped being a predominately anglo country in the early 1900s. then from there it became a pan-european country that lasted until the early-mid 1960s with illusory civil rights and hart-cellar immigration act to slowly destroy the majority european demographic.

Skippy Peanutbutter

it’s still run by wasps and their neocon think tanks.

Real Saxon

there is not a single wasp in biden’s afro-judeo-latinx ellis islander cabinet:

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 6153

https: //www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/ jews- in- the- biden- administration

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon

really? take a look at the cabinet:

what about burns, sullivan, garland? may be not protestant, but catholic, anyway they are sodomites and satanists all as biden himself and all their jewish pals and a pervert with serbian roots buttigieg. one gang.

Last edited 6 months ago by Антон
Real Saxon

what about the other information i listed?

also, your list confirms what i said.

that’s why it is important to checkout their backstories, no matter any of the changes made to the american administration.

all of president joe biden’s children are married to jews:

https: //jewishcontributions. com/ infotables/ joe- bidens- children/

Real Saxon

i agree with your overall point. i am only saying those non-jews and any of their white allies are sociopaths. obedience and uniformity in exchange for monetary reward from corrupt lobbyists are their primary motivations…

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 209

https: //www. myjewishlearning. com/ article/ the- eight- genders- in- the- talmud/

Real Saxon

ashkenazi jews makeup 80% of the jewish population worldwide.

they are not white.

ashkenazis are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european

https: //ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ pmc/ articles/ pmc5380316/

Real Saxon

you don’t do your research. go and lookup mark zuckerberg. he is jewish! jews are a race, not a religion. in order to be a full-fledged jew your biological mother must be born from a jewish woman.

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

lookup ‘an empire of their own: how the jews created hollywood’ by neal gabler. i recommend the film documentary over the written biography. plenty of relevant jews are interviewed to talk about it.

Real Saxon

a glimpse at jewish media monopoly over news networks:

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

more examples of jewish media ownership:

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

lookup the documentary ‘the century of the self’.

marc randolph is the co-founder and first ceo of netflix. his paternale great-great uncle was psychoanalysis pioneer sigmund freud. his paternal great uncle was edward berneys, a pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda.

https: //jewishcontributions. com/ organizations/ netflix/

https: //jewishcontributions. com/ infotables/ sigmund- freud- edward- bernays/

Real Saxon

if anglos are ruled by other anglos, how do you explain the vehemently antiwhite? or the fact that replacement migration from the third world designed to make anglos and every other white ethnicity a demographic minority in their own countries with zero economic benefits to the economy, or any of the corporations? this is dictated from the top by the un, vanguard, blackrock, and others. blackrock ceo is an ashkenazi jew named larry fink, i think he might also own vanguard.

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

3. some idiot on here thought i am ignorant of good russians in the weapon arsenal. while of course he will remain ignorant of russia’s own losses.

https: //www. oryxspioenkop. com/ 2022/ 02/ attack- on- europe- documenting- equipment .html

4. i’ve noticed that many on here seem to think that europe contributed very little to world history.

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Skippy Peanutbutter

i’ve noticed that many on here seem to think that europe contributed very little to world history.

it’s getting harder by the day to pay tribute to the good as the bad has taken over the driver’s seat.


great identitarian strawman, derpster.

Real Saxon

my only guess is they are brainwashed by critical race theory, or the ironically less radical soviet and maoist third-worldism that never denied most white european cultural and technological achievements. although for decades their scholars have acknowledged the indo-european incursions into china, including the aryans that ruled over the zhou dynasty.

Real Saxon

https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 1206

https: //threadreaderapp. com/ thread/ 1741988320119259635 .html

https: //www. cambridge. org/ core/ journals/ journal- of- chinese- history/ article/ sinowestern- cultural- exchange- as- seen- through- the- archaeology- of- the- first- emperors- necropolis/ 3f6506262a9ed57c9dc3827eeaa6b230

Real Saxon

i misread your comment about the 1,000 kilometer breech.

https: //www. nzz. ch/ english/ ukraine- war- interactive- map- of- the- current- front- line- ld. 1688087


okay but now we have to face the situation, the beautiful farmlands and forest areas of kursk are full of nazis so let’s enjoy the harvest time🍿🥤🍿


nazis inside occupied pig farm are harvested already. beautiful farmlands, indeed. i thought roads in towns and villages are much worse, but they are just great for rural area and much better than in rural reich. crazy huholds believes that russian army since 2014 is stealing asphalt, toilets and washers from rural reich, what a morons! but now i see some proofs, because their roads are built in ussr and looks like putin took asphalt from sumy region and gave it to kurians, ha-ha.


you can clearly see what asshole putin really is, he screwed everything he touched and what putin didnt screwed, lavrov and russian generals did. gerasimov was responsible for reconaisance, hang him on the lamp head down, next to lavrov with his minsk agreements and don’t forget shoigu. now russians are building pontons and ukies just wait and destroy it with one drone, repeat again and again until russia run out of pontons and army engineers.

Skippy Peanutbutter

you seem hurt. aren’t there psychiatrists available in your neck of the woods?


psychiatrists are too expensive, so crazy ones commonly go to internet instead mental asylum before crazy person become aggressive and commit crime. then a state begins to treat such person properly.


even five eyes media is now acknowledging that the actual front, which is on the donbas line, is collapsing for the ukrainians. thanks for the derp.


it’s tearing up, not collapsing, though close to that. collapse of a front is huge hole at least ~30-40 km depth and twice wider done for several days. now it’s 1-3 km of advancing a day. it’s more than was before. collapse will happen, because rural reich forces are melting -2000 every day and last quality reserves are terrorizing kurian people instead defending in grodovka, novogrodovka, karlovka and new ha-ha york already liberated by out troops.

Last edited 6 months ago by Антон
Skippy Peanutbutter

i remember a movie when i was a kid, called the blob. when i look at those maps, it reminds me of how russia takes back territory. it’s almost supernatural.

gestapo mctrucktaco

the original blob is from 1958. aren’t you a bit old to be eating pbj sandwiches mcskippy?


why pootin does not kill the asshole already?

Real Saxon

please send me dollar–walmart no give me pension–i scrub toilet 43 years–now only foods stamps from uncle sam—

Real Saxon

yeah, dumb fucker. stop impersonating me, yuri. how is that not pathetic?

Janne Kankaanpää

why russian troops are not advancing from novogrodivka to west and galitsinovka to south? russia had massive advances for weeks, why they just stopped?


maybe because ukies cut all bridges two weeks ago already and destroyed all reinforcements putin sent without any command and plan any reconnaissance and coordination with the artillery and aviation so they got ambushed and destroyed in vain without any loses on ukraine side ? maybe because russian generals are drinking vodka, fucking girls, doing shit ? maybe because russian army is demoralized after lavrov’s “deals” and “ceasefires” ?


nonsensical yabberings of a brain dead nafo mutt

Skippy Peanutbutter

he does babble on, doesn’t he?

Janne Kankaanpää

you need to take your meds. there are no bridges between poprovsk and russian border. according to western press ukrainian troops are the ones crying in poprovsk direction. in our local newspaper ukrainian soldiers said russian troops have still manpower advantage 5-1. this is all due to zelensky publicity stunt to take all ukrainian reserves to attack kursk province.




novogrodovka is liberated, galitsinovka too, karlovka is abandoned under the threat of encircling. there is potential large cauldron in galitsinovka-krasnogorovka line. i’ve heard there are around 60 thousand troops, it’s not easy to encircle. seems as huholds will flee from here soon. if you look at their daily losses, every massive flee is increasing losses for 2-3 days ~+50%.

Last edited 6 months ago by Антон

salidovo shows russians have reached main road in solidovo hospital in south of city of 22,000 + before war in 2022. the road going through the city was a important connectivity straight south. the center of the city has on going heavy clashes and see rfu can now bypass and circle in behind. salidovo last city to south and just towns and railroads to follow in to prokrovsk and south and east.


it’s not salidovo, not solidovo (though it sounds more solid), but selidovo.

Real Saxon

i’ve noticed that many on here seem to think that europe contributed very little to world history.

while it is still disputed that us anglo-saxons invented homosexuality, we have definitely mastered it, and exported it to the entire world.

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

“europeans are indifferent to homosexuality–homosexuality panics amerikans”. geoffrey gorer

Real Saxon

according to your own comment, europeans accept faggotry while americans don’t.

history proves otherwise. you claim 0.5% of the population represents the majority, while ignoring the aggressive judaic influence that reinforces it through the media, academia, and the state.

Last edited 6 months ago by Real Saxon
Real Saxon

we contribute murder and imperialism cuz we anglo=inferior species

Real Saxon

90 percent of scientific achievement occurred in europe and north america:

https: //t. me/ racerealismchannel /139

you behave like a “victim” whilst you are in a state of weakness, while behaving like a savage under the false impression of “strength”. the difference is that whites are creative and are comparatively more restrained in our endeavors concerning violence towards nonwhites in most cases.

Real Saxon

the greatest acts of violence and brutality among whites were predominately towards other whites. i wish it were more often directed against nonwhite populations. the only difference is they were easier to subdue and required less force.

https: //odysee. com/ @dantheoracle:d/ a-case- for- reparations- by- the- alternative- hypothesis :c

Real Saxon

it’s okay when russia creates a vast empire but not when europeans create empires?

https: //thuletide. wordpress. com/ 2021/ 01/ 06/ imperialism- and- colonialism- white- guilt- and- historic- non- white- conquests- of- european- territories/

almost every successful nation in history founded an empire whenever they became materially powerful enough to do so.

Real Saxon

what about the french, spaniards, portuguese, italians, greeks, germans, and various east europeans?

“whites are the only race expected to endlessly grovel for committing the heinous crime of besting our enemies in warfare. the mongols are so proud of their genocidal conquests that they constructed a colossal statue in honor of genghis khan,

Real Saxon

who raped so many people across eurasia that one in every two-hundred people are descended from his lineage. and why shouldn’t the mongols be proud of creating the second-largest empire in history? it encompassed a colossal 17.81% of the earth’s surface, bested only by the british empire, which covered 26.35%.”

the colonized and the colonizers

https: //tinyurl. com/ yp6n76dc

Real Saxon

colonized people are not always culturally inferior to the colonizers. the presently on-going colonization of europe and america by mass immigration from african and middle eastern countries is an example of the colonization of a higher culture by people from a lower culture, and the net effects will be extremely bad. you might get a few additional food choices that are somewhat palatable, but with them you will also get more murder, more rape, more assault, more robbery,

Real Saxon

more corruption in high places, a decline in competence in labor, and a decline in the standard of living.

when a lower culture invades a higher culture, the bad easily outweighs the good.

when a higher culture invades a lower culture, the reverse is true. there is a decrease in violence, a decrease in corruption, an increase in competence, a rise in the standard of living. this is what happened when whites colonized africa to create rhodesia and south africa.

Real Saxon

the blacks got the benefits of literacy, of mathematics, of railroads, of electricity, none of which they could have provided for themselves. nowadays, of course, blacks like to talk as if they were “equal partners” in the creation of electric power and the technology that runs on it — though nothing could be further from the truth…


westerners have conquered almost entire world since 15th century, so it’s not disputable at all. sodomy was “invented” in ancient sodom by… i could say jews, but there were no jews and arabs there, just semitic tribes of judean religion and different pagan cults. but if to say shortly, ancient jews did it. the dead sea now covers sodom and gomorrah. the west will be covered by the dead ocean, if not to stop sodomites now.

Real Saxon

but it’s “okay” for russia and china to create empires, while they kill tens of millions in the process?

Real Saxon

as registered nazi hillbilly in amerika retired walmart janitor i now beg tacos at south front

Real Saxon

we morons in angloshere never produce metaphysics or moral philosophy

Dennis Palmer

longer war than that in afghanistan?

jeffrey sacks

russia won—we dumb amerikans harm ourselves while russia china iran thrive and improve—our only chance to avoid further degradation humiliation is capitulate to all russian conditions remove sanctions russia china iran


my american friend, thank you for recognizing the truth. but it’s not you who has to unconditionally capitulate. it’s the kiev nazis. we are not in war against the usa.


also because (and i am not joking) the day the usa starts a war against russia, you guys unfortunately will not have time to ‘capitulate’. dozens of stealth subs armed to the teeth with nukes on international waters of both us coats will turn you (unfortunately) into radioactive ashes before you can even ‘think’ to retaliate. we are talking about few minutes.


wrong homer simpson amerikan hillbilly–youlose all wars humiliated by taliban–us nukes 70 yrs old—5500; russia modern hypersonic 6700 nukes—usa nuclear ash…nothing paper tiger hillbilly can do


amerikun loses–russia wins


my name is ebubekir ebdulla el zefiri. i am pakistan i am 53 i live germany 10 years munchen.
after ukraina war refugees from ukraina, germany pays less money for our kids. why? ukraina kids 500 euro, muslim kids 300 euro why. mr.sholz go we dont want you. angela merkel mother of muslims again prezident yes. danke angela. no more money to ukraina kids all kids same money. i have 6 children germany pays me 3000 euro ukranian father 6 kids 5000 euro we want justice. same money


my name is ebubekir ebdulla el zefiri. i am pakistan i am 53 i live germany 10 years munchen.
after ukraina war refugees from ukraina, germany pays less money for our kids. why? ukraina kids 500 euro, muslim kids 300 euro why. mr.sholz go we dont want you. angela merkel mother of muslims again prezident yes. danke angela. no more money to ukraina kids all kids same money i have 6 children germany pays me 3000 euro ukranian father 6 kids 5000 euro we want justice same money
