Military Situation In Palestine On May 19, 2023 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Palestine On May 19, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Israeli forces slightly advanced in the east of Jabalia camp;
  • Clashes continued in the east of Jabalia in Gaza City;
  • Clashes continued south of Rafah City;
  • Palestinian groups fired several rockets at Sderot;
  • The Israeli army issued warning message and demanded the evacuation of northwestern areas of Gaza city;
  • Israeli warplanes attacked Gaza City;
  • Israeli warplanes attacked Rafah City;
  • More than 35,386 Palestinians were killed and more than 79,366 others were wounded as a result of Israeli airstrikes, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.


Military Situation In Palestine On May 19, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • The Israeli army announced death of two Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip;
  • Israeli warplanes attacked the Marun al-Ras area;
  • Israeli warplanes attacked the Houla area;
  • Hezbollah attacked a Hummer military vehicle near Malikia outpost with ATGM;
  • Hezbollah attacked Ramtha outpost with ATGM;
  • Hezbollah attacked Ramie outpost with ATGM;
  • Hezbollah attacked Arab Aramshe with a suicide drone;
  • Hezbollah attacked Shtola and Biranit outposts with mortar shells;
  • Sirens sounded in Kiryat Shemona;
  • Artillery duels and clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli forces continued in the Lebanese border area.
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Icarus Tanović

braking: israel’s highest ranking sniper ador cohen confirmed kia in jabaliah camp. impact and implications are yet to be revealed.

V2 for Victory

rest in feces, ador…

S. Adams

not much of a sniper…

S. Adams

“jtf2 sniper team has set the record for the longest confirmed kill in 2017, distance of 3,540 meters (2.20 miles) iraq. this shot was achieved using a standard canadian military-issued mcmillan tac-50 rifle, a .50 caliber (12.7×99mm) anti-materiel rifle commonly used by snipers in an anti-personnel role. the shot was taken from a high-rise building, and the bullet stayed in the air for 10 seconds before hitting its target.” what is ador doing?

S. Adams

it’s funny how the map keeps changing. showing how much israel has been lying.
“oh yeah we have beit hanoun, not! we control the roads to khan yunis, not! we control the northern shore of gaza, not!” we did blow up the only route to egypt. now we’re blocking everyone from leaving.
it’s vietnam all over again. “if they run, they’re a vc, if they stand still, they’re well-disciplined vc.”

Zionist Pshchological Disorder

squatters went from talking up hamas’s elimination to which palestinian faction will govern gaza. their problem was always their hubris and mental retardation


every dead diaper head khazar baby killer is a plus for all of humanity.
